IOHIDSystem.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
/* 	Copyright (c) 1992 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * EventDriver.m - Event System module, ObjC implementation.
 *		The EventDriver is a pseudo-device driver.
 * 31-Mar-92    Mike Paquette at NeXT 
 *      Created. 
 * 04-Aug-93	Erik Kay at NeXT
 *		minor API cleanup
 * 12-Dec-00	bubba at Apple.
 *		Handle eject key cases on Pro Keyboard.
 * 20-Nov-01	ryepez at Apple
 *		Replaced use of command queue with command gate.

#include <IOKit/system.h>
#include <IOKit/assert.h>

#include <libkern/c++/OSContainers.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSCollectionIterator.h>

#include <kern/queue.h>

#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDevice.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDShared.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDParameter.h>
#include "IOHIDSystem.h"
#include "IOHIDEventService.h"
#include "IOHIKeyboard.h"
#include "IOHIDPointing.h"
#include "IOHITablet.h"
#include "IOHIDPointingDevice.h"
#include "IOHIDKeyboardDevice.h"

#include <IOKit/hidsystem/ev_private.h>	/* Per-machine configuration info */ 
#include "IOHIDUserClient.h"

#include <sys/kdebug.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C"
        #include <UserNotification/KUNCUserNotifications.h>

bool displayWranglerUp( OSObject *, void *, IOService * );

static IOHIDSystem * evInstance = 0;
MasterAudioFunctions *masterAudioFunctions = 0;

#define xpr_ev_cursor(x, a, b, c, d, e)
#define PtInRect(ptp,rp) \
	((ptp)->x >= (rp)->minx && (ptp)->x <  (rp)->maxx && \
	(ptp)->y >= (rp)->miny && (ptp)->y <  (rp)->maxy)

#ifndef kIOFBWaitCursorFramesKey
#define kIOFBWaitCursorFramesKey	"IOFBWaitCursorFrames"
#ifndef kIOFBWaitCursorPeriodKey
#define kIOFBWaitCursorPeriodKey	"IOFBWaitCursorPeriod"

#ifndef abs
#define abs(_a)	((_a >= 0) ? _a : -_a)

static inline unsigned AbsoluteTimeToTick( AbsoluteTime * ts )
    UInt64	nano;
    absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(*ts, &nano);
    return( nano >> 24 );

static inline void TickToAbsoluteTime( unsigned tick, AbsoluteTime * ts )
    UInt64	nano = ((UInt64) tick) << 24;
    nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(nano, ts);

static UInt8 ScalePressure(unsigned pressure)
    return ((pressure * (unsigned long long)EV_MAXPRESSURE) / (unsigned)(65535LL));                

#define EV_NS_TO_TICK(ns)	AbsoluteTimeToTick(ns)
#define EV_TICK_TO_NS(tick,ns)	TickToAbsoluteTime(tick,ns)

typedef struct _IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs {
    void*  	arg0;
    void*	arg1;
    void*	arg2;
    void*	arg3;
    void*	arg4;
    void*	arg5;
    void*	arg6;
    void*	arg7;
    void*	arg8;
    void*	arg9;
    void*	arg10;
    void*   arg11;
} IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs;


static bool 		gKeySwitchLocked = false;
static bool             gUseKeyswitch = true;
static IONotifier * 	gSwitchNotification = 0;

// IONotificationHandler
static bool keySwitchNotificationHandler(void *target, void *refCon, IOService *service) {
    gKeySwitchLocked = (service->getProperty("Keyswitch") == kOSBooleanTrue);
    return true;


// RY: Consume any keyboard events that come in before the
// deadline after the system wakes up or if the keySwitch is locked
#define kHIDConsumeCauseNone    0x00
#define kHIDConsumeCauseKeyLock 0x01
#define kHIDConsumeCauseDeadline 0x02

static inline UInt32 ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(AbsoluteTime ts, AbsoluteTime deadline, bool checkKeySwitch = true )
    if (checkKeySwitch && gKeySwitchLocked && gUseKeyswitch)
        return kHIDConsumeCauseKeyLock;
    if ( AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&ts) == 0 )

    if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&ts, &deadline) <= 0)
         return kHIDConsumeCauseDeadline;
    return kHIDConsumeCauseNone;

#define TICKLE_DISPLAY 				\
{						\
    if (displayManager != NULL)			\
        displayManager->activityTickle(0,0);	\

#define CONVERT_EV_TO_HW_BUTTONS(ev_buttons,hw_buttons)                         \
        hw_buttons = ev_buttons & ~7; /* Keep everything but bottom 3 bits. */  \
        hw_buttons |= (ev_buttons & 3) << 1;  /* Map bits 01 to 12 */           \
        hw_buttons |= (ev_buttons & 4) >> 2;  /* Map bit 2 back to bit 0 */
#define CONVERT_EV_TO_HW_DELTA(ev_buttons,hw_delta)                             \
        hw_delta = ev_buttons & ~7;                                             \
        hw_delta |= (ev_buttons & 3) << 1; /* Map bits 01 to 12 */              \
        hw_delta |= (ev_buttons & 4) >> 2; /* Map bit 2 back to bit 0 */
#define CONVERT_HW_TO_WV_BUTTONS(hw_buttons,ev_buttons)                         \
        ev_buttons = hw_buttons & ~7; /* Keep everything but bottom 3 bits. */  \
        ev_buttons |= (hw_buttons & 6) >> 1;  /* Map bits 12 to 01 */           \
        ev_buttons |= (hw_buttons & 1) << 2;  /* Map bit 0 to bit 2 */

enum {
    // Options for IOHIDPostEvent()
    kIOHIDSetGlobalEventFlags       = 0x00000001,
    kIOHIDSetCursorPosition         = 0x00000002,
    kIOHIDSetRelativeCursorPosition = 0x00000004,
    kIOHIDPostHIDManagerEvent       = 0x00000008

#define kIOHIDPowerOnThresholdNS            1000000000ULL
#define kIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdNS 	50000000ULL
#define kIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdPixel	20

static AbsoluteTime gIOHIDPowerOnThresoldAbsoluteTime;
static AbsoluteTime gIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdAbsoluteTime;

// Cached Mouse Event Info Support
enum {
    kCachedMousePointingTabletEventDispFlag = 0x01,
    kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag = 0x02,
    kCachedMousePointingEventDispFlag       = 0x04,
    kCachedMouseTabletEventDispFlag         = 0x08

typedef struct _CachedMouseEventStruct {
    OSObject *                  service;
    AbsoluteTime                eventDeadline;
    SInt32                      lastButtons;
    SInt32                      accumX;
    SInt32                      accumY;
    bool                        proximity;
    UInt32                      state;
    UInt8                       subType;
    NXEventData                 tabletData;
    NXEventData                 proximityData;
    Point                       pointerFraction;
    UInt8                       lastPressure;
} CachedMouseEventStruct;

static SInt32 GetCachedMouseButtonStates(OSArray *events)
    CachedMouseEventStruct *    mouseEvent  = 0;
    OSData *                    data        = 0;
    SInt32                      buttonState = 0;
    UInt32                      count       = 0;
    UInt32                      i           = 0;
    if ( events )
        count = events->getCount();
        for ( i=0; i<count; i++ )
            if ( (data = (OSData *)events->getObject(i)) &&
                 (mouseEvent = (CachedMouseEventStruct *)data->getBytesNoCopy()))
                buttonState |= mouseEvent->lastButtons;
    return buttonState;    

static CachedMouseEventStruct * GetCachedMouseEventForService(OSArray *events, OSObject *service, UInt32 * index = 0)
    CachedMouseEventStruct *    mouseEvent  = 0;
    OSData *                    data        = 0;
    UInt32                      count       = 0;
    UInt32                      i           = 0;
    if ( events )
        count = events->getCount();
        for ( i=0; i<count; i++ )
            if ( (data = (OSData *)events->getObject(i)) &&
                 (mouseEvent = (CachedMouseEventStruct *)data->getBytesNoCopy()) &&
                 (mouseEvent->service == service) )
                if ( index ) *index = i; 
                return mouseEvent;
    return NULL;

static void AppendNewCachedMouseEventForService(OSArray *events, OSObject *service)
    CachedMouseEventStruct  temp;
    OSData *                data;
    bzero(&temp, sizeof(CachedMouseEventStruct));
    temp.service = service;

    data = OSData::withBytes(&temp, sizeof(CachedMouseEventStruct));

static void RemoveCachedMouseEventForService(OSArray *events, OSObject *service)
    UInt32  index;
    if ( events && GetCachedMouseEventForService(events, service, &index) )

// NX System Info Support
#define kNXSystemInfoKey "NXSystemInfo"

static void AppendNewNXSystemInfoForService(OSArray *systemInfo, IOService *service)
    OSDictionary *  deviceInfo  = NULL;
    OSNumber *      deviceID    = NULL;
    if ( !systemInfo || !OSDynamicCast(IOHIDevice, service))
    deviceInfo = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
    if ( !deviceInfo )
    if (deviceID = OSNumber::withNumber((UInt32) service, 32))
        deviceInfo->setObject("serviceID", deviceID);
    deviceInfo->setObject(kIOHIDKindKey, service->getProperty(kIOHIDKindKey));
    deviceInfo->setObject(kIOHIDInterfaceIDKey, service->getProperty(kIOHIDInterfaceIDKey));
    deviceInfo->setObject(kIOHIDSubinterfaceIDKey, service->getProperty(kIOHIDSubinterfaceIDKey));

static void RemoveNXSystemInfoForService(OSArray *systemInfo, IOService *service)
    OSDictionary *  deviceInfo  = NULL;
    OSNumber *      serviceID   = NULL;
    UInt32          i, count;
    if ( !systemInfo || !OSDynamicCast(IOHIDevice, service))
    count = systemInfo->getCount();
    for ( i=0; i<count; i++ )
        if ( (deviceInfo = (OSDictionary *)systemInfo->getObject(i)) &&
             (serviceID = (OSNumber *)deviceInfo->getObject("serviceID")) &&
             (serviceID->unsigned32BitValue() == (UInt32)service) )

// keyboardEventQueue support
static queue_head_t		gKeyboardEQ;
static IOLock *         gKeyboardEQLock = 0;

typedef IOReturn (*KeyboardEQAction)(IOHIDSystem * self, void *args);

typedef struct _KeyboardEQElement {
    queue_chain_t   link;
    KeyboardEQAction    action;
    OSObject *          sender;   
    AbsoluteTime        ts;
    union {
        struct {
            unsigned        eventType;
            unsigned        flags;
            unsigned        key;
            unsigned        charCode;
            unsigned        charSet;
            unsigned        origCharCode;
            unsigned        origCharSet;
            unsigned        keyboardType;
            bool            repeat;
        } keyboard;
        struct {
            unsigned        eventType;
            unsigned        flags;
            unsigned        key;
            unsigned        flavor;
            UInt64          guid;
            bool            repeat;
        } keyboardSpecial;
        struct {
            unsigned        flags;
        } flagsChanged;
    } event;
} KeyboardEQElement;

#define KEYBOARD_EQ_LOCK    if (gKeyboardEQLock) IOLockLock(gKeyboardEQLock);
#define KEYBOARD_EQ_UNLOCK  if (gKeyboardEQLock) IOLockUnlock(gKeyboardEQLock);

static UInt8 stickyKeysState = false;

static void notifyHIDevices(IOService *service, OSArray *hiDevices, UInt32 type)
    IOHIKeyboard	*keyboard;
    if(!stickyKeysState || !hiDevices)
    switch ( type )
        case kIOHIDSystem508MouseClickMessage:
        case kIOHIDSystem508SpecialKeyDownMessage:
            for(unsigned index=0; index<hiDevices->getCount(); index++)
                if (keyboard = OSDynamicCast(IOHIKeyboard, hiDevices->getObject(index)))
                    keyboard->IOHIKeyboard::message(type, service);

#define super IOService
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOHIDSystem, IOService);

/* Return the current instance of the EventDriver, or 0 if none. */
IOHIDSystem * IOHIDSystem::instance()
  return evInstance;

bool IOHIDSystem::init(OSDictionary * properties)
  if (!super::init(properties))  return false;

   * Initialize minimal state.

  evScreen         = NULL;
  timerES          = 0;
  eventConsumerES  = 0;
  keyboardEQES     = 0;
  cmdGate	   = 0;
  workLoop         = 0;
  cachedEventFlags = 0;
  consumedKeyCode = (unsigned)-1;
  AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&lastEventTime) = 0;
  AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&lastUndimEvent) = 0;
  AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&stateChangeDeadline) = 0;

  ioHIDevices      = OSArray::withCapacity(2);
  cachedButtonStates = OSArray::withCapacity(3);

  // RY: Populate cachedButtonStates key=0 with a button State
  // This will cover all pointing devices that don't support 
  // the new private methods.
  AppendNewCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, 0);

  nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(kIOHIDPowerOnThresholdNS, &gIOHIDPowerOnThresoldAbsoluteTime);
  nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(kIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdNS, &gIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdAbsoluteTime);
  gKeyboardEQLock = IOLockAlloc();   
  return true;

IOHIDSystem * IOHIDSystem::probe(IOService * 	provider,
				 SInt32 *	score)
  if (!super::probe(provider,score))  return 0;

  return this;

 * Perform reusable initialization actions here.
IOWorkLoop * IOHIDSystem::getWorkLoop() const
    return workLoop;

bool IOHIDSystem::start(IOService * provider)
  bool iWasStarted = false;

  do {
    if (!super::start(provider))  break;

    evInstance = this;

    /* A few details to be set up... */
    pointerLoc.x = INIT_CURSOR_X;
    pointerLoc.y = INIT_CURSOR_Y;

    pointerDelta.x = 0;
    pointerDelta.y = 0;

    evScreenSize = sizeof(EvScreen) * 32;
    evScreen = (void *) IOMalloc(evScreenSize);
    savedParameters = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);

    if (!evScreen ||
        !savedParameters)  break;

    bzero(evScreen, evScreenSize);
    firstWaitCursorFrame = EV_WAITCURSOR;
    maxWaitCursorFrame   = EV_MAXCURSOR;

     * Start up the work loop
    workLoop = IOWorkLoop::workLoop();
    cmdGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate
    timerES = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource
        (this, (IOTimerEventSource::Action) &_periodicEvents );
    eventConsumerES = IOInterruptEventSource::interruptEventSource
        (this, (IOInterruptEventSource::Action) &doKickEventConsumer);
    keyboardEQES = IOInterruptEventSource::interruptEventSource
        (this, (IOInterruptEventSource::Action) &doProcessKeyboardEQ);
    vblES = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource
        (this, &_vblEvent );

    if (!workLoop || !cmdGate || !timerES || !eventConsumerES || !keyboardEQES || !vblES)

    if ((workLoop->addEventSource(cmdGate)    != kIOReturnSuccess)
    ||  (workLoop->addEventSource(timerES) != kIOReturnSuccess)
    ||  (workLoop->addEventSource(vblES) != kIOReturnSuccess)
    ||  (workLoop->addEventSource(eventConsumerES) != kIOReturnSuccess)
    ||  (workLoop->addEventSource(keyboardEQES) != kIOReturnSuccess))

    publishNotify = addNotification( 
                        gIOPublishNotification, serviceMatching("IOHIDevice"),
                        this, (void *)&IOHIDSystem::handlePublishNotification );

    if (!publishNotify) break;
    eventPublishNotify = addNotification( 
                        gIOPublishNotification, serviceMatching("IOHIDEventService"),
                        this, (void *)&IOHIDSystem::handlePublishNotification );

    if (!eventPublishNotify) break;

    terminateNotify = addNotification( 
                        gIOTerminatedNotification, serviceMatching("IOHIDevice"),
                        this, (void *)&IOHIDSystem::handleTerminateNotification );

    if (!terminateNotify) break;

    eventTerminateNotify = addNotification( 
                        gIOTerminatedNotification, serviceMatching("IOHIDEventService"),
                        this, (void *)&IOHIDSystem::handleTerminateNotification );

    if (!eventTerminateNotify) break;

    // RY: Listen to the root domain
    rootDomain = (IOService *)getPMRootDomain();
    if (rootDomain)
    // Allocated and publish the systemInfo array
    if ( systemInfo = OSArray::withCapacity(4) )
        setProperty(kNXSystemInfoKey, systemInfo);

     * IOHIDSystem serves both as a service and a nub (we lead a double
     * life).  Register ourselves as a nub to kick off matching.


    addNotification( gIOPublishNotification, serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler"),
                     this, (void *)&IOHIDSystem::handlePublishNotification );
    // Get notified everytime AppleKeyswitch registers (each time keyswitch changes)
    gSwitchNotification = addNotification(gIOPublishNotification, nameMatching("AppleKeyswitch"), 
                        (IOServiceNotificationHandler)keySwitchNotificationHandler, this, 0);

    iWasStarted = true;
    // Let's go ahead and cache our registry name.
    // This was added to remove a call to getName while
    // we are disabling preemption
    registryName = getName();

  } while(false);

  if (!iWasStarted)  evInstance = 0;

  return iWasStarted;

void IOHIDSystem::stop(IOService * provider)
    if (_hidKeyboardDevice) 
        _hidKeyboardDevice = 0;

    if (_hidPointingDevice) 
        _hidPointingDevice = 0;


// powerStateDidChangeTo
// The display wrangler has changed state, so the displays have changed
// state, too.  We save the new state.

