IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>

#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
#include "FWDebugging.h"

#include <IOKit/sbp2/IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor.h>
#include <IOKit/sbp2/IOFireWireSBP2ORB.h>

#define kMinPacketSize 16
#define kLowestPacketLimit 256


// IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange
// this class keeps track of physical ranges

// The algorithm needs to keep track of a series of physical segments.  This
// is accomplished by keeping a series of IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange instances in
// an OSArray.  The OSArray gives us the ability to dynamically insert and
// remove from the set of segments.  
// Each IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange instance keeps track of the segment's physical
// address and length, along with the data's original descriptor and offset
// and potentially a second buffer's address for double buffered segments.
// The class supplies methods to aid in the creation and destruction of buffers
// and the syncronization of the buffer with the original data.

class IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange : public OSObject

	IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor * parentDesc;


	void * 						buffer;
	IOMemoryDescriptor *	memory;
	IOPhysicalAddress		address;
    IOByteCount				length;
	IOByteCount				offset;
	virtual void initWithParent( IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor * desc );
	virtual void markForBuffering( void );
	virtual IOReturn allocateBuffer( IODirection direction );
	virtual IOReturn syncBufferForInput( void );
	virtual IOReturn syncBufferForOutput( void );

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange, OSObject)

// initWithParent

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange::initWithParent( IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor * desc )
	parentDesc = desc;
	buffer = NULL;

// markForBuffering
// if we get marked for buffering. we will alocate a
// double buffer when allocateBuffer is called

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange::markForBuffering( void )
	buffer = (void*)0xffffffff;
	address = NULL;

// allocateBuffer
// if markForBuffering was previously called, allocate
// a double buffer.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange::allocateBuffer( IODirection /* direction */ )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( buffer == ((void*)0xffffffff) )
		buffer = parentDesc->bufferAllocatorNewBuffer( &address );
		if( !buffer )
			status =  kIOReturnNoMemory;	
	return status;

// syncBufferForInput
// copies data from the buffers to the original descriptor,
// if we are being buffered.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange::syncBufferForInput( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( buffer )
		memory->writeBytes( offset, buffer, length );
	return status;

// syncBufferForOutput
// copies the data from the original descriptor to the buffer,
// if we are being buffered.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange::syncBufferForOutput( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	if( buffer )
		memory->readBytes( offset, buffer, length );
	return status;


OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor)

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor, 8);

// range allocator
// allocates ranges from a permanent pool then by allocating memory if allowed

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeAllocatorInitialize( UInt32 rangeCount )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : allocating %ld permanent ranges\n", rangeCount) );

	// init fields
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		fAllocatedRangesCount = 0; // unnecessary
		fPermanentRanges = OSArray::withCapacity( rangeCount ? rangeCount : 1 );
		if( !fPermanentRanges )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	// create permanent ranges
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt32 i;
		for( i = 0; 
			 status == kIOReturnSuccess && i < rangeCount; 
			 i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = NULL;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				range = new IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange;
				if( !range )
					status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				if( !fPermanentRanges->setObject( i, range ) )
					status = kIOReturnError;
			if( range )
		FWKLOGASSERT( rangeCount == i );				
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : successfully allocated %ld permanent ranges, status = 0x%08lx\n",
													fPermanentRanges->getCount(), status) );

	return status;

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeAllocatorDeallocateAllRanges( void )
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : reset allocated ranges count. new allocCount = 0\n") );

	fAllocatedRangesCount = 0;

IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeAllocatorNewRange( void )
	IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = NULL;
	// use a preallocated range if possible
	if( fAllocatedRangesCount < fPermanentRanges->getCount() )
		range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange *) 
					fPermanentRanges->getObject( fAllocatedRangesCount );
		range->retain();	// 1 ref for us and 1 ref for them
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : allocating from permanent ranges.  new allocCount = %ld\n", 
						fAllocatedRangesCount ) );
	else if( !fFixedCapacity ) // create one if we can
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : creating new range\n") );
		range = new IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange; 
	return range;

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeAllocatorFree( void )
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : free all ranges\n") );
	if( fPermanentRanges )
		fPermanentRanges->release();  // releases all the ranges, too

// buffer allocator
// allocates buffers from a permanent pool then by allocating memory if allowed.
// dishes out buffers in kMinPacketSize*2 increments

