UnexportedSymbols.txt   [plain text]

# List of symbols that we don't want exported in CoreFramework because
# they generate weak references.

# All of the following symbols are here because we use STL's vector.
# For each excluded symbol, there are three lines - the first two lines are
# comments, while the third line does the actual exlucsion.
#   The first line:   the symbol's unmangled name
#   The second line:  the symbol's mangled name in SnowLeopard
#   The third line:   the symbol's name with wildcards
# I chose to use the names with wildcards because the mangled names can change
# when gcc changes and/or the STL headers change.

#__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<void*>::allocate(unsigned long, void const*)

#std::_Vector_base<void*, std::allocator<void*> >::~_Vector_base()

#std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> >::_M_insert_aux(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<void**, std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> > >, void* const&)

#std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> >::push_back(void* const&)

#std::vector<void*, std::allocator<void*> >::~vector()

#void** std::__copy_backward<true, std::random_access_iterator_tag>::__copy_b<void*>(void* const*, void* const*, void**)

#void** std::uninitialized_copy<void**, void**>(void**, void**, void**)




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