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::powerStateDidChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags theFlags, unsigned long, IOService * service)
    if (service == displayManager)
        displayState = theFlags;
    else if (service == rootDomain)
        if (theFlags & kIOPMPowerOn)
            ADD_ABSOLUTETIME(&stateChangeDeadline, &gIOHIDPowerOnThresoldAbsoluteTime);
    return IOPMNoErr;

bool IOHIDSystem::genericNotificationHandler(
			void * target,
			void * handler,
			IOService * newService )
    IOHIDSystem * self = (IOHIDSystem *) target;

    return self->cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)handler, newService);

bool IOHIDSystem::handlePublishNotification(
			void * target,
			IOService * newService )
    IOHIDSystem * self = (IOHIDSystem *) target;

    // avoiding OSDynamicCast & dependency on graphics family
    if( newService->metaCast("IODisplayWrangler")) {
        if( !self->displayManager) {
            self->displayManager = newService;
            self->displayState = newService->registerInterestedDriver(self);
        return true;

    self->attach( newService );
    if( OSDynamicCast(IOHIDevice, newService) || 
        OSDynamicCast(IOHIDEventService, newService)) {
        if (self->ioHIDevices) {
            if (self->ioHIDevices->getNextIndexOfObject(newService, 0) == (unsigned)-1)
        if (OSDynamicCast(IOHIPointing, newService))
            AppendNewCachedMouseEventForService(self->cachedButtonStates, newService);
        OSArray * newSystemInfo = OSArray::withArray(self->systemInfo);
        if ( newSystemInfo )
            AppendNewNXSystemInfoForService(newSystemInfo, newService);
            self->setProperty(kNXSystemInfoKey, newSystemInfo);
            self->systemInfo = newSystemInfo;

            self->registerEventSource( newService );

    return true;

bool IOHIDSystem::handleTerminateNotification(
			void * target,
			IOService * service )
    IOHIDSystem * self = (IOHIDSystem *) target;
    int	index;

    if( self->eventsOpen && (
        OSDynamicCast(IOHIDevice, service) || 
        OSDynamicCast(IOHIDEventService, service))) 

    if (self->ioHIDevices) {
        if ((index = self->ioHIDevices->getNextIndexOfObject(service, 0)) != -1)
    OSArray * newSystemInfo = OSArray::withArray(self->systemInfo);
    if ( newSystemInfo )
        RemoveNXSystemInfoForService(newSystemInfo, service);
        self->setProperty(kNXSystemInfoKey, newSystemInfo);
        self->systemInfo = newSystemInfo;

    // RY: Remove this object from the cachedButtonState
    if (OSDynamicCast(IOHIPointing, service))
        // Clear the service button state
        AbsoluteTime	ts;
        self->relativePointerEvent(0, 0, 0, ts, service);
        CachedMouseEventStruct *cachedMouseEvent;
        if ((cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(self->cachedButtonStates, service)) &&
            cachedMouseEvent->proximityData.proximity.enterProximity = false;
            cachedMouseEvent->state |= kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag;
            self->proximityEvent(&(cachedMouseEvent->proximityData), ts, service);
            cachedMouseEvent->state &= ~kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag;
            Bounds  bounds = {0, 0, 0, 0};
            Point   newLoc = {0, 0};
            self->absolutePointerEvent(0, &newLoc, &bounds, false, 0, 0, ts, service);
        RemoveCachedMouseEventForService(self->cachedButtonStates, service);
    return true;

 * Free locally allocated resources, and then ourselves.
void IOHIDSystem::free()

    if (evScreen) IOFree( (void *)evScreen, evScreenSize );
    evScreen = (void *)0;
    evScreenSize = 0;

    if (timerES)
        timerES = 0;
    if (eventConsumerES)
        eventConsumerES = 0;
    if (keyboardEQES)
        keyboardEQES = 0;
    if (cmdGate)
        cmdGate = 0;
    if (workLoop)
        workLoop = 0;
    if (publishNotify)
        publishNotify = 0;
    if (gSwitchNotification)
        gSwitchNotification = 0;
    if (terminateNotify)
        terminateNotify = 0;    
    if (eventPublishNotify)
        eventPublishNotify = 0;
    if (eventTerminateNotify)
        eventTerminateNotify = 0;    
    if (ioHIDevices)
        ioHIDevices = 0;
    if (cachedButtonStates)
        cachedButtonStates = 0;
    if ( gKeyboardEQLock )
        IOLock * lock = gKeyboardEQLock;
        gKeyboardEQLock = 0;


 * Open the driver for business.  This call must be made before
 * any other calls to the Event driver.  We can only be opened by
 * one user at a time.
IOReturn IOHIDSystem::evOpen(void)
	IOReturn r = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if ( evOpenCalled == true )
		r = kIOReturnBusy;
		goto done;
	evOpenCalled = true;

	if (!evInitialized)
	    evInitialized = true;
	    // Put code here that is to run on the first open ONLY.

	return r;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::evClose(void){    
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doEvClose);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doEvClose(IOHIDSystem *self)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->evCloseGated();

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::evCloseGated(void)
	if ( evOpenCalled == false ) 
		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
	// Early close actions here
	if( cursorEnabled)
	cursorStarted = false;
	cursorEnabled = false;

	// Release the input devices.

	// Tear down the shared memory area if set up
//	if ( eventsOpen == true )
//	    unmapEventShmem(eventPort);

	// Clear screens registry and related data
	if ( evScreen != (void *)0 )
	    screens = 0;
	    lastShmemPtr = (void *)0;
	// Remove port notification for the eventPort and clear the port out
//	ipc_port_release_send(event_port);

	// Clear local state to shutdown
	evOpenCalled = false;
	eventsOpen = false;

	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// Dispatch state to screens registered with the Event Driver
// Pending state changes for a device may be coalesced.
// This should be run from a command gate action.
void IOHIDSystem::evDispatch(
               /* command */ EvCmd evcmd)
    Point p;

    if( !eventsOpen)

    for( int i = 0; i < screens; i++ ) {

        EvScreen *esp = &((EvScreen*)evScreen)[i];
        if ( esp->instance )
            p.x = evg->cursorLoc.x;	// Copy from shmem.
            p.y = evg->cursorLoc.y;

            bool onscreen = (0 != (cursorScreens & (1 << i)));
            switch ( evcmd )
                case EVMOVE:
                    if (onscreen)
                        esp->instance->moveCursor(&p, evg->frame);
                case EVSHOW:
                    if (onscreen)
                        esp->instance->showCursor(&p, evg->frame);
                case EVHIDE:
                    if (onscreen)
                case EVLEVEL:
                case EVNOP:
                    /* lets keep that compiler happy */

// Dispatch mechanism for special key press.  If a port has been registered,
// a message is built to be sent out to that port notifying that the key has
// changed state.  A level in the range 0-64 is provided for convenience.
void IOHIDSystem::evSpecialKeyMsg(unsigned key,
		  /* direction */ unsigned dir,
		  /* flags */     unsigned f,
		  /* level */     unsigned l)
	mach_port_t dst_port;
	struct evioSpecialKeyMsg *msg;

	static const struct evioSpecialKeyMsg init_msg =
        { { MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND,	// mach3xxx, is the right?
                        MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND),	// mach_msg_bits_t	msgh_bits;
            sizeof (struct evioSpecialKeyMsg), 		// mach_msg_size_t	msgh_size;
            MACH_PORT_NULL,				// mach_port_t	msgh_remote_port;
            MACH_PORT_NULL,				// mach_port_t	msgh_local_port;
            0,						// mach_msg_size_t msgh_reserved;
            EV_SPECIAL_KEY_MSG_ID			// mach_msg_id_t 	msgh_id;
            0,	/* key */
            0,	/* direction */
            0,	/* flags */
            0	/* level */

	if ( (dst_port = specialKeyPort(key)) == MACH_PORT_NULL )
	msg = (struct evioSpecialKeyMsg *) IOMalloc(
				sizeof (struct evioSpecialKeyMsg) );
	if ( msg == NULL )
	// Initialize the message.
	bcopy( &init_msg, msg, sizeof (struct evioSpecialKeyMsg) );
	msg->Head.msgh_remote_port = dst_port;
	msg->key = key;
	msg->direction = dir;
	msg->flags = f;
	msg->level = l;

	// Send the message out from the command gate.

// Reset instance variables to their default state for mice/pointers
// RY: This was originally gated, but I decided to gate the caller 
// setEventsEnable

void IOHIDSystem::_resetMouseParameters(void)
	if ( eventsOpen == false )
        OSDictionary 	*tempDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(3);
        UInt64 		nano;
        nanoseconds_to_absolutetime( EV_DCLICKTIME, &clickTimeThresh);
	clickSpaceThresh.x = clickSpaceThresh.y = EV_DCLICKSPACE;
        AbsoluteTime_to_scalar( &clickTime) = 0;
	clickLoc.x = clickLoc.y = -EV_DCLICKSPACE;
	clickState = 1;
        if (tempDict) {
            UInt32	tempClickSpace[] = {clickSpaceThresh.x, clickSpaceThresh.y};
            makeInt32ArrayParamProperty( tempDict, kIOHIDClickSpaceKey,
                        tempClickSpace, sizeof(tempClickSpace)/sizeof(UInt32) );

            nano = EV_DCLICKTIME;
            makeNumberParamProperty( tempDict, kIOHIDClickTimeKey,
                        nano, 64 );

 * Methods exported by the EventDriver.
 *	The screenRegister protocol is used by frame buffer drivers to register
 *	themselves with the Event Driver.  These methods are called in response
 *	to a registerSelf or unregisterSelf message received from the Event
 *	Driver.

int IOHIDSystem::registerScreen(IOGraphicsDevice * instance,
		/* bounds */    Bounds * bp)
    EvScreen *esp;
    OSNumber *num;

    if( (false == eventsOpen) || (0 == bp) )
	return -1;

    if ( lastShmemPtr == (void *)0 )
	lastShmemPtr = evs;
    /* shmemSize and bounds already set */
    esp = &((EvScreen*)evScreen)[screens];
    esp->instance = instance;
    esp->bounds = bp;
    // Update our idea of workSpace bounds
    if ( bp->minx < workSpace.minx )
	workSpace.minx = bp->minx;
    if ( bp->miny < workSpace.miny )
	workSpace.miny = bp->miny;
    if ( bp->maxx < workSpace.maxx )
	workSpace.maxx = bp->maxx;
    if ( esp->bounds->maxy < workSpace.maxy )
	workSpace.maxy = bp->maxy;

    if( (num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, instance->getProperty(kIOFBWaitCursorFramesKey)))
      && (num->unsigned32BitValue() > maxWaitCursorFrame)) {
	firstWaitCursorFrame = 0;
        maxWaitCursorFrame   = num->unsigned32BitValue();
        evg->lastFrame	     = maxWaitCursorFrame;
    if( (num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, instance->getProperty(kIOFBWaitCursorPeriodKey))))
        clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(num->unsigned32BitValue(), kNanosecondScale,

    return(SCREENTOKEN + screens++);

void IOHIDSystem::unregisterScreen(int index) {
    cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doUnregisterScreen, (void *)index);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doUnregisterScreen (IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0) 
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    int index = (int) arg0;
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::unregisterScreenGated(int index)
    index -= SCREENTOKEN;

    if ( eventsOpen == false || index < 0 || index >= screens )

    // clear the state for the screen
    ((EvScreen*)evScreen)[index].instance = 0;
    // Put the cursor someplace reasonable if it was on the destroyed screen
    cursorScreens &= ~(1 << index);
    // This will jump the cursor back on screen
    setCursorPosition((Point *)&evg->cursorLoc, true);


/* Member of EventClient protocol 
 * Absolute position input devices and some specialized output devices
 * may need to know the bounding rectangle for all attached displays.
 * The following method returns a Bounds* for the workspace.  Please note
 * that the bounds are kept as signed values, and that on a multi-display
 * system the minx and miny values may very well be negative.
Bounds * IOHIDSystem::workspaceBounds()
	return &workSpace;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::createShmem(void* p1, void*, void*, void*, void*, void*)
{                                                                    // IOMethod
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doCreateShmem, p1);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doCreateShmem (IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0) 
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->createShmemGated(arg0);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::createShmemGated(void* p1)
    int                 shmemVersion = (int)p1;
    IOByteCount		size;

    if( shmemVersion != kIOHIDCurrentShmemVersion)
	return kIOReturnUnsupported;
    if( 0 == globalMemory) {

        size = sizeof(EvOffsets) + sizeof(EvGlobals);
	globalMemory = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withOptions(
			kIODirectionNone | kIOMemoryKernelUserShared, size );

        if( !globalMemory)
            return kIOReturnNoMemory;

	shmem_addr = (vm_offset_t) globalMemory->getBytesNoCopy();
        shmem_size = size;


    return kIOReturnSuccess;

// Initialize the shared memory area.
// This should be run from a command gate action.
void IOHIDSystem::initShmem()
	int		i;
	EvOffsets	*eop;

