IONDRVLibraries.h   [plain text]


#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <IOKit/ndrvsupport/IOMacOSTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/graphics/IOGraphicsTypes.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* NameRegistry error codes */
enum {
    nrLockedErr				= -2536,
    nrNotEnoughMemoryErr		= -2537,
    nrInvalidNodeErr			= -2538,
    nrNotFoundErr			= -2539,
    nrNotCreatedErr			= -2540,
    nrNameErr				= -2541,
    nrNotSlotDeviceErr			= -2542,
    nrDataTruncatedErr			= -2543,
    nrPowerErr				= -2544,
    nrPowerSwitchAbortErr		= -2545,
    nrTypeMismatchErr			= -2546,
    nrNotModifiedErr			= -2547,
    nrOverrunErr			= -2548,
    nrResultCodeBase			= -2549,
    nrPathNotFound			= -2550,    /* a path component lookup failed */
    nrPathBufferTooSmall		= -2551,    /* buffer for path is too small */
    nrInvalidEntryIterationOp		= -2552,    /* invalid entry iteration operation */
    nrPropertyAlreadyExists		= -2553,    /* property already exists */
    nrIterationDone			= -2554,    /* iteration operation is done */
    nrExitedIteratorScope		= -2555,    /* outer scope of iterator was exited */
    nrTransactionAborted		= -2556,        /* transaction was aborted */

    gestaltUndefSelectorErr		= -5551 /*undefined selector was passed to Gestalt*/

enum {
    kNVRAMProperty        		= 0x00000020L,            // matches NR

#ifndef __IONDRV__

enum {
    kIONDRVOpenCommand                = 128 + 0,
    kIONDRVCloseCommand               = 128 + 1,
    kIONDRVReadCommand                = 128 + 2,
    kIONDRVWriteCommand               = 128 + 3,
    kIONDRVControlCommand             = 128 + 4,
    kIONDRVStatusCommand              = 128 + 5,
    kIONDRVKillIOCommand              = 128 + 6,
    kIONDRVInitializeCommand          = 128 + 7,		/* init driver and device*/
    kIONDRVFinalizeCommand            = 128 + 8,		/* shutdown driver and device*/
    kIONDRVReplaceCommand             = 128 + 9,		/* replace an old driver*/
    kIONDRVSupersededCommand          = 128 + 10		/* prepare to be replaced by a new driver*/
enum {
    kIONDRVSynchronousIOCommandKind   = 0x00000001,
    kIONDRVAsynchronousIOCommandKind  = 0x00000002,
    kIONDRVImmediateIOCommandKind     = 0x00000004

struct RegEntryID
    void * opaque[4];
typedef struct RegEntryID RegEntryID;

struct IONDRVControlParameters {
    UInt8	__reservedA[0x1a];
    UInt16	code;
    void *	params;
    UInt8	__reservedB[0x12];
struct CntrlParam {
    UInt8	__reservedA[0x1a];
    short	csCode;
    short	csParam[11];
typedef struct CntrlParam CntrlParam;
#endif /* __IONDRV__ */

typedef RegEntryID *                    RegEntryIDPtr;

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#ifndef __IONDRV__
IOReturn _IONDRVLibrariesInitialize( void * provider );
IOReturn _IONDRVLibrariesFinalize( void * provider );
#endif /* __IONDRV__ */

#ifndef kAAPLRegEntryIDKey
#define kAAPLRegEntryIDKey	"AAPL,RegEntryID"

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

UInt32 EndianSwap32Bit( UInt32 data );

UInt16 EndianSwap16Bit( UInt16 data );

void SynchronizeIO(void);

OSErr ExpMgrConfigReadLong(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   configAddr,
  UInt32 *         valuePtr);

OSErr ExpMgrConfigWriteLong(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   configAddr,
  UInt32           value);

OSErr ExpMgrConfigReadWord(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   configAddr,
  UInt16 *         valuePtr);

