IOFWIsochChannel.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.

#include <IOKit/assert.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireController.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWIsochChannel.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWIsochPort.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSSet.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSCollectionIterator.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWCommand.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireDevice.h>
#include "FWDebugging.h"

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFWIsochChannel, OSObject)
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWIsochChannel, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWIsochChannel, 1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWIsochChannel, 2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWIsochChannel, 3);

#pragma mark -

// init

bool IOFWIsochChannel::init(	IOFireWireController *		control, 
								bool 						doIRM,
								UInt32 						packetSize, 
								IOFWSpeed 					prefSpeed, 
								ForceStopNotificationProc *	stopProc, 
								void *						stopRefCon )
	bool success = true;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::init - doIRM = %d\n", doIRM ));
	success = OSObject::init();
	if( success )
		fControl = control;
		fDoIRM = doIRM;
		fPacketSize = packetSize;
		fPrefSpeed = prefSpeed;
		fStopProc = stopProc;
		fStopRefCon = stopRefCon;
		fTalker = NULL;

		fChannel = 64;		// no channel allocated, 64 is an illegal channel
		fBandwidth = 0;		// no bandwidth allocated
		// Bandwidth allocation is not done on the main FireWire workloop so
		// we need to allocate a lock for synchronizing access to the resources
		// used in bandwidth allocation
		fLock = IOLockAlloc();
		if( fLock == NULL )
			success = false;
	if( success )
		fListeners = OSSet::withCapacity( 1 );
		if( fListeners == NULL  )
			success = false;
	// create command for reading bandwidth available and channel available register
	if( success )
		fReadCmd = new IOFWReadQuadCommand;
		if( fReadCmd == NULL )
			success = false;
	if( success )
	    fReadCmd->initAll( fControl, 0, FWAddress(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
	// create lock cmd for updating the bandwidth available and channel available registers
	if( success )
		fLockCmd = new IOFWCompareAndSwapCommand;
		if( fLockCmd == NULL )
			success = false;
    if( success )
	    fLockCmd->initAll( fControl, 0, FWAddress(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
    return success;

// free

void IOFWIsochChannel::free()
    if( fListeners )
		fListeners = NULL;
	if( fReadCmd )
		fReadCmd = NULL;
	if( fLockCmd )
		fLockCmd = NULL;
	if( fLock )
		IOLockFree( fLock );
		fLock = NULL;

#pragma mark -

// setTalker

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::setTalker( IOFWIsochPort *talker )
    fTalker = talker;
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

// addListener

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::addListener( IOFWIsochPort *listener )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
    if( !fListeners->setObject( listener ) )
	    status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	return status;

// start

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::start()
    OSIterator *listenIterator;
    IOFWIsochPort *listen;

	// start all listeners
	listenIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( fListeners );
    if( listenIterator ) 
        while( (listen = (IOFWIsochPort *)listenIterator->getNextObject()) ) 
	// start the talker
	if( fTalker )
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

// stop

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::stop()
    OSIterator *listenIterator;
    IOFWIsochPort *listen;

	// stop all listeners
	listenIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( fListeners );
    if( listenIterator ) 
		while( (listen = (IOFWIsochPort *)listenIterator->getNextObject()) )
	// stop talker
	if( fTalker )
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

#pragma mark -

// allocateChannel
// cannot be called on the workloop

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannel()
	IOReturn 			status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	IOFWIsochPort *		listen = NULL;
	OSIterator *		listenIterator 		= NULL;

	// get best speed and find supported channels
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt64 				portChans;
		IOFWSpeed 			portSpeed;
		UInt64 				allowedChans;
		IOFWSpeed			speed;
		// Find minimum of requested speed and paths from talker to each listener
		// Reduce speed to minimum of what all ports can do, find supported channels

		speed = fPrefSpeed;

		// get supported channels and max speed from talker
        allowedChans = ~(UInt64)0;
        if( fTalker ) 
            fTalker->getSupported( portSpeed, portChans );
            if( portSpeed < speed )
                speed = portSpeed;
			allowedChans &= portChans;
		// get supported channels and max speed from all listeners
		listenIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( fListeners );
        if( listenIterator ) 
            while( (listen = (IOFWIsochPort *)listenIterator->getNextObject()) ) 
                listen->getSupported( portSpeed, portChans );
                if( portSpeed < speed )
                    speed = portSpeed;
				allowedChans &= portChans;

