PrivateTypes.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header PrivateTypes

#ifndef __PrivateTypes_h__
#define	__PrivateTypes_h__	1

#include <DirectoryService/DirServicesTypes.h>

	#include <syslog.h>

	#define kStdErr LOG_ALERT

	#define LOG syslog
	#define LOG1 syslog
	#define LOG2 syslog
	#define LOG3 syslog
	#define LOG4 syslog
#ifdef DEBUG
	#include <stdio.h>

	#define kStdErr stderr

	#define LOG fprintf
	#define LOG1 fprintf
	#define LOG2 fprintf
	#define LOG3 fprintf
	#define LOG4 fprintf
	#define LOG( flg, msg )
	#define LOG1( flg, msg, p1 )
	#define LOG2( flg, msg, p1, p2)
	#define LOG3( flg, msg, p1, p2, p3)
	#define LOG4( flg, msg, p1, p2, p3, p4)

#define kDSNameAndAATag			"{*AuthenticationAuthority*}"

/* errors used originally from MacErrors.h but prefixed with ds_ */
/* CoreServices.h has been fully removed from DirectoryService */
enum {
    ds_readErr                     = -19,		/*I/O System Errors*/
    ds_writErr                     = -20,		/*I/O System Errors*/
    ds_fnOpnErr                    = -38,		/*File not open*/
    ds_fnfErr                      = -43,		/*File not found*/
    ds_gfpErr                      = -52,		/*get file position error*/
    ds_permErr                     = -54		/*permissions error (on file open)*/

enum {
	kAuthUnknownMethod			= 1220,
	kAuthClearText				= 1221,
	kAuthCrypt					= 1222,
	kAuthSetPasswd				= 1223,
	kAuthSetPasswdAsRoot		= 1224,
	kAuthChangePasswd			= 1225,
	kAuthAPOP					= 1226,
	kAuth2WayRandom				= 1227,
	kAuthNativeClearTextOK		= 1228,
	kAuthNativeNoClearText		= 1229,
	kAuthSMB_NT_Key				= 1230,
	kAuthSMB_LM_Key				= 1231,
	kAuthNativeMethod			= 1232,
	kAuthCRAM_MD5				= 1233,
	kAuthWithAuthorizationRef	= 1234,
	kAuth2WayRandomChangePass	= 1235,
	kAuthDIGEST_MD5				= 1236,
	kAuthDIGEST_MD5Reauth		= 1237,
	kAuthSecureHash				= 1238,
	kAuthReadSecureHash			= 1239,
	kAuthWriteSecureHash		= 1240,
	kAuthMSCHAP2				= 1241,
	kAuthMSLMCHAP2ChangePasswd	= 1242,
	kAuthNTSetWorkstationPasswd	= 1243,
	kAuthNTSetNTHash			= 1244,
	kAuthSetLMHash				= 1245,
	kAuthSMBWorkstationCredentialSessionKey	= 1246,
	kAuthSMB_NTUserSessionKey	= 1247,
	kAuthNTLMv2					= 1248,
	kAuthPPS					= 1249,
	kAuthNativeRetainCredential	= 1250,
	kAuthSetCertificateHashAsRoot = 1251,
	kAuthSASLProxy				= 1252,
    kAuthGetPolicy				= 1278,
    kAuthSetPolicy				= 1279,
    kAuthGetGlobalPolicy		= 1280,
    kAuthSetGlobalPolicy		= 1281,
    kAuthGetUserName			= 1282,
    kAuthSetUserName			= 1283,
    kAuthGetUserData			= 1284,
    kAuthSetUserData			= 1285,
    kAuthDeleteUser				= 1286,
    kAuthNewUser				= 1287,
    kAuthGetIDByName			= 1288,
	kAuthSyncSetupReplica		= 1289,
	kAuthListReplicas			= 1290,
	kAuthGetEffectivePolicy		= 1291,
	kAuthSetPolicyAsRoot		= 1292,
	kAuthGetDisabledUsers		= 1293,
	kAuthGetKerberosPrincipal	= 1294,
	kAuthVPN_PPTPMasterKeys		= 1295,
	kAuthEncryptToUser			= 1296,
	kAuthDecrypt				= 1297,
	kAuthSetPasswdCheckAdmin	= 1298,
	kAuthNewUserWithPolicy		= 1299,
	kAuthSetShadowHashWindows	= 1300,
	kAuthSetShadowHashSecure	= 1301,
	kAuthNTSessionKey			= 1302,
	kAuthGetMethodListForUser	= 1303,
	kAuthKerberosTickets		= 1304,
	kAuthNTLMv2WithSessionKey	= 1305,
	kAuthNewComputer			= 1306,
	kAuthSetComputerAcctPasswdAsRoot = 1307

