IOFireWireUserClient.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 


#include <IOKit/IOUserClient.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWIsoch.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOLocalConfigDirectory.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWAddressSpace.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireNub.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireFamilyCommon.h>
#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireBus.h>

#ifndef Byte
typedef unsigned char Byte ;

	#define IOFireWireUserClientLog_(x...) IOLog(x)
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfNil_(x, y...) \
	{ if ((void*)(x) == NULL) { IOFireWireUserClientLog_(y); } }
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfErr_(x, y...) \
	{ if ((x) != 0) { IOFireWireUserClientLog_(y); } }
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfFalse_(x, y...) \
	{ if (!(x)) { IOFireWireUserClientLog_(y); } }
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfTrue_(x, y...) \
	{ if ((x)) { IOFireWireUserClientLog_(y) ; } }
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLog_(x...)
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfNil_(x, y...)
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfErr_(x, y...)
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfFalse_(x, y...)
	#define IOFireWireUserClientLogIfTrue_(x, y...)

typedef struct AsyncRefHolder_t
	OSAsyncReference	asyncRef ;
	void*				userRefCon ;
	void*				obj ;
} AsyncRefHolder ;

class IOFireWireUserClientStatistics
	OSDictionary*		dict ;

	OSNumber*			isochCallbacks ;
	OSSet*				pseudoAddressSpaces ;
} ;

class IOFireWireDevice;

class IOFireWireUserClient : public IOUserClient

    IOFireWireNub *			fOwner;
    task_t					fTask;
	IOExternalMethod		fMethods[ kNumFireWireMethods ];
	IOExternalAsyncMethod 	fAsyncMethods[ kNumFireWireAsyncMethods ];

	IOLock*					fSetLock ;

	OSSet*					fUserPseudoAddrSpaces ;	// all user allocated pseudo address spaces
	OSSet*					fUserPhysicalAddrSpaces ;
	OSSet*					fUserUnitDirectories ;
	OSSet*					fUserRemoteConfigDirectories ;
	OSSet*					fUserIsochChannels ;
	OSSet*					fUserIsochPorts ;
	OSSet*					fUserCommandObjects ;
	mach_port_t				fNotificationPort ;
	UInt32					fNotificationRefCon ;
	OSAsyncReference		fBusResetAsyncNotificationRef ;
	OSAsyncReference		fBusResetDoneAsyncNotificationRef ;
	IONotifier*				fNotifier ;
	IOService*				fOpenClient ;
	bool					fUnsafeResets ;

    virtual void retain() const	;
    static IOFireWireUserClient*	withTask(
											task_t 					owningTask);
 	virtual bool 					start(
											IOService * 			provider );
    virtual void stop( IOService * provider );
	void							deallocateSets() ; 
	virtual void					free() ;
    virtual IOReturn 				clientClose( void );
    virtual IOReturn 				clientDied( void );	
	virtual IOReturn				setProperties(
											OSObject*				properties ) ;
	const task_t					getOwningTask() const {return fTask;}
	IOFireWireNub*					getOwner() const { return fOwner; }

	// --- startup ----------
	void							initMethodTable() ;
	void							initIsochMethodTable() ;
	void							initAsyncMethodTable() ;
	void							initIsochAsyncMethodTable() ;

	// --- open/close ----------
	IOReturn						userOpen() ;
	IOReturn						userOpenWithSessionRef(IOService*	session) ;
	IOReturn						seize(IOOptionBits inFlags ) ;
	IOReturn						userClose() ;
	// --- utils ----------
	inline static IOReturn 			sendAsyncResult(
											OSAsyncReference 		reference,
											IOReturn 				result, 
											void*					args[], 
											UInt32 					numArgs)
											{ return IOUserClient::sendAsyncResult(reference, result, args, numArgs) ; }									
    inline static void 				setAsyncReference(
											OSAsyncReference 		asyncRef,
											mach_port_t 			wakePort,
											void*					callback, 
											void*					refcon)
											{ IOUserClient::setAsyncReference(asyncRef, wakePort, callback, refcon) ; }
	virtual IOExternalMethod*		getTargetAndMethodForIndex(
											IOService **			target, 
											UInt32 					index) ;
	virtual IOExternalAsyncMethod*	getAsyncTargetAndMethodForIndex(
											IOService **			target, 
											UInt32 					index) ;
	virtual IOReturn				registerNotificationPort(
											mach_port_t 			port,
											UInt32					,//type,
											UInt32					refCon) ;