OSErr ExpMgrConfigWriteWord(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   configAddr,
  UInt16           value);

OSErr ExpMgrConfigReadByte(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   configAddr,
  UInt8 *          valuePtr);

OSErr ExpMgrConfigWriteByte(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   configAddr,
  UInt8            value);

OSErr ExpMgrIOReadLong(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   ioAddr,
  UInt32 *         valuePtr);

OSErr ExpMgrIOWriteLong(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   ioAddr,
  UInt32           value);

OSErr ExpMgrIOReadWord(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   ioAddr,
  UInt16 *         valuePtr);

OSErr ExpMgrIOWriteWord(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   ioAddr,
  UInt16           value);

OSErr ExpMgrIOReadByte(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   ioAddr,
  UInt8 *          valuePtr);

OSErr ExpMgrIOWriteByte(
  RegEntryIDPtr    node,
  LogicalAddress   ioAddr,
  UInt8            value);

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
 * Foundation Types
/* Value of a property */
typedef void *                          RegPropertyValue;
/* Length of property value */
typedef UInt32                          RegPropertyValueSize;


 * Root Entry Name Definitions  (Applies to all Names in the RootNameSpace)
 *  + Names are a colon-separated list of name components.  Name components
 *    may not themselves contain colons.  
 *  + Names are presented as null-terminated ASCII character strings.
 *  + Names follow similar parsing rules to Apple file system absolute
 *    and relative paths.  However the '::' parent directory syntax is
 *    not currently supported.
/* Max length of Entry Name */
enum {
  kRegCStrMaxEntryNameLength    = 47

/* Entry Names are single byte ASCII */
typedef char                            RegCStrEntryName;
typedef char *                          RegCStrEntryNamePtr;
/* length of RegCStrEntryNameBuf =  kRegCStrMaxEntryNameLength+1*/
typedef char                            RegCStrEntryNameBuf[48];
typedef char                            RegCStrPathName;
typedef UInt32                          RegPathNameSize;
enum {
  kRegPathNameSeparator         = ':',  /* 0x3A */
  kRegEntryNameTerminator       = 0x00, /* '\0' */
  kRegPathNameTerminator        = 0x00  /* '\0' */

 * Property Name and ID Definitions
 *  (Applies to all Properties Regardless of NameSpace)
enum {
  kRegMaximumPropertyNameLength = 31,   /* Max length of Property Name */
  kRegPropertyNameTerminator    = 0x00  /* '\0' */

typedef char                            RegPropertyNameBuf[32];
typedef char                            RegPropertyName;
typedef char *                          RegPropertyNamePtr;
enum {
  kRegMaxPropertyNameLength     = kRegMaximumPropertyNameLength

 * Iteration Operations
 *  These specify direction when traversing the name relationships
typedef UInt32                          RegIterationOp;
typedef RegIterationOp                  RegEntryIterationOp;
enum {
                                        /* Absolute locations*/
  kRegIterRoot                  = 0x00000002, /* "Upward" Relationships */
  kRegIterParents               = 0x00000003, /* include all  parent(s) of entry */
                                        /* "Downward" Relationships*/
  kRegIterChildren              = 0x00000004, /* include all children */
  kRegIterSubTrees              = 0x00000005, /* include all sub trees of entry */
  kRegIterDescendants           = 0x00000005, /* include all descendants of entry */
                                        /* "Horizontal" Relationships */
  kRegIterSibling               = 0x00000006, /* include all siblings */
                                        /* Keep doing the same thing*/
  kRegIterContinue              = 0x00000001

 * Name Entry and Property Modifiers
 * Modifiers describe special characteristics of names
 * and properties.  Modifiers might be supported for
 * some names and not others.
 * Device Drivers should not rely on functionality
 * specified as a modifier.
typedef UInt32                          RegModifiers;
typedef RegModifiers                    RegEntryModifiers;
typedef RegModifiers                    RegPropertyModifiers;
enum {
  kRegNoModifiers               = 0x00000000, /* no entry modifiers in place */
  kRegUniversalModifierMask     = 0x0000FFFF, /* mods to all entries */
  kRegNameSpaceModifierMask     = 0x00FF0000, /* mods to all entries within namespace */
  kRegModifierMask              = (long)0xFF000000 /* mods to just this entry */

