IOATAPIProtocolTransport.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 *		09.20.2000	CJS  Started ATAPI Transport Layer

#include <IOKit/IOMemoryDescriptor.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
#include <IOKit/ata/IOATADevConfig.h>
#include <IOKit/ata/IOATABusInfo.h>
#include <IOKit/ata/IOATACommand.h>
#include <IOKit/IOSyncer.h>
#include <IOKit/scsi-commands/SCSICommandOperationCodes.h>

#include "IOATAPIProtocolTransport.h"


#define	PANIC_NOW(x)			IOPanic x
#define PANIC_NOW(x)

#define	ERROR_LOG(x)			IOLog x
#define ERROR_LOG(x)

#define	STATUS_LOG(x)			IOLog x
#define STATUS_LOG(x)

// Timeout values used by the ATAPI Driver
	kNoTimeout			= 0,					// Constant to indicate no timeout
	k1SecondTimeout		= 1000,					// 1000 mS = 1 Sec
	k10SecondTimeout	= 10 * k1SecondTimeout,	
	k30SecondTimeout	= 3 * k10SecondTimeout,
	k45SecondTimeout	= 45000,
	k100Milliseconds	= 100

	kMaxATAPIPacketSize					= 16,					// Max ATAPI packet size
	kATAPICommandLength 				= 12,					// ATAPI command length
	kATAPIIdentifyPacketDeviceDataSize	= 512					// 512 byte identify data

	kATAPICheckConditionBit				= 0,
	kATAPIDeviceBusyBit					= 8

	kATAPICheckConditionMask			= ( 1 << kATAPICheckConditionBit ),
	kATAPIDeviceBusyMask				= ( 1 << kATAPIDeviceBusyBit )

// Configuration state machine
	kPIOTransferModeSetup	= 1,
	kPIOTransferModeDone	= 2,
	kDMATransferModeDone	= 3

struct ATAPIConfigData
	IOATAPIProtocolTransport *	self;
	UInt32						state;
	IOSyncer *					syncer;
typedef struct ATAPIConfigData ATAPIConfigData;

#define kIOATAPICommandPoolSize			1

#define super IOSCSIProtocolServices
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, IOSCSIProtocolServices );

#pragma mark ¥ Public Methods

//	¥ init	-	Initialization

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::init ( OSDictionary * propTable )

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::init entering\n" ) );
	// Run this by our superclass
	if ( super::init ( propTable ) == false )

		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::init superclass init returned false\n" ) );
		return false;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::init returning true\n" ) );
	return true;

//	¥ start	-	Start our services

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::start ( IOService * provider )
	IOReturn		theErr		= kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOWorkLoop *	workLoop	= NULL;
	OSDictionary *	dict		= NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::start called\n" ) );
	fATADevice 				= NULL;
	fATAUnitID				= kATAInvalidDeviceID;
	fATADeviceType			= kUnknownATADeviceType;
	fPhysicallyConnected 	= true;
	fPollingThread			= NULL;
	fResetInProgress		= false;
	dict = OSDynamicCast ( OSDictionary, getProperty ( kIOPropertyATAPIMassStorageCharacteristics ) );
	if ( dict != NULL )
		OSString *	string = NULL;
		string = OSDynamicCast ( OSString, dict->getObject ( kATAVendorPropertyKey ) );
		if ( string != NULL )
			const char * cString1 = NULL;
			const char * cString2 = NULL;
			cString1 = ( ( OSString * ) provider->getProperty ( kATAVendorPropertyKey ) )->getCStringNoCopy ( );
			cString2 = string->getCStringNoCopy ( );
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "device model = %s\n", cString1 ) );
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "ATAPI Device Characteristics device model = %s\n", cString2 ) );
			if ( strncmp ( cString1, cString2, string->getLength ( ) ) )
				// Not a match to what is in the dictionary, so this workaround driver
				// should not be loaded. Short circuit out and let another driver attempt
				// to load.
				return false;
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "ATAPI Mass Storage dictionary has no device model string\n" ) );
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "No ATAPI Mass Storage dictionary\n" ) );
	// First call start() in our superclass
	if ( super::start ( provider ) == false )
		return false;

	// Cache our provider
	fATADevice = OSDynamicCast ( IOATADevice, provider );
	if ( fATADevice == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "Error in dynamic cast\n" ) );
		// Error in the dynamic cast, so get out
		return false;
	// Find out if the device type is ATAPI
	if ( fATADevice->getDeviceType ( ) != ReportATAPIDeviceType ( ) )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "exiting, not an ATAPI device.\n" ) );
		return false;
	// Open the thing below us
	if ( fATADevice->open ( this ) == false )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "device wouldn't open\n" ) );
		// It wouldn't open, so bail
		return false;
	fATAUnitID 		= fATADevice->getUnitID ( );
	fATADeviceType 	= fATADevice->getDeviceType ( );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "unit ID is %d\n", ( UInt8 ) fATAUnitID ) );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "deviceType is %d\n", ( UInt8 ) fATADeviceType ) );
	bzero ( fDeviceIdentifyData, kATAPIIdentifyPacketDeviceDataSize );
	fDeviceIdentifyBuffer = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress ( ( void * ) fDeviceIdentifyData,
																kIODirectionIn );
	if ( fDeviceIdentifyBuffer == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "fDeviceIdentifyBuffer == NULL.\n" ) );
	// Create an IOCommandGate (for power management support) and attach
	// this event source to the provider's workloop
	fCommandGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate ( this );
	if ( fCommandGate == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "fCommandGate == NULL.\n" ) );
	workLoop = getWorkLoop ( );
	if ( workLoop == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "workLoop == NULL.\n" ) );
	theErr = workLoop->addEventSource ( fCommandGate );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "Error = %d adding event source.\n", theErr ) );
	fCommandPool = IOCommandPool::commandPool ( this, workLoop, kIOATAPICommandPoolSize );
	if ( fCommandPool == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "fCommandPool == NULL.\n" ) );
	fPollingThread = thread_call_allocate (
						( thread_call_func_t ) IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sPollStatusRegister,
						( thread_call_param_t ) this );
	if ( fPollingThread == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "fPollingThread allocation failed.\n" ) );
	// Pre-allocate some command objects	
	AllocateATACommandObjects ( );
	// Inspect the provider
	if ( InspectDevice ( fATADevice ) == false )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "InspectDevice returned false.\n" ) );
	InitializePowerManagement ( provider );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::start complete\n" ) );
	dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity ( 1 );
	if ( dict != NULL )
		// Copy some properties into the dictionary.
		dict->setObject ( kATAUnitNumberKey, fATADevice->getProperty ( kATAUnitNumberKey ) );
		setProperty ( kIOPropertyProtocolCharacteristicsKey, dict );
		dict->release ( );
	registerService ( );
	return true;

