SBP2DiskLogger.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').	You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License."

g++ -W -Wall -I/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Kernel.framework/PrivateHeaders -DPRIVATE -D__APPLE_PRIVATE -O -arch ppc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -o SBP2DiskLogger SBP2DiskLogger.cpp

//	Includes

#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libutil.h>

#include <mach/clock_types.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>

#include <IOKit/sbp2/IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransportTimestamps.h>
#include <IOKit/sbp2/IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransportDebugging.h>

#define DEBUG 			0

//	Structures

typedef struct SCSITaskLogEntry
	TAILQ_ENTRY(SCSITaskLogEntry)	chain;
	unsigned int					taskID;
	uint8_t							cdb[16];
	uint8_t							senseKey;
	uint8_t							ASC;
	uint8_t							ASCQ;
} SCSITaskLogEntry;

typedef struct FireWireDevice
	TAILQ_ENTRY(FireWireDevice)		chain;
	unsigned int					obj;
	uint64_t						GUID;
} FireWireDevice;

//	Constants

	kGUIDCode								= FW_TRACE ( kGUID ),
	kLoginRequestCode						= FW_TRACE ( kLoginRequest ),
	kLoginCompletionCode					= FW_TRACE ( kLoginCompletion ),
	kLoginLostCode							= FW_TRACE ( kLoginLost ),
	kLoginResumedCode						= FW_TRACE ( kLoginResumed ),
	kSendSCSICommandCode1					= FW_TRACE ( kSendSCSICommand1 ),
	kSendSCSICommandCode2					= FW_TRACE ( kSendSCSICommand2 ),
	kSCSICommandSenseDataCode				= FW_TRACE ( kSCSICommandSenseData ),
	kCompleteSCSICommandCode				= FW_TRACE ( kCompleteSCSICommand ),
	kSubmitOrbCode							= FW_TRACE ( kSubmitOrb ),
	kStatusNotifyCode						= FW_TRACE ( kStatusNotify ),
	kFetchAgentResetCode					= FW_TRACE ( kFetchAgentReset ),
	kFetchAgentResetCompleteCode			= FW_TRACE ( kFetchAgentResetComplete ),
	kLogicalUnitResetCode					= FW_TRACE ( kLogicalUnitReset ),
	kLogicalUnitResetCompleteCode			= FW_TRACE ( kLogicalUnitResetComplete )

#define kTraceBufferSampleSize			60000
#define kMicrosecondsPerSecond			1000000
#define kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond		1000

//	Globals

int					gBiasSeconds		= 0;
int					gNumCPUs			= 1;
double				gDivisor 			= 0.0;		/* Trace divisor converts to microseconds */
kd_buf *			gTraceBuffer		= NULL;
boolean_t			gTraceEnabled 		= FALSE;
boolean_t			gSetRemoveFlag		= TRUE;
boolean_t			gVerbose			= FALSE;
boolean_t			gEnableTraceOnly 	= FALSE;
const char *		gProgramName		= NULL;
uint32_t			gPrintfMask			= 0;
uint32_t			gSavedFWDebugMask	= 0;

TAILQ_HEAD(SCSITaskLogEntryHead, SCSITaskLogEntry) gListHead	= TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(gListHead);
TAILQ_HEAD(FireWireDeviceHead, FireWireDevice) gDeviceListHead	= TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(gDeviceListHead);

//	Prototypes

static void
EnableTraceBuffer ( int val );

static void
CollectTrace ( void );

static void
SignalHandler ( int signal );

static void
GetDivisor ( void );

static void
RegisterSignalHandlers ( void );

static void
AllocateTraceBuffer ( void );

static void
RemoveTraceBuffer ( void );

static void
SetTraceBufferSize ( int nbufs );

static void
Quit ( const char * s );

static void
InitializeTraceBuffer ( void );

static void
ParseArguments ( int argc, const char * argv[] );

static void
PrintUsage ( void );

static FireWireDevice *
MapObjectToDevice ( unsigned int obj );

static uint64_t
MapObjectToGUID ( unsigned int obj );

static void
LoadFireWireExtension ( void );

static void
ResetDebugFlags ( void );

