IOFWInterface.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * IOFWInterface.h


/*! @defined kIOFWInterfaceClass
    @abstract kIOFWInterfaceClass is the name of the
        IOFWInterface class. */

#define kIOFWInterfaceClass     "IOFWInterface"

/*! @defined kIOActivePacketFilters
    @abstract kIOActivePacketFilters is a property of IOFWInterface
        objects. It has an OSDictionary value.
    @discussion The kIOActivePacketFilters property describes the current
        set of packet filters that have been successfully activated. Each
        entry in the dictionary is a key/value pair consisting of the filter
        group name, and an OSNumber describing the set of active filters for
        that group. Entries in this dictionary will mirror those in
        kIORequiredPacketFilters if the controller has reported success for
        all filter change requests from the IOFWInterface object. */

#define kIOActivePacketFilters        "IOActivePacketFilters"

/*! @defined kIORequiredPacketFilters
    @abstract kIORequiredPacketFilters is a property of IOFWInterface
        objects. It has an OSDictionary value.
    @discussion The kIORequiredPacketFilters property describes the current
        set of required packet filters. Each entry in the dictionary is a
        key/value pair consisting of the filter group name, and an OSNumber
        describing the set of required filters for that group. */

#define kIORequiredPacketFilters      "IORequiredPacketFilters"

/*! @defined kIOMulticastAddressList
    @abstract kIOMulticastAddressList is a property of IOFWInterface
        objects. It is an OSData object.
    @discussion The kIOMulticastAddressList property describes the
        list of multicast addresses that are being used by the
        controller to match against the destination address of an
        incoming frame. */

#define kIOMulticastAddressList       "IOMulticastAddressList"
#define kIOMulticastFilterData        kIOMulticastAddressList    

 * Kernel
#if defined(KERNEL) && defined(__cplusplus)

#include <IOKit/network/IONetworkInterface.h>
#include "IOFWController.h"
#include "IOFWStats.h"

/*! @class IOFWInterface : public IONetworkInterface
    @abstract The FireWire interface object. An FireWire controller driver,
    that is a subclass of IOFWController, will instantiate an object
    of this class when the driver calls the attachInterface() method.
    This interface object will then vend an FireWire interface to DLIL,
    and manage the connection between the controller driver and the upper
    networking layers. Drivers will seldom need to subclass
    IOFWInterface. */

class IOFWInterface : public IONetworkInterface
    OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOFWInterface )

    struct arpcom *  _arpcom;               // Arpcom struct allocated
    UInt32           _mcAddrCount;          // # of multicast addresses
    bool             _ctrEnabled;           // Is controller enabled?
    OSDictionary *   _supportedFilters;     // Controller's supported filters
    OSDictionary *   _requiredFilters;      // The required filters
    OSDictionary *   _activeFilters;        // Currently active filters    
    bool             _controllerLostPower;  // true if controller is unusable

    struct ExpansionData { };
    /*! @var reserved
        Reserved for future use.  (Internal use only)  */
    ExpansionData *  _reserved;

    IOReturn enableController(IONetworkController * ctr);
    IOReturn setupMulticastFilter(IONetworkController * ctr);

    UInt32 getFilters(const OSDictionary * dict,
                      const OSSymbol *     group);

    bool setFilters(OSDictionary *   dict,
                    const OSSymbol * group,
                    UInt32           filters);
    IOReturn disableFilter(IONetworkController * ctr,
                           const OSSymbol *      group,
                           UInt32                filter,
                           IOOptionBits          options = 0);

    IOReturn enableFilter(IONetworkController * ctr,
                          const OSSymbol *      group,
                          UInt32                filter,
                          IOOptionBits          options = 0);

    int syncSIOCSIFFLAGS(IONetworkController * ctr);
    int syncSIOCSIFADDR(IONetworkController * ctr);
    int syncSIOCADDMULTI(IONetworkController * ctr);
    int syncSIOCDELMULTI(IONetworkController * ctr);
    int syncSIOCSIFMTU(IONetworkController * ctr, struct ifreq * ifr);
    int syncSIOCSIFLLADDR(IONetworkController * ctr, const char * lladdr, int len);

    static int performGatedCommand(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);


/*! @function init
    @abstract Initialize an IOFWInterface instance.
    @discussion Instance variables are initialized, and an arpcom
    structure is allocated.
    @param controller A network controller object that will service
    the interface object being initialized.
    @result true on success, false otherwise. */

    virtual bool init( IONetworkController * controller );

/*! @function getNamePrefix
    @abstract Return a string containing the prefix to use when
    creating a BSD name for this interface.
    @discussion The BSD name for each interface object is created by
    concatenating a string returned by this method, with an unique
    unit number assigned by IONetworkStack.
    @result A pointer to a constant C string "fw". Therefore, FireWire
    interfaces will be registered with BSD as fw0, fw1, etc. */

    virtual const char * getNamePrefix() const;

/*! @function setProperties
    @abstract Handle a request to set FireWire interface properties from
    kernel or non-kernel clients. For non-kernel clients, the preferred
    access mechanism is through an user client connection.
    @param properties An OSDictionary containing a collection of
    @result Returns kIOReturnUnsupported if the interface did not
    recognize any of the properties provided. Otherwise, the return
    code will be kIOReturnSuccess to indicate no errors, or an
    IOReturn error code to indicate that an error occurred while
    handling one of the properties. */

    virtual IOReturn setProperties( OSObject * properties );


