IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWAddressSpace.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireController.h>

#include "FWDebugging.h"

#include <IOKit/IOKitKeysPrivate.h>
#include <IOKit/IODMACommand.h>

 * Direct physical memory <-> FireWire address.
 * Accesses to these addresses will be handled automatically by the
 * hardware without notification.
 * The following is currently true, though the code no longer makes such assumptions :
 * The 64 bit FireWire address of (32 bit) physical addr xxxx:xxxx is hostNode:0000:xxxx:xxxx

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, IOFWAddressSpaceAux);

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 8);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux, 9);

#pragma mark -

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace, IOFWAddressSpace)

// init

bool IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::init( IOFireWireBus * bus )
	bool success = true;		// assume success
	// init super
    if( !IOFWAddressSpace::init( bus ) )
        success = false;
	return success;

// createAuxiliary
// virtual method for creating auxiliary object.  subclasses needing to subclass 
// the auxiliary object can override this.

IOFWAddressSpaceAux * IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::createAuxiliary( void )
	IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux * auxiliary;
	auxiliary = new IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux;

    if( auxiliary != NULL && !auxiliary->init(this) ) 
        auxiliary = NULL;
    return (IOFWAddressSpaceAux*)auxiliary;

// checkMemoryInRange

IOReturn IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::checkMemoryInRange( IOMemoryDescriptor * memory )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	if( memory == NULL )
		status = kIOReturnBadArgument;
	// setup
	bool memory_prepared = false;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = memory->prepare( kIODirectionInOut );
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		memory_prepared = true;
	UInt64 length = 0;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		length = memory->getLength();
		if( length == 0 )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	// create IODMACommand
	IODMACommand * dma_command = NULL;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		dma_command = IODMACommand::withSpecification( 
												kIODMACommandOutputHost64,		// segment function
												64,								// max address bits
												length,							// max segment size
												(IODMACommand::MappingOptions)(IODMACommand::kMapped | IODMACommand::kIterateOnly),		// IO mapped & don't bounce buffer
												length,							// max transfer size
												0,								// page alignment
												NULL,							// mapper
												NULL );							// refcon
		if( dma_command == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// set memory descriptor and don't prepare it
		status = dma_command->setMemoryDescriptor( memory, false ); 

	bool dma_command_prepared = false;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = dma_command->prepare( 0, length, true );

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		dma_command_prepared = true;
	// check ranges

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt64 offset = 0;
		UInt64 mask = fControl->getFireWirePhysicalAddressMask();
		while( (offset < length) && (status == kIOReturnSuccess) )
			IODMACommand::Segment64 segments[10];
			UInt32 num_segments = 10;
			status = dma_command->gen64IOVMSegments( &offset, segments, &num_segments );
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				for( UInt32 i = 0; i < num_segments; i++ )
				//	IOLog( "checkSegments - segments[%d].fIOVMAddr = 0x%016llx, fLength = %d\n", i, segments[i].fIOVMAddr, segments[i].fLength  );
					if( (segments[i].fIOVMAddr & (~mask)) )
				//		IOLog( "checkSegmentsFailed - 0x%016llx & 0x%016llx\n", segments[i].fIOVMAddr, mask );
						status = kIOReturnNotPermitted;
	// clean up
	if( dma_command_prepared )
		dma_command_prepared = false;
	if( dma_command )
		dma_command = NULL;
	if( memory_prepared )
		memory_prepared = false;
	return status;


// initWithDesc

bool IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::initWithDesc( IOFireWireBus *control,
                                             IOMemoryDescriptor * mem )
		return false;
//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::initWithDesc\n" );
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( mem != NULL )
			status = checkMemoryInRange( mem );

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::initWithDesc (1) - status = 0x%08lx\n", status );
	IODMACommand * dma_command = NULL;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt32 address_bits = fControl->getFireWirePhysicalAddressBits();
		dma_command = IODMACommand::withSpecification( 
												kIODMACommandOutputHost64,		// segment function
												address_bits,					// max address bits
												0,								// max segment size
												IODMACommand::kMapped,			// I/O mapped
												0,								// max transfer size
												0,								// no alignment
												NULL,							// mapper
												NULL );							// refcon
		if( dma_command == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnError;

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		setDMACommand( dma_command );
		status = setMemoryDescriptor( mem );

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::initWithDesc (2) - status = 0x%08lx\n", status );
    return (status == kIOReturnSuccess);