	DeallocateATACommandObjects ( );
	if ( fCommandPool != NULL )
		fCommandPool->release ( );
	if ( workLoop != NULL )
		workLoop->removeEventSource ( fCommandGate );
	if ( fCommandGate != NULL )
		fCommandGate->release ( );
	if ( fDeviceIdentifyBuffer != NULL )
		fDeviceIdentifyBuffer->release ( );
	fATADevice->close ( this );
	return false;

//	¥ stop	-	Stop our services

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::stop ( IOService * provider )

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::stop called\n" ) );
	// Call super's stop
	super::stop ( provider );

#pragma mark ¥ Protected Methods

//	¥ ReportATAPIDeviceType - Report the type of the device (ATA vs. ATAPI).

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ReportATAPIDeviceType ( void ) const
	return kATAPIDeviceType;

//	¥ SendSCSICommand	-	Sends a SCSI Command to the provider bus

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SendSCSICommand ( SCSITaskIdentifier request,
											SCSIServiceResponse * serviceResponse,
											SCSITaskStatus * taskStatus )
	SCSICommandDescriptorBlock 		cdb;
	UInt16 							commandLength		= 0;
	IOATACommand *					cmd					= NULL;
	ATAPIClientData *				clientData			= NULL;
	UInt16							atapiCommandLength	= kATAPICommandLength;
	UInt32							flags				= 0;
	UInt64							requestCount 		= 0;
	UInt32							timeoutDuration		= 0;
	bool							shouldUseDMA		= true;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SendSCSICommand called\n" ) );
	// get command and context objects
	cmd = GetATACommandObject ( );
	clientData 			= ( ATAPIClientData * ) cmd->refCon;	
	*serviceResponse 	= kSCSIServiceResponse_Request_In_Process;
	*taskStatus			= kSCSITaskStatus_No_Status;

	if ( fPhysicallyConnected == false )
		// device is disconnected - we can not service command request
		*serviceResponse = kSCSIServiceResponse_SERVICE_DELIVERY_OR_TARGET_FAILURE;
		return false;
	GetCommandDescriptorBlock ( request, &cdb );
	commandLength = GetCommandDescriptorBlockSize ( request );
	if ( commandLength == kSCSICDBSize_6Byte )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "cdb = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", cdb[0], cdb[1],
					 cdb[2], cdb[3], cdb[4], cdb[5] ) );
	else if ( commandLength == kSCSICDBSize_10Byte )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "cdb = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", cdb[0],
					cdb[1], cdb[2], cdb[3], cdb[4], cdb[5], cdb[6], cdb[7], cdb[8],
					cdb[9] ) );
	else if ( commandLength == kSCSICDBSize_12Byte )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "cdb = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", cdb[0],
					cdb[1], cdb[2], cdb[3], cdb[4], cdb[5], cdb[6], cdb[7], cdb[8],
					cdb[9], cdb[10], cdb[11] ) );
	else if ( commandLength == kSCSICDBSize_16Byte )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "cdb = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", cdb[0],
					cdb[1], cdb[2], cdb[3], cdb[4], cdb[5], cdb[6], cdb[7], cdb[8],
					cdb[9], cdb[10], cdb[11], cdb[12], cdb[13], cdb[14], cdb[15] ) );
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );
	cmd->setBuffer ( GetDataBuffer ( request ) );
	cmd->setPosition ( GetDataBufferOffset ( request ) );
	cmd->setByteCount ( GetRequestedDataTransferCount ( request ) );
	cmd->setCommand ( kPACKET );
	timeoutDuration = GetTimeoutDuration ( request );
	if ( timeoutDuration == 0 )
		// Find out what the timeout duration is. Since timeouts of zero requested from
		// the layer above us mean the maximum timeout possible and ATA has no concept of
		// infinite timeouts on commands, set it to the max possible.
		timeoutDuration = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( timeoutDuration );
	// Configure the flags for this command
	flags = mATAFlagProtocolATAPI | mATAFlagUseConfigSpeed /* | mATAFlagLEDEnable */;
	flags = flags | ( GetDataTransferDirection ( request ) == kSCSIDataTransfer_FromTargetToInitiator ? mATAFlagIORead : 0 );
	flags = flags | ( GetDataTransferDirection ( request ) == kSCSIDataTransfer_FromInitiatorToTarget ? mATAFlagIOWrite : 0 );
	requestCount = GetRequestedDataTransferCount ( request );
	// Check if this is an operation we should even use DMA on. This is really ugly, but it gains us some
	// performance on reads and writes.
	if ( ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_READ_6 )  || ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_READ_10 ) 	  || ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_READ_12 ) || 
		 ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_READ_CD ) || ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_READ_CD_MSF ) || ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_WRITE_AND_VERIFY_10 ) ||
		 ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_WRITE_6 ) || ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_WRITE_10 ) 	  || ( cdb[0] == kSCSICmd_WRITE_12 ) )
		shouldUseDMA = true;
		shouldUseDMA = false;
	if ( ( GetDataTransferDirection ( request ) != kSCSIDataTransfer_NoDataTransfer ) &&
		 ( ( fUltraDMAMode | fDMAMode ) != 0 ) && shouldUseDMA )
		UInt8	features = mATAPIuseDMA;
		flags = flags | mATAFlagUseDMA;
		// Set the features register
		cmd->setFeatures ( features );
	cmd->setFlags ( flags );
	// Set the cylinder registers
	if ( GetRequestedDataTransferCount ( request ) != 0 )
		UInt64		requestCount 	= GetRequestedDataTransferCount ( request );
		if ( requestCount >= 0x10000 )
			// Cap the amount of PIO data that can be transferred in one interrupt
			// so we don't try to hog the cpu while doing PIO transfers.
			// Look and see if the caller is asking for 2352 byte transfers (CDDA)
			// if so, then use a multiple of 2352 bytes for the chunk size
			if ( ( requestCount % 2352 ) == 0 )
				requestCount = ( 0xFFFF / 2352 ) * 2352;
			// Caller is asking for non-CDDA data reads, so we use 62k to get the largest
			// size transfer less than 64k we possibly can which uses even block multiples
				requestCount = 0xF800;
		UInt8		requestHi		= ( requestCount & 0xFF00 ) >> 8;
		UInt8		requestLo		= requestCount & 0x00FF;
		cmd->setCylHi ( requestHi );
		cmd->setCylLo ( requestLo );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAPIFnExecIO );
	// set the device head to the correct unit
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	cmd->setRegMask ( ( ataRegMask ) ( mATAErrFeaturesValid | mATAStatusCmdValid ) );
	IOReturn theErr = cmd->setPacketCommand ( atapiCommandLength, ( UInt8 * ) cdb );
	if ( theErr != kATANoErr )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SendSCSICommand setPacketCommand returned error = %ld\n", theErr ) );
	// Setup our context
	clientData->self 		= this;
	clientData->scsiTask 	= request;
	cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &sSCSITaskCallbackProc );
	fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );
	return true;