	/* top of sharedMem is EvOffsets structure */
	eop = (EvOffsets *) shmem_addr;

	bzero( (void*)shmem_addr, shmem_size);
	/* fill in EvOffsets structure */
	eop->evGlobalsOffset = sizeof(EvOffsets);
	eop->evShmemOffset = eop->evGlobalsOffset + sizeof(EvGlobals);
	/* find pointers to start of globals and private shmem region */
	evg = (EvGlobals *)((char *)shmem_addr + eop->evGlobalsOffset);
	evs = (void *)((char *)shmem_addr + eop->evShmemOffset);
	evg->version = kIOHIDCurrentShmemVersion;
	evg->structSize = sizeof( EvGlobals);

	/* Set default wait cursor parameters */
	evg->waitCursorEnabled = TRUE;
	evg->globalWaitCursorEnabled = TRUE;
        evg->lastFrame = maxWaitCursorFrame;
	evg->waitThreshold = (12 * EV_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 10;
        clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(DefaultWCFrameRate, kNanosecondScale,
        clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(DefaultWCSustain, kNanosecondScale,
        AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&waitSusTime) = 0;
        AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&waitFrameTime) = 0;


	/* Set up low-level queues */
	lleqSize = LLEQSIZE;
	for (i=lleqSize; --i != -1; ) {
	    evg->lleq[i].event.type = 0;
            AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&evg->lleq[i].event.time) = 0;
            evg->lleq[i].event.flags = 0;
	    evg->lleq[i].next = i+1;
	evg->LLELast = 0;
	evg->lleq[lleqSize-1].next = 0;
	evg->LLEHead =
	evg->LLETail =
	evg->buttons = 0;
	evg->eNum = INITEVENTNUM;
	evg->eventFlags = 0;

        AbsoluteTime	ts;
        unsigned	tick;
        clock_get_uptime( &ts);
        tick = EV_NS_TO_TICK(&ts);
        if ( tick == 0 )
                tick = 1;	// No zero values allowed!
	evg->VertRetraceClock = tick;

        evg->cursorLoc.x = pointerLoc.x;
	evg->cursorLoc.y = pointerLoc.y;
	evg->dontCoalesce = 0;
	evg->dontWantCoalesce = 0;
	evg->wantPressure = 0;
	evg->wantPrecision = 0;
	evg->mouseRectValid = 0;
	evg->movedMask = 0;
	ev_init_lock( &evg->cursorSema );
	ev_init_lock( &evg->waitCursorSema );
	// Set eventsOpen last to avoid race conditions.
	eventsOpen = true;

// Set the event port.  The event port is both an ownership token
// and a live port we hold send rights on.  The port is owned by our client,
// the WindowServer.  We arrange to be notified on a port death so that
// we can tear down any active resources set up during this session.
// An argument of PORT_NULL will cause us to forget any port death
// notification that's set up.
// This should be run from a command gate action.
void IOHIDSystem::setEventPort(mach_port_t port)
	static struct _eventMsg init_msg = { {
            // mach_msg_bits_t	msgh_bits;
            // mach_msg_size_t	msgh_size;
            sizeof (struct _eventMsg),
            // mach_port_t	msgh_remote_port;
            // mach_port_t	msgh_local_port;
            // mach_msg_size_t 	msgh_reserved;
            // mach_msg_id_t	msgh_id;
        } };

	if ( eventMsg == NULL )
		eventMsg = IOMalloc( sizeof (struct _eventMsg) );
	eventPort = port;
	// Initialize the events available message.
	*((struct _eventMsg *)eventMsg) = init_msg;

	((struct _eventMsg *)eventMsg)->h.msgh_remote_port = port;
        // RY: Added this check so that the event consumer
        // can get notified if the queue in not empty.
        // Otherwise the event consumer will never get a 
        // notification.
        if (EventsInQueue())

// Set the port to be used for a special key notification.  This could be more
// robust about letting ports be set...
IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setSpecialKeyPort(
                        /* keyFlavor */ int         special_key,
                        /* keyPort */   mach_port_t key_port)
	if ( special_key >= 0 && special_key < NX_NUM_SCANNED_SPECIALKEYS )
		_specialKeyPort[special_key] = key_port;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

mach_port_t IOHIDSystem::specialKeyPort(int special_key)
	if ( special_key >= 0 && special_key < NX_NUM_SCANNED_SPECIALKEYS )
		return _specialKeyPort[special_key];

// Helper functions for postEvent
static inline int myAbs(int a) { return(a > 0 ? a : -a); }

short IOHIDSystem::getUniqueEventNum()
    while (++evg->eNum == NULLEVENTNUM)
	; /* sic */

// postEvent 
// This routine actually places events in the event queue which is in
// the EvGlobals structure.  It is called from all parts of the ev
// driver.
// This should be run from a command gate action.

void IOHIDSystem::postEvent(int           what,
             /* at */       Point *       location,
             /* atTime */   AbsoluteTime  ts,
             /* withData */ NXEventData * myData,
             /* sender */   OSObject *    sender,
             /* extPID */   UInt32        extPID,
             /* processKEQ*/bool          processKEQ)
    // Clear out the keyboard queue up until this TS.  This should keep
    // the events in order.
    if ( processKEQ )
        processKeyboardEQ(this, &ts);

    NXEQElement	* theHead = (NXEQElement *) &evg->lleq[evg->LLEHead];
    NXEQElement	* theLast = (NXEQElement *) &evg->lleq[evg->LLELast];
    NXEQElement	* theTail = (NXEQElement *) &evg->lleq[evg->LLETail];
    int		  wereEvents;
    unsigned      theClock = EV_NS_TO_TICK(&ts);

    if(CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&ts, &lastEventTime) < 0)
        ts = lastEventTime;
    lastEventTime = ts;

    /* Some events affect screen dimming (idle time) */
    if (EventCodeMask(what) & NX_UNDIMMASK) 
        lastUndimEvent = ts;

    // Update the PS VertRetraceClock off of the timestamp if it looks sane
    if (   theClock > (unsigned)evg->VertRetraceClock
	&& theClock < (unsigned)(evg->VertRetraceClock + (20 * EV_TICK_TIME)) )
	evg->VertRetraceClock = theClock;

    wereEvents = EventsInQueue();

    xpr_ev_post("postEvent: what %d, X %d Y %d Q %d, needKick %d\n",
		EventsInQueue(), needToKickEventConsumer);

    if ((!evg->dontCoalesce)	/* Coalescing enabled */
    && (theHead != theTail)
    && (theLast->event.type == what)
    && (EventCodeMask(what) & COALESCEEVENTMASK)
    && ev_try_lock(&theLast->sema)) {
    /* coalesce events */
	theLast->event.location.x = location->x;
	theLast->event.location.y = location->y;
        absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(ts, &theLast->event.time);
        if (myData != NULL)
	    theLast-> = *myData;
    } else if (theTail->next != evg->LLEHead) {
	/* store event in tail */
	theTail->event.type         = what;
    theTail->event.service_id   = 0;
    theTail->event.service_id   += (UInt32)sender;
    theTail->event.ext_pid      = extPID;
	theTail->event.location.x   = location->x;
	theTail->event.location.y   = location->y;
	theTail->event.flags        = evg->eventFlags;
        absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(ts, &theLast->event.time);
	theTail->event.window = 0;
	if (myData != NULL)
	    theTail-> = *myData;
	switch(what) {
	    theTail-> =
		leftENum = getUniqueEventNum();
	    theTail-> =
		rightENum = getUniqueEventNum();
	    theTail-> = leftENum;
	    leftENum = NULLEVENTNUM;
            // Inform the devices that the mouse was clicked
            notifyHIDevices(this, ioHIDevices, kIOHIDSystem508MouseClickMessage);
	    theTail-> = rightENum;
	    rightENum = NULLEVENTNUM;
            // Inform the devices that the mouse was clicked
            notifyHIDevices(this, ioHIDevices, kIOHIDSystem508MouseClickMessage);
	if (EventCodeMask(what) & PRESSUREEVENTMASK)
		// this case will not happen unless someone modifies PRESSUREEVENTMASK
		if (!((EventCodeMask(what) & MOUSEEVENTMASK) || (EventCodeMask(what) & MOVEDEVENTMASK))) 
			IOLog("%s: postEvent unknown pressure event, cannot fill pressure.\n", registryName);
	if (EventCodeMask(what) & MOUSEEVENTMASK) { 
        /* Click state */
            AbsoluteTime delta = ts;
            SUB_ABSOLUTETIME( &delta, &clickTime);
            if ((CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&delta, &clickTimeThresh) <= 0)
	    && (myAbs(location->x - clickLoc.x) <= clickSpaceThresh.x)
	    && (myAbs(location->y - clickLoc.y) <= clickSpaceThresh.y)) {
                if ((what == NX_LMOUSEDOWN)||(what == NX_RMOUSEDOWN)) {
                    clickTime = ts;
                    theTail-> = ++clickState;
                } else {
                    theTail-> = clickState;
	    } else if ((what == NX_LMOUSEDOWN)||(what == NX_RMOUSEDOWN)) {
		clickLoc = *location;
		clickTime = ts;
		clickState = 1;
		theTail-> = clickState;
	    } else
		theTail-> = 0;        
#if PMON
	evg->LLETail = theTail->next;
	evg->LLELast = theLast->next;
	if ( ! wereEvents )	// Events available, so wake event consumer
	 * if queue is full, ignore event, too hard to take care of all cases 
	IOLog("%s: postEvent LLEventQueue overflow.\n", registryName);
#if PMON
	pmon_log_event( PMON_SOURCE_EV,

 * - kickEventConsumer
 * 	Try to send a message out to let the event consumer know that
 *	there are now events available for consumption.

void IOHIDSystem::kickEventConsumer()
	xpr_ev_post("kickEventConsumer (need == %d)\n",
	if ( needToKickEventConsumer == true )
		return;		// Request is already pending

	needToKickEventConsumer = true;	// Posting a request now

        // Trigger eventConsumerES, so that doKickEventConsumer
        // is run from the workloop thread.
        eventConsumerES->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);

 * HID System no longer runs the following methods on the EventSource thread.
 * Instead all are run from the caller thread through the use of command gates.
 * This will limit the amount of context switching that takes place.

 * The following methods are executed from the caller thread only.

 * The method is now called from a command gate and is run on the caller thread

void IOHIDSystem::doSpecialKeyMsg(IOHIDSystem * self,
					struct evioSpecialKeyMsg *msg) /* IOCommandGate::Action */
	kern_return_t r;

	xpr_ev_post("doSpecialKeyMsg 0x%x\n", msg,2,3,4,5);

	/* FIXME: Don't block */
	r = mach_msg_send_from_kernel( &msg->Head, msg->Head.msgh_size);

	xpr_ev_post("doSpecialKeyMsg: msg_send() == %d\n",r,2,3,4,5);
	if ( r != MACH_MSG_SUCCESS )
		IOLog("%s: doSpecialKeyMsg msg_send returned %d\n",
			self->registryName, r);
	if ( r == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )	/* Invalidate the port */
		  /* keyFlavor */ msg->key,
		  /* keyPort   */ MACH_PORT_NULL);
	IOFree( (void *)msg, sizeof (struct evioSpecialKeyMsg) );

 * This is now being run from the workloop via an IOInterruptEventSource.
 * Note that we perform a non-blocking send.  The Event port in the event
 * consumer has a queue depth of 1 message.  Once the consumer picks up that
 * message, it runs until the event queue is exhausted before trying to read
 * another message.  If a message is pending,there is no need to enqueue a
 * second one.  This also keeps us from blocking the I/O thread in a msg_send
 * which could result in a deadlock if the consumer were to make a call into
 * the event driver.
void IOHIDSystem::doKickEventConsumer(IOHIDSystem * self)  /*IOInterruptEventSource::Action */
	kern_return_t r;
	mach_msg_header_t *msgh;

	self->needToKickEventConsumer = false;   // Request received and processed

        // RY: If the eventPost is null, do nothing
        if ( self->eventPort == MACH_PORT_NULL )

	xpr_ev_post("doKickEventConsumer\n", 1,2,3,4,5);

	msgh = (mach_msg_header_t *)self->eventMsg;
	if( msgh) {

            r = mach_msg_send_from_kernel( msgh, msgh->msgh_size);
            switch ( r )
                case MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT:/* Already has a message posted */
                case MACH_MSG_SUCCESS:	/* Message is posted */
                default:		/* Log the error */
                    IOLog("%s: doKickEventConsumer msg_send returned %d\n",
				self->registryName, r);

// Schedule the next periodic event to be run, based on the current state of
// the event system.  We have to consider things here such as when the last
// periodic event pass ran, if there is currently any mouse delta accumulated,
// and how long it has been since the last event was consumed by an app (for
// driving the wait cursor).
// This code should only be run from the periodicEvents method or
// _setCursorPosition.
void IOHIDSystem::scheduleNextPeriodicEvent()
    if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME( &waitFrameTime, &thisPeriodicRun) > 0)
	AbsoluteTime time_for_next_run;

        ADD_ABSOLUTETIME( &time_for_next_run, &periodicEventDelta);

        if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME( &waitFrameTime, &time_for_next_run) < 0) {


// Periodic events are driven from this method.
// After taking care of all pending work, the method
// calls scheduleNextPeriodicEvent to compute and set the
// next callout.  