// initWithDesc

bool IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::initWithDMACommand(	IOFireWireBus * control,
													IODMACommand * command )
    if( !IOFWAddressSpace::init(control) )
        return false;

	setDMACommand( command );

    return true;

// free

void IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::free()
//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::free\n" );

// doRead

UInt32 IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::doRead(UInt16 nodeID, IOFWSpeed &speed, FWAddress addr, UInt32 len, 
					IOMemoryDescriptor **buf, IOByteCount * offset, IOFWRequestRefCon refcon)
    UInt32 res = kFWResponseAddressError;
    UInt64 pos;
    UInt64 phys;
	if( !isTrustedNode( nodeID ) )
		return kFWResponseAddressError;
	if( !isPrepared() )
		return kFWResponseAddressError;
	UInt64 address = ((UInt64)addr.addressHi << 32) | (UInt64)addr.addressLo;	
	UInt64 desc_length = getLength();
    pos = 0;
    while( pos < desc_length ) 
		bool found = false;
		UInt64 lengthOfSegment;
        phys = getPhysicalSegment( pos, &lengthOfSegment );
		if( (address >= phys) && (address < (phys+lengthOfSegment)) )
			UInt32 union_length = (lengthOfSegment - (address - phys));
			// check if the request extends beyond this physical segment
			if( len <= union_length )
				found = true;
				// look ahead for contiguous ranges
				UInt64 contiguous_address = (phys + lengthOfSegment);
				UInt64 contiguous_pos = (pos + lengthOfSegment);
				UInt64 contiguous_length = len - union_length;
				UInt64 contig_phys;
				while( contiguous_pos < desc_length )
					contig_phys = getPhysicalSegment( contiguous_pos, &lengthOfSegment );
					if( contiguous_address != contig_phys )
						// not contiguous, bail
					if( contiguous_length <= lengthOfSegment )
						// fits in this segment - success
						found = true;

					contiguous_length -= lengthOfSegment;
					contiguous_pos += lengthOfSegment;
					contiguous_address += lengthOfSegment;

		if( found )
            // OK, block is in space
			// Set position to exact start
			*offset = (pos + address - phys);
            *buf = getMemoryDescriptor();
            res = kFWResponseComplete;
        pos += lengthOfSegment;

    return res;

// doWrite

UInt32 IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::doWrite(UInt16 nodeID, IOFWSpeed &speed, FWAddress addr, UInt32 len,
                                         const void *buf, IOFWRequestRefCon refcon)
    UInt32 res = kFWResponseAddressError;
    UInt64 pos;
    UInt64 phys;

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::doWrite\n" );
	if( !isTrustedNode( nodeID ) )
		return kFWResponseAddressError;

	if( !isPrepared() )
		return kFWResponseAddressError;

	UInt64 address = ((UInt64)addr.addressHi << 32) | (UInt64)addr.addressLo;

	UInt64 desc_length = getLength();

    pos = 0;
    while(pos < desc_length) 
		bool found = false;
		UInt64 lengthOfSegment;
        phys = getPhysicalSegment(pos, &lengthOfSegment);

//		IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::doWrite - address = 0x%016llx phys = 0x%016llx\n", address, phys );
		if( (address >= phys) && (address < (phys+lengthOfSegment)) )
			UInt32 union_length = (lengthOfSegment - (address - phys));
			// check if the request extends beyond this physical segment
			if( len <= union_length )
				found = true;
				// look ahead for contiguous ranges
				UInt64 contiguous_address = (phys + lengthOfSegment);
				UInt64 contiguous_pos = (pos + lengthOfSegment);
				UInt64 contiguous_length = len - union_length;
				UInt64 contig_phys;
				while( contiguous_pos < desc_length )
					contig_phys = getPhysicalSegment( contiguous_pos, &lengthOfSegment );
					if( contiguous_address != contig_phys )
						// not contiguous, bail
					if( contiguous_length <= lengthOfSegment )
						// fits in this segment - success
						found = true;

					contiguous_length -= lengthOfSegment;
					contiguous_pos += lengthOfSegment;
					contiguous_address += lengthOfSegment;

		if( found )
            // OK, block is in space

			getMemoryDescriptor()->writeBytes( pos + (address - phys), buf, len);
			// make sure any bounce buffers have the new data
			synchronize( kIODirectionOut );

			res = kFWResponseComplete;
        pos += lengthOfSegment;

    return res;