/* Universal Property Modifiers */
enum {
  kRegPropertyValueIsSavedToNVRAM = 0x00000020, /* property is non-volatile (saved in NVRAM) */
  kRegPropertyValueIsSavedToDisk = 0x00000040 /* property is non-volatile (saved on disk) */

typedef long Size;

#ifndef __IONDRV__
typedef struct _RegEntryIter * RegEntryIter;
typedef struct _RegPropertyIter * RegPropertyIter;
typedef class IORegistryIterator * RegEntryIter;
typedef class OSIterator * RegPropertyIter;
#endif /* __IONDRV__ */

OSStatus RegistryEntryIDCopy( const RegEntryID * entryID, RegEntryID * to );

OSStatus RegistryEntryIDInit( RegEntryID * entryID );

Boolean RegistryEntryIDCompare( const RegEntryID * id1, const RegEntryID * id2);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyGetSize(
  const RegEntryID *       entryID,
  const RegPropertyName *  propertyName,
  RegPropertyValueSize *   propertySize);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyGet(
  const RegEntryID *       entryID,
  const RegPropertyName *  propertyName,
  void *                   propertyValue,
  RegPropertyValueSize *   propertySize);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyCreate(
  const RegEntryID *       entryID,
  const RegPropertyName *  propertyName,
  const void *             propertyValue,
  RegPropertyValueSize     propertySize);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyDelete(
  const RegEntryID *       entryID,
  const RegPropertyName *  propertyName);

OSStatus RegistryPropertySet(
  const RegEntryID *       entryID,
  const RegPropertyName *  propertyName,
  const void *             propertyValue,
  RegPropertyValueSize     propertySize);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyGetMod(
  const RegEntryID *       entry,
  const RegPropertyName *  name,
  RegPropertyModifiers *   modifiers);

OSStatus RegistryPropertySetMod(
  const RegEntryID *       entry,
  const RegPropertyName *  name,
  RegPropertyModifiers     modifiers);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyIterateCreate(
  const RegEntryID *  entry,
  RegPropertyIter *   cookie);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyIterateDispose( RegPropertyIter * cookie);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyIterate(
  RegPropertyIter *  cookie,
  RegPropertyName *  foundProperty,
  Boolean *          done);

OSStatus RegistryEntryIterateCreate( RegEntryIter * cookie);

OSStatus RegistryEntryIterateDispose( RegEntryIter * cookie);

OSStatus RegistryEntryIterateSet( RegEntryIter * cookie,
				    const RegEntryID * startEntryID);

OSStatus RegistryEntryIterate( RegEntryIter *	cookie,
			RegEntryIterationOp	relationship,
			RegEntryID * 	foundEntry,
			Boolean *	done);

OSStatus RegistryCStrEntryToName( const RegEntryID *	entryID,
			    RegEntryID *		parentEntry,
			    RegCStrEntryName *		nameComponent,
			    Boolean *			done );

OSStatus RegistryCStrEntryLookup(  const RegEntryID *	parentEntry,
			    const RegCStrPathName *	path,
			    RegEntryID *		newEntry);

OSStatus RegistryCStrEntryCreate(  const RegEntryID *	parentEntry,
			    const RegCStrPathName *  	name,
			    RegEntryID *		newEntry);

OSStatus RegistryEntryDelete(const RegEntryID * entryID);

OSStatus RegistryEntryIDDispose(RegEntryID * entryID);


OSStatus RegistryEntryCopy(
  RegEntryID *  parentEntryID,
  RegEntryID *  sourceDevice,
  RegEntryID *  destDevice);