// Modified this method to call a command Gate action.
// This will hopefully insure that this is serialized
// with other actions associated with the command gate.

void IOHIDSystem::_periodicEvents(IOHIDSystem * self,
                                  IOTimerEventSource *timer)
                                  /* IOTimerEventSource::Action */

void IOHIDSystem::periodicEvents(IOTimerEventSource * /* timer */)
	unsigned int	tick;

	// If eventsOpen is false, then the driver shmem is
	// no longer valid, and it is in the process of shutting down.
	// We should give up without rescheduling.
	if ( eventsOpen == false )
	// Increment event time stamp last

	// Temporary hack til we wean CGS off of VertRetraceClock
	tick = EV_NS_TO_TICK(&thisPeriodicRun);
	if ( tick == 0 )
		tick = 1;
	evg->VertRetraceClock = tick;

	// Update cursor position if needed
	if ( needSetCursorPosition == true )
		_setCursorPosition(&pointerLoc, false);

	if ( ev_try_lock(&evg->waitCursorSema) )
	    if ( ev_try_lock(&evg->cursorSema) )
		// See if the current context has timed out
		if (   (evg->AALastEventSent != evg->AALastEventConsumed)
		    && ((evg->VertRetraceClock - evg->AALastEventSent >
		    evg->ctxtTimedOut = TRUE;
		// If wait cursor enabled and context timed out, do waitcursor
		if (evg->waitCursorEnabled && evg->globalWaitCursorEnabled &&
		    if (!evg->waitCursorUp)
		} else
		    if (evg->waitCursorUp &&
			CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&waitSusTime, &thisPeriodicRun) <= 0)
		/* Animate cursor */
		if (evg->waitCursorUp &&
			CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&waitFrameTime, &thisPeriodicRun) <= 0)


// Start the cursor system running.
// At this point, the WindowServer is up, running, and ready to process events.
// We will attach the keyboard and mouse, if none are available yet.

bool IOHIDSystem::resetCursor()
    volatile Point * p;
    UInt32 newScreens = 0;
    SInt32 candidate = 0;
    SInt32 pinScreen = -1L;

    p = &evg->cursorLoc;

    /* Get mask of screens on which the cursor is present */
    EvScreen *screen = (EvScreen *)evScreen;
    for (int i = 0; i < screens; i++ ) {
        if (!screen[i].instance)
        if ((screen[i].bounds->maxx - screen[i].bounds->minx) < 128)
        candidate = i;
        if ((screen[i].instance) && PtInRect(p, screen[i].bounds)) {
            pinScreen = i;
            newScreens |= (1 << i);

    if (newScreens == 0)
        pinScreen = candidate;

    if (!cursorPinned) {
        // reset pin rect
        cursorPin = *(((EvScreen*)evScreen)[pinScreen].bounds);
        cursorPin.maxx--;	/* Make half-open rectangle */
        cursorPinScreen = pinScreen;
    if (newScreens == 0) {
        /* Pin new cursor position to cursorPin rect */
        p->x = (p->x < cursorPin.minx) ?
            cursorPin.minx : ((p->x > cursorPin.maxx) ?
            cursorPin.maxx : p->x);
        p->y = (p->y < cursorPin.miny) ?
            cursorPin.miny : ((p->y > cursorPin.maxy) ?
            cursorPin.maxy : p->y);

        /* regenerate mask for new position */
        for (int i = 0; i < screens; i++ ) {
            if ((screen[i].instance) && PtInRect(p, screen[i].bounds))
                newScreens |= (1 << i);

    cursorScreens = newScreens;

    pointerDelta.x += (evg->cursorLoc.x - pointerLoc.x);
    pointerDelta.y += (evg->cursorLoc.y - pointerLoc.y);
    pointerLoc.x = evg->cursorLoc.x;
    pointerLoc.y = evg->cursorLoc.y;

    postDeltaX = postDeltaY = accumDX = accumDY = 0;


    return( true );

bool IOHIDSystem::startCursor()
    bool		ok;

    if (0 == screens)		// no screens, no cursor
        return( false );

    cursorPinned = false;

    // Start the cursor control callouts
    ok = (kIOReturnSuccess ==
            cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)_periodicEvents, timerES));

    cursorStarted = ok;
    return( ok );

// Wait Cursor machinery.  These methods should be run from a command 
// gate action and the shared memory area must be set up.
void IOHIDSystem::showWaitCursor()
	evg->waitCursorUp = true;
        evg->frame = EV_WAITCURSOR;
	// Set animation and sustain absolute times.

	waitSusTime = waitFrameTime = thisPeriodicRun;
	ADD_ABSOLUTETIME( &waitFrameTime, &waitFrameRate);
	ADD_ABSOLUTETIME( &waitSusTime, &waitSustain);

void IOHIDSystem::hideWaitCursor()
	evg->waitCursorUp = false;
        evg->frame = EV_STD_CURSOR;
        AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&waitFrameTime) = 0;
        AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&waitSusTime ) = 0;

void IOHIDSystem::animateWaitCursor()
	changeCursor(evg->frame + 1);
	// Set the next animation time.
	waitFrameTime = thisPeriodicRun;
	ADD_ABSOLUTETIME( &waitFrameTime, &waitFrameRate);

void IOHIDSystem::changeCursor(int frame)
	evg->frame =
		((frame > (int)maxWaitCursorFrame) || (frame > evg->lastFrame)) ? firstWaitCursorFrame : frame;
	xpr_ev_cursor("changeCursor %d\n",evg->frame,2,3,4,5);

// Return the screen number in which point p lies.  Return -1 if the point
// lies outside of all registered screens.
int IOHIDSystem::pointToScreen(Point * p)
    int i;
    EvScreen *screen = (EvScreen *)evScreen;
    for (i=screens; --i != -1; ) {
	if (screen[i].instance != 0
	&& (p->x >= screen[i].bounds->minx)
	&& (p->x < screen[i].bounds->maxx)
	&& (p->y >= screen[i].bounds->miny)
	&& (p->y < screen[i].bounds->maxy))
	    return i;
    return(-1);	/* Cursor outside of known screen boundary */

// API used to drive event state out to attached screens
// These should be run from a command gate action.
inline void IOHIDSystem::showCursor()
        evDispatch(/* command */ EVSHOW);
inline void IOHIDSystem::hideCursor()
	evDispatch(/* command */ EVHIDE);

inline void IOHIDSystem::moveCursor()
	evDispatch(/* command */ EVMOVE);

// - attachDefaultEventSources
//	Attach the default event sources.
void IOHIDSystem::attachDefaultEventSources()
	IOService  *     source;
	OSIterator * 	sources;

        sources = getProviderIterator();

        if (!sources)  return;

	while( (source = (IOService *)sources->getNextObject())) {
	    if (OSDynamicCast(IOHIDevice, source) || 
            OSDynamicCast(IOHIDEventService, source)) {


// - detachEventSources
//	Detach all event sources
void IOHIDSystem::detachEventSources()
	OSIterator * iter;
	IOService * srcInstance;

	iter = getOpenProviderIterator();
	if( iter) {
            while( (srcInstance = (IOService *) iter->getNextObject())) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                kprintf("detachEventSource:%s\n", srcInstance->getName());

// EventSrcClient implementation

// A new device instance desires to be added to our list.
// Try to get ownership of the device. If we get it, add it to
// the list.
bool IOHIDSystem::registerEventSource(IOService * source)
    bool success = false;

#ifdef DEBUG
    kprintf("registerEventSource:%s\n", source->getName());

    if ( OSDynamicCast(IOHIKeyboard, source) ) {
        success = ((IOHIKeyboard*)source)->open(this, kIOServiceSeize,0,
                    (KeyboardEventCallback)        _keyboardEvent, 
                    (KeyboardSpecialEventCallback) _keyboardSpecialEvent,
                    (UpdateEventFlagsCallback)     _updateEventFlags);
    } else if ( OSDynamicCast(IOHIPointing, source) ) {
        if ( OSDynamicCast(IOHITablet, source) ) {
            success = ((IOHITablet*)source)->open(this, kIOServiceSeize,0,
                        (RelativePointerEventCallback)  _relativePointerEvent,
                        (AbsolutePointerEventCallback)  _absolutePointerEvent,
                        (ScrollWheelEventCallback)      _scrollWheelEvent,
                        (TabletEventCallback)           _tabletEvent,
                        (ProximityEventCallback)        _proximityEvent);
        } else {
            success = ((IOHIPointing*)source)->open(this, kIOServiceSeize,0,
                        (RelativePointerEventCallback) _relativePointerEvent,
                        (AbsolutePointerEventCallback) _absolutePointerEvent,
                        (ScrollWheelEventCallback)     _scrollWheelEvent);
    } else {
        success = source->open(this, kIOServiceSeize, 0);    

    if ( success )

        OSDictionary * newParams = OSDictionary::withDictionary( savedParameters );
        if( newParams) {

            // update with user settings
            if ( OSDynamicCast(IOHIDevice, source) )
                ((IOHIDevice *)source)->setParamProperties( newParams );
            else if ( OSDynamicCast(IOHIDEventService, source) )
                ((IOHIDEventService *)source)->setSystemProperties( newParams );

            setProperty( kIOHIDParametersKey, newParams );
            savedParameters = newParams;

        IOLog("%s: Seize of %s failed.\n", registryName, source->getName());

    return success;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::message(UInt32 type, IOService * provider,
				void * argument)
  IOReturn     status = kIOReturnSuccess;

  switch (type)
    case kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated:
#ifdef DEBUG
      kprintf("detachEventSource:%s\n", provider->getName());
      provider->close( this );
    case kIOMessageServiceWasClosed:

      status = super::message(type, provider, argument);

  return status;

// This will scale the point at location in the coordinate system represented by bounds
// to the coordinate system of the current screen.
// This is needed for absolute pointer events that come from devices with different bounds.
void IOHIDSystem::scaleLocationToCurrentScreen(Point *location, Bounds *bounds)
    IOHIDSystem * hidsystem = instance();
    Point fraction;
    if ( hidsystem ) hidsystem->_scaleLocationToCurrentScreen(location, &fraction, bounds);

void IOHIDSystem::_scaleLocationToCurrentScreen(Point *location, Point *fraction, Bounds *bounds)
    IOFixed     result, locationScale, deviceScale, screenScale;
    // We probably also need to look at current screen offsets as well
    // but that shouldn't matter until we provide tablets with a way to
    // switch screens...

    location->x = ((location->x - bounds->minx) * (cursorPin.maxx - cursorPin.minx + 1)
                / (bounds->maxx - bounds->minx)) + cursorPin.minx;
    location->y = ((location->y - bounds->miny) * (cursorPin.maxy - cursorPin.miny + 1)
                / (bounds->maxy - bounds->miny)) + cursorPin.miny;
    // Calculate X
    locationScale   = (location->x - bounds->minx)          << 16;
    screenScale     = (cursorPin.maxx - cursorPin.minx + 1) << 16;
    deviceScale     = (bounds->maxx - bounds->minx)         << 16;
    result = IOFixedDivide ( locationScale, deviceScale );
    result = IOFixedMultiply ( result, screenScale );
    location->x = (result >> 16);
    fraction->x = result;
    // Calculate Y
    locationScale   = (location->y - bounds->miny)          << 16;
    screenScale     = (cursorPin.maxy - cursorPin.miny + 1) << 16;
    deviceScale     = (bounds->maxy - bounds->miny)         << 16;
    result = IOFixedDivide ( locationScale, deviceScale );
    result = IOFixedMultiply ( result, screenScale );
    location->y = (result >> 16);    
    fraction->y = result;


// Process a mouse status change.  The driver should sign extend
// it's deltas and perform any bit flipping needed there.
// We take the state as presented and turn it into events.
void IOHIDSystem::_relativePointerEvent(IOHIDSystem * self,
				    int        buttons,
                       /* deltaX */ int        dx,
                       /* deltaY */ int        dy,
                       /* atTime */ AbsoluteTime ts,
                                    OSObject * sender,
                                    void *     refcon)
	self->relativePointerEvent(buttons, dx, dy, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::relativePointerEvent(int        buttons,
                          /* deltaX */ int        dx,
                          /* deltaY */ int        dy,
                          /* atTime */ AbsoluteTime ts)
    relativePointerEvent(buttons, dx, dy, ts, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::relativePointerEvent(int        buttons,
                          /* deltaX */   int        dx,
                          /* deltaY */   int        dy,
                          /* atTime */   AbsoluteTime ts,
                          /* sender */   OSObject * sender)
    IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs args;

    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline))
    args.arg0 = &buttons;
    args.arg1 = &dx;
    args.arg2 = &dy;
    args.arg3 = &ts;
    args.arg4 = sender;

    cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doRelativePointerEvent, &args);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doRelativePointerEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * args)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    int       	 	buttons	= *(int *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg0;
    int        		dx	= *(int *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg1;
    int        		dy	= *(int *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg2;
    AbsoluteTime 	ts	= *(AbsoluteTime *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg3;
    OSObject *          sender  = (OSObject *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg4;

    self->relativePointerEventGated(buttons, dx, dy, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::relativePointerEventGated(int buttons, int dx, int dy, AbsoluteTime ts, OSObject * sender)
    UnsignedWide nextVBL, vblDeltaTime, eventDeltaTime, moveDeltaTime;
#if __i386__
    static UnsignedWide postedVBLTime;
    bool haveVBL;
    if( eventsOpen == false )

    CachedMouseEventStruct *cachedMouseEvent;
    if (cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender))
        do {
            // RY: If the display is dim and there is no change in buttonStates, 
            // compare relative mouse movements against thresholds to determine 
            // whether or not to wake the display.  This will prevent premature
            // display wake upon chatty mice.
            if ((cachedMouseEvent->lastButtons == buttons) && (displayState == 0))
                if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&ts, &(cachedMouseEvent->eventDeadline)) > 0)
                    cachedMouseEvent->eventDeadline = ts;
                    ADD_ABSOLUTETIME(&(cachedMouseEvent->eventDeadline), &gIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdAbsoluteTime);
                    cachedMouseEvent->accumX = 0;
                    cachedMouseEvent->accumY = 0;
                cachedMouseEvent->accumX += dx;
                cachedMouseEvent->accumY += dy;

                if ((abs(cachedMouseEvent->accumX) < kIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdPixel) &&
                    (abs(cachedMouseEvent->accumY) < kIOHIDRelativeTickleThresholdPixel))
            cachedMouseEvent->lastButtons = buttons;
            cachedMouseEvent->eventDeadline = ts;

            // Fake up pressure changes from button state changes
            if( (buttons & EV_LB) != (evg->buttons & EV_LB) )
                cachedMouseEvent->lastPressure = ( buttons & EV_LB ) ? MAXPRESSURE : MINPRESSURE;
        } while (false);
    _setButtonState(buttons, /* atTime */ ts, sender);

    // figure cursor movement
    if( dx || dy )
        eventDeltaTime = *((UnsignedWide *)(&ts));
        SUB_ABSOLUTETIME( &eventDeltaTime, &lastRelativeEventTime );
        lastRelativeEventTime = ts;

        IOGraphicsDevice * instance = ((EvScreen*)evScreen)[cursorPinScreen].instance;
        if( instance) {
            instance->getVBLTime( (AbsoluteTime *)&nextVBL, (AbsoluteTime *)&vblDeltaTime );
        } else
            nextVBL.hi = nextVBL.lo = vblDeltaTime.hi = vblDeltaTime.lo = 0;

        if( dx && ((dx ^ accumDX) < 0))
            accumDX = 0;
        if( dy && ((dy ^ accumDY) < 0))
            accumDY = 0;

        KERNEL_DEBUG(0x0c000060 | DBG_FUNC_NONE,
            nextVBL.hi, nextVBL.lo, lastRelativeEventTime.hi, lastRelativeEventTime.lo, 0);

	haveVBL = (nextVBL.lo || nextVBL.hi);

#if __i386__
	if (haveVBL && (nextVBL.lo == postedVBLTime.lo) && (nextVBL.hi == postedVBLTime.hi))  {
	if (haveVBL && (postDeltaX || postDeltaY))  {
	    accumDX += dx;
	    accumDY += dy;
	} else {
	    SInt32 num = 0, div = 0;

	    dx += accumDX;
	    dy += accumDY;

	    moveDeltaTime = *((UnsignedWide *)(&ts));
	    SUB_ABSOLUTETIME( &moveDeltaTime, &lastRelativeMoveTime );
	    lastRelativeMoveTime = ts;
	    if( (eventDeltaTime.lo < vblDeltaTime.lo) && (0 == eventDeltaTime.hi)
	     && vblDeltaTime.lo && moveDeltaTime.lo) {
            num = vblDeltaTime.lo;
            div = moveDeltaTime.lo;
            dx = (num * dx) / div;
            dy = (num * dy) / div;