//	Main

main ( int argc, const char * argv[] )
	FWSysctlArgs	fwArgs;
	int				error;
	gProgramName = argv[0];
	if ( geteuid ( ) != 0 )
		fprintf ( stderr, "'%s' must be run as root...\n", gProgramName );
		exit ( 1 );
	if ( reexec_to_match_kernel() )
		fprintf( stderr, "Could not re-execute to match kernel architecture. (Error %d)\n", errno );
		exit( 1 );
	// Get program arguments.
	ParseArguments ( argc, argv );
	bzero ( &fwArgs, sizeof ( fwArgs ) );
	fwArgs.type 		= kFWTypeDebug;
	fwArgs.operation 	= kFWOperationGetFlags;
	error = sysctlbyname ( FWSBP_SYSCTL, NULL, NULL, &fwArgs, sizeof ( fwArgs ) );
	if ( error != 0 )
		LoadFireWireExtension ( );
		error = sysctlbyname ( FWSBP_SYSCTL, NULL, NULL, &fwArgs, sizeof ( fwArgs ) );
		if ( error != 0 )
			fprintf ( stderr, "sysctlbyname failed to get old fw debug flags second time\n" );
	gSavedFWDebugMask = fwArgs.debugFlags;	
	fwArgs.type 		= kFWTypeDebug;
	fwArgs.operation 	= kFWOperationSetFlags;
	fwArgs.debugFlags 	= fwArgs.debugFlags | kSBP2DiskEnableTracePointsMask;
	error = sysctlbyname ( FWSBP_SYSCTL, NULL, NULL, &fwArgs, sizeof ( fwArgs ) );
	if ( error != 0 )
		fprintf ( stderr, "sysctlbyname failed to set new fw debug flags\n" );
	printf ( "gSavedFWDebugMask = 0x%08X\n", gSavedFWDebugMask );
	printf ( "gPrintfMask = 0x%08X\n", gPrintfMask );
	printf ( "gVerbose = %s\n", gVerbose == TRUE ? "True" : "False" );
	fflush ( stdout );
	// Set up signal handlers.
	RegisterSignalHandlers ( );	
	// Allocate trace buffer.
	AllocateTraceBuffer ( );
	// Remove the trace buffer.
	RemoveTraceBuffer ( );
	// Set the new trace buffer size.
	SetTraceBufferSize ( kTraceBufferSampleSize );
	// Initialize the trace buffer.
	InitializeTraceBuffer ( );
	// Enable the trace buffer.
	EnableTraceBuffer ( 1 );
	// Get the clock divisor.
	GetDivisor ( );
	// Does the user only want the trace points enabled and no logging?
	if ( gEnableTraceOnly == FALSE )
		printf ( "SBP2DiskLogger v1.0\n" );
		// No, they want logging. Start main loop.
		while ( 1 )
			usleep ( 20 * kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond );
			CollectTrace ( );
	return 0;

//	PrintUsage

static void
PrintUsage ( void )
	printf ( "\n" );
	printf ( "Usage: %s [--help] [--enable] [--disable] [--all] [--verbose]\n", gProgramName );
	printf ( "\n" );
	exit ( 0 );

//	ParseArguments

static void
ParseArguments ( int argc, const char * argv[] )
	int 					c;
	struct option 			long_options[] =
		{ "all",			no_argument,	0, 'a' },
		{ "enable",			no_argument,	0, 'e' },
		{ "disable",		no_argument,	0, 'd' },
		{ "verbose",		no_argument,	0, 'v' },
		{ "help",			no_argument,	0, 'h' },
		{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
	// If no args specified, enable firewire sbp2 driver logging only...
	if ( argc == 1 )
		gVerbose = TRUE;
    while ( ( c = getopt_long ( argc, ( char * const * ) argv , "aedvh?", long_options, NULL  ) ) != -1 )
		switch ( c )
			case 'a':
				gPrintfMask = ~0;
			case 'e':
				gEnableTraceOnly = TRUE;
			case 'd':
				gSavedFWDebugMask	= 0;
				gSetRemoveFlag 		= FALSE;
				Quit ( "Quit via user-specified trace disable\n" );
			case 'v':
				gVerbose = TRUE;
			case 'h':
				PrintUsage ( );

//	RegisterSignalHandlers

static void
RegisterSignalHandlers ( void )
	signal ( SIGINT, SignalHandler );
	signal ( SIGQUIT, SignalHandler );
	signal ( SIGHUP, SignalHandler );
	signal ( SIGTERM, SignalHandler );

