DiskArbitrationServerMain.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License."


#include <mach/mach.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>

#include "DiskArbitrationTypes.h"

#define PID_FILE "/var/run/autodiskmount.pid"


void LogErrorMessage(const char *format, ...);

extern int gDebug;

/* Debug warning */

#define dwarning(a) { if (gDebug) { printf a; fflush(stdout); } }

/* Production warning */

#if 1
#define pwarning(a) { LogErrorMessage a; }
#define pwarning(a) { printf a; fflush(stdout); }

#define DISKSTATE(x)	(x)==kDiskStateIdle ? "Idle" : \
						(x)==kDiskStateNew ? "New" : \
						(x)==kDiskStateNewlyUnmounted ? "NewlyUnmounted" : \
						(x)==kDiskStateNewlyEjected ? "NewlyEjected" : \
						(x)==kDiskStateToBeUnmounted ? "ToBeUnmounted" : \
						(x)==kDiskStateToBeEjected ? "ToBeEjected" : \
						(x)==kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected ? "ToBeUnmountedAndEjected" : \

#define STR(x)			(x) ? (x) : "(null)"


void SetBlueBoxBootVolume( int seqno );
int GetBlueBoxBootVolume( void );


enum ClientState {
	kClientStateIdle = 0,

typedef enum ClientState ClientState;

/* Steal a bit out of the top of the client->flags word. */

        kDiskArbIAmBlueBox 				= 1 << 31, /* Flag set by SetBlueBoxBootVolume */
        kDiskArbClientHandlesUninitializedDisks		= 1 << 30, /* Flag set by client handling uninited disks */

struct Client {
        struct Client * next;
	mach_port_t		port;
	pid_t			pid;
	unsigned		flags;
	ClientState		state;
	unsigned		numAcksRequired;

typedef struct Client Client;
typedef struct Client * ClientPtr;


ClientPtr NewClient( mach_port_t port, unsigned pid, unsigned flags );

void PrintClient(ClientPtr clientPtr);
void PrintClients(void);

ClientPtr LookupClientByPID( pid_t pid );

unsigned NumClientsDesiringAsyncNotification( void );


enum AckState {

typedef enum AckState AckState;

struct AckValue {
	pid_t			pid;
	AckState		state;
	int				errorCode;

typedef struct AckValue AckValue;

struct AckValues {
	int				physicalLength;
	int				logicalLength;
	AckValue	*	ackValues; // ptr to an array

typedef struct AckValues AckValues;

extern int currentConsoleUser;

AckValues * NewAckValues( int size );
void FreeAckValues( AckValues * p );
void InitAckValue( AckValues * p, pid_t pid );
void UpdateAckValue( AckValues * p, pid_t pid, int errorCode );
int NumUnsetAckValues( AckValues * p );
int NumUnsetAckValuesForAllDisks( void );
void PrintAckValues( AckValues * p );
AckValue * GetDissenterFromAckValues( AckValues * ackValuesPtr );
AckValue * GetDissenterFromAckValuesForAllDisks( void );
AckValue * GetUnresponderFromAckValues( AckValues * ackValuesPtr );
AckValue * GetUnresponderFromAckValuesForAllDisks( void );

void MakeDeadClientAgreeable( ClientPtr clientPtr );

void StartDiskRegistrationCompleteThread(ClientPtr client);


enum DiskState {
	kDiskStateIdle = 0,					/* may be mounted or unmounted */
	kDiskStateNew,						/* not yet probed for mounting */
	kDiskStateNewlyUnmounted,			/* newly unmounted - need to send post-unmount notifications to interested clients */
	kDiskStateNewlyEjected,				/* newly ejected - need to send post-eject notifications to interested clients */
	kDiskStateToBeUnmounted,			/* to be unmounted - waiting for pre-unmount acknowledgements from interested clients */
	kDiskStateToBeEjected,				/* to be ejected - waiting for pre-eject acknowledgements from interested clients */
    kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected,	/* to be unmounted then ejected - waiting for pre-unmount acknowledgements from interested clients */
    kDiskStateUnrecognized,	/* unrecognized disks can now be ignored */

typedef enum DiskState DiskState;

enum DiskFamily {
	kDiskFamily_Null = 0,

typedef enum DiskFamily DiskFamily;

struct Disk {
	struct Disk *	next;
	char *			ioBSDName;
	int			ioBSDUnit;
	char *			ioContent;
        char *			ioMediaNameOrNull;
        char *			ioDeviceTreePath;
	char *			mountpoint;
        char *			mountedFilesystemName;
	DiskFamily		family;
	unsigned		flags;
	int			sequenceNumber; // -1 if not applicable, i.e., not mounted
	DiskState		state;
	AckValues	*	ackValues; // NULL, except while processing an unmount/eject request
        int			mountedUser;
        io_object_t		service;
        int			wholeDiskContainsMountedChild;  // only useful to whole disks
        int			wholeDiskHasBeenYanked; 	// only useful to the whole disk

typedef struct Disk Disk;
typedef struct Disk * DiskPtr;