	    KERNEL_DEBUG(0x0c000000 | DBG_FUNC_NONE, dx, dy, num, div, 0);

	    accumDX = accumDY = 0;
#if __i386__
	    postedVBLTime = nextVBL;		// we have posted for this vbl

	    if( dx || dy ) {
#if !__i386__
		if( haveVBL ) {
		    postDeltaX = dx;
		    postDeltaY = dy;
		    vblDeltaTime.lo += (vblDeltaTime.lo >> 4);
		    ADD_ABSOLUTETIME(&nextVBL, &vblDeltaTime);
		    pointerLoc.x += dx;
		    pointerLoc.y += dy;
		    pointerDelta.x += dx;
		    pointerDelta.y += dy;
		    _setCursorPosition(&pointerLoc, false);

void IOHIDSystem::vblEvent(void)
    if (postDeltaX || postDeltaY) {
	pointerLoc.x += postDeltaX;
	pointerLoc.y += postDeltaY;
	pointerDelta.x += postDeltaX;
	pointerDelta.y += postDeltaY;
	_setCursorPosition(&pointerLoc, false);
	postDeltaX = postDeltaY = 0;

void IOHIDSystem::_vblEvent(OSObject *self, IOTimerEventSource *sender)
    ((IOHIDSystem *)self)->vblEvent();

void IOHIDSystem::_absolutePointerEvent(IOHIDSystem * self,
				       int        buttons,
                 /* at */              Point *    newLoc,
                 /* withBounds */      Bounds *   bounds,
                 /* inProximity */     bool       proximity,
                 /* withPressure */    int        pressure,
                 /* withAngle */       int        stylusAngle,
                 /* atTime */          AbsoluteTime ts,
				       OSObject * sender,
				       void *     refcon)
	self->absolutePointerEvent(buttons, newLoc, bounds, proximity,
					pressure, stylusAngle, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::absolutePointerEvent(int        buttons,
                    /* at */           Point *    newLoc,
                    /* withBounds */   Bounds *   bounds,
                    /* inProximity */  bool       proximity,
                    /* withPressure */ int        pressure,
                    /* withAngle */    int        stylusAngle,
                    /* atTime */       AbsoluteTime ts)
    absolutePointerEvent(buttons, newLoc, bounds, proximity,
					pressure, stylusAngle, ts, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::absolutePointerEvent(int        buttons,
                    /* at */           Point *    newLoc,
                    /* withBounds */   Bounds *   bounds,
                    /* inProximity */  bool       proximity,
                    /* withPressure */ int        pressure,
                    /* withAngle */    int        stylusAngle,
                    /* atTime */       AbsoluteTime ts,
                    /* sender */       OSObject * sender)
    IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs args;

    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline))
    args.arg0 = &buttons;
    args.arg1 = (void *)newLoc;
    args.arg2 = (void *)bounds;
    args.arg3 = &proximity;
    args.arg4 = &pressure;
    args.arg5 = &stylusAngle;
    args.arg6 = &ts;
    args.arg7 = sender;

    cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doAbsolutePointerEvent, &args);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doAbsolutePointerEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * args)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    int        	buttons 	= *(int *)	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg0;
    Point *    	newLoc 		= (Point *)	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg1;
    Bounds *   	bounds		= (Bounds *)	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg2;
    bool       	proximity	= *(bool *)	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg3;
    int        	pressure	= *(int *)	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg4;
    int        	stylusAngle	= *(int *)	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg5;
    AbsoluteTime 	ts	= *(AbsoluteTime *) 	((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg6;
    OSObject *  sender          = (OSObject *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg7;
    self->absolutePointerEventGated(buttons, newLoc, bounds, proximity, pressure, stylusAngle, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::absolutePointerEventGated(int        buttons,
                        /* at */           Point *    newLoc,
                        /* withBounds */   Bounds *   bounds,
                        /* inProximity */  bool       proximity,
                        /* withPressure */ int        pressure,
                        /* withAngle */    int        stylusAngle,
                        /* atTime */       AbsoluteTime ts,
                        /* sender */       OSObject * sender)

   * If you don't know what to pass for the following fields, pass the
   * default values below:
   *    pressure    = MINPRESSURE or MAXPRESSURE
   *    stylusAngle = 90

	NXEventData 		outData;	/* dummy data */
        bool			proximityChange = false;
        CachedMouseEventStruct	*cachedMouseEvent = 0;
        Point           pointerFraction;
	if ( eventsOpen == false )
    _scaleLocationToCurrentScreen(newLoc, &pointerFraction, bounds);

    // RY: Attempt to add basic tablet support to absolute pointing devices
    // Basically, we will fill in the tablet support portions of both the
    // mouse and mouseMove of NXEventData.  Pending tablet events are stored
    // in the CachedMouseEventStruct and then later picked off in 
    // _setButtonState and _postMouseMoveEvent
    if (cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender))
        bcopy(&pointerFraction, &(cachedMouseEvent->pointerFraction), sizeof(Point));

        proximityChange = (cachedMouseEvent->proximity != proximity);
        cachedMouseEvent->state        |= kCachedMousePointingEventDispFlag;
        cachedMouseEvent->proximity     = proximity;
        cachedMouseEvent->lastPressure  = ScalePressure(pressure);

        if ( !(cachedMouseEvent->state & kCachedMouseTabletEventDispFlag) )
            // initialize the proximity and tablet event structs
            if ( !(cachedMouseEvent->state & kCachedMousePointingTabletEventDispFlag) )
                cachedMouseEvent->state |= kCachedMousePointingTabletEventDispFlag;
                cachedMouseEvent->proximityData.proximity.capabilityMask  = (
                                            NX_TABLET_CAPABILITY_DEVICEIDMASK  |
                                            NX_TABLET_CAPABILITY_ABSXMASK | 
                                            NX_TABLET_CAPABILITY_ABSYMASK | 
                                            NX_TABLET_CAPABILITY_BUTTONSMASK | 
                cachedMouseEvent->proximityData.proximity.pointerType       = NX_TABLET_POINTER_PEN;
                cachedMouseEvent->proximityData.proximity.systemTabletID    = IOHITablet::generateTabletID();
                cachedMouseEvent->proximityData.proximity.deviceID          = 
                cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.deviceID                = IOHIDPointing::generateDeviceID();
            if ( proximityChange )
                cachedMouseEvent->proximityData.proximity.enterProximity    = proximity;
                cachedMouseEvent->subType                                   = NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_PROXIMITY;            
                cachedMouseEvent->state |= kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag;
                proximityEventGated(&(cachedMouseEvent->proximityData), ts, sender);
                cachedMouseEvent->state &= ~kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag;
            else if ( proximity )
                // RY: revert the button state
                // The window server requires that the lower 3 bits of
                // the buttons bit field be mangled for interpretation
                // when handling a button event.  Unfortunately,
                // applications that make use of the tablet events
                // require that the buttons field not be mangled.  Thus
                // the button state should be reverted.
                cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.buttons 	= buttons & ~0x7; 
                if (buttons & 2)
                    cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.buttons	|= 4;
                if (buttons & EV_RB)
                    cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.buttons	|= 2;
                if (buttons & EV_LB)
                    cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.buttons	|= 1;
                cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.x           = newLoc->x;             
                cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.y           = newLoc->y;                                        
                cachedMouseEvent->tabletData.tablet.pressure    = pressure; 
                cachedMouseEvent->subType                       = NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_POINT;            

	if ( (newLoc->x != pointerLoc.x) || (newLoc->y != pointerLoc.y) || proximityChange)
        pointerDelta.x += (newLoc->x - pointerLoc.x);
        pointerDelta.y += (newLoc->y - pointerLoc.y);
	    pointerLoc = *newLoc;
	    _setCursorPosition(&pointerLoc, false, proximityChange, sender);
	if ( proximityChange && proximity == true )
	    evg->eventFlags |= NX_STYLUSPROXIMITYMASK;
	    bzero( (char *)&outData, sizeof outData );
	    postEvent(         NX_FLAGSCHANGED,
		/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
		/* atTime */   ts,
		/* withData */ &outData,
        /* sender */   sender);
	if ( proximity == true )
            _setButtonState(buttons, /* atTime */ ts, sender);
	if ( proximityChange && proximity == false )
	    evg->eventFlags &= ~NX_STYLUSPROXIMITYMASK;
	    bzero( (char *)&outData, sizeof outData );
	    postEvent(         NX_FLAGSCHANGED,
		/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
		/* atTime */   ts,
		/* withData */ &outData,
        /* sender */   sender);

        // RY: Clean it off
        if (cachedMouseEvent)
            cachedMouseEvent->subType = NX_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT;
            bzero(&cachedMouseEvent->pointerFraction, sizeof(Point));

void IOHIDSystem::_scrollWheelEvent(IOHIDSystem * self,
                                    short	deltaAxis1,
                                    short	deltaAxis2,
                                    short	deltaAxis3,
                                    IOFixed fixedDelta1,
                                    IOFixed fixedDelta2,
                                    IOFixed fixedDelta3,
                                    SInt32  pointDeltaAxis1,
                                    SInt32  pointDeltaAxis2,
                                    SInt32  pointDeltaAxis3,
                                    UInt32  options,
                 /* atTime */       AbsoluteTime ts,
                                    OSObject * sender,
                                    void *     refcon)
        self->scrollWheelEvent(deltaAxis1, deltaAxis2, deltaAxis3, fixedDelta1, fixedDelta2, fixedDelta3,  pointDeltaAxis1, pointDeltaAxis2, pointDeltaAxis3, options, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::scrollWheelEvent(short	deltaAxis1,
                                   short	deltaAxis2,
                                   short	deltaAxis3,
                    /* atTime */   AbsoluteTime ts)

    scrollWheelEvent(deltaAxis1, deltaAxis2, deltaAxis3, deltaAxis1<<16, deltaAxis2<<16, deltaAxis3<<16, 0, 0, 0, 0, ts, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::scrollWheelEvent(short	deltaAxis1,
                                   short	deltaAxis2,
                                   short	deltaAxis3,
                                   IOFixed  fixedDelta1,
                                   IOFixed  fixedDelta2,
                                   IOFixed  fixedDelta3,
                                   SInt32   pointDeltaAxis1,
                                   SInt32   pointDeltaAxis2,
                                   SInt32   pointDeltaAxis3,
                                   UInt32   options,
                    /* atTime */   AbsoluteTime ts,
                                    OSObject *  sender)

    IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs args;
    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline))

    args.arg0 = &deltaAxis1;
    args.arg1 = &deltaAxis2;
    args.arg2 = &deltaAxis3;
    args.arg3 = &fixedDelta1;
    args.arg4 = &fixedDelta2;
    args.arg5 = &fixedDelta3;
    args.arg6 = &pointDeltaAxis1;
    args.arg7 = &pointDeltaAxis2;
    args.arg8 = &pointDeltaAxis3;
    args.arg9 = &options;
    args.arg10 = &ts;
    args.arg11 = sender;

    cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doScrollWheelEvent, (void *)&args);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doScrollWheelEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * args)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    short   deltaAxis1      = *(short *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg0;
    short   deltaAxis2      = *(short *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg1;
    short   deltaAxis3      = *(short *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg2;
    IOFixed fixedDelta1     = *(IOFixed *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg3;
    IOFixed fixedDelta2     = *(IOFixed *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg4;
    IOFixed fixedDelta3     = *(IOFixed *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg5;
    SInt32  pointDeltaAxis1 = *(IOFixed *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg6;
    SInt32  pointDeltaAxis2 = *(IOFixed *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg7;
    SInt32  pointDeltaAxis3 = *(IOFixed *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg8;
    UInt32  options        = *(UInt32 *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg9;
    AbsoluteTime ts  = *(AbsoluteTime *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg10;
    OSObject * sender= (OSObject *)((IOHIDCmdGateActionArgs *)args)->arg11;
    self->scrollWheelEventGated(deltaAxis1, deltaAxis2, deltaAxis3, fixedDelta1, fixedDelta2, fixedDelta3, pointDeltaAxis1, pointDeltaAxis2, pointDeltaAxis3, options, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::scrollWheelEventGated(short	deltaAxis1,
                                        short	deltaAxis2,
                                        short	deltaAxis3,
                                       IOFixed  fixedDelta1,
                                       IOFixed  fixedDelta2,
                                       IOFixed  fixedDelta3,
                                       SInt32   pointDeltaAxis1,
                                       SInt32   pointDeltaAxis2,
                                       SInt32   pointDeltaAxis3,
                                       UInt32   options,
                        /* atTime */   	AbsoluteTime ts,
                                        OSObject * sender)
    NXEventData wheelData;

    if ((deltaAxis1 == 0) && (deltaAxis2 == 0) && (deltaAxis3 == 0) && 
        (pointDeltaAxis1 == 0) && (pointDeltaAxis2 == 0) && (pointDeltaAxis3 == 0))

    if (!eventsOpen)

    bzero((char *)&wheelData, sizeof wheelData);
    wheelData.scrollWheel.deltaAxis1 = deltaAxis1;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.deltaAxis2 = deltaAxis2;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.deltaAxis3 = deltaAxis3;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.fixedDeltaAxis1 = fixedDelta1;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.fixedDeltaAxis2 = fixedDelta2;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.fixedDeltaAxis3 = fixedDelta3;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.pointDeltaAxis1 = pointDeltaAxis1;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.pointDeltaAxis2 = pointDeltaAxis2;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.pointDeltaAxis3 = pointDeltaAxis3;
    wheelData.scrollWheel.reserved1       = (UInt16)options;
    postEvent(             NX_SCROLLWHEELMOVED,
            /* at */       (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,
            /* atTime */   ts,
            /* withData */ &wheelData,
            /* sender */   sender);


void IOHIDSystem::_tabletEvent(IOHIDSystem *self,
                               NXEventData *tabletData,
                               AbsoluteTime ts,
                               OSObject * sender,
                               void *     refcon)
    self->tabletEvent(tabletData, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::tabletEvent(NXEventData *tabletData,
                              AbsoluteTime ts)
    tabletEvent(tabletData, ts, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::tabletEvent(NXEventData *tabletData,
                              AbsoluteTime ts,
                              OSObject * sender)
    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline))

    cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doTabletEvent, tabletData, &ts, sender);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doTabletEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0, void * arg1, void * arg2)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    NXEventData *tabletData 	= (NXEventData *) arg0;
    AbsoluteTime ts		= *(AbsoluteTime *) arg1;
    OSObject * sender		= (OSObject *) arg2;
    self->tabletEventGated(tabletData, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::tabletEventGated(NXEventData *tabletData,
                                    AbsoluteTime ts,
                                    OSObject * sender)
    CachedMouseEventStruct  *cachedMouseEvent;

    if ((cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender)) &&
        !(cachedMouseEvent->state & kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag))
        cachedMouseEvent->state     |= kCachedMouseTabletEventDispFlag;
        cachedMouseEvent->subType   = NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_POINT;
        bcopy( tabletData, &(cachedMouseEvent->tabletData), sizeof(NXEventData));
        // Don't dispatch an event if they can be embedded in pointing events
        if ( cachedMouseEvent->state & kCachedMousePointingEventDispFlag )
    if (eventsOpen) {
                  (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,


void IOHIDSystem::_proximityEvent(IOHIDSystem *self,
                                  NXEventData *proximityData,
                                  AbsoluteTime ts,
                                  OSObject * sender,
                                  void *     refcon)
    self->proximityEvent(proximityData, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::proximityEvent(NXEventData *proximityData,
                                 AbsoluteTime ts)

    proximityEvent(proximityData, ts, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::proximityEvent(NXEventData *proximityData,
                                 AbsoluteTime ts,
                                 OSObject * sender)
    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline))

    cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doProximityEvent, proximityData, &ts, sender);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doProximityEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0, void *arg1, void * arg2)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    NXEventData *proximityData	= (NXEventData *)arg0;
    AbsoluteTime ts		= *(AbsoluteTime *)arg1;
    OSObject * sender		= (OSObject *)arg2;
    self->proximityEventGated(proximityData, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::proximityEventGated(NXEventData *proximityData,
                                        AbsoluteTime ts,
                                        OSObject * sender)
    CachedMouseEventStruct  *cachedMouseEvent;
    if ((cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender)) &&
        !(cachedMouseEvent->state & kCachedMousePointingTabletEventPendFlag))
        cachedMouseEvent->state     |= kCachedMouseTabletEventDispFlag;
        cachedMouseEvent->subType   = NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_PROXIMITY;
        bcopy( proximityData, &(cachedMouseEvent->proximityData), sizeof(NXEventData));

    if (eventsOpen) {
                  (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,


void IOHIDSystem::doProcessKeyboardEQ(IOHIDSystem * self)

void IOHIDSystem::processKeyboardEQ(IOHIDSystem * self, AbsoluteTime * deadline)
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement;

	while ( ((keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)dequeue_head(&gKeyboardEQ)) != NULL)
            && !(deadline && (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&(keyboardEQElement->ts), deadline) > 0)))
        if (keyboardEQElement->action)
            (*(keyboardEQElement->action))(self, keyboardEQElement);