        // do bandwidth and channel allocation
		// allocateChannelBegin sets up fSpeed, fGeneration, fBandwidth, and fChannel
		status = allocateChannelBegin( speed, allowedChans );
	// allocate hardware resources for all listeners
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
        if( listenIterator ) 
            while( (listen = (IOFWIsochPort *)listenIterator->getNextObject()) && 
				   (status == kIOReturnSuccess) ) 
                status = listen->allocatePort( fSpeed, fChannel );

	// allocate hardware resources for talker
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
        if( fTalker )
            status = fTalker->allocatePort( fSpeed, fChannel );

	// clean up
    if( listenIterator )
    if( status != kIOReturnSuccess ) 
		// on error release anything we may have allocated
	return status;

// allocateChannelBegin
// cannot be called on the workloop

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin( 	IOFWSpeed		inSpeed,
													UInt64			inAllowedChans,
													UInt32 *		outChannel )
	IOReturn		status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	UInt32 			channel = 0;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin - entered, fDoIRM = %d, inAllowedChans = 0x%016llx\n", fDoIRM, inAllowedChans ));

	IOLockLock( fLock );
	fSpeed = inSpeed;

	if( fDoIRM )
		UInt32 			generation;
		UInt32 			newVal;
		FWAddress 		addr(kCSRRegisterSpaceBaseAddressHi, kCSRBandwidthAvailable);
		UInt32 			oldIRM[3];
			// reserve bandwidth:
			// bandwidth is in units of quads at 1600 Mbs
			UInt32	bandwidth = (fPacketSize/4 + 3) * 16 / (1 << inSpeed);
			// get IRM nodeID into addr.nodeID
			fControl->getIRMNodeID( generation, addr.nodeID );

			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin - generation %d\n", generation ));
			// read IRM into oldIRM[3] (up to 5 retries) ;
			fReadCmd->reinit( generation, addr, oldIRM, 3 );
			fReadCmd->setMaxPacket( 4 );		// many cameras don't like block reads to IRM registers, eg. Canon GL-1
			status = fReadCmd->submit();
			// Claim bandwidth from IRM
			if( (status == kIOReturnSuccess) && (oldIRM[0] < bandwidth) )
				status = kIOReturnNoSpace;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				newVal = oldIRM[0] - bandwidth;
				fLockCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldIRM[0], &newVal, 1 );
				status = fLockCmd->submit();
				if ( (status == kIOReturnSuccess) && !fLockCmd->locked( &oldIRM[0] ) )
					status = kIOReturnCannotLock;
				if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
					FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin - allocated bandwidth = %d\n", bandwidth ));
					fBandwidth = bandwidth;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				// mask inAllowedChans by channels IRM has available
				inAllowedChans &= (UInt64)(oldIRM[2]) | ((UInt64)oldIRM[1] << 32);
			// if we have an error here, the bandwidth wasn't allocated
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				for( channel = 0; channel < 64; channel++ )
					if( inAllowedChans & ((UInt64)1 << (63 - channel)) )
				if( channel == 64 )
					status = kIOReturnNoResources;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				UInt32*		oldPtr;
				// Claim channel
				if( channel < 32 )
					addr.addressLo = kCSRChannelsAvailable31_0;
					oldPtr = &oldIRM[1];
					newVal = *oldPtr & ~(1<<(31 - channel));
					addr.addressLo = kCSRChannelsAvailable63_32;
					oldPtr = &oldIRM[2];
					newVal = *oldPtr & ~((UInt64)1 << (63 - channel));
				fLockCmd->reinit( generation, addr, oldPtr, &newVal, 1 );
				status = fLockCmd->submit();
				if( !status && !fLockCmd->locked(oldPtr) )
					status = kIOReturnCannotLock;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin - allocated channel = %d\n", channel ));
				fChannel = channel;
				if( outChannel != NULL )
					*outChannel = channel;
			if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				fGeneration = generation;
				// tell controller we would like to hear about bus resets
		while( (status == kIOFireWireBusReset) || (status == kIOReturnCannotLock) );
		// return a channel even if we aren't doing the IRM management
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			for( channel = 0; channel < 64; channel++ )
				if( inAllowedChans & ((UInt64)1 << (63 - channel)) )
			if( channel == 64 )
				status = kIOReturnNoResources;
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin - allocated channel = %d\n", channel ));
			fChannel = channel;
			if( outChannel != NULL )
				*outChannel = channel;
	IOLockUnlock( fLock );

	FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::allocateChannelBegin - exited with status = 0x%08lx\n", status ));
    return status;

// ChannelThreadInfo
// A little struct for keeping track of our this pointer and generation
// when transitioning to a second thread during bandwidth reallocation.

struct ChannelThreadInfo
    IOFWIsochChannel *		fChannel;
    UInt32 					fGeneration;

// handleBusReset

void IOFWIsochChannel::handleBusReset()
	// setup thread info and spawn a thread
	ChannelThreadInfo * threadInfo = (ChannelThreadInfo *)IOMalloc( sizeof(ChannelThreadInfo) );
	if( threadInfo ) 
		threadInfo->fGeneration = fControl->getGeneration();
		threadInfo->fChannel = this;
		retain();	// retain ourself for the thread to use
		IOCreateThread( threadFunc, threadInfo );

// threadFunc

void IOFWIsochChannel::threadFunc( void * arg )
	// extract info from thread info
    ChannelThreadInfo * threadInfo = (ChannelThreadInfo *)arg;
    IOFWIsochChannel * 	channel = threadInfo->fChannel;
	UInt32 				generation = threadInfo->fGeneration;
	// realloc bandwidth
	channel->reallocBandwidth( generation );	
	// clean up thread info
	IOFree( threadInfo, sizeof(threadInfo) );
    channel->release();		// retain occurred in handleBusReset

// reallocBandwidth
// cannot be called on the workloop

void IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth( UInt32 generation )
	IOReturn result = kIOReturnSuccess;

    FWAddress addr( kCSRRegisterSpaceBaseAddressHi, kCSRBandwidthAvailable );
	IOLockLock( fLock );

	FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - bandwidth %d, channel = %d\n", fBandwidth, fChannel ));
	if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt32 current_generation;
		UInt16 irm;
		fControl->getIRMNodeID( current_generation, irm );
		addr.nodeID = irm;
		if( current_generation != generation )
			result = kIOFireWireBusReset;

		FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - realloc generation %d, current generation = %d\n", generation, current_generation ));
	if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// check to make sure we don't allocate twice on a generation
		if( fGeneration == generation )
			result = kIOReturnError;
	// reallocate bandwidth
	if( fBandwidth != 0 ) 
		UInt32 oldVal = 0;
		// read the bandwidth available register
		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess ) 
            fReadCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, 1 );
            result = fReadCmd->submit();

		// compare swap loop
		bool done = false;
		while( (result == kIOReturnSuccess) && !done )
			UInt32 newVal = 0;
			// make sure there's space
			if( oldVal < fBandwidth ) 
				result = kIOReturnNoSpace;
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
				newVal = oldVal - fBandwidth;
				fLockCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, &newVal, 1 );
				result = fLockCmd->submit();
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
				done = fLockCmd->locked(&oldVal);
		if( result == kIOReturnNoSpace ) 
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - failed to reallocate bandwidth = %d, channel = %d\n", fBandwidth, fChannel ));
			// Couldn't reallocate bandwidth!
			fBandwidth = 0;
			fChannel = 64;	// this will keep us from reallocating the channel
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - reallocated bandwidth = %d\n", fBandwidth ));

	// reallocate channel
	if( fChannel != 64 ) 
		UInt32 	mask = 0;
		UInt32	oldVal = 0;
		// read the channels available register
		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
			if( fChannel <= 31 ) 
                addr.addressLo = kCSRChannelsAvailable31_0;
                mask = 1 << (31-fChannel);
                addr.addressLo = kCSRChannelsAvailable63_32;
                mask = 1 << (63-fChannel);
			fReadCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, 1 );
            result = fReadCmd->submit();
		// compare swap loop
		bool done = false;
		while( (result == kIOReturnSuccess) && !done )
			UInt32 newVal = oldVal & ~mask;
			if( newVal == oldVal ) 
				// Channel already allocated!
				result = kIOReturnNoSpace;
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
				fLockCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, &newVal, 1 );
                result = fLockCmd->submit();
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
				done = fLockCmd->locked( &oldVal );
		if( result == kIOReturnNoSpace ) 
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - failed to reallocate channel = %d\n", fChannel ));