//	¥ SCSITaskCallbackFunction	-	virtual callback routine which calls CompleteSCSITask

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SCSITaskCallbackFunction ( IOATACommand * cmd,
													 SCSITaskIdentifier scsiTask )
	ATAPIClientData *	clientData	= NULL;
	IOReturn			result;
	UInt64				bytesTransferred;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SCSITaskCallbackFunction entering\n" ) );	
	clientData = ( ATAPIClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	result 				= cmd->getResult ( );
	bytesTransferred	= cmd->getActualTransfer ( );
	ReturnATACommandObject ( cmd );
	switch ( result )
		case kATANoErr:
				STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SCSITaskCallbackFunction result = noErr\n" ) );	
				SetRealizedDataTransferCount ( scsiTask, bytesTransferred );
				CompleteSCSITask ( 	scsiTask,
									kSCSITaskStatus_GOOD );
		case kATAErrDevBusy:
		case kATATimeoutErr:
				// Reset the device because the device is hung
				clientData->self->ResetATAPIDevice ( );
				SetRealizedDataTransferCount ( scsiTask, bytesTransferred );
				CompleteSCSITask ( 	scsiTask,
									kSCSITaskStatus_No_Status );
				// Since we reset the device, message the upper layer to check its configuration
				// and do anything it needs to do
				SendNotification_VerifyDeviceState ( );
				STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SCSITaskCallbackFunction result = %ld.\n", result ) );
		case kATADeviceError:
				// CHK bit is set, so the device indicates CheckCondition
				SetRealizedDataTransferCount ( scsiTask, bytesTransferred );
				CompleteSCSITask ( 	scsiTask,
									kSCSITaskStatus_CHECK_CONDITION );
				STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SCSITaskCallbackFunction result = %ld.\n", result ) );
		case kATAModeNotSupported:
		case kATADevIntNoCmd:
		case kATADMAErr:
				STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SCSITaskCallbackFunction result = %ld.\n", result ) );
				SetRealizedDataTransferCount ( scsiTask, bytesTransferred );
				CompleteSCSITask ( 	scsiTask,
									kSCSITaskStatus_No_Status );

//	¥ CompleteSCSITask	-	Called to complete a SCSI Command

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::CompleteSCSITask ( 	SCSITaskIdentifier	request, 
												SCSIServiceResponse	serviceResponse,
												SCSITaskStatus		taskStatus )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::CompleteSCSITask called\n" ) );
	CommandCompleted ( request, serviceResponse, taskStatus );

//	¥ AbortSCSICommand	-	Aborts a SCSI Command

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::AbortSCSICommand ( SCSITaskIdentifier request )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::AbortSCSICommand called\n" ) );
	if ( request == NULL )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::AbortSCSICommand called with a NULL request\n" ) );
	//¥¥¥ Eventually, we might be able to support this if the ATA stack changes

//	¥ IsProtocolServiceSupported	-	Returns true if feature is supported

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IsProtocolServiceSupported ( SCSIProtocolFeature feature,
													   void * serviceValue )
	bool	isSupported = false;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IsProtocolServiceSupported called\n" ) );
	switch ( feature )
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_ProtocolSpecificPolling:			
			// ATAPI supports low-power polling.
			isSupported = true;
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_ProtocolSpecificSleepCommand:			
			// ATAPI supports ATA SLEEP command.
			isSupported = true;
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_ACA:
			// ATAPI does not support Auto Contingent Allegiance
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_CPUInDiskMode:
			// ATAPI does not support cpu in disk mode
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_GetMaximumLogicalUnitNumber:
			// ATAPI does not support more than one logical unit.
			// Some other feature ATAPI doesn't know about, probably means
			// it isn't supported...
	return isSupported;