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::bufferAllocatorInitialize
															( IOByteCount requestedBufferSize )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	// calc page count
	IOByteCount bufferSize = ((requestedBufferSize + (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1));
	UInt32 pageCount = bufferSize / PAGE_SIZE;
	FWKLOGASSERT( (PAGE_SIZE % (kMinPacketSize*2)) == 0 );

	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : allocating %ld permanent pages of buffer\n", pageCount) );

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		fAllocatedBytesCount = 0; // unnecessary
		fBufferDescriptors = OSArray::withCapacity( pageCount ? pageCount : 1 );
		if( !fBufferDescriptors )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt32 i;
		for( i = 0; 
			 status == kIOReturnSuccess && i < pageCount; 
			 i++ )
			::IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *	bufferDesc = NULL;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
                bufferDesc = ::IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withOptions( kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryUnshared, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE ); 
				if( !bufferDesc )
					status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				status = bufferDesc->prepare();
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				if( !fBufferDescriptors->setObject( i, bufferDesc ) )
					status = kIOReturnError;
			if( bufferDesc )
		FWKLOGASSERT( pageCount == i );
		// we use i instead of rangeCount so we free correctly on error
		fPermanentPages = i;				
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : successfully allocated %ld permanent pages, status = 0x%08lx\n", 
								fPermanentPages, status) );

	return status;

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::bufferAllocatorDeallocateAllBuffers( void )
	// it's all free now
	fAllocatedBytesCount = 0;
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : reset allocated bytes count. new allocByteCount = 0\n") );

	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : freeing %ld pages of non-permanent buffer\n", 
									fBufferDescriptors->getCount() - fPermanentPages) );
	// remove all but the permanent pages
	UInt32 i = 0;
	while( (i = fBufferDescriptors->getCount()) > fPermanentPages )

void * IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::bufferAllocatorNewBuffer(
											IOPhysicalAddress * address )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	void * buffer = NULL;
	::IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *	bufferDesc = NULL;

	UInt32 page = fAllocatedBytesCount & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1);
	UInt32 offset = fAllocatedBytesCount - offset;
	fAllocatedBytesCount += kMinPacketSize*2;   // max possible buffer size
	FWKLOGASSERT( page == ((fAllocatedBytesCount) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1)) );
	if( page < fBufferDescriptors->getCount() )
		bufferDesc = (::IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *) 
										fBufferDescriptors->getObject( page );
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : allocating from permanent pages. new allocByteCount = %ld\n", 
														fAllocatedBytesCount) );
	else if( !fFixedCapacity )
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : creating new page. new allocByteCount = %ld\n", 
														fAllocatedBytesCount) );
		bufferDesc = ::IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withOptions( kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryUnshared, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE ); 
		if( !bufferDesc )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			if( !fBufferDescriptors->setObject( page, bufferDesc ) )
				status = kIOReturnError;
		if( bufferDesc )
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IOByteCount seg_size = 0;
		*address = bufferDesc->getPhysicalSegment( 0, &seg_size ) + offset;
		buffer = (void*)((UInt32)bufferDesc->getBytesNoCopy() + offset);		
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : return buffer = 0x%lx\n", buffer) );

	return buffer;

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::bufferAllocatorFree( void )
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : free all pages\n") );

	if( fBufferDescriptors )
		fBufferDescriptors->release();  // releases all in collection

// rangeTable allocator
// allocates memory for the range table, potentially reallocating 
// a new block of memory if allowed.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeTableAllocatorInitialize
													( UInt32 entries )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		fRangeTableSize = sizeof( IOPhysicalRange ) * entries;
		fRangeTable = (IOPhysicalRange*) IOMalloc( fRangeTableSize );
		if( fRangeTable == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnError;

	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : created %d entry range table. status = 0x%08lx\n", 
																	entries, status) );

	return status;

IOPhysicalRange * IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeTableAllocatorNewTable
																	( UInt32 entries )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOPhysicalRange *	buffer = NULL;
	UInt32 requestedSize = sizeof( IOPhysicalRange ) * entries;

	if( requestedSize <= fRangeTableSize )
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : requested entry count = %ld. using existing range table\n", 
																	entries) );

		buffer = fRangeTable;
	else if( !fFixedCapacity )
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : requested entry count = %ld. creating new range table\n", 
																	entries) );

		if( fRangeTable )
			IOFree( fRangeTable, fRangeTableSize  );
			fRangeTable = NULL;
		fRangeTable = (IOPhysicalRange*) IOMalloc( requestedSize );
		if( !fRangeTable )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			buffer = fRangeTable;
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : return rangeTable = 0x%08lx\n", buffer) );

	return buffer;

