DADisk.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "DADisk.h"

#include "DAInternal.h"
#include "DAServer.h"
#include "DASession.h"

#include <paths.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFRuntime.h>
#include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>

struct __DADisk
    CFRuntimeBase   _base;
    CFDictionaryRef _description;
    char *          _device;
    char *          _id;
    DASessionRef    _session;

typedef struct __DADisk __DADisk;

static CFStringRef __DADiskCopyDescription( CFTypeRef object );
static CFStringRef __DADiskCopyFormattingDescription( CFTypeRef object, CFDictionaryRef options );
static void        __DADiskDeallocate( CFTypeRef object );
static Boolean     __DADiskEqual( CFTypeRef object1, CFTypeRef object2 );
static CFHashCode  __DADiskHash( CFTypeRef object );

static const CFRuntimeClass __DADiskClass =

static CFTypeID __kDADiskTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;

__private_extern__ mach_port_t _DASessionGetID( DASessionRef session );

extern CFHashCode CFHashBytes( UInt8 * bytes, CFIndex length );

static CFStringRef __DADiskCopyDescription( CFTypeRef object )
    DADiskRef disk = ( DADiskRef ) object;

    return CFStringCreateWithFormat( CFGetAllocator( object ), NULL, CFSTR( "<DADisk %p [%p]>{id = %s}" ), object, CFGetAllocator( object ), disk->_id );

static CFStringRef __DADiskCopyFormattingDescription( CFTypeRef object, CFDictionaryRef options )
    DADiskRef disk = ( DADiskRef ) object;

    return CFStringCreateWithFormat( CFGetAllocator( object ), NULL, CFSTR( "%s" ), disk->_id );

static DADiskRef __DADiskCreate( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, const char * id )
    __DADisk * disk;

    disk = ( void * ) _CFRuntimeCreateInstance( allocator, __kDADiskTypeID, sizeof( __DADisk ) - sizeof( CFRuntimeBase ), NULL );

    if ( disk )
        CFRetain( session );

        disk->_description   = NULL;
        disk->_device        = NULL;
        disk->_id            = strdup( id );
        disk->_session       = session;

    return disk;

static void __DADiskDeallocate( CFTypeRef object )
    DADiskRef disk = ( DADiskRef ) object;

    if ( disk->_description   )  CFRelease( disk->_description );
    if ( disk->_device        )  free( disk->_device );
    if ( disk->_id            )  free( disk->_id );
    if ( disk->_session       )  CFRelease( disk->_session );

static Boolean __DADiskEqual( CFTypeRef object1, CFTypeRef object2 )
    DADiskRef disk1 = ( DADiskRef ) object1;
    DADiskRef disk2 = ( DADiskRef ) object2;

    return ( strcmp( disk1->_id, disk2->_id ) == 0 );

static CFHashCode __DADiskHash( CFTypeRef object )
    DADiskRef disk = ( DADiskRef ) object;

    return CFHashBytes( ( void * ) disk->_id, MIN( strlen( disk->_id ), 16 ) );

__private_extern__ DADiskRef _DADiskCreate( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, const char * id )
    DADiskRef disk = NULL;

    if ( session )
        disk = __DADiskCreate( allocator, session, id );

        if ( disk )
            if ( strncmp( id, _PATH_DEV, strlen( _PATH_DEV ) ) == 0 )
                disk->_device = strdup( id + strlen( _PATH_DEV ) );

    return disk;

DADiskRef _DADiskCreateFromSerialization( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, CFDataRef serialization )
    DADiskRef disk = NULL;

    if ( serialization )
        CFMutableDictionaryRef description;

        description = _DAUnserializeDiskDescription( CFGetAllocator( session ), serialization );

        if ( description )
            CFDataRef data;

            data = CFDictionaryGetValue( description, _kDADiskIDKey );

            if ( data )
                const char * id;

                id = ( void * ) CFDataGetBytePtr( data );

                if ( id )
                    disk = _DADiskCreate( CFGetAllocator( session ), session, id );

                    if ( disk )
                        CFDictionaryRemoveValue( description, _kDADiskIDKey );

                        disk->_description = CFRetain( description );

            CFRelease( description );

    return disk;

__private_extern__ char * _DADiskGetID( DADiskRef disk )
    return disk->_id;

DASessionRef _DADiskGetSession( DADiskRef disk )
    return disk->_session;

__private_extern__ mach_port_t _DADiskGetSessionID( DADiskRef disk )
    return _DASessionGetID( disk->_session );

__private_extern__ void _DADiskInitialize( void )
    __kDADiskTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass( &__DADiskClass );

