zonemeta.h   [plain text]

* Copyright (C) 2007-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
#ifndef ZONEMETA_H
#define ZONEMETA_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "hash.h"


typedef struct CanonicalMapEntry {
    const UChar *id; // const because it's a reference to a resource bundle string.
    const UChar *country; // const because it's a reference to a resource bundle string.
} CanonicalMapEntry;

typedef struct OlsonToMetaMappingEntry {
    const UChar *mzid; // const because it's a reference to a resource bundle string.
    UDate from;
    UDate to;
} OlsonToMetaMappingEntry;

typedef struct MetaToOlsonMappingEntry {
    const UChar *id; // const because it's a reference to a resource bundle string.
    UChar *territory;
} MetaToOlsonMappingEntry;

class UVector;

class U_I18N_API ZoneMeta {
     * Return the canonical id for this system tzid, which might be the id itself.
     * If the given system tzid is not know, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is set in the status.
    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalSystemID(const UnicodeString &tzid, UnicodeString &systemID, UErrorCode& status);

     * Return the canonical country code for this tzid.  If we have none, or if the time zone
     * is not associated with a country, return null.
    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalCountry(const UnicodeString &tzid, UnicodeString &canonicalCountry);

     * Return the country code if this is a 'single' time zone that can fallback to just
     * the country, otherwise return empty string.  (Note, one must also check the locale data
     * to see that there is a localization for the country in order to implement
     * tr#35 appendix J step 5.)
    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getSingleCountry(const UnicodeString &tzid, UnicodeString &country);

     * Returns a CLDR metazone ID for the given Olson tzid and time.
    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getMetazoneID(const UnicodeString &tzid, UDate date, UnicodeString &result);
     * Returns an Olson ID for the ginve metazone and region
    static UnicodeString& U_EXPORT2 getZoneIdByMetazone(const UnicodeString &mzid, const UnicodeString &region, UnicodeString &result);

    static const UVector* U_EXPORT2 getMetazoneMappings(const UnicodeString &tzid);

    ZoneMeta(); // Prevent construction.
    static const CanonicalMapEntry* U_EXPORT2 getCanonicalInfo(const UnicodeString &tzid);

    static void initializeCanonicalMap(void);
    static void initializeOlsonToMeta(void);
    static void initializeMetaToOlson(void);
    static UHashtable* createCanonicalMap(void);
    static UHashtable* createOlsonToMetaMap(void);
    static UHashtable* createMetaToOlsonMap(void);


#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
#endif // ZONEMETA_H