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::rangeTableAllocatorFree( void )
	FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : free range table\n") );

	if( fRangeTable )
		IOFree( fRangeTable, fRangeTableSize  );
		fRangeTable = NULL;


// disable other initialization methods

bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithAddress( 
								   void *      /* address       */ ,
                                   IOByteCount /* withLength    */ ,
                                   IODirection /* withDirection */ )
    return false;

bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithAddress( 
								   vm_address_t /* address       */ ,
                                   IOByteCount  /* withLength    */ ,
                                   IODirection  /* withDirection */ ,
                                   task_t       /* withTask      */ )
    return false;

bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithPhysicalAddress(
                                   IOPhysicalAddress /* address       */ ,
                                   IOByteCount       /* withLength    */ ,
                                   IODirection       /* withDirection */ )
    return false;

bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithPhysicalRanges(
                                   IOPhysicalRange * /* ranges        */ ,
                                   UInt32            /* withCount     */ ,
                                   IODirection       /* withDirection */ ,
                                   bool              /* asReference   */ )
    return false;

bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithRanges
								( IOVirtualRange *  ranges,
                                  UInt32           withCount,
                                  IODirection      withDirection,
                                  task_t           withTask,
                                  bool             asReference )
	// this method is now protected so clients can't call it
	// but initWithPhysicalRanges calls this so we route it to the superclass
    return IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::initWithRanges( ranges, withCount, withDirection, withTask, asReference );

// withCapacity
// create a new IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor with a initial capacity
// creates a descriptor with a set amount of storage which can always be obtained
// without an allocation.  The decriptor will grow dynamically to handle larger requests
// unless fixedCapacity is true.

IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor * IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::withCapacity
						( UInt32 maxElements, IOByteCount permanentBufferSpace, bool fixedCapacity )
	IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor *me = new IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor;
    if( me && !me->initWithCapacity( maxElements, permanentBufferSpace, fixedCapacity ) )
		me = NULL;
    return me;

// initWithCapacity
bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithCapacity
					( UInt32 permanentRanges, IOByteCount permanentBufferSpace, bool fixedCapacity )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		fFixedCapacity = fixedCapacity;
		status = rangeAllocatorInitialize( permanentRanges );
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = bufferAllocatorInitialize( permanentBufferSpace );
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		fRanges = OSArray::withCapacity( permanentRanges ? permanentRanges : 1 );
		if( !fRanges )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = rangeTableAllocatorInitialize( permanentRanges );
	return ( status == kIOReturnSuccess );

// resetToInitialCapacity
// We allow the descriptor to be reinited. We also allow the a a minimum capacity
// which we will never need memory allocations for.  This routine returns the memory
// descriptor to its original minimimum capacity state.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::resetToInitialCapacity( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	// release the referenced descriptor
	if( fOriginalDesc )

	// free buffers

	// reset ranges

	if( fRanges )
		fRanges->flushCollection();   // release ranges

	return status;

// withDescriptor
// create a new IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor
// len and offset are the length of and offset into the segment in desc which 
// will be used for the transfer.  The new descriptor will perform
// the workaround only on this segment.  The resulting descriptor will encompass only this
// segment and this segment will begin at offset zero not its former offset in the orginal
// descriptor.

IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor * IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::withDescriptor
					( IOMemoryDescriptor * desc, IOByteCount offset,  IOByteCount len,
					  IODirection direction )
	IOReturn	status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor *me = NULL;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		me = new IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor;
		if( !me )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( !me->initWithCapacity( 0, 0, false ) )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( !me->initWithDescriptor( desc, offset, len, direction ) )
			status = kIOReturnError;
    if( me && status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		me = NULL;
    return me;

// initWithDescriptor

bool IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initWithDescriptor
	( IOMemoryDescriptor * desc, IOByteCount offset,  IOByteCount length, 
	  IODirection direction )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt32 count = 0;
	IOPhysicalRange * rangeTable = NULL;