//	¥ HandleProtocolServiceFeature	-	Returns true if feature is handled successfully

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::HandleProtocolServiceFeature ( SCSIProtocolFeature feature,
														 void * serviceValue )
	bool	isSupported = false;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::DoProtocolServiceFeature called\n" ) );
	switch ( feature )
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_ProtocolSpecificPolling:
			// WeÕre being told to do protocol specific polling
			if ( serviceValue != NULL )
				UInt32	value = *( UInt32 * ) serviceValue;
				if ( value != 0 )
					STATUS_LOG ( ( "Enabling polling of ATA Status register\n" ) );					
					EnablePollingOfStatusRegister ( );
					isSupported = true;

				if ( value == 0 )
					STATUS_LOG ( ( "Disabling polling of ATA Status register\n" ) );					
					DisablePollingOfStatusRegister ( );
					isSupported = true;
		case kSCSIProtocolFeature_ProtocolSpecificSleepCommand:
			if ( serviceValue != NULL )
				UInt32	value = *( UInt32 * ) serviceValue;
				if ( value != 0 )
					STATUS_LOG ( ( "Sending ATA sleep command\n" ) );
					( void ) SendATASleepCommand ( );
					isSupported = true;
	return isSupported;

//	¥ HandlePowerOn	- Power management routine to handle power state transition

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::HandlePowerOn ( void )
	IOReturn	status		= kIOReturnSuccess;
	bool		resetOccurred = false;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s%s::%s called%s\n", "\033[36m",
				   getName ( ), __FUNCTION__, "\033[0m" ) );	
	fCommandGate->runAction ( ( IOCommandGate::Action )
							  ( void * ) &resetOccurred );
	if ( !resetOccurred )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s fWakeUpResetOccurred is false, resetting device %s\n",
							"\033[36m", getName ( ), __FUNCTION__, "\033[0m" ) );	
		// We aren't on a shared bus, so we need to reset the device
		status = ResetATAPIDevice ( );
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s fWakeUpResetOccurred is true, NO reset needed %s\n",
				"\033[36m", getName ( ), __FUNCTION__, "\033[0m" ) );	
	return status;

//	¥ HandlePowerOff - Power managment routine to handle power state transition

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::HandlePowerOff ( void )
	IOReturn		status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	bool			resetOccurred = false;
	fCommandGate->runAction ( ( IOCommandGate::Action )
							  ( void * ) resetOccurred );
	return status;

//	¥ sSCSITaskCallbackProc	-	static callback routine which calls through to the virtual
//								routine

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sSCSITaskCallbackProc ( IOATACommand * cmd )

	SCSITaskIdentifier			scsiTask;	
	ATAPIClientData				clientData;
	IOATAPIProtocolTransport *	self = NULL;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ATACallbackProc entering.\n" ) );	
	// Pull the clientData out of the command
	bcopy ( cmd->refCon, &clientData, sizeof ( clientData ) );
	// Get the scsiTask and a pointer to self from the clientData
	scsiTask 	= clientData.scsiTask;
	self 		= clientData.self;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ATACallbackProc calling virtual callback...\n" ) );	
	// Call through to virtual callback
	self->SCSITaskCallbackFunction ( cmd, scsiTask );

// ¥ InspectDevice - Fetch information about the ATAPI device nub.

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::InspectDevice ( IOATADevice * ataDevice )
	OSString *		string			= NULL;
	IOReturn		theErr			= kIOReturnSuccess;
	// Fetch ATA device information from the nub.
	string = OSDynamicCast ( 	OSString,
								ataDevice->getProperty ( kATAVendorPropertyKey ) );
	if ( string != NULL )
		strncpy ( fModel, string->getCStringNoCopy ( ), kSizeOfATAModelString );
		fModel[kSizeOfATAModelString] = '\0';
	string = OSDynamicCast ( 	OSString,
								ataDevice->getProperty ( kATARevisionPropertyKey ) );
	if ( string != NULL )
		strncpy ( fRevision, string->getCStringNoCopy ( ), kSizeOfATARevisionString );
		fRevision[kSizeOfATARevisionString] = '\0';
	theErr = IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice ( );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice theErr = %ld\n", ( UInt32 ) theErr ) );
		return false;
	return true;

//	¥ sATACallbackSync	-	static synchronous callback routine

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATACallbackSync ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	IOSyncer *		syncer	= NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATACallbackSync entering\n" ) );	
	if ( cmd->getResult ( ) != kATANoErr )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "Command result error = %ld\n", cmd->getResult ( ) ) );
	syncer = ( IOSyncer * ) cmd->refCon;
	assert ( syncer );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATACallbackSync signalling syncer\n" ) );	
	syncer->signal ( );

//	¥ sATAPIConfigStateMachine	-	state machine for configuration commands

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATAPIConfigStateMachine ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	ATAPIConfigData *				configData;
	IOATAPIProtocolTransport *		driver;
	IOReturn						status;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATAPIConfigStateMachine entering\n" ) );	
	configData 	= ( ATAPIConfigData * ) cmd->refCon;
	status		= cmd->getResult ( );
	driver		= configData->self;
	switch ( configData->state )
		case kPIOTransferModeSetup:
			configData->state = kPIOTransferModeDone;
			driver->SetPIOTransferMode ( cmd, false );
		case kPIOTransferModeDone:
			if ( ( driver->fUltraDMAMode != 0 ) || ( driver->fDMAMode != 0 ) )
				configData->state = kDMATransferModeDone;
				driver->SetDMATransferMode ( cmd, false );

		// Intentional fall through	in case device doesn't support DMA
		case kDMATransferModeDone:
			configData->syncer->signal ( kIOReturnSuccess, false );
			PANIC_NOW ( ( "sATAPIConfigStateMachine unexpected state\n" ) );

//	¥ sATAPIResetCallback	-	static asynchronous callback routine for resets

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATAPIResetCallback ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	IOATAPIProtocolTransport *	xptDriver;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATAPIResetCallback entering\n" ) );	
	xptDriver = ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport * ) cmd->refCon;
	xptDriver->fWakeUpResetOccurred = true;
	xptDriver->fResetInProgress 	= false;

//	¥ sATAPIVoidCallback	-	callback that does nothing

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATAPIVoidCallback ( IOATACommand * cmd )

//	¥ sPollStatusRegister	-	Callout method for thread_call_enter_delayed.

