DVFamily.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
	File:		DVFamily.h

	Contains:	xxx put contents here xxx

	Version:	xxx put version here xxx

	Written by:	Steve Smith

	Copyright:	© 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.

	File Ownership:

		DRI:				xxx put dri here xxx

		Other Contact:		xxx put other contact here xxx

		Technology:			xxx put technology here xxx


		(jkl)	Jay Lloyd
		(KW)	Kevin Williams
		(ck)	Casey King
		(RS)	Richard Sepulveda
		(CP)	Collin Pieper
		(CLP)	Collin Pieper
		(AW)	Adrienne Wang
		(SS)	Steve Smith

	Change History (most recent first):

		<24>	 6/17/99	jkl		Added fwClientID to DVGetLocalFWReferenceID call to make the
									fwClientID part of the device info so IDH can execute
									getDeviceStandard by itself.
		<23>	  6/8/99	KW		Added an another event for input. Will go away when DVFamilyLib
									is dead of course.
		<22>	 1/15/99	ck		Firewire.h should be FireWire.h
		<21>	  1/4/99	GDW		Changed DVFamily names.
		<20>	 12/9/98	SS		Added FireWire ID for the local node in the DVDeviceInfo struct.
									Changed DVGetDeviceClock to return a component instead of a
									component instance.
		<19>	11/16/98	SS		Rearranged some data structures to work better in mixed
									environment (Premiere plugins use 68K alignment). Added
									deviceIsOnline flag in deviceInfo for Kevin.
		<18>	11/13/98	SS		Added DVGetDeviceClock() proto.
		<17>	 9/24/98	RS		Added bufferSize to DVIsochCompleteEventStruct structure.
		<16>	 9/17/98	SS		Added generic dv event notification support. Removed AppleEvent
									support. Minor DV API semantic changes.
		<15>	 9/10/98	SS		Somewhat gratuitous semantic change in the DV API to further
									abstract the implementation, specifically, from DVDeviceRefNum
									to DVDeviceConnectionID, and from DVOpen/CloseDriver to
		<14>	  9/3/98	SS		Checked in first pass of dv device info stuff.
		<13>	 3/23/98	RS		Changed to registered error codes
		<12>	 3/12/98	SS		Changed semantics of DV driver API to use deviceIDs and refNums
									instead of driverIDs everywhere.
		<11>	  3/8/98	RS		Added new call DVIsEnabled() to query if a device has already
									been enabled.
		<10>	 2/26/98	CP		Added new error code for driver busy errors
		 <9>	 2/24/98	CP		Added two new error codes returned only if your mean to the
		 <8>	  2/4/98	CP		Added new defines for device standards
		 <7>	 1/21/98	SS		Removed AVC enums, typedefs, structs and prototypes. Base
									support is now for the DVDoAVCTransaction() call only.
		 <6>	 1/19/98	CP		Tossed out obsolete constants and structures and moved ones that
									should be private to safety...
		 <5>	 1/19/98	AW		Added prototype for determining whether camera is still
									searching for timecode
		 <4>	 1/13/98	SS		Added DriverID parameter to AVC helper routines. These routines
									should probably be moved to a separate file.
		 <3>	 1/12/98	GDW		Fixed KernelID prob.
		 <2>	 1/12/98	SS		Checked in Collin's changes: added new API calls, reorganized
		 <1>	 8/18/97	CLP		first checked in
		 <1>	 3/27/97	SS		first checked in
		 <6>	 3/27/97	SS		Added macro & function prototype to check whether the Family Lib
									is fully initialized, i.e. determine if there are any FW devices
									to control.
		 <5>	  3/3/97	AW		Added AVC Commands for getting/setting signals
		 <4>	 2/19/97	SS		Updated to 1.0a2 FSL
		 <3>	 2/12/97	AW		Updated to 1.0d18 FSL
		 <2>	10/31/96	SS		Updated to Blaze d16 API.  Added helper APIs for device control.


//	DVFamily.h

#ifndef __DVFAMILY__
#define __DVFAMILY__

#include <Types.h>
#include <NameRegistry.h>
#include <DriverServices.h>
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <Components.h>

#include "FireWire.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// constants

	kInvalidDVDeviceID			= 0,
	kInvalidDVConnectionID		= 0

	kDVDisconnectedErr			= -14101,
	kDVBadIDErr					= -14102,
	kUnknownStandardErr			= -14103,
	kAlreadyEnabledErr			= -14104,
	kNotEnabledErr				= -14105,
	kDVDeviceBusyErr			= -14106

	kUnknownStandard	= 0,
	kNTSCStandard		= 1,
	kPALStandard 		= 2

// DV events
	kInvalidDVDeviceEvent		= 0,
	kDVDeviceAdded				= 1 << 0,
	kDVDeviceRemoved			= 1 << 1,
	KDVDeviceInfoChanged		= 1 << 2,
	kDVIsochReadEnabled			= 1 << 3,
	kDVIsochReadComplete		= 1 << 4,
	kDVIsochReadDisabled	 	= 1 << 5,

	kDVIsochWriteEnabled		= 1 << 6,
	kDVIsochWriteComplete		= 1 << 7,
	kDVIsochWriteDisabled		= 1 << 8,

	kDVAVCEnabled				= 1 << 9,
	kDVAVCDisabled				= 1 << 10,
	kDVAVCTransactionComplete	= 1 << 11,