// getMemoryDescriptor

IOMemoryDescriptor * IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::getMemoryDescriptor( void )
	IOMemoryDescriptor * desc = NULL;
	IODMACommand * dma_command = getDMACommand();
	if( dma_command )
		desc = (IOMemoryDescriptor*)dma_command->getMemoryDescriptor();
	return desc;

// setMemoryDescriptor

IOReturn IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::setMemoryDescriptor( IOMemoryDescriptor * descriptor )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( isPrepared() )
	IODMACommand * dma_command = getDMACommand();
	if( dma_command == NULL )
		status = kIOReturnError;

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( descriptor == NULL )
			status = dma_command->setMemoryDescriptor( descriptor, false );
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
	return status;

// getLength

UInt64 IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace::getLength( void )
	UInt64 length = 0;
	IOMemoryDescriptor * desc = getMemoryDescriptor();
	if( desc )
		length = desc->getLength();
	return length;

#pragma mark -

// init

bool IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::init( IOFWAddressSpace * primary )
	bool success = true;		// assume success
	// init super
    if( !IOFWAddressSpaceAux::init( primary ) )
        success = false;

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::init\n" );
	if( success )
		fDMACommand = NULL;
	if( !success )
	return success;

// free

void IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::free()
//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::free\n" );

	if( isPrepared() )

	if( fDMACommand )
		fDMACommand = NULL;

// setDMACommand

void IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::setDMACommand( IODMACommand * dma_command ) 
	if( fDMACommandPrepared )

	IODMACommand * old = fDMACommand;
	fDMACommand = dma_command;
	if( fDMACommand )
	if( old )

// setDMACommand

IODMACommand * IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::getDMACommand( void ) 
	return fDMACommand;

// isPrepared

bool IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::isPrepared( void )
	return fDMACommandPrepared;

// getPhysicalSegment

UInt64 IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::getPhysicalSegment( UInt64 offset, UInt64 * length ) 
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt64 	phys = 0;

	IODMACommand::Segment64 segment;
	UInt32 numSegments = 1;
	UInt64 pos = offset;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = fDMACommand->gen64IOVMSegments( &pos, &segment, &numSegments );
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		if( numSegments != 1 )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		phys = segment.fIOVMAddr;
		*length = segment.fLength;

	return phys;

// prepare

IOReturn IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::prepare( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::prepare\n" );

	if( !fDMACommandPrepared )
		UInt64 desc_length = ((IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace*)fPrimary)->getLength();
		status = fDMACommand->prepare( 0, desc_length );
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			fDMACommandPrepared = true;
	return status;

// complete

IOReturn IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::complete( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::complete\n" );

	if( !fDMACommandPrepared )
		status = kIOReturnNotReady;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = fDMACommand->complete();
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			fDMACommandPrepared = false;
	return status;	

// synchronize

IOReturn IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::synchronize( IOOptionBits options )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

//	IOLog( "IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::synchronize - direction = %d\n", direction );

	if( !fDMACommandPrepared )
		status = kIOReturnNotReady;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = fDMACommand->synchronize( options );
	return status;	

// getSegments

IOReturn IOFWPhysicalAddressSpaceAux::getSegments( UInt64 * offset, FWSegment * fw_segments, UInt32 * num_segments )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IODMACommand::Segment64	* vm_segments = NULL;
	UInt32 vm_segments_size = 0;
	if( (offset == NULL) || (fw_segments == NULL) || (num_segments == NULL) )
		status = kIOReturnBadArgument;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		vm_segments_size = sizeof(IODMACommand::Segment64) * (*num_segments);
		vm_segments = (IODMACommand::Segment64*)IOMalloc( vm_segments_size );
		if( vm_segments == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IODMACommand * dma_command = getDMACommand();
		status = dma_command->gen64IOVMSegments( offset, vm_segments, num_segments );
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		for( UInt32 i = 0; i < *num_segments; i++ )
			fw_segments[i].length = vm_segments[i].fLength;
			fw_segments[i].address.nodeID = 0x0000;		// invalid node id
			fw_segments[i].address.addressHi = (vm_segments[i].fIOVMAddr >> 32) & 0x000000000000ffffULL;
			fw_segments[i].address.addressLo = vm_segments[i].fIOVMAddr & 0x00000000ffffffffULL;

	if( fw_segments != NULL )
		IOFree( vm_segments, vm_segments_size );
		vm_segments = NULL;
	return status;