__private_extern__ void _DADiskSetDescription( DADiskRef disk, CFDictionaryRef description )
    if ( disk->_description )
        CFRelease( disk->_description );

        disk->_description = NULL;

    if ( description )
        CFRetain( description );

        disk->_description = description;

CFDictionaryRef DADiskCopyDescription( DADiskRef disk )
    CFDictionaryRef description;

    description = NULL;

    if ( disk )
        if ( disk->_description )
            CFRetain( disk->_description );

            description = disk->_description;
            vm_address_t           _description;
            mach_msg_type_number_t _descriptionSize;
            kern_return_t          status;

            status = _DAServerDiskCopyDescription( _DADiskGetSessionID( disk ), _DADiskGetID( disk ), &_description, &_descriptionSize );

            if ( status == KERN_SUCCESS )
                description = _DAUnserializeDiskDescriptionWithBytes( CFGetAllocator( disk ), _description, _descriptionSize );

                CFDictionaryRemoveValue( ( void * ) description, _kDADiskIDKey );

                vm_deallocate( mach_task_self( ), _description, _descriptionSize );

    return description;

io_service_t DADiskCopyIOMedia( DADiskRef disk )
    io_service_t media;

    media = IO_OBJECT_NULL;

    if ( disk )
        if ( disk->_device )
            media = IOServiceGetMatchingService( kIOMasterPortDefault, IOBSDNameMatching( kIOMasterPortDefault, 0, disk->_device ) );

    return media;

DADiskRef DADiskCopyWholeDisk( DADiskRef disk )
    if ( disk )
        io_service_t media;

        media = DADiskCopyIOMedia( disk );

        while ( media )
            io_service_t parent = IO_OBJECT_NULL;

            if ( IOObjectConformsTo( media, kIOMediaClass ) )
                CFBooleanRef whole;

                whole = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( media, CFSTR( kIOMediaWholeKey ), CFGetAllocator( disk ), 0 );

                if ( whole )
                    if ( whole == kCFBooleanTrue )
                        disk = DADiskCreateFromIOMedia( CFGetAllocator( disk ), disk->_session, media );

                        IOObjectRelease( media );

                        CFRelease( whole );

                        return disk;

                    CFRelease( whole );

            IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry( media, kIOServicePlane, &parent );

            IOObjectRelease( media );

            media = parent;

    return NULL;

DADiskRef DADiskCreateFromBSDName( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, const char * name )
    DADiskRef disk;

    disk = NULL;

    if ( name )
        char id[MAXPATHLEN];

        if ( strncmp( name, _PATH_DEV, strlen( _PATH_DEV ) ) )
            strlcpy( id, _PATH_DEV, sizeof( id ) );
            strlcat( id, name,      sizeof( id ) );
            strlcpy( id, name, sizeof( id ) );

        disk = _DADiskCreate( allocator, session, id );

    return disk;

DADiskRef DADiskCreateFromIOMedia( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, io_service_t media )
    DADiskRef disk;

    disk = NULL;

    if ( media )
        CFStringRef string;

        string = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( media, CFSTR( kIOBSDNameKey ), allocator, 0 );

        if ( string )
            char name[MAXPATHLEN];

            CFStringGetCString( string, name, sizeof( name ), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

            disk = DADiskCreateFromBSDName( allocator, session, name );

            CFRelease( string );

    return disk;

DADiskRef DADiskCreateFromVolumePath( CFAllocatorRef allocator, DASessionRef session, CFURLRef path )
    DADiskRef disk = NULL;

    if ( path )
        char * _path;

        _path = ___CFURLCopyFileSystemRepresentation( path );

        if ( _path )
            struct statfs fs;
            int           status;

            status = ___statfs( _path, &fs, MNT_NOWAIT );

            if ( status )
                char name[MAXPATHLEN];

                if ( realpath( _path, name ) )
                    status = ___statfs( name, &fs, MNT_NOWAIT );

            if ( status == 0 )
                char * id;

                id = _DAVolumeCopyID( &fs );

                if ( id )
                    disk = _DADiskCreate( allocator, session, id );

                    free( id );

            free( _path );

    return disk;

const char * DADiskGetBSDName( DADiskRef disk )
    char * device;

    device = NULL;

    if ( disk )
        device = disk->_device;

    return device;

CFTypeID DADiskGetTypeID( void )
    return __kDADiskTypeID;