DirServicesUtils.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header DirServicesUtils

#include "DirServicesUtils.h"
#include "DirServicesPriv.h"
#include "DirServices.h"
#include "DirServicesTypesPriv.h"
#include "PrivateTypes.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// -- Static ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

static tDataNodePtr	dsGetThisNodePriv 				( tDataNode *inFirsNode, const unsigned long inIndex );
static tDataNodePtr	dsGetLastNodePriv 				( tDataNode *inFirsNode );
static tDataNodePtr	dsAllocListNodeFromStringPriv	( const char *inString );
static tDataNodePtr	dsAllocListNodeFromBuffPriv		( const void *inData, const uInt32 inSize );
static tDirStatus	dsVerifyDataListPriv			( const tDataList *inDataList );

//	Name:	dsDataBufferAllocate

tDataBufferPtr dsDataBufferAllocate ( tDirReference inDirRef, unsigned long inBufferSize )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	uInt32				size		= 0;
	tDataBufferPtr		outBuff		= nil;

	size = sizeof( tDataBufferPriv ) + inBufferSize;
	outBuff = (tDataBuffer *)::calloc( size + 1, sizeof( char ) );		// +1 for null term
	if ( outBuff != nil )
		outBuff->fBufferSize	= inBufferSize;
		outBuff->fBufferLength	= 0;

	return( outBuff );

} // dsDataBufferAllocate

//	Name:	dsDataBufferDeAllocate

tDirStatus dsDataBufferDeAllocate ( tDirReference inDirRef, tDataBuffer *inDataBufferPtr )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus		tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( inDataBufferPtr != nil )
		free( inDataBufferPtr );
		inDataBufferPtr = nil;
		tResult = eDSNullDataBuff;

	return( tResult );

} // dsDataBufferDeAllocate

// Data Node Routines

//	Name:	dsDataNodeAllocateBlock

tDataNodePtr dsDataNodeAllocateBlock (	tDirReference	inDirRef,
										unsigned long	inDataNodeSize,
										unsigned long	inDataNodeLength,
										tBuffer			inDataNodeBuffer )
	tDataNode		   *pOutBuff	= nil;

	if ( inDataNodeBuffer != nil )
		if ( (inDataNodeSize >= inDataNodeLength) && (inDataNodeSize != 0) && (inDataNodeLength != 0) )
			pOutBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( inDirRef, inDataNodeSize );
			if ( pOutBuff != nil )
				::memcpy( pOutBuff->fBufferData, inDataNodeBuffer, inDataNodeLength );
				::dsDataNodeSetLength( pOutBuff, inDataNodeLength );
				LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( pOutBuff );

} // dsDataNodeAllocateBlock

//	Name:	dsDataNodeAllocateString

tDataNodePtr dsDataNodeAllocateString ( tDirReference inDirRef, const char *inCString )
	tDataNode		   *pOutBuff	= nil;
	uInt32				len			= 0;

	if ( inCString != nil )
		len = ::strlen( inCString );

	pOutBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( inDirRef, len );
	if ( (pOutBuff != nil) && (inCString != nil) )
		::strcpy( pOutBuff->fBufferData, inCString );
		::dsDataNodeSetLength( pOutBuff, len );

	return( pOutBuff );

} // dsDataNodeAllocateString

//	Name:	dsDataNodeDeAllocate

tDirStatus dsDataNodeDeAllocate ( tDirReference inDirRef, tDataNode *inDataNodePtr )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus		tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( inDataNodePtr != nil )
		free( inDataNodePtr );
		inDataNodePtr = nil;
		tResult = eDSNullParameter;
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( tResult );

} // dsDataNodeDeAllocate


//	Name:	dsDataNodeSetLength

tDirStatus dsDataNodeSetLength ( tDataNode *inDataNodePtr, unsigned long inDataNodeLength )
	tDirStatus		tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( inDataNodePtr != nil )
		inDataNodePtr->fBufferLength = inDataNodeLength;
		tResult = eDSNullParameter;
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( tResult );