		IOFree(keyboardEQElement, sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));


// Process a keyboard state change.
void IOHIDSystem::_keyboardEvent(IOHIDSystem * self,
				unsigned   eventType,
         /* flags */            unsigned   flags,
         /* keyCode */          unsigned   key,
         /* charCode */         unsigned   charCode,
         /* charSet */          unsigned   charSet,
         /* originalCharCode */ unsigned   origCharCode,
         /* originalCharSet */  unsigned   origCharSet,
         /* keyboardType */ 	unsigned   keyboardType,
         /* repeat */           bool       repeat,
         /* atTime */           AbsoluteTime ts,
				OSObject * sender,
				void *     refcon)
	self->keyboardEvent(eventType, flags, key, charCode, charSet,
				origCharCode, origCharSet, keyboardType, repeat, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::keyboardEvent(unsigned   eventType,
         /* flags */            unsigned   flags,
         /* keyCode */          unsigned   key,
         /* charCode */         unsigned   charCode,
         /* charSet */          unsigned   charSet,
         /* originalCharCode */ unsigned   origCharCode,
         /* originalCharSet */  unsigned   origCharSet,
         /* keyboardType */ 	unsigned   keyboardType,
         /* repeat */           bool       repeat,
         /* atTime */           AbsoluteTime ts)
    keyboardEvent(eventType, flags, key, charCode, charSet,
				origCharCode, origCharSet, keyboardType, repeat, ts, 0);    

void IOHIDSystem::keyboardEvent(unsigned   eventType,
         /* flags */            unsigned   flags,
         /* keyCode */          unsigned   key,
         /* charCode */         unsigned   charCode,
         /* charSet */          unsigned   charSet,
         /* originalCharCode */ unsigned   origCharCode,
         /* originalCharSet */  unsigned   origCharSet,
         /* keyboardType */ 	unsigned   keyboardType,
         /* repeat */           bool       repeat,
         /* atTime */           AbsoluteTime ts,
         /* sender */		OSObject * sender)
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement   = NULL;
    UInt32              consumeCause        = ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline);
    if (consumeCause == kHIDConsumeCauseKeyLock)
    else if(consumeCause == kHIDConsumeCauseDeadline)
        if (consumedKeyCode != (unsigned)-1)
            if ((consumedKeyCode != key) && (eventType != NX_KEYUP))
                AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&stateChangeDeadline) = 0;
                displayState |= IOPMDeviceUsable;                
                goto KEYBOARD_EVENT_PROCESS;
            else if ((consumedKeyCode == key) && (eventType == NX_KEYUP))
                AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&stateChangeDeadline) = 0;
                displayState |= IOPMDeviceUsable;
                consumedKeyCode = (unsigned)-1;
        consumedKeyCode = key;
    consumedKeyCode = (unsigned)-1;

    if ( ! (displayState & IOPMDeviceUsable) ) {	// display is off, consume the keystroke
        if ( eventType == NX_KEYDOWN ) {

    keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)IOMalloc(sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));

    if ( !keyboardEQElement )
    bzero(keyboardEQElement, sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));
    keyboardEQElement->action   = IOHIDSystem::doKeyboardEvent;
    keyboardEQElement->ts       = ts;
    keyboardEQElement->sender   = sender;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.eventType     = eventType;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.flags         = flags;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.key           = key;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.charCode      = charCode;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.charSet       = charSet;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.origCharCode  = origCharCode;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.origCharSet   = origCharSet;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.keyboardType  = keyboardType;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.repeat        = repeat;
	enqueue_tail(&gKeyboardEQ, (queue_entry_t)keyboardEQElement);

    keyboardEQES->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doKeyboardEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * args)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)args;

    AbsoluteTime ts         = keyboardEQElement->ts;
    OSObject * sender		= keyboardEQElement->sender;
    unsigned   eventType	= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.eventType;
    unsigned   flags		= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.flags;
    unsigned   key          = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.key;
    unsigned   charCode		= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.charCode;
    unsigned   charSet		= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.charSet;
    unsigned   origCharCode	= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.origCharCode;
    unsigned   origCharSet	= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.origCharSet;
    unsigned   keyboardType	= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.keyboardType;
    bool       repeat		= keyboardEQElement->event.keyboard.repeat;
    self->keyboardEventGated(eventType, flags, key, charCode, charSet,
				origCharCode, origCharSet, keyboardType, repeat, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::keyboardEventGated(unsigned   eventType,
                                /* flags */            unsigned   flags,
                                /* keyCode */          unsigned   key,
                                /* charCode */         unsigned   charCode,
                                /* charSet */          unsigned   charSet,
                                /* originalCharCode */ unsigned   origCharCode,
                                /* originalCharSet */  unsigned   origCharSet,
                                /* keyboardType */ 	unsigned   keyboardType,
                                /* repeat */           bool       repeat,
                                /* atTime */           AbsoluteTime ts,
                                /* sender */           OSObject * sender)
    NXEventData	outData;
    outData.key.repeat = repeat;
	outData.key.keyCode = key;
	outData.key.charSet = charSet;
	outData.key.charCode = charCode;
	outData.key.origCharSet = origCharSet;
	outData.key.origCharCode = origCharCode;
	outData.key.keyboardType = keyboardType;

	if ( eventsOpen == false )

	evg->eventFlags = (evg->eventFlags & ~KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK)
			| (flags & KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK);
    if (cachedEventFlags != evg->eventFlags) {
        cachedEventFlags = evg->eventFlags;

        // RY: Reset the clickTime as well on modifier
        // change to prevent double click from occuring
        nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(0, &clickTime);
    // RY: trigger NMI for CMD-OPT-CTRL-ALT-ESC
    if( (key == 0x35) &&
        (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) &&
        (evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) && 
        (evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)   && 
        (evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK))
        PE_enter_debugger("USB Programmer Key");

	postEvent(             eventType,
		/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
		/* atTime */   ts,
		/* withData */ &outData,
        /* sender */   sender,
        /* extPID */   0,
        /* processKEQ*/false);


void IOHIDSystem::_keyboardSpecialEvent(  IOHIDSystem * self,
					  unsigned   eventType,
                       /* flags */     	  unsigned   flags,
                       /* keyCode  */  	  unsigned   key,
                       /* specialty */ 	  unsigned   flavor,
                       /* guid */         UInt64     guid,
                       /* repeat */       bool       repeat,
                       /* atTime */    	  AbsoluteTime ts,
					  OSObject * sender,
					  void *     refcon)
	self->keyboardSpecialEvent(eventType, flags, key, flavor, guid, repeat, ts, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::keyboardSpecialEvent(   unsigned   eventType,
                       /* flags */        unsigned   flags,
                       /* keyCode  */     unsigned   key,
                       /* specialty */    unsigned   flavor,
                       /* guid */         UInt64     guid,
                       /* repeat */       bool       repeat,
                       /* atTime */       AbsoluteTime ts)
    keyboardSpecialEvent(eventType, flags, key, flavor, guid, repeat, ts, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::keyboardSpecialEvent(   unsigned   eventType,
                       /* flags */        unsigned   flags,
                       /* keyCode  */     unsigned   key,
                       /* specialty */    unsigned   flavor,
                       /* guid */         UInt64     guid,
                       /* repeat */       bool       repeat,
                       /* atTime */       AbsoluteTime ts,
                       /* sender */       OSObject * sender)
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement = NULL;

    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline))

    keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)IOMalloc(sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));
    if ( !keyboardEQElement )
    bzero(keyboardEQElement, sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));
    keyboardEQElement->action   = IOHIDSystem::doKeyboardSpecialEvent;
    keyboardEQElement->ts       = ts;
    keyboardEQElement->sender   = sender;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.eventType  = eventType;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.flags      = flags;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.key        = key;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.flavor     = flavor;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.guid       = guid;
    keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.repeat     = repeat;
	enqueue_tail(&gKeyboardEQ, (queue_entry_t)keyboardEQElement);

    keyboardEQES->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doKeyboardSpecialEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * args)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)args;

    AbsoluteTime    ts          = keyboardEQElement->ts;
    OSObject *      sender      = keyboardEQElement->sender;

    unsigned        eventType   = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.eventType;
    unsigned        flags       = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.flags;
    unsigned        key         = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.key;
    unsigned        flavor      = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.flavor;
    UInt64          guid        = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.guid;
    bool            repeat      = keyboardEQElement->event.keyboardSpecial.repeat;
    self->keyboardSpecialEventGated(eventType, flags, key, flavor, guid, repeat, ts, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::keyboardSpecialEventGated(   
                                /* event */     unsigned   eventType,
                                /* flags */     unsigned   flags,
                                /* keyCode  */  unsigned   key,
                                /* specialty */ unsigned   flavor,
                                /* guid */      UInt64     guid,
                                /* repeat */    bool       repeat,
                                /* atTime */    AbsoluteTime ts,
                                /* sender */    OSObject * sender)
	NXEventData	outData;
	int		level = -1;

	// clear event record
	bzero( (void *)&outData, sizeof outData );
	// if no one is listening, then dont bother to do anything
	if ( eventsOpen == false )
	// Update flags.
	evg->eventFlags = (evg->eventFlags & ~KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK)
			| (flags & KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK);

	// was this a keydown event
	if ( eventType == NX_KEYDOWN )
        notifyHIDevices(this, ioHIDevices, kIOHIDSystem508SpecialKeyDownMessage);

		// which special key went down
		switch ( flavor )
				//	Special key handlers:
				//	Command = invoke macsbug
				//	Command+option = sleep now
				//	Command+option+control = shutdown now
				//	Control = logout dialog
				if(  (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) 	&&
					!(evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) 	&& 
					!(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)		&& 
					!(evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK)		)
					// Post a power key event, Classic should pick this up and
					// drop into MacsBug.
					outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_POWER_KEY;
					postEvent(	   NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);
				else if(   (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) 	&&
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) 	&& 
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)		&& 
						   (evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK)		)
					//IOLog( "IOHIDSystem -- sleep now!\n" );

					// Post the sleep now event. Someone else will handle the actual call.
					outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_SLEEP_EVENT;
					postEvent(	   NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);

				else if(   (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) 	&&
						   (evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) 	&& 
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)		&& 
						   (evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK)		)
					//IOLog( "IOHIDSystem -- shutdown now!\n" );

					// Post the shutdown now event. Someone else will handle the actual call.
					outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_SHUTDOWN_EVENT;
					postEvent(	   NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);

				else if(   (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) 	&&
						   (evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) 	&& 
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)		&& 
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK)		)
					// Restart now!
					//IOLog( "IOHIDSystem -- Restart now!\n" );
					// Post the Restart now event. Someone else will handle the actual call.
					outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_RESTART_EVENT;
					postEvent(	   NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);

				else if(  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) 	&&
						   (evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) 	&& 
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)		&& 
						  !(evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK)		)
					// Looks like we should put up the normal 'Power Key' dialog.
					// Set the event flags to zero, because the system will not do the right
					// thing if we don't zero this out (it will ignore the power key event
					// we post, thinking that some modifiers are down).
					evg->eventFlags = 0;
					// Post the power keydown event.
					outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_POWER_KEY;
					postEvent(	   NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);

					// After all that checking, no modifiers are down, so let's pump up a
					// system defined eject event. This way we can have anyone who's watching
					// for this event (aka LoginWindow) route this event to the right target
					// (aka AutoDiskMounter).
					//IOLog( "IOHIDSystem--Normal Eject action!\n" );

					// Post the eject keydown event.
					outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_EJECT_KEY;
					postEvent(	   NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);


			case NX_POWER_KEY:
                if(  (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) &&
                    !(evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) && 
                    !(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)   && 
                    !(evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK))
                    PE_enter_debugger("USB Programmer Key");
                else if( 
                     (evg->eventFlags & NX_COMMANDMASK) &&
                     (evg->eventFlags & NX_CONTROLMASK) && 
                    !(evg->eventFlags & NX_SHIFTMASK)   && 
                    !(evg->eventFlags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK))
				outData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_POWER_KEY;
				postEvent(         NX_SYSDEFINED,
					/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
					/* atTime */   ts,
					/* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);

#if 0	/* So far, nothing to do on keyup */
	else if ( eventType == NX_KEYUP )
		switch ( flavor )
			case NX_POWER_KEY:
	// if someone pases a sysdefined type in, then its ready to go already
	else if ( eventType == NX_SYSDEFINED )
		outData.compound.subType = flavor;
		postEvent(         NX_SYSDEFINED,
			/* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
			/* atTime */   ts,
			/* withData */ &outData,
            /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);

	// post keydowns and key ups if this flavor should be posted
	// note, we dont want to do this for events of type NX_SYSDEFINED
	// we probably _should_ just check for keydowns and keyups here
	// but the smallest change was to just make sure we didnt do this for
	// the new type, which is NX_SYSDEFINED (used for sticky keys feature)
	if ( eventType != NX_SYSDEFINED )
          if( (flags & SPECIALKEYS_MODIFIER_MASK)
            && (flavor == NX_POWER_KEY))
	    //Should modifier + POWER ever be dispatched?  Command-power
	    //  is used to get into debugger and MacsBug
            outData.compound.subType   = NX_SUBTYPE_AUX_CONTROL_BUTTONS;
            outData.compound.misc.S[0] = flavor;
            outData.compound.misc.C[2] = eventType;
            outData.compound.misc.C[3] = repeat;
            outData.compound.misc.L[1] = guid & 0xffffffff;
            outData.compound.misc.L[2] = guid >> 32;

            postEvent(             NX_SYSDEFINED,
                    /* at */       (Point *)&pointerLoc,
                    /* atTime */   ts,
                    /* withData */ &outData,
                    /* sender */   sender,
                    /* extPID */   0,
                    /* processKEQ*/false);


	if ( level != -1 )	// An interesting special key event occurred
		evSpecialKeyMsg(        flavor,
			/* direction */ eventType,
			/* flags */     flags,
			/* level */     level);