	// return descriptor to its initial state if needed
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = resetToInitialCapacity();
	// setup vars and verify args
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// store source descriptor, offset, ...
		fDirection = direction;
		fOriginalDesc = desc;
		fOffset = offset;

		if( !desc )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// ... and length
		fLength = length;
		if( fLength == 0 )
			fLength = desc->getLength();
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// there is nothing we can do if the whole 
		// transfer is smaller than 16 bytes

		if( fLength < kMinPacketSize )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// creates the fRanges array based on the physical segments 
		// of the original descriptor
		status = initializeRangesArray();
		FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : original descriptor\n") );
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < fRanges->getCount(); i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
			FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : range #%ld addr = 0x%08lx len = %d buffered = %s\n", 
					i, range->address, range->length, range->buffer == NULL ? "no" : "yes") );
			#if 0	
			if( i % 10 == 0 )

	// run _the eric algorithm_ now !
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// step one :
		// Fix up individual segments smaller than 16 bytes by double-buffering
		status = recalculateSmallSegments();
#if 0
		FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : descriptor after recalculateSmallSegments\n") );
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < fRanges->getCount(); i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
			FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : range #%ld addr = 0x%08lx len = %d buffered = %s\n", 
					i, range->address, range->length, range->buffer == NULL ? "no" : "yes") );
			#if 0
			if( i % 10 == 0 )

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// step two :
		// prevent > 60k segments

		status = splitLargeSegments();

#if 0
		FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : descriptor after splitLargeSegments\n") );
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < fRanges->getCount(); i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
			FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : range #%ld addr = 0x%08lx len = %d buffered = %s\n", 
					i, range->address, range->length, range->buffer == NULL ? "no" : "yes") );
			#if 0
			if( i % 10 == 0 )
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// step three :
		// prevent < 16 byte packets
		status = resegmentOddLengthSegments();

#if 0
		FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : descriptor after resegmentOddLengthSegments\n") );
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < fRanges->getCount(); i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
			FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : range #%ld addr = 0x%08lx len = %d buffered = %s\n", 
					i, range->address, range->length, range->buffer == NULL ? "no" : "yes") );
			#if 0
			if( i % 10 == 0 )
	// initialize buffers
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// setup double buffering

		status = initializeBuffers();
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : attempted to initialize buffers. status = 0x%08lx\n", status) );

		FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : fixed descriptor\n") );
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < fRanges->getCount(); i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
			FWLSILOG( ("LSILOG : range #%ld addr = 0x%08lx len = %d buffered = %s\n", 
					i, range->address, range->length, range->buffer == NULL ? "no" : "yes") );
			#if 0
			if( i % 10 == 0 )
	// create range table
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		count = fRanges->getCount();
		rangeTable = rangeTableAllocatorNewTable( count );
		if( !rangeTable )
			status = kIOReturnError;
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : attempted to allocate range table. status = 0x%08lx\n", status) );
	// fill out range table

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject( i );
			if( !range )
				status = kIOReturnError;
			rangeTable[i].address = range->address;
			rangeTable[i].length = range->length;
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : attempted to fillout range table. status = 0x%08lx\n", status) );
	// init super
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( !IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::initWithPhysicalRanges
										( rangeTable, count, fDirection, true ) )
			status = kIOReturnError;
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : attempted to initialize decriptor. status = 0x%08lx\n", status) );
	return ( status == kIOReturnSuccess );


// initializeRangesArray
// creates the fRanges array based on the physical segments of the original
// descriptor

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initializeRangesArray( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOPhysicalAddress 	phys = NULL;
	IOByteCount 		seg_length = 0;
	IOByteCount 		i;
	UInt32				seg_count;
	// add each segment to the array
	i = fOffset;
	seg_count = 0;
	while( (status == kIOReturnSuccess) && 
		   (phys = fOriginalDesc->getPhysicalSegment( i, &seg_length )) ) 
		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : creating range for segment %ld. offset = 0x%08lx, len = %ld\n",
						seg_count, i, seg_length) );

		// clip to length
		if( i + seg_length > fLength )
			seg_length = fLength - i;
		// create a new range
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = rangeAllocatorNewRange();
		if( !range )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			range->memory		= fOriginalDesc;
			range->address 		= phys;
			range->length 		= seg_length;
			range->offset 		= i;
			range->initWithParent( this );
			// this won't allocate memory because if we've used up 
			// our range space the range allocation would have failed
			if( !fRanges->setObject( seg_count, range ) )
				status = kIOReturnError;
		if( range )
			range = NULL;

		FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : finished creating range for segment %ld. status = 0x%08lx\n",
						seg_count, status) );
		i += seg_length;

	return status;

// recalculateSmallSegments
// Fix up individual segments smaller than 16 bytes by double-buffering
// Assume: Total I/O must be 16 bytes or more (otherwise bridge just can't
// do it safely)  
// If we make a segment double-buffered we will set its pointer
// to 0xffffffff to denote this.  We will create the actual buffer later once
// we're done tweaking everything.  It is quite possible that we will merge this
// with another buffered segment and this buffer will not need to be allocated

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::recalculateSmallSegments( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	UInt32 i = 0;
	while( i < fRanges->getCount() )
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);

		if( range->length < kMinPacketSize  )
			IOByteCount bytesNeeded = (kMinPacketSize - range->length);

			// must double buffer this part, and must make segment at least 16 bytes
			// must combine with part of an adjacent segment to reach 16 byte size
			if( i == (fRanges->getCount() - 1) )
				// this is the final segment. we know that the previous 
				// segment plus this segment must be at least 16 bytes.
				// we are going to either steal from the previous segment
				// or merge with it.
				IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * prevRange =
				if( prevRange->length < (kMinPacketSize*2) )
					// previous segment is too small to steal from, so merge with it
					prevRange->markForBuffering();				// double buffer
					prevRange->length += range->length;			// add our part
					FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : range #%ld - added %ld bytes to previous range\n", i, range->length) );

					fRanges->removeObject(i);					// remove ourselves
					// previous segment is large - steal what we need from the end
					prevRange->length -= bytesNeeded;  	// get what we need 
														//    to be exactly 16 bytes
					range->markForBuffering();			// double buffer
					range->length = kMinPacketSize;		// make us 16
					FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : range #%ld - stole %ld bytes from previous range\n", i, bytesNeeded) );
				i++; //next loop iteration
				// not the final segment. steal from the next segment
				IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * nextRange =
				if( range->length + nextRange->length >= kMinPacketSize )
					// we can steal enough bytes (16 - range.length) from nextRange.length
					// to solve this
					// Note: nextRange might be left with fewer than 16 bytes.  If so, it will
					// be fixed on the next iteration. 
					nextRange->length -= bytesNeeded;		// get what we need
					nextRange->address += bytesNeeded;		// bump his pointer by what we stole
					range->length = kMinPacketSize;			// make us 16
					range->markForBuffering();				// double buffer it
					FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : range #%ld - stole %ld bytes from next range\n", i, bytesNeeded) );
					i++;  // next loop iteration
					// the yuck case
					// nextRange.length is too small to completely solve our problem
					// combine with it and delete the next range, but then reprocess
					// so we can steal yet more bytes to make it okay
					range->length += nextRange->length;		// get all his bytes
					range->markForBuffering();				// double buffer it
					FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : range #%ld - stole all %ld bytes from next range\n", i, nextRange->length) );

					fRanges->removeObject(i+1);				// leave no evidence
					// don't do i++ because we want to reprocess the same range
			FWLSILOGALLOC( ("LSILOG : range #%ld - range has enough bytes\n", i) );

		#if 0
	return status;

// splitLargeSegments
// prevent > 60k segments
// Segments might be larger than 60k.  If so, the SBP-2 layer might break them up.
// We don't know how SBP-2 will do that; it might create a segment that triggers
// the bug!  So we break up all segments to 60k or less so that the SBP-2 layer
// won't mess with them

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::splitLargeSegments( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	UInt32 i = 0;
	while( i < fRanges->getCount() )
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
		if( range->length > kFWSBP2MaxPageClusterSize )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * nextRange = NULL;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				// create a new range
				nextRange = rangeAllocatorNewRange();
				if( nextRange )
					status = kIOReturnSuccess;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				// trim down to exactly 60k; put the remainder in nextRange
				// Note: ok if nextRange is an unfortunate size (say, < 16 bytes)
				// we will fix that in step 3
				nextRange->memory		= fOriginalDesc;
				nextRange->address 		= range->address + kFWSBP2MaxPageClusterSize;	
												// start at the end of range
				nextRange->length 		= range->length - kFWSBP2MaxPageClusterSize;	
												// remainder
				range->length			= kFWSBP2MaxPageClusterSize;	// just the first 60k

				nextRange->initWithParent( this );

				if( !fRanges->setObject( i+1, nextRange ) )
					status = kIOReturnError;
			if( nextRange )
				nextRange = NULL;
	return status;