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sPollStatusRegister ( void * driver, void * refCon )
	IOATAPIProtocolTransport *	xptDriver;
	xptDriver = ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport * ) driver;
	xptDriver->PollStatusRegister ( refCon );

//	¥ sPollStatusRegisterCallback	-	Callback method for PollStatusRegister().

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sPollStatusRegisterCallback ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	IOATAPIProtocolTransport *		xptDriver		= NULL;
	ATAPIClientData *				clientData		= NULL;
	clientData = ( ATAPIClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	xptDriver = ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport * ) clientData->self;
	xptDriver->PollStatusRegisterCallback ( cmd );

//	¥ AllocateATACommandObjects	-	allocates ATA command objects

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::AllocateATACommandObjects ( void )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::AllocateATACommandObjects entering\n" ) );	
	IOATACommand *			cmd 		= NULL;
	ATAPIClientData *		clientData 	= NULL;
	ATAPIConfigData *		configData	= NULL;
	// First allocate our reserve command
	fResetCommand = fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
	assert ( fResetCommand != NULL );
	fConfigCommand = fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
	assert ( fConfigCommand != NULL );
	configData = ( ATAPIConfigData * ) IOMalloc ( sizeof ( ATAPIConfigData ) );
	assert ( configData != NULL );
	bzero ( configData, sizeof ( ATAPIConfigData ) );
	configData->syncer = IOSyncer::create ( );
	assert ( configData->syncer != NULL );
	fConfigCommand->refCon = ( void * ) configData;
	fIdentifyCommand = fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
	assert ( fIdentifyCommand != NULL );
	for ( UInt32 index = 0; index < kIOATAPICommandPoolSize; index++ )
		// Allocate the command
		cmd = fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
		assert ( cmd != NULL );
		// Allocate the command clientData
		clientData = ( ATAPIClientData * ) IOMalloc ( sizeof ( ATAPIClientData ) );
		assert ( clientData != NULL );
		bzero ( clientData, sizeof ( ATAPIClientData ) );
		// set the back pointers to each other
		cmd->refCon 	= ( void * ) clientData;
		clientData->cmd	= cmd;
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "adding command to pool\n" ) );
		// Enqueue the command in the free list
		fCommandPool->returnCommand ( cmd );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::AllocateATACommandObjects exiting\n" ) );	

//	¥ DeallocateATACommandObjects	-	deallocates ATA command objects

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::DeallocateATACommandObjects ( void )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::DellocateATACommandObjects entering\n" ) );	
	IOATACommand *		cmd 		= NULL;
	ATAPIClientData *	clientData 	= NULL;
	ATAPIConfigData *	configData	= NULL;
	cmd = ( IOATACommand * ) fCommandPool->getCommand ( false );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	//¥¥¥ Walk the in-use queue and abort the commands (potential memory leak right now)
	// This handles walking the free command queue
	while ( cmd != NULL )
		clientData = ( ATAPIClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
		assert ( clientData != NULL );
		IOFree ( clientData, sizeof ( ATAPIClientData ) );
		clientData = NULL;
		fATADevice->freeCommand ( cmd );
		cmd = NULL;
		cmd = ( IOATACommand * ) fCommandPool->getCommand ( false );
	configData = ( ATAPIConfigData * ) fConfigCommand->refCon;
	assert ( configData != NULL );
	configData->syncer->release ( );
	IOFree ( configData, sizeof ( ATAPIConfigData ) );
	configData = NULL;
	// release "special" comands
	fATADevice->freeCommand ( fConfigCommand );
	fATADevice->freeCommand ( fResetCommand );
	fATADevice->freeCommand ( fIdentifyCommand );

	fConfigCommand 			= NULL;
	fResetCommand 			= NULL;
	fIdentifyCommand		= NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::DellocateATACommandObjects exiting\n" ) );	

//	¥ GetATACommandObject	-	Gets an ata command object from the pool.

IOATACommand *
IOATAPIProtocolTransport::GetATACommandObject ( bool blockForCommand )
	IOATACommand *		cmd	= NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::GetATACommandObject entering.\n" ) );
	cmd = ( IOATACommand * ) fCommandPool->getCommand ( blockForCommand );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	return cmd;

//	¥ ReturnATACommandObject	-	Returns the command to the command pool

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ReturnATACommandObject ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ReturnATACommandObject entering.\n" ) );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	fCommandPool->returnCommand ( cmd );

//	¥ IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice	-	Sends a device identify request to the device
//											and uses it to configure the drive speeds