 * Update current event flags.  Restricted to keyboard flags only, this
 * method is used to silently update the flags state for keys which both
 * generate characters and flag changes.  The specs say we don't generate
 * a flags-changed event for such keys.  This method is also used to clear
 * the keyboard flags on a keyboard subsystem reset.
void IOHIDSystem::_updateEventFlags(IOHIDSystem * self, 
                                    unsigned      flags,
                                    OSObject *    sender,
                                    void *        refcon)
    self->updateEventFlags(flags, sender);

void IOHIDSystem::updateEventFlags(unsigned flags)
    updateEventFlags(flags, 0);

void IOHIDSystem::updateEventFlags(unsigned flags, OSObject * sender)
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)IOMalloc(sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));
    if ( !keyboardEQElement )
    bzero(keyboardEQElement, sizeof(KeyboardEQElement));
    keyboardEQElement->action = IOHIDSystem::doUpdateEventFlags;
    keyboardEQElement->sender = sender;
    keyboardEQElement->event.flagsChanged.flags = flags;
	enqueue_tail(&gKeyboardEQ, (queue_entry_t)keyboardEQElement);

    keyboardEQES->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doUpdateEventFlags(IOHIDSystem *self, void * args)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    KeyboardEQElement * keyboardEQElement = (KeyboardEQElement *)args;
    OSObject * sender   = keyboardEQElement->sender;
    unsigned   flags	= keyboardEQElement->event.flagsChanged.flags;
    self->updateEventFlagsGated(flags, sender);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

void IOHIDSystem::updateEventFlagsGated(unsigned flags, OSObject * sender)
	if ( eventsOpen ) {
	    evg->eventFlags = (evg->eventFlags & ~KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK)
			    | (flags & KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK);
            // RY: Reset the clickTime as well on modifier
            // change to prevent double click from occuring
            nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(0, &clickTime);

// - _setButtonState:(int)buttons  atTime:(int)t
//	Update the button state.  Generate button events as needed
void IOHIDSystem::_setButtonState(int buttons,
                                  /* atTime */ AbsoluteTime ts,
                                  OSObject * sender)

    // еее HACK ALERT еее
    // Chache the sent button state and or it with the other button states.
    // This will prevent awkward behavior when two pointing devices are used
    // at the same time.
    CachedMouseEventStruct *cachedMouseEvent = NULL;
    if ( cachedButtonStates )
        cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender);
        if (cachedMouseEvent)
            cachedMouseEvent->lastButtons = buttons;

        if(evg->buttons == buttons)
        buttons = GetCachedMouseButtonStates(cachedButtonStates);
    // еее END HACK еее

        // Once again check if new button state differs
	if(evg->buttons == buttons)

	// Magic uber-mouse buttons changed event so we can get all of the buttons...
        NXEventData evData;
        unsigned long hwButtons, hwDelta;
        /* I'd like to keep the event button mapping linear, so
            I have to "undo" the LB/RB mouse bit numbering funkiness
            before I pass the information down to the app. */
        /* Ideally this would all go away if we fixed EV_LB and EV_RB
            to be bits 0 and 1 */
        CONVERT_EV_TO_HW_BUTTONS(buttons, hwButtons);
        CONVERT_EV_TO_HW_DELTA((evg->buttons ^ buttons), hwDelta);

        evData.compound.reserved = 0;
        evData.compound.subType = NX_SUBTYPE_AUX_MOUSE_BUTTONS;
        evData.compound.misc.L[0] = hwDelta;
        evData.compound.misc.L[1] = hwButtons;
        postEvent(		NX_SYSDEFINED, 
            /* at */	(Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,
            /* atTime */	ts,
            /* withData */	&evData,
            /* sender */    sender);
	// End Magic uber-mouse buttons changed event
        bzero(&evData, sizeof(NXEventData));
        // RY: Roll in the tablet info we got from absolutePointerEventGated
        // into a button event.  Prior to this we were sending null data to
        // post event.  This won't be much different as the only non-zero
        // contents should be the tablet area of the event.
        if (cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender))
            evData.mouse.subType = cachedMouseEvent->subType;
            evData.mouse.subx = (cachedMouseEvent->pointerFraction.x >> 8) & 0xff;
            evData.mouse.suby = (cachedMouseEvent->pointerFraction.y >> 8) & 0xff;
            evData.mouse.pressure = cachedMouseEvent->lastPressure;
            if (cachedMouseEvent->subType == NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_POINT)
                bcopy(&(cachedMouseEvent->tabletData), &(evData.mouse.tablet.point), sizeof(NXTabletPointData));
            else if (cachedMouseEvent->subType == NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_PROXIMITY)
                bcopy(&(cachedMouseEvent->proximityData), &(evData.mouse.tablet.proximity), sizeof(NXTabletProximityData));        

	if ((evg->buttons & EV_LB) != (buttons & EV_LB))
	    if (buttons & EV_LB)
		postEvent(             NX_LMOUSEDOWN,
			/* at */       (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,
			/* atTime */   ts,
			/* withData */ &evData,
            /* sender */   sender);
		postEvent(             NX_LMOUSEUP,
			/* at */       (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,
			/* atTime */   ts,
			/* withData */ &evData,
            /* sender */   sender);
	    // After entering initial up/down event, set up
	    // coalescing state so drags will behave correctly
	    evg->dontCoalesce = evg->dontWantCoalesce;
	    if (evg->dontCoalesce)
		evg->eventFlags |= NX_NONCOALSESCEDMASK;
		evg->eventFlags &= ~NX_NONCOALSESCEDMASK;
	if ((evg->buttons & EV_RB) != (buttons & EV_RB)) {
	    if (buttons & EV_RB) {
		postEvent(             NX_RMOUSEDOWN,
			/* at */       (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,
			/* atTime */   ts,
			/* withData */ &evData,
            /* sender */   sender);
	    } else {
		postEvent(             NX_RMOUSEUP,
			/* at */       (Point *)&evg->cursorLoc,
			/* atTime */   ts,
			/* withData */ &evData,
            /* sender */   sender);

	evg->buttons = buttons;
//  Sets the cursor position (evg->cursorLoc) to the new
//  location.  The location is clipped against the cursor pin rectangle,
//  mouse moved/dragged events are generated using the given event mask,
//  and a mouse-exited event may be generated. The cursor image is
//  moved.
//  This should be run from a command gate action.
void IOHIDSystem::setCursorPosition(Point * newLoc, bool external, OSObject * sender)
	if ( eventsOpen == true )
            pointerDelta.x += (newLoc->x - pointerLoc.x);
            pointerDelta.y += (newLoc->y - pointerLoc.y);
	    pointerLoc = *newLoc;
	    _setCursorPosition(newLoc, external, false, sender);

// This mechanism is used to update the cursor position, possibly generating
// messages to registered frame buffer devices and posting drag, tracking, and
// mouse motion events.
// This should be run from a command gate action.
// This can be called from setCursorPosition:(Point *)newLoc to set the
// position by a _IOSetParameterFromIntArray() call, directly from the absolute or
// relative pointer device routines, or on a timed event callback.
void IOHIDSystem::_setCursorPosition(Point * newLoc, bool external, bool proximityChange, OSObject * sender)
        bool cursorMoved = true;
	if (!screens)
	if( ev_try_lock(&evg->cursorSema) == 0 ) // host using shmem
		needSetCursorPosition = true;	  // try again later
//		scheduleNextPeriodicEvent();

	// Past here we hold the cursorSema lock.  Make sure the lock is
	// cleared before returning or the system will be wedged.
	needSetCursorPosition = false;	  // We WILL succeed

        if (cursorCoupled || external)
            UInt32 newScreens = 0;
            SInt32 pinScreen = -1L;
            EvScreen *screen = (EvScreen *)evScreen;

            if (!cursorPinned) {
                /* Get mask of screens on which the cursor is present */
                for (int i = 0; i < screens; i++ ) {
                    if ((screen[i].instance) && PtInRect(newLoc, screen[i].bounds)) {
                        pinScreen = i;
                        newScreens |= (1 << i);

            if (newScreens == 0) {
                /* At this point cursor has gone off all screens,
                   just clip it to one of the previous screens. */
                newLoc->x = (newLoc->x < cursorPin.minx) ?
                    cursorPin.minx : ((newLoc->x > cursorPin.maxx) ?
                    cursorPin.maxx : newLoc->x);
                newLoc->y = (newLoc->y < cursorPin.miny) ?
                    cursorPin.miny : ((newLoc->y > cursorPin.maxy) ?
                    cursorPin.maxy : newLoc->y);
                /* regenerate mask for new position */
                for (int i = 0; i < screens; i++ ) {
                    if ((screen[i].instance) && PtInRect(newLoc, screen[i].bounds)) {
                        pinScreen = i;
                        newScreens |= (1 << i);
            pointerLoc = *newLoc;	// Sync up pointer with clipped cursor
            /* Catch the no-move case */
            if ((evg->cursorLoc.x == newLoc->x) && (evg->cursorLoc.y == newLoc->y)) {
                if ((proximityChange == 0) && (pointerDelta.x == 0) && (pointerDelta.y == 0)) {
                cursorMoved = false;	// mouse moved, but cursor didn't
            } else {
                evg->cursorLoc.x = newLoc->x;
                evg->cursorLoc.y = newLoc->y;
                /* If cursor changed screens */
                if (newScreens != cursorScreens) {
                    hideCursor();	/* hide cursor on old screens */
                    cursorScreens = newScreens;
                    cursorPin = *(((EvScreen*)evScreen)[pinScreen].bounds);
                    cursorPin.maxx--;	/* Make half-open rectangle */
                    cursorPinScreen = pinScreen;
                } else {
                    /* cursor moved on same screens */
        } else {
            /* cursor uncoupled */
            pointerLoc.x = evg->cursorLoc.x;
            pointerLoc.y = evg->cursorLoc.y;

        AbsoluteTime	ts;
	/* See if anybody wants the mouse moved or dragged events */
	// Note: extPostEvent clears evg->movedMask as a hack to prevent these events
	// so any change here should check to make sure it does not break that hack
	if (evg->movedMask) {
            if ((evg->movedMask&NX_LMOUSEDRAGGEDMASK)&&(evg->buttons& EV_LB)) {
                _postMouseMoveEvent(NX_LMOUSEDRAGGED, newLoc, ts, sender);
            } else if ((evg->movedMask&NX_RMOUSEDRAGGEDMASK) && (evg->buttons & EV_RB)) {
                _postMouseMoveEvent(NX_RMOUSEDRAGGED, newLoc, ts, sender);
            } else if (evg->movedMask & NX_MOUSEMOVEDMASK) {
                _postMouseMoveEvent(NX_MOUSEMOVED, newLoc, ts, sender);
	/* check new cursor position for leaving evg->mouseRect */
	if (cursorMoved && evg->mouseRectValid && (!PtInRect(newLoc, &evg->mouseRect)))
	    if (evg->mouseRectValid)
		postEvent(             NX_MOUSEEXITED,
			/* at */       newLoc,
			/* atTime */   ts,
			/* withData */ NULL,
            /* sender */   sender);
		evg->mouseRectValid = 0;

void IOHIDSystem::_postMouseMoveEvent(int          what,
                                     Point *       location,
                                     AbsoluteTime  ts,
                                     OSObject *    sender)
    NXEventData data;
    CachedMouseEventStruct *cachedMouseEvent = 0;

    bzero( &data, sizeof(data) );

    data.mouseMove.dx = pointerDelta.x;
    data.mouseMove.dy = pointerDelta.y;

    pointerDelta.x = 0;
    pointerDelta.y = 0;

    // RY: Roll in the tablet info we got from absolutePointerEventGated
    // into the mouseMove event.
    if (sender && (cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, sender)))
        data.mouseMove.subType = cachedMouseEvent->subType;
        data.mouseMove.subx = (cachedMouseEvent->pointerFraction.x >> 8) & 0xff;
        data.mouseMove.suby = (cachedMouseEvent->pointerFraction.y >> 8) & 0xff;
        data.mouseMove.reserved1 = cachedMouseEvent->lastPressure;

        if (cachedMouseEvent->subType == NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_PROXIMITY)
            bcopy(&(cachedMouseEvent->proximityData), &(data.mouseMove.tablet.proximity), sizeof(NXTabletProximityData));        
        else if (cachedMouseEvent->subType == NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_POINT)
            bcopy(&(cachedMouseEvent->tabletData), &(data.mouseMove.tablet.point), sizeof(NXTabletPointData));
    postEvent(what, location, ts, &data, sender);

 ** IOUserClient methods

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::newUserClient(task_t         owningTask,
                    /* withToken */ void *         security_id,
                    /* ofType */    UInt32         type,
                    /* client */    IOUserClient ** handler)
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doNewUserClient, 
                            &owningTask, security_id, &type, handler);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doNewUserClient(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0, void * arg1, 
                                        void * arg2, void * arg3)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    task_t         owningTask	= *(task_t *) arg0;
    void *         security_id	= arg1;
    UInt32         type 	= *(UInt32 *) arg2;
    IOUserClient ** handler 	= (IOUserClient **) arg3;
    return self->newUserClientGated(owningTask, security_id, type, handler);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::newUserClientGated(task_t    owningTask,
                    /* withToken */ void *         security_id,
                    /* ofType */    UInt32         type,
                    /* client */    IOUserClient ** handler)
    IOUserClient *	newConnect = 0;
    IOReturn		err = kIOReturnNoMemory;
    do {
       if( type == kIOHIDParamConnectType) {
            if( paramConnect) {
                newConnect = paramConnect;
            } else if( eventsOpen) {
                newConnect = new IOHIDParamUserClient;
            } else {
                err = kIOReturnNotOpen;

        } else if( type == kIOHIDServerConnectType) {
            newConnect = new IOHIDUserClient;
	} else
	    err = kIOReturnUnsupported;

        if( !newConnect)

        // initialization is getting out of hand

        if( (newConnect != paramConnect) && (
           (false == newConnect->init())
        || (false == newConnect->attach( this ))
        || (false == newConnect->start( this ))
        || ((type == kIOHIDServerConnectType)
                && (err = evOpen()))
        )) {
            newConnect->detach( this );
            newConnect = 0;
        if( type == kIOHIDParamConnectType)
            paramConnect = newConnect;
	err = kIOReturnSuccess;

    } while( false );

    *handler = newConnect;
    return err;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setEventsEnable(void*p1,void*,void*,void*,void*,void*)
{                                                                    // IOMethod
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doSetEventsEnable, p1);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doSetEventsEnable(IOHIDSystem *self, void *p1)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->setEventsEnableGated(p1);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setEventsEnableGated(void*p1)
    bool enable = (bool)p1;

    if( enable) {
    return( kIOReturnSuccess);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setCursorEnable(void*p1,void*,void*,void*,void*,void*)
{                                                                    // IOMethod
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doSetCursorEnable, p1);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doSetCursorEnable(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->setCursorEnableGated(arg0);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setCursorEnableGated(void* p1)
    bool 		enable = (bool)p1;
    IOReturn		err = kIOReturnSuccess;

    if ( eventsOpen == false )
        return kIOReturnNotOpen;

    if( 0 == screens)	// Should be at least 1!
        return kIOReturnNoDevice;

    if( enable) {
	if( cursorStarted) {
            cursorEnabled = resetCursor();
	} else
            cursorEnabled = startCursor();
    } else
        cursorEnabled = enable;

    cursorCoupled = cursorEnabled;
    return err;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extSetBounds( IOGBounds * bounds )
    if( bounds->minx != bounds->maxx) {
        cursorPin = *bounds;
        cursorPin.maxx--;	/* Make half-open rectangle */
        cursorPinned = true;
    } else
        cursorPinned = false;

    return( kIOReturnSuccess );