	// Tempory new event for input. Goes away DVFamily is dead.
	kDVInputEvent = 1 << 12,

	kDVEveryEvent				= 0x00001fff

	kDVGlobalEventConnectionID	= 0xffffffff,
	kEventSpecificDataSize		= 16

// types

// holds our device identification...
typedef UInt32 DVCDeviceID;			

// holds our device connection identification...
typedef UInt32 DVCDeviceConnectionID;

// holds info about device's isoch channels
typedef struct DVCIsochChannelStatus {
	UInt32							fwChannelNum;
	UInt32							speed;
	UInt32							signalType;
	Boolean							isEnabled;
	UInt8							rsvd[3];		// alignment padding for 68k
} DVCIsochChannelStatus, *DVCIsochChannelStatusPtr;

// holds info about device
typedef struct DVCDeviceInfo {
	DVCDeviceID					dvDeviceID;
	CSRNodeUniqueID				uniqueID;
	UInt32						vendorID;
	RegEntryID					regEntryID;
	Boolean						deviceIsOnline;
	Boolean						AVCisEnabled;
	UInt16						rsvd;				// alignment padding for 68k
	DVCIsochChannelStatus		readChannel;
	DVCIsochChannelStatus		writeChannel;
	Str255						deviceName;
	FWReferenceID				localNodeID;		// FW reference ID for local node
													// (i.e. FW interface)
	FWReferenceID				fwClientID;
} DVCDeviceInfo, *DVCDeviceInfoPtr;

// for sending AVC commands
typedef struct AVCTransactionParamsStruct {
	Ptr						commandBufferPtr;
	UInt32					commandLength;
	Ptr						responseBufferPtr;
	UInt32					responseBufferSize;
	FCPResponseHandlerPtr	responseHandler;
} AVCTransactionParams, *AVCTransactionParamsPtr;

// DV Event Notification

typedef struct OpaqueRef		*DVCNotificationID;

typedef struct DVCEventHeaderStruct {
	DVCDeviceID			deviceID;			// who it's from
	DVCNotificationID	notifID;
	UInt32				theEvent;			// what the event was
} DVCEventHeader, *DVCEventHeaderPtr;

typedef struct DVCEventRecordStruct {		// generalized form
	DVCEventHeader		eventHeader;
	UInt8				eventData[kEventSpecificDataSize];
} DVCEventRecord, *DVCEventRecordPtr;

typedef struct DVCConnectionEventStruct {
	DVCEventHeader		eventHeader;
} DVCConnectionEvent, *DVCConnectionEventPtr;

typedef struct DVCIsochCompleteEventStruct {
	DVCEventHeader		eventHeader;
	Ptr					pFrameBuffer;
	unsigned long		bufferSize;
	UInt32				fwCycleTime;
} DVCIsochCompleteEvent, *DVCIsochCompleteEventPtr;

typedef struct DVCAVCTransactionCompleteEventStruct {
	DVCEventHeader			eventHeader;
	Ptr						commandBufferPtr;
	UInt32					commandLength;
	Ptr						responseBufferPtr;
	UInt32					responseBufferSize;
} DVCAVCTransactionCompleteEvent, *DVAVCTransactionCompleteEventPtr;

// DV notification proc
typedef OSStatus (*DVCNotifyProc)(	DVCEventRecordPtr	event,
									void				*userData );
// external prototypes

// general device management
UInt32 DVCCountDevices( void );
OSErr DVCGetIndDevice( DVCDeviceID * pDVDevice, UInt32 index );
OSErr DVCGetDeviceInfo( DVCDeviceID deviceID, DVCDeviceInfoPtr pInfo );

OSErr DVCSetDeviceName( DVCDeviceID deviceID, char * str );
OSErr DVCGetDeviceName( DVCDeviceID deviceID, char * str );

OSErr DVCOpenDeviceConnection( DVCDeviceID deviceID, DVCDeviceConnectionID *pConnID );
OSErr DVCCloseDeviceConnection( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );

OSErr DVCGetDeviceClock( DVCDeviceID deviceID, Component *clock );

// DV event notification
OSErr DVCNewNotification( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotifyProc notifyProc,
						void *userData, DVCNotificationID *pNotifyID );
OSErr DVCNotifyMeWhen( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotificationID notifyID, UInt32 events);
OSErr DVCCancelNotification( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotificationID notifyID );
OSErr DVCDisposeNotification( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotificationID notifyID );

// DV Isoch Read
OSErr DVCEnableRead( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );
OSErr DVCDisableRead( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );
OSErr DVCReadFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr *ppReadBuffer, UInt32 * pSize );
OSErr DVCReleaseFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr pReadBuffer );

// DV Isoch Write
OSErr DVCEnableWrite( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );
OSErr DVCDisableWrite( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );
OSErr DVCGetEmptyFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr *ppEmptyFrameBuffer, UInt32 * pSize );
OSErr DVCWriteFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr pWriteBuffer );

// AVC transactions
OSErr DVCEnableAVCTransactions( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );
OSErr DVCDoAVCTransaction( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, AVCTransactionParamsPtr pParams );
OSErr DVCDisableAVCTransactions( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID );

// to be discontinued...
OSErr DVCIsEnabled( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Boolean *isEnabled);
OSErr DVCGetDeviceStandard( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, UInt32 * pStandard );

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif __DVFAMILY__