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice ( void )
	IOReturn						theErr				= kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOATABusInfo *					busInfoPtr			= NULL;
	IOATADevConfig *				deviceConfigPtr		= NULL;
	OSDictionary *					dict				= NULL;
	// Get some info about the ATA bus
	busInfoPtr = IOATABusInfo::atabusinfo ( );
	assert ( busInfoPtr != NULL );
	busInfoPtr->zeroData ( );
	theErr = fATADevice->provideBusInfo ( busInfoPtr );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice provide bus info failed thErr = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
		goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;
	fATASocketType = busInfoPtr->getSocketType ( );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice socket type = %d.\n", ( UInt8 ) fATASocketType ) );
	theErr = IdentifyATAPIDevice ( );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice IdentifyATAPIDevice error = %ld, resetting device.\n", theErr ) );
		theErr = ResetATAPIDevice ( );
		if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice ResetATAPIDevice error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
			// Not even a reset worked, bail
			goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;
		theErr = IdentifyATAPIDevice ( );
		if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice 2nd IdentifyATAPIDevice error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );

			// Not even a reset worked, bail
			goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;

	deviceConfigPtr = IOATADevConfig::atadevconfig ( );
	assert ( deviceConfigPtr != NULL );
	theErr = fATADevice->provideConfig ( deviceConfigPtr );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice provideConfig returned an error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
		goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;
	theErr = deviceConfigPtr->initWithBestSelection ( ( UInt16 * ) fDeviceIdentifyData, busInfoPtr );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice Autoconfigure didn't work error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
		PANIC_NOW ( ( "Autoconfigure didn't work. Initialize drive speed manually.\n" ) );
		return theErr;
	theErr = fATADevice->selectConfig ( deviceConfigPtr );
	if ( theErr != kIOReturnSuccess )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice selectConfig returned error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
		return theErr;

	fPIOMode 			= deviceConfigPtr->getPIOMode ( );
	fDMAMode			= deviceConfigPtr->getDMAMode ( );
	fUltraDMAMode 		= deviceConfigPtr->getUltraMode ( );
	fATAPIPacketConfig 	= deviceConfigPtr->getPacketConfig ( );
	// Adjust any of the Multiword DMA or Ultra DMA values if there is a subclass with an
	// ATAPI Mass Storage Characteristics dictionary.
	dict = OSDynamicCast ( OSDictionary, getProperty ( kIOPropertyATAPIMassStorageCharacteristics ) );
	if ( dict != NULL )
		OSNumber *	modeNumber;
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "ATAPI Mass Storage dictionary exists.\n" ) );
		modeNumber = OSDynamicCast ( OSNumber, dict->getObject ( "DMA Mode" ) );
		if ( modeNumber != NULL )
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "Changing default Multiword DMA Mode value from %d to %d\n",
							fDMAMode, modeNumber->unsigned8BitValue ( ) ) );
			fDMAMode = modeNumber->unsigned8BitValue ( );

		modeNumber = OSDynamicCast ( OSNumber, dict->getObject ( "UDMA Mode" ) );
		if ( modeNumber != NULL )
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "Changing default Ultra DMA Mode value from %d to %d\n",
							fUltraDMAMode, modeNumber->unsigned8BitValue ( ) ) );
			fUltraDMAMode = modeNumber->unsigned8BitValue ( );
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "ATAPI Mass Storage dictionary does not exist.\n" ) );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "atapiConfig = %d.\n", (int) fATAPIPacketConfig ) );	
	theErr = ConfigureATAPIDevice ( );

	if ( busInfoPtr != NULL )

		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice releasing bus info.\n" ) );
		busInfoPtr->release ( );
		busInfoPtr = NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyAndConfigureATAPIDevice returning theErr = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
	return theErr;

//	¥ IdentifyATAPIDevice	-	Sends a device identify request to the device
//								and uses it to configure the drive speeds

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyATAPIDevice ( void )

	IOReturn		theErr 			= kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOSyncer *		syncer			= NULL;

	syncer = IOSyncer::create ( );
	assert ( syncer != NULL );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyATAPIDevice entering.\n" ) );
	// Zero the command object
	fIdentifyCommand->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	fIdentifyCommand->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );
	fIdentifyCommand->setBuffer ( fDeviceIdentifyBuffer );
	fIdentifyCommand->setPosition ( 0 );
	fIdentifyCommand->setByteCount ( kATAPIIdentifyPacketDeviceDataSize );
	fIdentifyCommand->setTransferChunkSize ( kATADefaultSectorSize );
	fIdentifyCommand->setCommand ( kID_DRIVE );
	fIdentifyCommand->setTimeoutMS ( k10SecondTimeout );
	fIdentifyCommand->setFlags ( mATAFlagIORead );

	fIdentifyCommand->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	// set the device head to the correct unit
	fIdentifyCommand->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	fIdentifyCommand->setRegMask ( ( ataRegMask ) ( mATAErrFeaturesValid | mATAStatusCmdValid ) );
	fIdentifyCommand->refCon = ( void * ) syncer;
	fIdentifyCommand->setCallbackPtr ( &sATACallbackSync );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyATAPIDevice executing identify command.\n" ) );
	theErr = fATADevice->executeCommand ( fIdentifyCommand );
	syncer->wait ( );
	#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
		// The identify device info needs to be byte-swapped on big-endian (ppc) 
		// systems because it is data that is produced by the drive, read across a 
		// 16-bit little-endian PCI interface, directly into a big-endian system.
		// Regular data doesn't need to be byte-swapped because it is written and 
		// read from the host and is intrinsically byte-order correct.	
		sSwapBytes16 ( ( UInt8 * ) fDeviceIdentifyData, kATAPIIdentifyPacketDeviceDataSize );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::IdentifyATAPIDevice exiting with theErr = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
	return theErr;

//	¥ ConfigureATAPIDevice	-	Configures the ATAPI Device

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ConfigureATAPIDevice ( void )
	ATAPIConfigData *		configData;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ConfigureATAPIDevice entering.\n" ) );
	configData = ( ATAPIConfigData * ) fConfigCommand->refCon;
	configData->self 	= this;
	configData->state 	= kPIOTransferModeSetup;
	sATAPIConfigStateMachine ( fConfigCommand );	
	configData->syncer->wait ( );
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//	¥ ReconfigureATAPIDevice	-	Reconfigures the ATAPI Device