OSStatus RegistryEntrySearch(
  RegEntryIter *           cookie,
  RegEntryIterationOp      relationship,
  RegEntryID *             foundEntry,
  Boolean *                done,
  const RegPropertyName *  propertyName,
  const void *             propertyValue,
  RegPropertyValueSize     propertySize);

OSStatus RegistryEntryToPathSize(
  const RegEntryID *  entryID,
  RegPathNameSize *   pathSize);

OSStatus RegistryCStrEntryToPath(
  const RegEntryID *  entryID,
  RegCStrPathName *   pathName,
  RegPathNameSize     pathSize);

OSStatus RegistryPropertyRename(
  const RegEntryID *       entry,
  const RegPropertyName *  oldName,
  const RegPropertyName *  newName);

OSStatus RegistryEntryGetMod(
  const RegEntryID *   entry,
  RegEntryModifiers *  modifiers);

OSStatus RegistryEntrySetMod(
  const RegEntryID *  entry,
  RegEntryModifiers   modifiers);

OSStatus RegistryEntryMod(
  RegEntryIter *        cookie,
  RegEntryIterationOp   relationship,
  RegEntryID *          foundEntry,
  Boolean *             done,
  RegEntryModifiers     matchingModifiers);

OSStatus RegistryEntryPropertyMod(
  RegEntryIter *         cookie,
  RegEntryIterationOp    relationship,
  RegEntryID *           foundEntry,
  Boolean *              done,
  RegPropertyModifiers   matchingModifiers);

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

void SynchronizeIO(void);

Boolean CompareAndSwap(
  UInt32    oldVvalue,
  UInt32    newValue,
  UInt32 *  OldValueAdr);

UInt32 CStrLen(const char * src);

char * CStrCopy( char * dst, const char * src);

SInt16 CStrCmp(
  const char *  s1,
  const char *  s2);

char * CStrCat(
  char *        dst,
  const char *  src);
char * CStrNCopy(
  char *        dst,
  const char *  src,
  UInt32        max);
SInt16 CStrNCmp(
  const char *  s1,
  const char *  s2,
  UInt32        max);
char * CStrNCat(
  char *        dst,
  const char *  src,
  UInt32        max);

void BlockCopy(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  void *        destPtr,
  Size          byteCount);
void BlockMove(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  void *        destPtr,
  Size          byteCount);
void BlockMoveData(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  void *        destPtr,
  Size          byteCount);
void BlockMoveDataUncached(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  void *        destPtr,
  Size          byteCount);
void BlockMoveUncached(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  void *        destPtr,
  Size          byteCount);
void BlockZero(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  Size          byteCount);
void BlockZeroUncached(
  const void *  srcPtr,
  Size          byteCount);

char * PStrCopy( char *to, const char *from );

void PStrToCStr( char *to, const char *from );

void CStrToPStr( char *to, const char *from );

LogicalAddress PoolAllocateResident(ByteCount byteSize, Boolean clear);

OSStatus PoolDeallocate( LogicalAddress address );

UInt32	CurrentExecutionLevel(void);

UnsignedWide UpTime( void );

UnsignedWide AddAbsoluteToAbsolute(UnsignedWide left, UnsignedWide right);

UnsignedWide SubAbsoluteFromAbsolute(UnsignedWide left, UnsignedWide right);

UnsignedWide DurationToAbsolute( Duration theDuration);

UnsignedWide AddDurationToAbsolute( Duration duration, UnsignedWide absolute );

UnsignedWide NanosecondsToAbsolute ( UnsignedWide theNanoseconds);

UnsignedWide AbsoluteToNanoseconds( UnsignedWide absolute );

Duration AbsoluteDeltaToDuration( UnsignedWide left, UnsignedWide right );

Duration AbsoluteToDuration( UnsignedWide result );

OSStatus DelayForHardware( UnsignedWide time );

OSStatus DelayUntil( UnsignedWide time );