// resegmentOddLengthSegments
// prevent < 16 byte packets
// All segments are now at least 16 bytes.  None will be broken up by SBP-2, but
// an odd-length segment (not multiple of packet size) could enf in a < 16 byte
// packet. For example, a segment of 2056 bytes would be transferred by the 
// bridge as one 2048 byte packet and one 8 byte packet.
// For each segment find out if this is possible.  If so, the segment can be
// broken into (probably unequal) halves to prevent it.  For example, break
// the 2056 byte segment into 2032 and 24 byte degments.  Bridge must use
// 2032 byte packet (or 1024 and 1008, or 512, 512, 512 and 496) followed 
// by a 24 byte packet.  One extra PTE will be needed in SBP-2.
// Assume: Extra PTE is better than double-buffering entire segment.  If memory
// is mostly contiguous, most segments will be about 60k.  One extra PTE per
// 60k may double the PTE count, but it was low to begin with. If memory is
// mostly discontiguous, most PTEs are already perfect 4k pages and won't
// need to be broken up - probably only the first and the final PTE will be
// broken up.  PTE increase is small.
// We specify packet size in the ORB, but SBP-2 can override it with a smaller
// value.  Assume smallest size ever kLowestPacketLimit is 256.  It's okay if
// we assume too low of a kLowestPacketLimit (just mildly inefficient sometimes.)
IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::resegmentOddLengthSegments( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	UInt32 i = 0;
	while( i < fRanges->getCount() )
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
		UInt32 finalPacketSize = range->length % kLowestPacketLimit;
		// might target end up with < 16 bytes in the final packet
		if( finalPacketSize != 0 && finalPacketSize < kMinPacketSize )
			IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * nextRange = NULL;
			// final packet would have been less than 16 bytes.  But total segment is
			// at least 257 bytes. Why? We removed all < 16 byte segments, so this
			// segment must be at least 257 bytes for (range->length % kLowestPacketLimit)
			// < kMinPacketSize.  So we can steal 16 bytes to form a new segment, leaving
			// a safe (big) segment
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				// create a new range
				nextRange = rangeAllocatorNewRange();
				if( nextRange )
					status = kIOReturnSuccess;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				range->length			-= kMinPacketSize;		// 16 is always safe
				nextRange->memory		= fOriginalDesc;
				nextRange->address 		= range->address + range->length;	
																// old starting address
				nextRange->length 		= kMinPacketSize; 		// new size
				nextRange->initWithParent( this );
				if( !fRanges->setObject( i+1, nextRange ) )
					status = kIOReturnError;
			if( nextRange )
				nextRange = NULL;

	return status;

// intializeBuffers
// setup double buffering
// go through and recalculate the offset for each segment and allocate
// a buffer if necessary.  we calculate the offset here and let the 
// instances decide if they wish to allocate a buffer

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::initializeBuffers( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt32 count = fRanges->getCount();
	UInt32 offset = fOffset;
	for( UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject(i);
		range->offset = offset;
		offset += range->length;
		status = range->allocateBuffer( fDirection );
		if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
	return status;


// syncBuffersForOutput
// copies data from the original source descriptor to the buffers.  we just
// tell all instances to do it and they decided if they really need to.
// this should be called before an output transfer is initiated.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::syncBuffersForOutput( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	// sync buffers for output
	UInt32 count = fRanges->getCount();
	for( UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject( i );
		status = range->syncBufferForOutput();
		if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
	return status;

// syncBuffersForInput
// copies data from the buffers to the original source descriptor.  we just
// tell all instances to do it and they decided if they really need to.
// this should be called after an input transfer is complete.

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::syncBuffersForInput( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	// sync buffers for input

	UInt32 count = fRanges->getCount();
	for( UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange * range = (IOFireWireSBP2LSIRange*)fRanges->getObject( i );
		status = range->syncBufferForInput();
		if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
	return status;

// free

void IOFireWireSBP2LSIWorkaroundDescriptor::free( void )
	// release the original
	if( fOriginalDesc )
	// free the table, now...
	// free the buffers

	// free range allocator

	if( fRanges )