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ReconfigureATAPIDevice ( void )
	SetPIOTransferMode ( fConfigCommand, true );
	if ( ( fUltraDMAMode != 0 ) || ( fDMAMode != 0 ) )
		SetDMATransferMode ( fConfigCommand, true );
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//	¥ SetPIOTransferMode	-	Configures the ATAPI Device's PIO Transfer mode

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetPIOTransferMode ( IOATACommand * cmd, bool forceSync )
	IOReturn		theErr 	= kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt8			mode	= 0;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetPIOTransferMode entering.\n" ) );
	// Zero the command object
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	cmd->setCommand ( kATAcmdSetFeatures );
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( k10SecondTimeout );
	cmd->setFeatures ( kATASetTransferMode );
	// Always set to highest transfer mode
	mode = sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( fPIOMode );
	// PIO transfer mode is capped at 4 for now in the ATA-5 spec. If a device supports
	// more than mode 4 it has to at least support mode 4. We might not get the best
	// performance out of the drive, but it will work until we update to latest spec.
	if ( mode > 4 )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetPIOTransferMode mode > 4 = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) mode ) );
		mode = 4;
	cmd->setSectorCount ( kATAEnablePIOModeMask | mode );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );

	// set the device head to the correct unit
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	cmd->setFlags ( mATAFlagImmediate );
	if ( forceSync )
		cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &sATAPIVoidCallback );
		cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &sATAPIConfigStateMachine );
	theErr = fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );	

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetPIOTransferMode exiting with error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
	return theErr;

//	¥ SetDMATransferMode	-	Configures the ATAPI Device's DMA Transfer mode

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetDMATransferMode ( IOATACommand * cmd, bool forceSync )
	IOReturn		theErr 			= kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt8			mode	= 0;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetDMATransferMode entering.\n" ) );
	// Zero the command object
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	cmd->setCommand ( kATAcmdSetFeatures );
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( k10SecondTimeout );
	cmd->setFeatures ( kATASetTransferMode );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	cmd->setFlags ( mATAFlagImmediate );

	// Always set to highest transfer mode
	if ( fUltraDMAMode )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetDMATransferMode choosing UltraDMA.\n" ) );
		mode = sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( fUltraDMAMode );
		// Ultra DMA is capped at 4 for now in the ATA-5 spec. If a device supports
		// more than mode 4 it MUST at least support mode 4. We might not get the best
		// performance out of the drive, but it will work until we update to latest spec.
		if ( mode > 4 )
			mode = 4;
		cmd->setSectorCount ( kATAEnableUltraDMAModeMask | mode );
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetDMATransferMode choosing DMA.\n" ) );
		mode = sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( fDMAMode );
		// MultiWord DMA is capped at 2 for now in the ATA-5 spec. If a device supports
		// more than mode 2 it MUST at least support mode 2. We might not get the best
		// performance out of the drive, but it will work until we update to latest spec.
		if ( mode > 2 )
			mode = 2;
		cmd->setSectorCount ( kATAEnableMultiWordDMAModeMask | mode );
	if ( forceSync )
		cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &sATAPIVoidCallback );
		cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &sATAPIConfigStateMachine );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetDMATransferMode executing DMA setup command.\n" ) );
	theErr = fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetDMATransferMode exiting with error = %ld.\n", theErr ) );
	return theErr;

//	¥ ResetATAPIDevice	-	Sends a device reset command to the device

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ResetATAPIDevice ( void )

	IOReturn	theErr = kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::ResetATAPIDevice entering.\n" ) );
	if ( fResetInProgress )
		return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
	fResetInProgress = true;
	// Zero the command object
	fResetCommand->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	fResetCommand->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	fResetCommand->setCommand ( kSOFTRESET );
	fResetCommand->setTimeoutMS ( k45SecondTimeout );
	fResetCommand->setFlags ( mATAFlagImmediate );
	fResetCommand->setOpcode ( kATAFnBusReset );
	fResetCommand->setCallbackPtr ( &sATAPIResetCallback );
	fResetCommand->refCon = ( void * ) this;
	theErr = fATADevice->executeCommand ( fResetCommand );
	return theErr;

//	¥ EnablePollingOfStatusRegister	-	Called to schedule a poll of the status register.

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::EnablePollingOfStatusRegister ( void )
	AbsoluteTime	time;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "EnablePollingOfStatusRegister called\n" ) );
	// No reason to start a thread if we've been termintated	
	if ( ( isInactive ( ) == false ) && fPollingThread )
		// Retain ourselves so that this object doesn't go away
		// while we are polling
		retain ( );
		clock_interval_to_deadline ( 1000, kMillisecondScale, &time );
		thread_call_enter_delayed ( fPollingThread, time );

//	¥ DisablePollingOfStatusRegister	-	Called to cancel a poll of the status register.

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::DisablePollingOfStatusRegister ( void )
	// Cancel the thread if it is running
	if ( thread_call_cancel ( fPollingThread ) )
		// It was running, so we balance out the retain ( )
		// with a release ( )
		release ( );

//	¥ PollStatusRegister	-	Called to poll the status register to see if the drive
//								bay door has been opened.