OSStatus DelayFor( Duration theDuration );

void SysDebugStr( const char * from );

void SysDebug( void );

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

enum {
  paramErr                      = -50,  /*error in user parameter list*/
  noHardwareErr                 = -200, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  notEnoughHardwareErr          = -201, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  userCanceledErr               = -128,
  qErr                          = -1,   /*queue element not found during deletion*/
  vTypErr                       = -2,   /*invalid queue element*/
  corErr                        = -3,   /*core routine number out of range*/
  unimpErr                      = -4,   /*unimplemented core routine*/
  SlpTypeErr                    = -5,   /*invalid queue element*/
  seNoDB                        = -8,   /*no debugger installed to handle debugger command*/
  controlErr                    = -17,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  statusErr                     = -18,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  readErr                       = -19,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  writErr                       = -20,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  badUnitErr                    = -21,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  unitEmptyErr                  = -22,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  openErr                       = -23,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  closErr                       = -24,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  dRemovErr                     = -25,  /*tried to remove an open driver*/
  dInstErr                      = -26,   /*DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources*/

  badCksmErr                    = -69,  /*addr mark checksum didn't check*/
enum {
  durationMicrosecond           = -1L,  /* Microseconds are negative*/
  durationMillisecond           = 1L,   /* Milliseconds are positive*/
  durationSecond                = 1000L, /* 1000 * durationMillisecond*/
  durationMinute                = 60000L, /* 60 * durationSecond,*/
  durationHour                  = 3600000L, /* 60 * durationMinute,*/
  durationDay                   = 86400000L, /* 24 * durationHour,*/
  durationNoWait                = 0L,   /* don't block*/
  durationForever               = 0x7FFFFFFF /* no time limit*/
#ifndef NULL
    #if !defined(__cplusplus) && (defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_C))
        /* Symantec C compilers (but not C++) want NULL and nil to be (void*)0  */
        #define NULL ((void *) 0)
        /* in case int is 16-bits, make sure NULL is 32-bits */
        #define NULL 0L

#ifndef nil
    #define nil NULL

typedef ResType VSLGestaltType;
typedef ResType InterruptServiceType;
typedef struct ColorSpec                ColorSpec;
typedef ColorSpec *                     ColorSpecPtr;
typedef ColorSpec                       CSpecArray[1];
struct ColorTable {
  long                ctSeed;                 /*unique identifier for table*/
  short               ctFlags;                /*high bit: 0 = PixMap; 1 = device*/
  short               ctSize;                 /*number of entries in CTTable*/
  CSpecArray          ctTable;                /*array [0..0] of ColorSpec*/
typedef struct ColorTable               ColorTable;
typedef ColorTable *                    CTabPtr;

enum {
  clutType                      = 0,    /*0 if lookup table*/
  fixedType                     = 1,    /*1 if fixed table*/
  directType                    = 2,    /*2 if direct values*/
  RGBDirect                     = 16   /* 16 & 32 bits/pixel pixelType value */
typedef UInt32 *                        UInt32Ptr;

enum {
  kHardwareCursorInfoMajorVersion = 0x0001,
  kHardwareCursorInfoMinorVersion = 0x0000
struct HardwareCursorDescriptorRec {
  UInt16              majorVersion;
  UInt16              minorVersion;
  UInt32              height;
  UInt32              width;
  UInt32              bitDepth;
  UInt32              maskBitDepth;
  UInt32              numColors;
  UInt32Ptr           colorEncodings;
  UInt32              flags;
  UInt32              supportedSpecialEncodings;
  UInt32              specialEncodings[16];
typedef struct HardwareCursorDescriptorRec HardwareCursorDescriptorRec;
typedef struct IOHardwareCursorDescriptor HardwareCursorDescriptorRec;
typedef HardwareCursorDescriptorRec *   HardwareCursorDescriptorPtr;