	// --- allocation management ----------
	virtual IOReturn				addObjectToSet(
											OSObject* 				object, 
											OSSet* 					set) ;
	virtual void					removeObjectFromSet(
											OSObject* 				object, 
											OSSet* 					set) ;

	// --- read/write/lock ----------------
	virtual IOReturn				readQuad( const FWReadQuadParams* inParams, UInt32* outVal ) ;
	virtual IOReturn 				read( const FWReadParams* inParams, IOByteCount* outBytesTransferred ) ;
    virtual IOReturn 				writeQuad( const FWWriteQuadParams* inParams ) ;
    virtual IOReturn 				write( const FWWriteParams* inParams, IOByteCount* outBytesTransferred ) ;
    virtual IOReturn 				compareSwap( const FWCompareSwapParams* inParams, UInt64* oldVal) ;

	// --- other -----------------
    virtual IOReturn 				busReset();
	virtual IOReturn				getGenerationAndNodeID(
											UInt32*					outGeneration,
											UInt32*					outNodeID) const ;
	virtual IOReturn				getLocalNodeID(
											UInt32*					outLocalNodeID) const ;
	virtual IOReturn				getResetTime(
											AbsoluteTime*			outResetTime) const ;
    virtual IOReturn 				message(
											UInt32 					type,
											IOService* 				provider,
											void* 					argument );
	// --- my conversion helpers -------
	virtual IOReturn				getOSStringData(
											FWKernOSStringRef		inStringRef,
											UInt32					inStringLen,
											char*					inStringBuffer,
											UInt32*					outStringLen) ;
	virtual IOReturn				getOSDataData(
											FWKernOSDataRef			inDataRef,
											IOByteCount				inDataLen,
											char*					inDataBuffer,
											IOByteCount*			outDataLen) ;
    // --- CSR ROM Methods ----------
	virtual IOReturn				unitDirCreate(
											FWKernUnitDirRef*		outDir) ;
	virtual IOReturn				unitDirRelease(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		dir) ;
	virtual IOReturn				addEntry_Buffer(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		dir, 
											int 					key,
											char*					buffer,
											UInt32					kr_size ) ;
	virtual IOReturn				addEntry_UInt32(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		inDir,
											int						key,
											UInt32					value) ;
	virtual IOReturn				addEntry_FWAddr(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		dir, 
											int 					key,
											FWAddress				value ) ;
	virtual IOReturn				addEntry_UnitDir(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		dir,
											int						key,
											FWKernUnitDirRef		value) ;
	virtual IOReturn				publish(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		inDir ) ;
	virtual IOReturn				unpublish(
											FWKernUnitDirRef		inDir) ;

    // --- Address Spaces Methods ----------
	virtual IOReturn				allocateAddressSpace(
											FWAddrSpaceCreateParams* inParams,
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef* 	outKernAddrSpaceRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn				releaseAddressSpace(
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef		inAddrSpace) ;
	virtual IOReturn				getPseudoAddressSpaceInfo(
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef		inAddrSpaceRef,
											UInt32*					outNodeID,
											UInt32*					outAddressHi,
											UInt32*					outAddressLo) ;
	virtual IOReturn				setAsyncRef_Packet(
											OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef		inAddrSpaceRef,
											void*					inCallback,
											void*					inUserRefCon,
											void*) ;
	virtual IOReturn				setAsyncRef_SkippedPacket(
											OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef		inAddrSpaceRef,
											void*					inCallback,
											void*					inUserRefCon,
											void*) ;
	virtual IOReturn				setAsyncRef_Read(
											OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef		inAddrSpaceRef,
											void*					inCallback,
											void*					inUserRefCon,
											void*) ;
	virtual IOReturn				setAsyncRef_BusReset(
											OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
											void*					inCallback,
											void*					inUserRefCon,
											void*) ;
	virtual IOReturn				setAsyncRef_BusResetDone(
											OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
											void*					inCallback,
											void*					inUserRefCon,
											void*) ;
	virtual IOReturn				clientCommandIsComplete(
											FWKernAddrSpaceRef		inAddrSpaceRef,
											FWClientCommandID		inCommandID,
											IOReturn				inResult ) ;

