PluginData.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header PluginData

#ifndef __PluginData_H__
#define __PluginData_H__	1

#include <DirectoryServiceCore/PrivateTypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

typedef enum {
	keAttrReadOnly		= 0x00000001,
	keAttrReadWrite		= 0x00000002
} eAttributeFlags;

typedef enum {
	kUnknownState	= 0x00000000,
	kActive			= 0x00000001,
	kInactive		= 0x00000002,
	kInitalized		= 0x00000004,
	kInitialized	= 0x00000004,
	kUninitialized	= 0x00000008,
	kFailedToInit	= 0x00000010
} ePluginState;

// dsGetDirNodeList

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirReference			fInDirRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	unsigned long			fOutNodeCount;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
} sGetDirNodeList;

// dsReleaseContinueData

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirReference			fInDirReference;
	tContextData			fInContinueData;
} sReleaseContinueData;

// dsFindDirNodes

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirReference			fInDirRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	tDataListPtr			fInNodeNamePattern;
	tDirPatternMatch		fInPatternMatchType;
	unsigned long			fOutDirNodeCount;
	tContextData			fOutContinueData;
} sFindDirNodes;

// dsOpenDirNode

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirReference			fInDirRef;
	tDataListPtr			fInDirNodeName;
	tDirNodeReference		fOutNodeRef;
	uid_t					fInUID;
	uid_t					fInEffectiveUID;
} sOpenDirNode;

// dsCloseDirNode

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirReference			fInNodeRef;
} sCloseDirNode;

// dsGetDirNodeInfo

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataListPtr			fInDirNodeInfoTypeList;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	bool					fInAttrInfoOnly;
	unsigned long			fOutAttrInfoCount;
	tAttributeListRef		fOutAttrListRef;
	tContextData			fOutContinueData;
} sGetDirNodeInfo;

// dsGetRecordList

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInDataBuff;
	tDataListPtr			fInRecNameList;
	tDirPatternMatch		fInPatternMatch;
	tDataListPtr			fInRecTypeList;
	tDataListPtr			fInAttribTypeList;
	bool					fInAttribInfoOnly;
	unsigned long			fOutRecEntryCount;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
} sGetRecordList;

// dsGetRecordEntry

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInOutDataBuff;
	unsigned long			fInRecEntryIndex;
	tAttributeListRef		fOutAttrListRef;
	tRecordEntryPtr			fOutRecEntryPtr;
} sGetRecordEntry;

// dsGetAttributeEntry

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInOutDataBuff;
	tAttributeListRef		fInAttrListRef;
	unsigned long			fInAttrInfoIndex;
	tAttributeValueListRef	fOutAttrValueListRef;
	tAttributeEntryPtr		fOutAttrInfoPtr;
} sGetAttributeEntry;

// dsGetAttributeValue

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInOutDataBuff;
	unsigned long			fInAttrValueIndex;
	tAttributeValueListRef	fInAttrValueListRef;
	tAttributeValueEntryPtr	fOutAttrValue;
} sGetAttributeValue;

// dsCloseAttributeList

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tAttributeListRef		fInAttributeListRef;
} sCloseAttributeList;

// dsCloseAttributeValueList

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tAttributeValueListRef	fInAttributeValueListRef;
} sCloseAttributeValueList;

// dsOpenRecord

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInRecType;
	tDataNodePtr			fInRecName;
	tRecordReference		fOutRecRef;
} sOpenRecord;

// dsGetRecordReferenceInfo

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tRecordEntryPtr			fOutRecInfo;
} sGetRecRefInfo;

// dsGetRecordAttributeInfo

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tAttributeEntryPtr		fOutAttrInfoPtr;
} sGetRecAttribInfo;

// dsGetRecordAttributeValueByID

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	unsigned long			fInValueID;
	tAttributeValueEntryPtr	fOutEntryPtr;
} sGetRecordAttributeValueByID;

// dsGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	unsigned long			fInAttrValueIndex;
	tAttributeValueEntryPtr	fOutEntryPtr;
} sGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex;

// dsGetRecordAttributeValueByValue

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrValue;
	tAttributeValueEntryPtr	fOutEntryPtr;
} sGetRecordAttributeValueByValue;

// dsFlushRecord

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
} sFlushRecord;

// dsCloseRecord

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
} sCloseRecord;

// dsSetRecordName

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInNewRecName;
} sSetRecordName;

// dsSetRecordType

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInNewRecType;
} sSetRecordType;

// dsDeleteRecord

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
} sDeleteRecord;

// dsCreateRecord
// dsCreateRecordAndOpen

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInRecType;
	tDataNodePtr			fInRecName;
	bool					fInOpen;
	tRecordReference		fOutRecRef;
} sCreateRecord;

// dsAddAttribute

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInNewAttr;
	tAccessControlEntryPtr	fInNewAttrAccess;
	tDataNodePtr			fInFirstAttrValue;
} sAddAttribute;

// dsRemoveAttribute

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttribute;
} sRemoveAttribute;

// dsAddAttributeValue

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrValue;
} sAddAttributeValue;

// dsRemoveAttributeValue

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	unsigned long			fInAttrValueID;
} sRemoveAttributeValue;

// dsSetAttributeValue

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tAttributeValueEntryPtr	fInAttrValueEntry;
} sSetAttributeValue;

// dsSetAttributeValues

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tRecordReference		fInRecRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDataListPtr			fInAttrValueList;
} sSetAttributeValues;

// dsDoDirNodeAuth

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAuthMethod;
	bool					fInDirNodeAuthOnlyFlag;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInAuthStepData;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutAuthStepDataResponse;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
} sDoDirNodeAuth;

// dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAuthMethod;
	bool					fInDirNodeAuthOnlyFlag;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInAuthStepData;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutAuthStepDataResponse;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
	tDataNodePtr			fInRecordType;
} sDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType;

// dsDoAttributeValueSearch

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	tDataListPtr			fInRecTypeList;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDirPatternMatch		fInPattMatchType;
	tDataNodePtr			fInPatt2Match;
	unsigned long			fOutMatchRecordCount;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
} sDoAttrValueSearch;

// dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	tDataListPtr			fInRecTypeList;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDirPatternMatch		fInPattMatchType;
	tDataListPtr			fInPatterns2MatchList;
	unsigned long			fOutMatchRecordCount;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
} sDoMultiAttrValueSearch;

// dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	tDataListPtr			fInRecTypeList;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDirPatternMatch		fInPattMatchType;
	tDataNodePtr			fInPatt2Match;
	unsigned long			fOutMatchRecordCount;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
	tDataListPtr			fInAttrTypeRequestList;
	bool					fInAttrInfoOnly;
} sDoAttrValueSearchWithData;

// dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutDataBuff;
	tDataListPtr			fInRecTypeList;
	tDataNodePtr			fInAttrType;
	tDirPatternMatch		fInPattMatchType;
	tDataListPtr			fInPatterns2MatchList;
	unsigned long			fOutMatchRecordCount;
	tContextData			fIOContinueData;
	tDataListPtr			fInAttrTypeRequestList;
	bool					fInAttrInfoOnly;
} sDoMultiAttrValueSearchWithData;

// dsDoPlugInCustomCall

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRef;
	unsigned long			fInRequestCode;
	tDataBufferPtr			fInRequestData;
	tDataBufferPtr			fOutRequestResponse;
	tDirNodeReference		fInNodeRefMap; //used for endian byte swapping only 
} sDoPlugInCustomCall;

// Internal Network Transition Call Thru

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
//future distinguishing of type of transition
} sNetworkTransitionValue;

// Header

typedef struct {
	uInt32					fType;
	sInt32					fResult;
	void				   *fContextData;
} sHeader;

#endif // __PluginData_H__