//	AllocateTraceBuffer

static void
AllocateTraceBuffer ( void )
	size_t	len;
	int		mib[3];
	// grab the number of cpus
	mib[0] = CTL_HW;
	mib[1] = HW_NCPU;
	mib[2] = 0;
	len = sizeof ( gNumCPUs );
	sysctl ( mib, 2, &gNumCPUs, &len, NULL, 0 );
	gTraceBuffer = ( kd_buf * ) malloc ( gNumCPUs * kTraceBufferSampleSize * sizeof ( kd_buf ) );
	if ( gTraceBuffer == NULL )
		Quit ( "Can't allocate memory for tracing info\n" );

//	SignalHandler

static void
SignalHandler ( int signal )

#pragma unused ( signal )
	EnableTraceBuffer ( 0 );
	RemoveTraceBuffer ( );
	ResetDebugFlags ( );
	exit ( 0 );

//	EnableTraceBuffer

static void
EnableTraceBuffer ( int val ) 
	int 		mib[6];
	size_t 		needed;
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDENABLE;		/* protocol */
	mib[3] = val;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDENABLE\n" );
	if ( val )
		gTraceEnabled = TRUE;
		gTraceEnabled = FALSE;

//	SetTraceBufferSize

static void
SetTraceBufferSize ( int nbufs ) 
	int 		mib[6];
	size_t 		needed;

	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDSETBUF;
	mib[3] = nbufs;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 4, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETBUF\n" );

	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDSETUP;		
	mib[3] = 0;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 3, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETUP\n" );

//	GetTraceBufferInfo

static void
GetTraceBufferInfo ( kbufinfo_t * val )
	int 		mib[6];
	size_t 		needed;

	needed = sizeof ( *val );
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDGETBUF;		
	mib[3] = 0;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 3, val, &needed, 0, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDGETBUF\n" );

//	RemoveTraceBuffer

static void
RemoveTraceBuffer ( void ) 
	int 		mib[6];
	size_t 		needed;
	errno = 0;
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDREMOVE;		/* protocol */
	mib[3] = 0;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 3, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		gSetRemoveFlag = FALSE;
		if ( errno == EBUSY )
			Quit ( "The trace facility is currently in use...\n    fs_usage, sc_usage, and latency use this feature.\n\n" );
			Quit ( "Trace facility failure, KERN_KDREMOVE\n" );

//	InitializeTraceBuffer

static void
InitializeTraceBuffer ( void ) 

	int 		mib[6];
	size_t 		needed;
	kd_regtype	kr;
	kr.type 	= KDBG_RANGETYPE;
	kr.value1 	= 0;
	kr.value2	= -1;
	needed = sizeof ( kd_regtype );
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDSETREG;		
	mib[3] = 0;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 3, &kr, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETREG\n" );
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDSETUP;		
	mib[3] = 0;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;					/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 3, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDSETUP\n" );

//	CollectTrace

static void
CollectTrace ( void )
	int				mib[6];
	int 			index;
	int				count;
	size_t 			needed;
	kbufinfo_t 		bufinfo = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	/* Get kernel buffer information */
	GetTraceBufferInfo ( &bufinfo );
	needed = bufinfo.nkdbufs * sizeof ( kd_buf );
	mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
	mib[1] = KERN_KDEBUG;
	mib[2] = KERN_KDREADTR;		
	mib[3] = 0;
	mib[4] = 0;
	mib[5] = 0;		/* no flags */
	if ( sysctl ( mib, 3, gTraceBuffer, &needed, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
		Quit ( "trace facility failure, KERN_KDREADTR\n" );
	count = needed;
	if ( bufinfo.flags & KDBG_WRAPPED )
		EnableTraceBuffer ( 0 );
		EnableTraceBuffer ( 1 );
	for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
		int 				debugID;
		int 				type;
		uint64_t 			now;
		int64_t 			usecs;
		int 				secs;
		time_t 				currentTime;
		debugID = gTraceBuffer[index].debugid;
		type	= debugID & ~(DBG_FUNC_START | DBG_FUNC_END);
		now = gTraceBuffer[index].timestamp & KDBG_TIMESTAMP_MASK;
		if ( index == 0 )
			 * Compute bias seconds after each trace buffer read.
			 * This helps resync timestamps with the system clock
			 * in the event of a system sleep.
			usecs = ( int64_t )( now / gDivisor );
			secs = usecs / kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
			currentTime = time ( NULL );
			gBiasSeconds = currentTime - secs;
		switch ( type )
			case kSendSCSICommandCode1:
				SCSITaskLogEntry *	entry = NULL;
				// If this isn't asked for, don't do any work.
				if ( gVerbose == FALSE )
				entry = ( SCSITaskLogEntry * ) malloc ( sizeof ( SCSITaskLogEntry ) );
				TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( &gListHead, entry, chain );
				// Initialize the fields.
				bzero ( entry->cdb, sizeof ( entry->cdb ) );
				entry->senseKey = 0;
				entry->ASC		= 0;
				entry->ASCQ		= 0;
				entry->taskID = gTraceBuffer[index].arg2;
				entry->cdb[0] = gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[1] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >>  8 ) & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[2] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[3] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >> 24 ) & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[4] = gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[5] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >>  8 ) & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[6] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
				entry->cdb[7] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >> 24 ) & 0xFF;