	//	--- physical address space stuff ----------
	virtual IOReturn				allocatePhysicalAddressSpace(
											FWPhysicalAddrSpaceCreateParams* 	inParams,
											FWKernPhysicalAddrSpaceRef* 		outKernAddrSpaceRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn				releasePhysicalAddressSpace(
											IOFWUserClientPhysicalAddressSpace*	inAddrSpace) ;
	virtual IOReturn				getPhysicalAddressSpaceSegmentCount(
											IOFWUserClientPhysicalAddressSpace*	inAddrSpace,
											UInt32*								outSegmentCount) ;
	virtual IOReturn				getPhysicalAddressSpaceSegments(
											IOFWUserClientPhysicalAddressSpace*	inAddrSpace,
											UInt32								inSegmentCount,
											UInt32*								outSegmentCount,
											IOPhysicalAddress					segments[],
											IOByteCount							segmentLengths[]) ;
	//	--- async commands ----------
	virtual IOReturn				lazyAllocateUserCommand(
											FWUserCommandSubmitParams*	inParams,
											IOFWUserCommand**			outCommand) ;
	virtual IOReturn				userAsyncCommand_Submit(
											OSAsyncReference			asyncRef,
											FWUserCommandSubmitParams*	inParams,
											FWUserCommandSubmitResult*	outResult,
											IOByteCount					inParamsSize,
											IOByteCount*				outResultSize) ;
	static void						asyncReadWriteCommandCompletion(
											void *					refcon, 
											IOReturn 				status, 
											IOFireWireNub *			device, 
											IOFWCommand *			fwCmd);
	//	--- config directory functions ----------
	virtual IOReturn configDirectoryCreate(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef*	outDirRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn configDirectoryRelease(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	dirRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn configDirectoryUpdate(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef 	dirRef, 
							UInt32 						offset, 
							const UInt32*&				romBase) ;
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetKeyType(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef 	dirRef, 
							int 						key, 
							IOConfigKeyType* 			type);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetKeyValue_UInt32(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							key,
							UInt32						wantText,
							UInt32*						outValue,
							FWKernOSStringRef*			outString,
							UInt32*						outStringLen);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetKeyValue_Data( FWKernConfigDirectoryRef inDirRef, int key, UInt32 wantText,
							FWGetKeyValueDataResults* results ) ;
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetKeyValue_ConfigDirectory(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							key,
							UInt32						wantText,
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef*	outValue,
							FWKernOSStringRef*			outString,
							UInt32*						outStringLen);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetKeyOffset_FWAddress( FWKernConfigDirectoryRef inDirRef, int key, UInt32 wantText,
							FWGetKeyOffsetResults* results ) ;
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexType(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							IOConfigKeyType*			outType);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexKey(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							int*						outKey);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexValue_UInt32(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							UInt32*						outKey);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexValue_Data(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							FWKernOSDataRef*			outDataRef,
							IOByteCount*				outDataLen);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexValue_String(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							FWKernOSStringRef*			outString,
							UInt32*						outStringLen);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexValue_ConfigDirectory(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef*	outDirRef);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexOffset_FWAddress(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							UInt32*						addressHi,
							UInt32*						addressLo);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexOffset_UInt32(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							UInt32*						outValue);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetIndexEntry(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							index,
							UInt32*						outValue);
    virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetSubdirectories(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							OSIterator**				outIterator);
	virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetKeySubdirectories(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef	inDirRef,
							int							key,
							OSIterator**				outIterator);
	virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetType(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef dirRef, int *outType) ;
	virtual IOReturn configDirectoryGetNumEntries(
							FWKernConfigDirectoryRef dirRef, int *outNumEntries) ;
	// --- isoch port -------------
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortAllocate(
								FWIsochPortAllocateParams*	inParams,
								FWKernIsochPortRef*			outPortRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortRelease(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortGetSupported(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef,
								IOFWSpeed*				outMaxSpeed,
								UInt32*					outChanSupportedHi,
								UInt32*					outChanSupportedLo) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortAllocatePort(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef,
								IOFWSpeed				inSpeed,
								UInt32					inChannel) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortReleasePort(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortStart(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochPortStop(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef) ;