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::PollStatusRegister ( void * refCon )
	IOATACommand *		cmd;
	ATAPIClientData *	clientData;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "PollStatusRegister called\n" ) );
	// Get a command
	cmd = GetATACommandObject ( );
	clientData = ( ATAPIClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	clientData->self = this;
	// Zero the command
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Set the command up for reading the register
	cmd->setFlags ( mATAFlagIORead );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnRegAccess );
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );
	cmd->setRegMask ( mATAStatusCmdValid );
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( k10SecondTimeout );
	cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &sPollStatusRegisterCallback );
	fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );

//	¥ PollStatusRegisterCallback	-	Callback handler for status register polling

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::PollStatusRegisterCallback ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	IOReturn		theErr 			= kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt8			statusRegValue	= 0;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATAPIProtocolTransport::PollStatusRegisterCallback called\n" ) );
	theErr = cmd->getResult ( );
	if ( theErr == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// Read the status register value
		statusRegValue = cmd->getStatus ( );
		// If the value is 0x50, then the drive door has been opened since we last
		// checked. Let the SCSI Application Layer know so it can try to poll for
		// media.
		if ( statusRegValue == 0x50 )

			STATUS_LOG ( ( "Sending message to application layer.\n" ) );
			// Reset the device to bring it out of sleep mode, since media
			// might have been inserted.
			ResetATAPIDevice ( );
			// Do another poll
			EnablePollingOfStatusRegister ( );
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "Error = %d occurred while polling status register", theErr ) );
		// Some error occurred. For now, just issue another poll
		EnablePollingOfStatusRegister ( );
	// Drop the retain for this poll
	release ( );
	// Return the command back to the pool
	ReturnATACommandObject ( cmd );

//	¥ SendATASleepCommand	-	Sends an ATA SLEEP command to the drive

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SendATASleepCommand ( void )
	IOReturn		status;
	IOSyncer *		syncer;
	IOATACommand *	cmd;
	void *			previousRefCon;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s%s::%s called%s\n", "\033[36m", getName ( ), __FUNCTION__, "\033[0m" ) );	
	syncer = IOSyncer::create ( );	
	assert ( syncer != NULL );
	cmd = GetATACommandObject ( );
	// Zero the command
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( kATATimeout10Seconds );
	cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sATACallbackSync );
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	cmd->setCommand ( kATAcmdSleep );
	previousRefCon = cmd->refCon;
	cmd->refCon = ( void * ) syncer;
	status = fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );
	status = syncer->wait ( false );
	syncer->release ( );

	cmd->refCon = previousRefCon;
	ReturnATACommandObject ( cmd );
	return status;	

//	¥ SetWakeupResetOccurred	-	Called on safe side of command gate to set state

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::SetWakeupResetOccurred ( bool resetOccurred )
	fWakeUpResetOccurred = resetOccurred;

//	¥ sSetWakeupResetOccurred	-	Called on safe side of command gate

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sSetWakeupResetOccurred ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport * driver,
												    bool resetOccurred )
	driver->SetWakeupResetOccurred ( resetOccurred );

//	¥ CheckWakeupResetOccurred	-	Called on safe side of command gate to find out if
//									the driver has already received a reset message

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::CheckWakeupResetOccurred ( void )
	return fWakeUpResetOccurred;

//	¥ sCheckWakeupResetOccurred	-	Called on safe side of command gate

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sCheckWakeupResetOccurred ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport * driver,
												 	  bool * resetOccurred )
	*resetOccurred = driver->CheckWakeupResetOccurred ( );

//	¥ sSwapBytes16	-	swaps the buffer for device identify data

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sSwapBytes16 ( UInt8 * buffer, IOByteCount numBytesToSwap )
	IOByteCount		index;
	UInt8			temp;
	UInt8 *			firstBytePtr;
	for ( index = 0; index < numBytesToSwap; index += 2 )
		firstBytePtr 	= buffer;				// save pointer
		temp 			= *buffer++;			// Save Byte0, point to Byte1
		*firstBytePtr 	= *buffer;				// Byte0 = Byte1
		*buffer++		= temp;					// Byte1 = Byte0

//	¥ sConvertHighestBitToNumber	-	Finds the higest bit in a number and returns

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( UInt16 bitField )
	UInt16  index, integer;
	// Test all bits from left to right, terminating at the first non-zero bit
	for ( index = 0x0080, integer = 7; ( ( index & bitField ) == 0 && index != 0 ) ; index >>= 1, integer-- )
	{ ; }
	return ( integer );

// Handles messages from our provider.

IOATAPIProtocolTransport::message ( UInt32 type, IOService * provider, void * argument )
	IOReturn		status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDevice::message %p %lx\n", this, type ) );

	switch ( type )
		case kATAResetEvent:					// Someone gave a reset to the bus
			// reconfig device here
			fWakeUpResetOccurred = true;
			status = ReconfigureATAPIDevice ( );
			// Tell the layer above us that a reset occurred so it can lock media
			// and verify that the device is in a good state.
			SendNotification_VerifyDeviceState ( );
		case kATANullEvent:						// Just kidding -- nothing happened
		// atapi resets are not relevent to ATA devices, but soft-resets ARE relevant to ATAPI devices.
		case kATAPIResetEvent:					// Someone gave a ATAPI reset to the drive
			// reconfig device here
			fWakeUpResetOccurred = true;
			status = ReconfigureATAPIDevice ( );
			// Tell the layer above us that a reset occurred so it can lock media
			// and verify that the device is in a good state.
			SendNotification_VerifyDeviceState ( );
		case kIOMessageServiceIsRequestingClose:
            fPhysicallyConnected = false;
			SendNotification_DeviceRemoved ( );
            DeallocateATACommandObjects ( );
            if ( fATADevice != NULL )
				// Make sure we close provider, else the terminate won't propagate up the
				// stack.
                fATADevice->close ( this );
                fATADevice = NULL;
			status = super::message ( type, provider, argument );
	return status;

// binary compatibility reserved method space
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 1 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 2 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 3 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 4 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 5 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 6 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 7 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 8 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 9 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 10 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 11 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 12 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 13 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 14 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 15 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused ( IOATAPIProtocolTransport, 16 );

//							End				Of				File