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extPostEvent(void*p1,void*p2,void*,void*,void*,void*)
{                                                                    // IOMethod    
    AbsoluteTime	ts;


    if(ShouldConsumeHIDEvent(ts, stateChangeDeadline, false))
        return kIOReturnSuccess;

    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doExtPostEvent, p1, p2, &ts);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doExtPostEvent(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->extPostEventGated(arg0, arg1, arg2);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extPostEventGated(void *p1,void *p2, void *p3)
    struct evioLLEvent * event      = (struct evioLLEvent *)p1;
    UInt32      count               = (UInt32) p2;
    bool        isMoveOrDragEvent 	= false;
    int         oldMovedMask		= 0;
    int         extPID              = (count > sizeof(evioLLEvent)) ? *(int *)((struct evioLLEvent *)(event + 1)) : 0;
    UInt32      buttonState         = 0;
    UInt32      newFlags            = 0;
    AbsoluteTime ts                 = *(AbsoluteTime *)p3;
    CachedMouseEventStruct *cachedMouseEvent;

    if ( eventsOpen == false )
            return kIOReturnNotOpen;

	// used in set cursor below
	if (EventCodeMask(event->type) & MOVEDEVENTMASK)
		isMoveOrDragEvent = true;

        // We have mouse move event without a specified pressure value and an embedded tablet event
        // We need to scale the tablet pressure to fit in mouseMove pressure
        if ((event->data.mouseMove.subType == NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_POINT) && (event->data.mouseMove.reserved1 == 0))
            event->data.mouseMove.reserved1 = ScalePressure(event->data.mouseMove.tablet.point.pressure);
    // We have mouse event without a specified pressure value and an embedded tablet event
    // We need to scale the tablet pressure to fit in mouse pressure
    else if ((EventCodeMask(event->type) & MOUSEEVENTMASK) && 
            (event->data.mouse.subType == NX_SUBTYPE_TABLET_POINT) && (event->data.mouse.pressure == 0))
        event->data.mouse.pressure = ScalePressure(event->data.mouse.tablet.point.pressure);
    if( event->setCursor)
            // hack: clear evg->movedMask so setCursorPosition will not post
            // mouse moved events if this event is itself a mouse move event
            // this will prevent double events
            if (isMoveOrDragEvent)
                    oldMovedMask = evg->movedMask;
                    evg->movedMask = 0;

            if (( event->type == NX_MOUSEMOVED ) &&
                ( event->setCursor & kIOHIDSetRelativeCursorPosition ))
                pointerLoc.x += event->data.mouseMove.dx;
                pointerLoc.y += event->data.mouseMove.dy;
                pointerDelta.x += event->data.mouseMove.dx;
                pointerDelta.y += event->data.mouseMove.dy;

                _setCursorPosition(&pointerLoc, false);
            else if ( event->setCursor & kIOHIDSetCursorPosition )
                setCursorPosition(&event->location, false);
            // other side of hack
            if (isMoveOrDragEvent)
                    evg->movedMask = oldMovedMask;
    // RY: This event is not moving the cursor, but we should
    // still determine if we need to click the location
        UInt32 newScreens = 0;
        EvScreen *screen = (EvScreen *)evScreen;

        if (!cursorPinned) {
            /* Get mask of screens on which the cursor is present */
            for (int i = 0; i < screens; i++ ) {
                if ((screen[i].instance) && PtInRect(&event->location, screen[i].bounds)) {
                    newScreens |= (1 << i);
        if (newScreens == 0)
            /* At this point cursor has gone off all screens,
                    just clip it to one of the previous screens. */
            event->location.x = (event->location.x < cursorPin.minx) ?
                cursorPin.minx : ((event->location.x > cursorPin.maxx) ?
                cursorPin.maxx : event->location.x);
            event->location.y = (event->location.y < cursorPin.miny) ?
                cursorPin.miny : ((event->location.y > cursorPin.maxy) ?
                cursorPin.maxy : event->location.y);

        ((event->type == NX_SYSDEFINED) && (event->data.compound.subType == NX_SUBTYPE_AUX_MOUSE_BUTTONS)))
        if (cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, 0))
            buttonState = cachedMouseEvent->lastButtons;
            switch ( event->type )
                case NX_LMOUSEDOWN:
                    buttonState |= EV_LB;
                case NX_RMOUSEDOWN:
                    buttonState |= EV_RB;
                case NX_LMOUSEUP:
                    buttonState &= ~EV_LB;
                case NX_RMOUSEUP:
                    buttonState &= ~EV_RB;
                case NX_SYSDEFINED:
                    CONVERT_HW_TO_WV_BUTTONS(event->data.compound.misc.L[1], buttonState);
            cachedMouseEvent->lastButtons = buttonState;

            evg->buttons = GetCachedMouseButtonStates(cachedButtonStates);

    if( event->setFlags & kIOHIDSetGlobalEventFlags)
        newFlags = evg->eventFlags = (evg->eventFlags & ~KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK)
                        | (event->flags & KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK);
    if ( event->setFlags & kIOHIDPostHIDManagerEvent )
            (_hidPointingDevice || (_hidPointingDevice = IOHIDPointingDevice::newPointingDeviceAndStart(this, 8, 400, true, 2))))
            SInt32  dx = 0;
            SInt32  dy = 0;
            SInt32  wheel = 0;
            buttonState = 0;
            if (EventCodeMask(event->type) & MOVEDEVENTMASK)
                dx = event->data.mouseMove.dx;
                dy = event->data.mouseMove.dy;
            else if ( event->type == NX_SCROLLWHEELMOVED )
                wheel = event->data.scrollWheel.deltaAxis1; 
            // Button state should have already been taken care of by above.
            if (cachedMouseEvent = GetCachedMouseEventForService(cachedButtonStates, 0))
                CONVERT_EV_TO_HW_BUTTONS((cachedMouseEvent->lastButtons), buttonState);
            _hidPointingDevice->postMouseEvent(buttonState, dx, dy, wheel);

        if ((EventCodeMask(event->type) & (NX_KEYDOWNMASK | NX_KEYUPMASK | NX_FLAGSCHANGEDMASK)) &&
            (_hidKeyboardDevice || (_hidKeyboardDevice = IOHIDKeyboardDevice::newKeyboardDeviceAndStart(this, 1))))
            _hidKeyboardDevice->postFlagKeyboardEvent(newFlags & KEYBOARD_FLAGSMASK);

            if ((event->type != NX_FLAGSCHANGED) && (event->data.key.repeat == 0))
                _hidKeyboardDevice->postKeyboardEvent(event->data.key.keyCode, (event->type == NX_KEYDOWN));

    postEvent(             event->type,
            /* at */       &event->location,
            /* atTime */   ts,
            /* withData */ &event->data,
            /* sender */   0,
            /* extPID */   extPID);

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extSetMouseLocation(void*p1,void*,void*,void*,void*,void*)
{                                                                    // IOMethod 
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doExtSetMouseLocation, p1);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doExtSetMouseLocation(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->extSetMouseLocationGated(arg0);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extSetMouseLocationGated(void *p1)
    Point * loc = (Point *)p1;

    setCursorPosition(loc, true);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extGetButtonEventNum(void*p1,void*p2,void*,void*,void*,void*)
{                                                                   // IOMethod
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doExtGetButtonEventNum, p1, p2);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doExtGetButtonEventNum(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0, void * arg1)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    return self->extGetButtonEventNumGated(arg0, arg1);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::extGetButtonEventNumGated(void *p1, void* p2)
    NXMouseButton button   = (NXMouseButton)(int)p1;
    int *         eventNum = (int *)p2;
    IOReturn      err      = kIOReturnSuccess;

    switch( button) {
	case NX_LeftButton:
            *eventNum = leftENum;
	case NX_RightButton:
            *eventNum = rightENum;
	    err = kIOReturnBadArgument;

    return err;

void IOHIDSystem::makeNumberParamProperty( OSDictionary * dict, const char * key,
                            unsigned long long number, unsigned int bits )
    OSNumber *	numberRef;
    numberRef = OSNumber::withNumber(number, bits);
    if( numberRef) {
        dict->setObject( key, numberRef);

void IOHIDSystem::makeInt32ArrayParamProperty( OSDictionary * dict, const char * key,
                            UInt32 * intArray, unsigned int count )
    OSArray *	array;
    OSNumber *	number;

    array = OSArray::withCapacity(count);
    if ( !array )
    for (unsigned i=0; i<count; i++)
        number = OSNumber::withNumber(intArray[i], sizeof(UInt32) << 3);
        if (number)
    dict->setObject( key, array);

void IOHIDSystem::createParameters( void )
    UInt64	nano;
    IOFixed	fixed;
    UInt32	int32;

    nano = EV_DCLICKTIME;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDClickTimeKey,
                nano, 64 );

    UInt32	tempClickSpace[] = {clickSpaceThresh.x, clickSpaceThresh.y};
    makeInt32ArrayParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDClickSpaceKey,
                tempClickSpace, sizeof(tempClickSpace)/sizeof(UInt32) );

    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDKeyRepeatKey,
                nano, 64 );
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDInitialKeyRepeatKey,
                nano, 64 );

    fixed = 0x8000;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDPointerAccelerationKey,
                fixed, sizeof(fixed) << 3);

    fixed = 0x5000;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDScrollAccelerationKey,
                fixed, sizeof(fixed) << 3);
    fixed = kIOHIDButtonMode_EnableRightClick;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDPointerButtonMode,
                fixed, sizeof(fixed) << 3);
    // set eject delay property initially to 250 ms
    int32 = 250;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDF12EjectDelayKey,
                int32, 32 );
    // set slow keys delay property
    int32 = 0;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDSlowKeysDelayKey,
                int32, 32 );
	// set disabled property
	int32 = 0; // not disabled
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDStickyKeysDisabledKey,
                int32, 32 );
	// set on/off property
	int32 = 0; // off
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDStickyKeysOnKey,
                int32, 32 );

	// set shift toggles property
	int32 = 0; // off, shift does not toggle
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDStickyKeysShiftTogglesKey,
                int32, 32 );
	// set option toggles property
	int32 = 0; // off, option does not toggle
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDMouseKeysOptionTogglesKey,
                int32, 32 );

    int32 = 0;
    makeNumberParamProperty( savedParameters, kIOHIDFKeyModeKey,
                            int32, 32 );

    setProperty( kIOHIDParametersKey, savedParameters );

    // RY: Set up idleTimeSerializer.  This should generate the
    // current idle time when requested.
    OSSerializer * idleTimeSerializer = OSSerializer::forTarget(this, IOHIDSystem::_idleTimeSerializerCallback);
    if (idleTimeSerializer)
        setProperty( kIOHIDIdleTimeKey, idleTimeSerializer);

bool IOHIDSystem::_idleTimeSerializerCallback(void * target, void * ref, OSSerialize *s)
    IOHIDSystem *   self = (IOHIDSystem *) target;
    AbsoluteTime	currentTime;
    OSNumber *      number;
    UInt64          idleTimeNano = 0;
    bool            retValue = false;

    if( self->eventsOpen ) 
        clock_get_uptime( &currentTime);
        SUB_ABSOLUTETIME( &currentTime, &(self->lastUndimEvent));
        absolutetime_to_nanoseconds( currentTime, &idleTimeNano);

    if (number = OSNumber::withNumber(idleTimeNano, 64))
        retValue = number->serialize( s );
    return retValue;

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setProperties( OSObject * properties )
    OSDictionary *	dict;
    IOReturn		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    IOReturn		ret;

    dict = OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary, properties );
    if( dict)
        ret = setParamProperties( dict );
	err = kIOReturnBadArgument;

    return( err );

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setParamProperties( OSDictionary * dict )
    return cmdGate->runAction((IOCommandGate::Action)doSetParamProperties, dict);    

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::doSetParamProperties(IOHIDSystem *self, void * arg0)
                        /* IOCommandGate::Action */
    OSDictionary * dict = (OSDictionary *)arg0;
    return self->setParamPropertiesGated(dict);

IOReturn IOHIDSystem::setParamPropertiesGated( OSDictionary * dict )
    OSIterator *	iter;
    IOService *     eventSrc;
    OSArray *		array;
    OSNumber *		number;
    IOReturn		ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
    IOReturn		err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    // check for null
    if (dict == NULL)
        return kIOReturnError;
    if( (number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, dict->getObject(kIOHIDUseKeyswitchKey))))
        gUseKeyswitch = number->unsigned32BitValue();
    if( (number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, dict->getObject(kIOHIDClickTimeKey))))
        UInt64	nano = number->unsigned64BitValue();
        nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(nano, &clickTimeThresh);
    if( (array = OSDynamicCast( OSArray,
		dict->getObject(kIOHIDClickSpaceKey)))) {
        if ((number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber,
            clickSpaceThresh.x = number->unsigned32BitValue();
        if ((number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber,
            clickSpaceThresh.y = number->unsigned32BitValue();

    if( (number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, dict->getObject(kIOHIDWaitCursorFrameIntervalKey))))
        clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(number->unsigned32BitValue(), kNanosecondScale,

    if( (number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, dict->getObject(kIOHIDStickyKeysOnKey)))) {
        if (number->unsigned32BitValue())
            stickyKeysState |= (1 << 0);
            stickyKeysState &= ~(1 << 0);


    if( (number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber, dict->getObject(kIOHIDStickyKeysShiftTogglesKey)))) {
        if (number->unsigned32BitValue())
            stickyKeysState |= (1 << 1);
            stickyKeysState &= ~(1 << 1);

    // update connected input devices
    iter = getOpenProviderIterator();
    if( iter) {
        while( (eventSrc = (IOService *) iter->getNextObject())) {
            if ( OSDynamicCast( IOHIDevice, eventSrc ) )
                ret = ((IOHIDevice *)eventSrc)->setParamProperties( dict );
            else if ( OSDynamicCast( IOHIDEventService, eventSrc ) )
                ret = ((IOHIDEventService *)eventSrc)->setSystemProperties( dict );
            if( (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) && (ret != kIOReturnBadArgument))
                err = ret;

    // save all params for new devices
    OSDictionary * newParams = OSDictionary::withDictionary( savedParameters );
    if( newParams) {
        newParams->merge( dict );
        setProperty( kIOHIDParametersKey, newParams );
        savedParameters = newParams;
    // Send anevent notification that the properties changed.
    struct evioLLEvent		event;
    AbsoluteTime 		ts;
    // clear event record
    bzero( (void *)&event, sizeof event); = NX_SUBTYPE_HIDPARAMETER_MODIFIED;
    postEvent(NX_SYSDEFINED, &(event.location), ts, &(;

    return err;