ServerModule.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header ServerModule

#include <stdio.h>	// for fprintf()

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#include "ServerModule.h"
#include "ServerModuleLib.h"
#include "CDSServerModule.h"
#include "DirServicesTypes.h"

using namespace DSServerPlugin;

// To fix a bug in previous versions of CF
 #define _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(x)	x

// The structs and functions in this file must be laid out according to C
// standards or the COM stuff won't work.
extern "C" {
extern CFUUIDRef	ModuleFactoryUUID;
extern void		   *ModuleFactory( CFAllocatorRef, CFUUIDRef );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Private stuff
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct _tagModuleType : public ModuleFtbl
	uInt32			mRefCount;
	CDSServerModule	*mInstance;
} _ModuleType;

static _ModuleType	*_VTablePrototype = NULL;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* COM Support functions
//		Boilerplate stuff to support COM's three required methods.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#pragma mark **** COM Support functions ****

//	* _COMQueryInterface ()

static HRESULT _COMQueryInterface ( void *thisp, REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv )
	CFUUIDRef	uuidInterface = ::CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes ( NULL, iid );

	if ( ::CFEqual ( uuidInterface, kModuleInterfaceUUID ) ||
		 ::CFEqual ( uuidInterface, IUnknownUUID ) )
		// IUnknownVTbl type is used in case the object is not one of our types.
		((IUnknownVTbl *)thisp)->AddRef(thisp);
		*ppv = thisp;
		::CFRelease( uuidInterface );

		return( S_OK );

	::CFRelease( uuidInterface );
	*ppv = NULL;

	return( E_NOINTERFACE );

} // _COMQueryInterface

//	* _COMAddRef ()

static ULONG _COMAddRef ( void *thisp )
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs ( "Bad cast to _ModuleType!\n", stderr );
		return( (ULONG)-1 );

	return( ++(opThis->mRefCount) );

} // _COMAddRef

//	* _COMRelease ()

static ULONG _COMRelease ( void *thisp )
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs ( "Bad cast to _ModuleType in Release!\n", stderr );
		return( (ULONG)-1 );
	// Dealloc the ref count.
	if ( --(opThis->mRefCount) )
		return( opThis->mRefCount );

	// If there are no ref counts left, dealloc the object for real.
	::puts ( "_COMRelease: deallocating...\n" );

	delete( opThis );
	::CFPlugInRemoveInstanceForFactory ( ModuleFactoryUUID );

	return( 0 );

} // _COMRelease

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ModuleInterface functions
//		C glue code from COM interface functions to C++ instance methods.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#pragma mark **** ModuleInterface functions ****

//	* _Validate ()

static sInt32 _Validate ( void *thisp, const char *inVersionStr, const uInt32 inSignature )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs ("Bad cast to _ModuleType in Validate!\n", stderr);
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->Validate( inVersionStr, inSignature );

	catch( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _Validate

//	* _Initialize()

static sInt32 _Initialize ( void *thisp )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs ("Bad cast to _ModuleType in Initialize!\n", stderr);
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->Initialize();

	catch( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _Initialize

//	* _Configure ()

static sInt32 _Configure ( void *thisp )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs ("Bad cast to _ModuleType in Configure!\n", stderr);
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->Configure();

	catch( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _Configure

//	* _ProcessRequest ()

static sInt32 _ProcessRequest ( void *thisp, void *inData )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs ( "Bad cast to _ModuleType in ProcessRequest!\n", stderr );
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->ProcessRequest( inData );

	catch ( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch ( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch ( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _ReceiveFromClient

//	* _SetPluginState ()

static sInt32 _SetPluginState ( void *thisp, const uInt32 inState )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs( "Bad cast to _ModuleType in SetPluginState!\n", stderr );
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->SetPluginState( inState );

	catch( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _SetPluginState

//	* _PeriodicTask ()

static sInt32 _PeriodicTask ( void *thisp )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs( "Bad cast to _ModuleType in PeriodicTask!\n", stderr );
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->PeriodicTask();

	catch( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _PeriodicTask

//	* _Shutdown ()

static sInt32 _Shutdown ( void *thisp )
	sInt32	nResult = eDSNoErr;
	_ModuleType	*opThis = static_cast<_ModuleType *> (thisp);

	if ( opThis == NULL )
		::fputs( "Bad cast to _ModuleType in Shutdown!\n", stderr );
		return( -1 );

	try {
		nResult = opThis->mInstance->Shutdown();

	catch( sInt32 err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( OSErr err )
		nResult = err;

	catch( ... )
		nResult = eParameterError;

	return( nResult );

} // _Shutdown

//	* _LinkLibFtbl ()

static void _LinkLibFtbl ( void *thisp, SvrLibFtbl *inLinkBack )
	::SetupLinkTable( inLinkBack );
} // _LinkLibFtbl

//	* _InitializeModule ()

static void _InitializeModule ( void )
	_VTablePrototype = new _ModuleType;

	if ( _VTablePrototype != nil )
		// Assign the function pointers.
		_VTablePrototype->QueryInterface	= _COMQueryInterface;
		_VTablePrototype->AddRef			= _COMAddRef;
		_VTablePrototype->Release			= _COMRelease;

		_VTablePrototype->validate			= _Validate;
		_VTablePrototype->initialize		= _Initialize;
		_VTablePrototype->configure			= _Configure;
		_VTablePrototype->processRequest	= _ProcessRequest;
		_VTablePrototype->setPluginState	= _SetPluginState;
		_VTablePrototype->periodicTask		= _PeriodicTask;
		_VTablePrototype->shutdown			= _Shutdown;
		_VTablePrototype->linkLibFtbl 		= _LinkLibFtbl;

		// Set the instance data variables.
		_VTablePrototype->mInstance			= 0;
		_VTablePrototype->mRefCount			= 1;
		::fputs ( "Serious memory allocation error!\n", stderr );

} // _InitializeModule

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Factory function
//	This is the only exported function in the file.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void *ModuleFactory ( CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFUUIDRef typeID )
	if ( _VTablePrototype == nil )

	::puts( "ModuleFactory: loaded and called!\n" );
	::fflush( stdout );

	if ( ::CFEqual( typeID, kModuleTypeUUID ) )
		_ModuleType	*opNew = new _ModuleType;
		// Set the instance data variables.
		*opNew = *_VTablePrototype;
		opNew->mInstance = CDSServerModule::Instance();
		::CFPlugInAddInstanceForFactory( ModuleFactoryUUID );

		return( opNew );
		return( NULL );

} // ModuleFactory