#ifndef nil
	#define nil NULL

#define kMaxInternalDispatchRecursion 4

typedef enum {
	eDirectoryRefType		=	'Dire',
	eNodeRefType			=	'Node',
	eRecordRefType			=	'Reco',
	eAttrListRefType		=	'AtLi',
	eAttrValueListRefType  	=	'AtVa'
} eRefTypes;

typedef enum
	kNoScriptCode		= 0,
	kUniCodeScript		= 1,
	kASCIICodeScript	= 2,	// means fBufferData is a valid CString
	kUnKnownScript		= 3
} eScriptCode;

typedef struct
	UInt32		fBufferSize;
	UInt32		fBufferLength;

	tDataNodePtr		fPrevPtr;
	tDataNodePtr		fNextPtr;
	UInt32				fType;
	eScriptCode			fScriptCode;

	char				fBufferData[ 1 ];
} tDataBufferPriv;

typedef enum {
	kUnknownNodeType		= 0x00000000,
	kDirNodeType			= 0x00000001,
	kLocalNodeType			= 0x00000002,
	kSearchNodeType			= 0x00000004,
	kConfigNodeType			= 0x00000008,
	kLocalHostedType		= 0x00000010,
	kDefaultNetworkNodeType	= 0x00000020,
	kContactsSearchNodeType	= 0x00000040,
	kNetworkSearchNodeType	= 0x00000080,
	kDHCPLDAPv3NodeType		= 0x00000100,
	kCacheNodeType			= 0x00000200,
	kBSDNodeType			= 0x00000400
} eDirNodeType;

typedef enum {
	kDSRefStateUnknown		= 0,
	kDSRefStateValid		= 1,
	kDSRefStateInvalid		= 2,
	kDSRefStateSuspended	= 3
} eDSRefState;

typedef enum {
	kDSEvalutateState = 1
} eDSTransitionType;

//memory cleanup macro definitions

//check for nil, free, set to nil
#define DSFreePassword( inPasswordPtr )				\
{													\
	if ( inPasswordPtr != nil )						\
	{												\
		bzero(inPasswordPtr,strlen(inPasswordPtr));	\
		free(inPasswordPtr);						\
		inPasswordPtr = nil;						\
	}												\
} if (true)

//check for nil, free, set to nil
#define DSFreeString( inStringPtr )		\
{										\
	if ( inStringPtr != nil )			\
	{									\
		free(inStringPtr);				\
		inStringPtr = nil;				\
	}									\
} if (true)

//check for nil, check for nil entries, free entries, set entries to nil, free list, set list to nil
#define DSFreeStringList( inStringListPtr )		\
{												\
	if ( inStringListPtr != nil )				\
	{											\
		UInt32 strCnt = 0;						\
		while(inStringListPtr[strCnt] != nil)   \
		{										\
			free(inStringListPtr[strCnt]);		\
			inStringListPtr[strCnt] = nil;		\
			strCnt++;							\
		}										\
		free(inStringListPtr);					\
		inStringListPtr = nil;					\
	}											\
} if (true)

// check if inCFRef is NULL, if not, release it and set it to NULL
#define DSCFRelease( inCFRef )	\
{								\
	if( inCFRef != NULL )		\
	{							\
		CFRelease( inCFRef );   \
		inCFRef = NULL;			\
	}							\

// check if inClassPtr is NULL, if not, delete it and set it to NULL
#define DSDelete( inClassPtr )		\
{									\
	if( inClassPtr != NULL )		\
	{								\
		delete inClassPtr;			\
		inClassPtr = NULL;			\
	}								\

// check if inMemoryPtr is NULL, if not, free it and set it to NULL
#define DSFree( inMemoryPtr )			\
{										\
	if ( inMemoryPtr != NULL )			\
	{									\
		free( inMemoryPtr );			\
		inMemoryPtr = NULL;				\
	}									\

#define DSRelease( inClassPtr )		\
{									\
	if ( (inClassPtr) != NULL )		\
	{								\
		(inClassPtr)->Release();	\
		(inClassPtr) = NULL;		\
	}								\

// check if a string is empty; cheaper than strlen(inString) != 0
#define DSIsStringEmpty( inString )	( inString == NULL || inString[0] == '\0' )