	// local isoch port
	virtual IOReturn	localIsochPortAllocate(
								FWLocalIsochPortAllocateParams*	inParams,
								FWKernIsochPortRef*		outPortRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	localIsochPortModifyJumpDCL(
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef,
								UInt32					inJumpDCLCompilerData,
								UInt32					inLabelDCLCompilerData) ;
	virtual IOReturn	localIsochPortModifyJumpDCLSize( FWKernIsochPortRef inPortRef, UInt32 inDCLCompilerData,
								IOByteCount newSize ) ;
	virtual IOReturn	setAsyncRef_DCLCallProc(
								OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
								FWKernIsochPortRef		inPortRef,
								DCLCallCommandProcPtr	inProc ) ;
	// --- isoch channel ----------
	static IOReturn		isochChannelForceStopHandler(
								void*					refCon,
								IOFWIsochChannel*		isochChannelID,
								UInt32					stopCondition) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochChannelAllocate(
								bool					inDoIRM,
								UInt32					inPacketSize,
								IOFWSpeed				inPrefSpeed,
								FWKernIsochChannelRef*	outIsochChannelRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochChannelRelease(
								FWKernIsochChannelRef	inChannelRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochChannelUserAllocateChannelBegin(
								FWKernIsochChannelRef	inChannelRef,
								IOFWSpeed				inSpeed,
								UInt32					inAllowedChansHi,
								UInt32					inAllowedChansLo,
//								UInt64					inAllowedChans,
								IOFWSpeed*				outSpeed,
								UInt32*					outChannel) ;
	virtual IOReturn	isochChannelUserReleaseChannelComplete(
								FWKernIsochChannelRef	inChannelRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	setAsyncRef_IsochChannelForceStop(
								OSAsyncReference		asyncRef,
								void*					inCallback,
								void*					inUserRefCon,
								void*) ;

	// --- firewire command objects ----------------------
	virtual IOReturn	userAsyncCommand_Release(
								FWKernCommandRef		inCommandRef) ;
	virtual IOReturn	userAsyncCommand_Cancel(
								FWKernCommandRef		inCommandRef,
								IOReturn				reason) { return kIOReturnUnsupported; }

	// --- statistics ----------
	const IOFireWireUserClientStatistics*	
						getStatistics()			{ return fStatistics ; }

	// --- absolute address firewire commands ----------
    IOFWReadCommand*				createReadCommand( 
											UInt32				generation,
											FWAddress 			devAddress, 
											IOMemoryDescriptor*	hostMem,
											FWDeviceCallback 	completion,
											void *				refcon ) const ;
    IOFWReadQuadCommand*			createReadQuadCommand(
											UInt32				generation,
											FWAddress 			devAddress, 
											UInt32 *			quads, 
											int 				numQuads,
											FWDeviceCallback 	completion,
											void *				refcon ) const ;
    IOFWWriteCommand*				createWriteCommand( 
											UInt32				generation,
											FWAddress 			devAddress, 
											IOMemoryDescriptor*	hostMem,
											FWDeviceCallback 	completion,
											void*				refcon ) const ;
    IOFWWriteQuadCommand*			createWriteQuadCommand( 
											UInt32				generation,
											FWAddress 			devAddress, 
											UInt32*				quads, 
											int 				numQuads,
											FWDeviceCallback 	completion,
											void *				refcon ) const ;

		// size is 1 for 32 bit compare, 2 for 64 bit.
    IOFWCompareAndSwapCommand*		createCompareAndSwapCommand( 
											UInt32				generation,
											FWAddress 			devAddress,
											const UInt32 *		cmpVal, 
											const UInt32 *		newVal, 
											int 				size,
											FWDeviceCallback 	completion, 
											void *				refcon ) const ;

	IOReturn	firelog( const char* string, IOByteCount bufSize ) const ;
	IOReturn 	getBusGeneration( UInt32* outGeneration ) ;
	IOReturn 	getLocalNodeIDWithGeneration( UInt32 generation, UInt32* outLocalNodeID ) ;
	IOReturn 	getRemoteNodeID( UInt32 generation, UInt32* outRemoteNodeID ) ;
	IOReturn 	getSpeedToNode( UInt32 generation, UInt32* outSpeed ) ;
	IOReturn 	getSpeedBetweenNodes( UInt32 generation, UInt32 fromNode, UInt32 toNode, UInt32* outSpeed ) ;

	IOFireWireUserClientStatistics*		fStatistics ;