struct HardwareCursorInfoRec {
  UInt16              majorVersion;           /* Test tool should check for kHardwareCursorInfoMajorVersion1*/
  UInt16              minorVersion;           /* Test tool should check for kHardwareCursorInfoMinorVersion1*/
  UInt32              cursorHeight;
  UInt32              cursorWidth;
  CTabPtr	      colorMap;               /* nil or big enough for hardware's max colors*/
  Ptr                 hardwareCursor;
  UInt16              cursorHotSpotX;
  UInt16              cursorHotSpotY;
  UInt32              reserved[5];            /* Test tool should check for 0s*/
typedef struct HardwareCursorInfoRec    HardwareCursorInfoRec;
typedef struct IOHardwareCursorInfo HardwareCursorInfoRec;
typedef HardwareCursorInfoRec *         HardwareCursorInfoPtr;

typedef ResType                         InterruptServiceType;
#ifndef __IONDRV__
typedef UInt32                          InterruptServiceIDType;
typedef struct _VSLService *		InterruptServiceIDType;
#endif /* __IONDRV__ */
typedef InterruptServiceIDType *        InterruptServiceIDPtr;

enum {
  kVBLInterruptServiceType      = 'vbl ',
  kHBLInterruptServiceType      = 'hbl ',
  kFrameInterruptServiceType    = 'fram',
  kConnectInterruptServiceType  = 'dci ', /* Renamed -- Use kFBCheckInterruptServiceType*/
  kFBConnectInterruptServiceType = kConnectInterruptServiceType, /* Demand to check configuration (Hardware unchanged)*/
  kFBChangedInterruptServiceType = 'chng', /* Demand to rebuild (Hardware has reinitialized on dependent change)*/
  kFBOfflineInterruptServiceType = 'remv', /* Demand to remove framebuffer (Hardware not available on dependent change -- but must not buserror)*/
  kFBOnlineInterruptServiceType = 'add ' /* Notice that hardware is available (after being removed)*/

enum {
    kVSLClamshellStateGestaltType = 'clam',

VSLGestalt( VSLGestaltType selector, UInt32 * response );

VSLSetDisplayConfiguration(RegEntryID * entryID,
					char *	propertyName,
					void *	configData,
					long	configDataSize);
  RegEntryID *            serviceDevice,
  InterruptServiceType    serviceType,
  InterruptServiceIDPtr   serviceID);

  InterruptServiceIDType   serviceID,
  Duration                 timeout);

VSLDisposeInterruptService(InterruptServiceIDType serviceID);

VSLDoInterruptService(InterruptServiceIDType serviceID);

  void *                        cursorRef,
  HardwareCursorDescriptorPtr   hardwareDescriptor,
  HardwareCursorInfoPtr         hwCursorInfo);

typedef UnsignedWide Nanoseconds;
enum {
                                        /* Version Release Stage Codes */
  developStage                  = 0x20,
  alphaStage                    = 0x40,
  betaStage                     = 0x60,
  finalStage                    = 0x80

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

typedef struct OpaqueIOCommandID*       IOCommandID;
typedef SInt16	DriverRefNum;

typedef UInt32 IOCommandKind;
typedef UInt32 IOCommandCode;

#ifndef __IONDRV__
enum {
	kSynchronousIOCommandKind	= 0x00000001,
	kAsynchronousIOCommandKind	= 0x00000002,
	kImmediateIOCommandKind		= 0x00000004
enum {
	kOpenCommand		= 0,
	kCloseCommand		= 1,
	kReadCommand		= 2,
	kWriteCommand		= 3,
	kControlCommand		= 4,
	kStatusCommand		= 5,
	kKillIOCommand		= 6,
	kInitializeCommand	= 7,		// init driver and device
	kFinalizeCommand	= 8,		// shutdown driver and device
	kReplaceCommand		= 9,		// replace an old driver
	kSupersededCommand	= 10,		// prepare to be replaced by a new driver
	kSuspendCommand		= 11,		// prepare driver to go to sleep
	kResumeCommand		= 12		// wake up sleeping driver