			case kSendSCSICommandCode2:
				// If this isn't asked for, don't do any work.
				if ( gVerbose == FALSE )
				if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY ( &gListHead ) )
					SCSITaskLogEntry *	entry = NULL;
					entry = TAILQ_FIRST ( &gListHead );
					while ( entry != NULL )
						if ( entry->taskID == gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 )
							entry->cdb[ 8] = gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[ 9] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >>  8 ) & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[10] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[11] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >> 24 ) & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[12] = gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[13] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >>  8 ) & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[14] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
							entry->cdb[15] = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >> 24 ) & 0xFF;
							printf ( "%-8.8s FireWire Send SCSI Command, Request[0x%08X]: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",
								&( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ),
								entry->cdb[ 0], entry->cdb[ 1], entry->cdb[ 2], entry->cdb[ 3],
								entry->cdb[ 4], entry->cdb[ 5], entry->cdb[ 6], entry->cdb[ 7],
								entry->cdb[ 8], entry->cdb[ 9], entry->cdb[10], entry->cdb[11],
								entry->cdb[12], entry->cdb[13], entry->cdb[14], entry->cdb[15] );
						entry = TAILQ_NEXT ( entry, chain );

			case kSCSICommandSenseDataCode:

				if ( gVerbose == FALSE )
				if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY ( &gListHead ) )
					SCSITaskLogEntry *	entry = NULL;
					entry = TAILQ_FIRST ( &gListHead );
					while ( entry != NULL )
						if ( entry->taskID == gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 )
							entry->senseKey = gTraceBuffer[index].arg3;
							entry->ASC = ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
							entry->ASCQ = gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 & 0xFF;
						entry = TAILQ_NEXT ( entry, chain );
			case kCompleteSCSICommandCode:
				if ( gVerbose == FALSE )
				if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY ( &gListHead ) )
					SCSITaskLogEntry *	entry = NULL;
					entry = TAILQ_FIRST ( &gListHead );
					while ( entry != NULL )
						if ( entry->taskID == gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 )
							printf ( "%-8.8s FireWire SCSI Response[0x%08X]: serviceResponse = %d, taskStatus = %d, senseKey = 0x%02X, ASC = 0x%02X, ASCQ = 0x%02X\n",
									 &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ), ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2, ( int ) (gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 >> 8) & 0xFF, ( int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 & 0xFF, entry->senseKey, entry->ASC, entry->ASCQ );
							TAILQ_REMOVE ( &gListHead, entry, chain );
							free ( entry );
						entry = TAILQ_NEXT ( entry, chain );
			case kGUIDCode:
				uint64_t			GUID 	= 0;
				FireWireDevice *	device	= NULL;
				GUID = gTraceBuffer[index].arg2;
				GUID = ( GUID << 32 ) | gTraceBuffer[index].arg3;
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				if ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 == 0 )
					printf ( "[GUID %qd]: FireWire SBP2 Device appeared, obj = 0x%08X\n", GUID, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1 );
					device = ( FireWireDevice * ) malloc ( sizeof ( FireWireDevice ) );
					if ( device != NULL )
						device->obj 	= gTraceBuffer[index].arg1;
						device->GUID	= GUID;
						TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL ( &gDeviceListHead, device, chain );
					printf ( "[GUID %qd]: FireWire SBP2 Device removed, obj = 0x%08X\n", GUID, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1 );
					if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY ( &gDeviceListHead ) )
						FireWireDevice *	device = NULL;
						device = MapObjectToDevice ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg1 );
						if ( device != NULL )
							TAILQ_REMOVE ( &gDeviceListHead, device, chain );
							free ( device );
			case kLoginRequestCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Login Request, obj = 0x%08X, state = %d, count = %d\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2, ( int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 );