// Returns kDiskStateToBeUnmountedAndEjected, kDiskStateToBeUnmounted, or kDiskStateToBeEjected
// if there are any such disks.
// Otherwise returns kDiskStateIdle

DiskState AreWeBusy( void );
DiskState AreWeBusyForDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr );


DiskPtr NewDisk(	char * ioBSDName,
					int ioBSDUnit,
					char * ioContentOrNull,
					DiskFamily family,
					char * mountpoint,
					char * ioMediaNameOrNull,
					char * ioDeviceTreePathOrNull,
                                        io_object_t	service,
					unsigned flags );

void FreeDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr );

void PrintDisks(void);

void DiskSetMountpoint( DiskPtr diskPtr, const char * mountpoint );

DiskPtr LookupDiskByIOBSDName( char * ioBSDName );

int UnmountDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr, int forceUnmount );

int UnmountAllPartitions( DiskPtr diskPtr, int forceUnmount );

int EjectDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr );

void SetStateForOnePartition( DiskPtr diskPtr, DiskState newState );
void SetStateForAllPartitions( DiskPtr diskPtr, DiskState newState );

int NumPartitionsMountedFromThisDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr ); /* inclusive */
int NumPartitionsToBeUnmountedAndEjectedFromThisDisk( DiskPtr diskPtr ); /* inclusive */

DiskPtr LookupWholeDiskForThisPartition( DiskPtr diskPtr );

DiskPtr LookupWholeDiskToBeEjected( void );

boolean_t IsWhole( DiskPtr diskPtr );
boolean_t IsNetwork( DiskPtr diskPtr );


void PrepareToSendPreUnmountMsgs( void );
void PrepareToSendPreEjectMsgs( void );

void SendUnrecognizedDiskMsgs(mach_port_t port, char *devname, char *fstype, char *deviceType, int isWritable, int isRemovable, int isWhole );

void SendDiskChangedMsgs(char *devname, char *newMountpoint, char *newVolumeName, int flags, int success);

void SendDiskAppearedMsgs( void );
void SendUnmountCommitMsgs( void );
void SendPreUnmountMsgs( void );
void SendPreEjectMsgs( void );
void SendUnmountPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( char * ioBSDName, int errorCode, pid_t pid );
void SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForOnePartition( char * ioBSDName, int errorCode, pid_t pid );
void SendEjectPostNotifyMsgsForAllPartitions( DiskPtr diskPtr, int errorCode, pid_t pid );
void SendBlueBoxBootVolumeUpdatedMsgs( void );
void SendCompletedMsgs( int messageType );

void SendClientWasDisconnectedMsg(ClientPtr Client);

void CompleteEject( void );
void CompleteUnmount( void );

char *mountPath( void );
void cleanUpAfterFork(void);


int DiskArbitrationServerMain(int argc, char* argv[]);

kern_return_t EnableDeathNotifications(mach_port_t port);


typedef struct {
    boolean_t	eject_removable;
    boolean_t	do_removable;
    boolean_t	verbose;
    boolean_t	do_mount;
    boolean_t	debug;
    DiskPtr		Disks;
    unsigned	NumDisks;
    int			NumDisksAddedOrDeleted; // incremented each time a disk is added or removed as a flag for debug output
    ClientPtr	Clients;
    unsigned	NumClients;
} GlobalStruct;

extern GlobalStruct g;

#define INTERNAL_MSG		10  // some random number I picked :)


// Display Messages for Uninitialized disks

extern CFStringRef yankedHeader;
extern CFStringRef yankedMessage;
extern CFStringRef unrecognizedHeader;
extern CFStringRef unrecognizedMessage;
extern CFStringRef ejectString;
extern CFStringRef ignoreString;
extern CFStringRef initString;

#define UNINITED_HEADER CFSTR("You have inserted a disk containing volumes that Mac OS X can't read. To use the unreadable volumes, click Initialize. To use only the rest of the disk, click Continue.")
#define YANKED_HEADER CFSTR("The storage device that you just removed was not properly put away before being removed from this computer.  Data on the device may have been damaged or lost.  In the future, please put away the device (Choose its icon and Eject it or Drag it to trash) before removing the device.")
#define EJECT_BUTTON CFSTR("Eject")
#define IGNORE_BUTTON CFSTR("Continue")
#define INIT_BUTTON CFSTR("Initialize...")