/*! @function free
    @abstract Free the IOFWInterface instance.
    @discussion The memory allocated for the arpcom structure is released,
    followed by a call to super::free(). */

    virtual void free();

/*! @function performCommand
    @abstract Handle an ioctl command sent to the FireWire interface.
    @discussion This method handles socket ioctl commands sent to the FireWire
    interface from DLIL. Commands recognized and processed by this method are
    are passed to the superclass.
    @param controller The controller object.
    @param cmd  The ioctl command code.
    @param arg0 Command argument 0. Generally a pointer to an ifnet structure
        associated with the interface.
    @param arg1 Command argument 1.
    @result A BSD return value defined in bsd/sys/errno.h. */

    virtual SInt32 performCommand(IONetworkController * controller,
                                  UInt32                cmd,
                                  void *                arg0,
                                  void *                arg1);

/*! @function controllerDidOpen
    @abstract A notification that the interface has opened the network
    @discussion This method will be called by IONetworkInterface after a
    network controller has accepted an open from this interface object.
    IOFWInterface will first call the implementation in its
    superclass, then inspect the controller through properties published
    in the registry. This method is called with the arbitration lock held.
    @param controller The controller object that was opened.
    @result true on success, false otherwise. Returning false will
    cause the controller to be closed, and any pending client opens to be
    rejected. */

    virtual bool controllerDidOpen(IONetworkController * controller);

/*! @function controllerWillClose
    @abstract A notification that the interface will close the network
    @discussion This method will simply call super to propagate the method
    call. This method is called with the arbitration lock held.
    @param controller The controller that is about to be closed. */

    virtual void controllerWillClose(IONetworkController * controller);

/*! @function initIfnet
    @abstract Initialize the ifnet structure given.
    @discussion IOFWInterface will initialize this structure in a manner
    that is appropriate for FireWire interfaces, then call super::initIfnet()
    to allow the superclass to perform generic interface initialization.
    @param ifp Pointer to an ifnet structure obtained earlier through
               the getIfnet() method call.
    @result true on success, false otherwise. */

    virtual bool initIfnet(struct ifnet * ifp);

/*! @function getIfnet
    @abstract Get the ifnet structure allocated by the interface object.
    @discussion This method returns a pointer to an ifnet structure
    that was allocated by a concrete subclass of IONetworkInterface.
    IOFWInterface will allocate an arpcom structure during init(),
    and returns a pointer to that structure when this method is called.
    @result Pointer to an ifnet structure. */

    virtual struct ifnet * getIfnet() const;

/*! @function controllerWillChangePowerState
    @abstract Handle a notification that the network controller which is
    servicing this interface object is about to transition to a new power state.
    @discussion If the controller is about to transition to an unusable state,
    and it is currently enabled, then the disable() method on the controller is
    @param controller The network controller object.
    @param flags Flags that describe the capability of the controller in the new
    power state.
    @param stateNumber An index to a state in the network controller's
    power state array that the controller is switching to.
    @param policyMaker A reference to the network controller's policy-maker,
    and is also the originator of this notification.
    @result The return value is always kIOReturnSuccess. */

    virtual IOReturn controllerWillChangePowerState(
                               IONetworkController * controller,
                               IOPMPowerFlags        flags,
                               UInt32                stateNumber,
                               IOService *           policyMaker);

/*! @function controllerDidChangePowerState
    @abstract Handle a notification that the network controller which is servicing
    this interface object has transitioned to a new power state.
    @discussion If the controller did transition to a usable state, and it was
    previously disabled due to a previous power change, then it is re-enabled.
    @param controller The network controller object.
    @param flags Flags that describe the capability of the controller in the new
    power state.
    @param stateNumber An index to a state in the network controller's
    power state array that the controller has switched to.
    @param policyMaker A reference to the network controller's policy-maker,
    and is also the originator of this notification.
    @result The return value is always kIOReturnSuccess. */

    virtual IOReturn controllerDidChangePowerState( 
                               IONetworkController * controller,
                               IOPMPowerFlags        flags,
                               UInt32                stateNumber,
                               IOService *           policyMaker);

    /* Override IONetworkInterface::willTerminate() */

    virtual bool willTerminate( IOService *  provider,
                                IOOptionBits options );

    /* Override IONetworkInterface::attachToDataLinkLayer() */
    virtual IOReturn attachToDataLinkLayer( IOOptionBits options,
                                            void *       parameter );

	virtual void detachFromDataLinkLayer( IOOptionBits options,
											void *       parameter );

	void setIfnetSoftc(void* parameter);

	void setIfnetMTU(UInt32 mtu);
    // Virtual function padding
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  0);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  1);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  2);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  3);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  4);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  5);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  6);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  7);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  8);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface,  9);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface, 10);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface, 11);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface, 12);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface, 13);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface, 14);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOFWInterface, 15);

#endif /* defined(KERNEL) && defined(__cplusplus) */

#endif /* !_IOFWINTERFACE_H */