			// Couldn't reallocate the channel
			fChannel = 64;
			// fBandwidth will be set to 0 once it is released in the call to releaseChannel below
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - reallocated channel = %d\n", fChannel ));

	fGeneration = generation;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::reallocBandwidth - exited with result = 0x%08lx\n", result ));

	IOLockUnlock( fLock );
	if( result == kIOReturnNoSpace ) 
        // Couldn't reallocate bandwidth or channel
		// fChannel and fBandwidth have been left in such a way that releaseChannel() 
		// will know to release both, one, or none

// releaseChannel

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::releaseChannel()
    OSIterator *listenIterator;
    IOFWIsochPort *listen;

    if( fTalker ) 
	listenIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(fListeners);
    if( listenIterator ) 
        while( (listen = (IOFWIsochPort *)listenIterator->getNextObject()) ) 

    return releaseChannelComplete();

// releaseChannelComplete

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::releaseChannelComplete()
	IOReturn result = kIOReturnSuccess;
    // release bandwidth and channel

	FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::releaseChannelComplete - entered, fDoIRM = %d\n", fDoIRM ));

	if( fDoIRM ) 
		FWAddress 	addr( kCSRRegisterSpaceBaseAddressHi, kCSRBandwidthAvailable );
		UInt32		generation = 0;
		IOLockLock( fLock );

		// Tell the controller that we don't need to know about
		// bus resets before doing anything else, since a bus reset
		// sets us into the state we want (no allocated bandwidth).
		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
			fControl->removeAllocatedChannel( this );

		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
			UInt16 irm;
			fControl->getIRMNodeID( generation, irm );
			addr.nodeID = irm;
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::releaseChannelComplete - generation = %d allocated generation = %d\n", generation, fGeneration ));

			if( generation != fGeneration )
				result = kIOFireWireBusReset;
				fBandwidth = 0;
				fChannel = 64;

		// release bandwidth
		if( fBandwidth != 0 ) 
			UInt32 oldVal = 0;
			// read the bandwidth available register
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess ) 
				fReadCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, 1 );
				result = fReadCmd->submit();
			// compare swap loop
			bool done = false;
			while( (result == kIOReturnSuccess) && !done )
				UInt32 newVal = newVal = oldVal + fBandwidth;
				fLockCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, &newVal, 1 );
				result = fLockCmd->submit();
				if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
					done = fLockCmd->locked(&oldVal);
			// error or not, we've released our bandwidth
			fBandwidth = 0;
			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::releaseChannelComplete - released bandwidth\n" ));
			if( result != kIOFireWireBusReset )
				// as long as we didn't get a bus reset error, let's pretend 
				// this was successful so we can give channel deallocation a try
				result = kIOReturnSuccess;

		// release channel
		if( fChannel != 64 ) 
			UInt32 	mask = 0;
			UInt32	oldVal = 0;
			// read the channels available register
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
				if( fChannel <= 31 ) 
					addr.addressLo = kCSRChannelsAvailable31_0;
					mask = 1 << (31-fChannel);
					addr.addressLo = kCSRChannelsAvailable63_32;
					mask = 1 << (63-fChannel);
				fReadCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, 1 );
				result = fReadCmd->submit();
			// compare swap loop
			bool done = false;
			while( (result == kIOReturnSuccess) && !done )
				UInt32 newVal = oldVal | mask;
				fLockCmd->reinit( generation, addr, &oldVal, &newVal, 1 );
				result = fLockCmd->submit();
				if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
					done = fLockCmd->locked( &oldVal );

			FWKLOG(( "IOFWIsochChannel::releaseChannelComplete - released channel\n" ));
			// error or not, we've released the channel
			fChannel = 64;

		// error or not we've released our channel and bandwidth
		fBandwidth = 0;
		fChannel = 64;
		fGeneration = generation;
		IOLockUnlock( fLock );
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

// updateBandwidth
// deprecated

IOReturn IOFWIsochChannel::updateBandwidth( bool /* claim */ )
	return kIOReturnUnsupported;