struct DriverInitInfo {
	DriverRefNum	refNum;
	RegEntryID		deviceEntry;
typedef struct DriverInitInfo DriverInitInfo; 
#endif /* __IONDRV__ */

typedef DriverInitInfo *			DriverInitInfoPtr;
typedef DriverInitInfo				DriverReplaceInfo;
typedef DriverInitInfo *			DriverReplaceInfoPtr;

struct DriverFinalInfo {
	DriverRefNum	refNum;
	RegEntryID	deviceEntry;
typedef struct DriverFinalInfo DriverFinalInfo; 
typedef DriverFinalInfo *			DriverFinalInfoPtr;
typedef DriverFinalInfo				DriverSupersededInfo;
typedef DriverFinalInfo *			DriverSupersededInfoPtr;

// Contents are command specific
union ParamBlockRec;
typedef union ParamBlockRec ParamBlockRec;
typedef ParamBlockRec *ParmBlkPtr;

union IOCommandContents {
	ParmBlkPtr				pb;
	DriverInitInfoPtr		initialInfo;
	DriverFinalInfoPtr		finalInfo;
	DriverReplaceInfoPtr	replaceInfo;
	DriverSupersededInfoPtr	supersededInfo;
typedef union IOCommandContents IOCommandContents; 

OSErr IOCommandIsComplete( IOCommandID commandID, OSErr result);

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#ifndef __IONDRV__
typedef struct OpaqueInterruptSetID*    InterruptSetID;
typedef class IONDRVInterruptSet *      InterruptSetID;
#endif /* __IONDRV__ */

typedef long                            InterruptMemberNumber;
struct InterruptSetMember {
  InterruptSetID      setID;
  InterruptMemberNumber  member;
typedef struct InterruptSetMember       InterruptSetMember;
enum {
  kISTChipInterruptSource       = 0,
  kISTOutputDMAInterruptSource  = 1,
  kISTInputDMAInterruptSource   = 2,
  kISTPropertyMemberCount       = 3

typedef InterruptSetMember              ISTProperty[3];
#define kISTPropertyName    "driver-ist" 

typedef long                            InterruptReturnValue;
enum {
  kFirstMemberNumber            = 1,
  kIsrIsComplete                = 0,
  kIsrIsNotComplete             = -1,
  kMemberNumberParent           = -2

typedef Boolean                         InterruptSourceState;
enum {
  kSourceWasEnabled             = true,
  kSourceWasDisabled            = false

typedef InterruptMemberNumber	(*InterruptHandler) (InterruptSetMember ISTmember, void *refCon, UInt32 theIntCount);
typedef void			(*InterruptEnabler) (InterruptSetMember ISTmember, void *refCon);
typedef InterruptSourceState	(*InterruptDisabler)(InterruptSetMember ISTmember, void *refCon);

enum {
  kReturnToParentWhenComplete   = 0x00000001,
  kReturnToParentWhenNotComplete = 0x00000002

typedef OptionBits	InterruptSetOptions;

OSStatus GetInterruptFunctions(
  InterruptSetID          setID,
  InterruptMemberNumber   member,
  void **                 refCon,
  InterruptHandler *      handlerFunction,
  InterruptEnabler *      enableFunction,
  InterruptDisabler *     disableFunction);

OSStatus InstallInterruptFunctions(
  InterruptSetID          setID,
  InterruptMemberNumber   member,
  void *                  refCon,
  InterruptHandler        handlerFunction,
  InterruptEnabler        enableFunction,
  InterruptDisabler       disableFunction);

OSStatus CreateInterruptSet(
  InterruptSetID          parentSet,
  InterruptMemberNumber   parentMember,
  InterruptMemberNumber   setSize,
  InterruptSetID *        setID,
  InterruptSetOptions     options);

OSStatus DeleteInterruptSet( InterruptSetID setID );

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __IONDRVLIBRARIES__ */