			case kLoginCompletionCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
                // We only have a valid SBP2 login params block who's values we can display if the login completed successfully. 
                if ( gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 == 0 )
                    printf ( "FireWire Login Completion, obj = 0x%08X, status = 0x%08X, details = 0x%02X, sbpStatus = 0x%02X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg3, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg4 );
                    printf ( "FireWire Login Completion, obj = 0x%08X, status = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 );
			case kLoginLostCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Login Lost, obj = 0x%08X, state = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 );

			case kLoginResumedCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Login Resumed, obj = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1 );

			case kSubmitOrbCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Submit ORB, obj = 0x%08X, ORB = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 );

			case kStatusNotifyCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Status Notify, obj = 0x%08X, ORB = 0x%08X, notificationEvent = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 );

			case kFetchAgentResetCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Reset Fetch Agent, obj = 0x%08X, ORB = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 );

			case kFetchAgentResetCompleteCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Fetch Agent Reset Complete, obj = 0x%08X, ORB = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 );

			case kLogicalUnitResetCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Logical Unit Reset, obj = 0x%08X, ORB = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2 );

			case kLogicalUnitResetCompleteCode:
				printf ( "%-8.8s ", &( ctime ( &currentTime )[11] ) );
				printf ( "FireWire Logical Unit Reset Complete, obj = 0x%08X, ORB = 0x%08X, status = 0x%08X\n", ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg1, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg2, ( unsigned int ) gTraceBuffer[index].arg3 );

	fflush ( 0 );

//	MapObjectToDevice

static FireWireDevice *
MapObjectToDevice ( unsigned int obj )
	FireWireDevice *	device = NULL;
	if ( !TAILQ_EMPTY ( &gDeviceListHead ) )
		device = TAILQ_FIRST ( &gDeviceListHead );
		while ( device != NULL )
			if ( device->obj == obj )
				return device;
	return NULL;

//	MapObjectToGUID

static uint64_t
MapObjectToGUID ( unsigned int obj )
	uint64_t			GUID 	= 0;
	FireWireDevice *	device 	= NULL;
	device = MapObjectToDevice ( obj );
	GUID = device->GUID;
	return GUID;

//	LoadFireWireExtension

static void
LoadFireWireExtension ( void )
	posix_spawn_file_actions_t	fileActions;
	const char * const          argv[]	= { "/sbin/kextload", "/System/Library/Extensions/IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransport.kext", NULL };
    char * const                env[]	= { NULL };
	pid_t                       child	= 0;
	union wait                  status;
	posix_spawn_file_actions_init ( &fileActions );
	posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose ( &fileActions, STDOUT_FILENO );
	posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose ( &fileActions, STDERR_FILENO );
	posix_spawn ( &child, "/sbin/kextload", &fileActions, NULL, ( char * const * ) argv, env );
	if ( !( ( wait4 ( child, ( int * ) &status, 0, NULL ) == child ) && ( WIFEXITED ( status ) ) ) )
		printf ( "Error loading FW extension\n" );
	posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy ( &fileActions );

//	Quit

static void
Quit ( const char * s )
	if ( gTraceEnabled == TRUE )
		EnableTraceBuffer ( 0 );
	if ( gSetRemoveFlag == TRUE )
		RemoveTraceBuffer ( );
	ResetDebugFlags ( );
	fprintf ( stderr, "%s: ", gProgramName );
	if ( s != NULL )
		fprintf ( stderr, "%s", s );
	fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
	exit ( 1 );

//	ResetDebugFlags

static void
ResetDebugFlags ( void )
	FWSysctlArgs	fwArgs;
	int				error;	
	fwArgs.type 		= kFWTypeDebug;
	fwArgs.operation	= kFWOperationSetFlags;
	fwArgs.debugFlags 	= gSavedFWDebugMask;
	error = sysctlbyname ( FWSBP_SYSCTL, NULL, NULL, &fwArgs, sizeof ( fwArgs ) );

//	GetDivisor

static void
GetDivisor ( void )
	struct mach_timebase_info	mti;
	mach_timebase_info ( &mti );
	gDivisor = ( ( double ) mti.denom / ( double ) mti.numer) * 1000;