} // dsDataNodeSetLength

//	Name:	dsDataNodeGetLength

unsigned long dsDataNodeGetLength ( tDataNode *inDataNodePtr )
	unsigned long		uiResult	= 0;

	if ( inDataNodePtr != nil )
		uiResult = inDataNodePtr->fBufferLength;

	return( uiResult );

} // dsDataNodeGetLength


//	Name:	dsDataNodeGetSize

unsigned long dsDataNodeGetSize ( tDataNode *inDataNodePtr )
	unsigned long		uiResult	= 0;

	if ( inDataNodePtr != nil )
		uiResult = inDataNodePtr->fBufferSize;

	return( uiResult );

} // dsDataNodeGetSize

// Data list Routines

//	Name:	dsDataListAllocate

tDataListPtr dsDataListAllocate ( tDirReference inDirRef )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDataList		   *outResult	= nil;

	outResult = (tDataList *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( tDataList ) );
	if ( outResult == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( outResult );

} // dsDataListAllocate

//	Name:	dsDataListDeAllocate

tDirStatus dsDataListDeAllocate (	tDirReference	inDirRef,
									tDataList	   *inDataList,
									dsBool			inDeAllocateNodesFlag )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )

	return( dsDataListDeallocate( inDirRef, inDataList ) );

} // dsDataListDeAllocate

//	Name:	dsDataListDeallocate

tDirStatus dsDataListDeallocate (	tDirReference	inDirRef,
									tDataList	   *inDataList )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrivData	= nil;
	tDataBuffer		   *pTmpBuff	= nil;
	tDataBuffer		   *pDataBuff	= nil;

	if ( inDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	//KW need to determine HOW to free the actual tDataList ie. what if stack variable passed in
	//plan to include setting inside tDataList that determines if utility routine actually calloc'ed it

	if ( inDataList->fDataListHead != nil )
		pDataBuff = inDataList->fDataListHead;

            inDataList->fDataListHead = nil;
            inDataList->fDataNodeCount = 0;
		pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pDataBuff;
		while ( pDataBuff != nil )
			pTmpBuff = pDataBuff;

			if ( pPrivData != nil )
				pDataBuff = pPrivData->fNextPtr;
				if ( pDataBuff != nil )
					pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pDataBuff;
				pDataBuff = nil;

			free( pTmpBuff );
			pTmpBuff = nil;

	return( tResult ); //by above code this never fails

} // dsDataListDeallocate


//	Name:	dsBuildListFromStrings

tDataListPtr dsBuildListFromStrings ( tDirReference inDirRef, const char *in1stCString, ... )
	tDirStatus			tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	tDataList		   *pOutList	= nil;
	va_list				args;

	pOutList = ::dsDataListAllocate( inDirRef );
	if ( pOutList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( nil );

	va_start( args, in1stCString );

	tResult = ::dsBuildListFromStringsAllocV( inDirRef, pOutList, in1stCString, args );
	return( pOutList );

} // dsBuildListFromStrings

//	Name:	dsGetPathFromList

char* dsGetPathFromList ( tDirReference	inDirRef, const tDataList *inDataList, const char *inDelimiter )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	char			   *outStr			= nil;
	uInt32				uiSafetyCntr	= 0;
	uInt32				uiStrLen		= 0;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrivData		= nil;
	char			   *prevStr			= nil;
	uInt32				cStrLen			= 256;
	char			   *nextStr			= nil;

	if ( (inDataList == nil) || (inDelimiter == nil) )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( nil );

	if ( (inDataList->fDataNodeCount == 0) || (inDataList->fDataListHead == nil) )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Parameter Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( nil );

	prevStr = (char *)calloc(cStrLen,sizeof(char));
	pCurrNode = inDataList->fDataListHead;
	while ( pCurrNode != nil )
		// Append the delimiter

		//check if there is more char buffer length required
		// Append the string
		pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
		//check if there is more char buffer length required ie. look at the next string plus
		//the delimiter plus termination null plus pad of 4
		while (cStrLen < (1+strlen(prevStr)+pPrivData->fBufferLength+4))
			nextStr = (char *)calloc(strlen(prevStr)+1,sizeof(char));
			cStrLen *= 2;
			prevStr = (char *)calloc(cStrLen,sizeof(char));
		strncat(prevStr,(const char *)pPrivData->fBufferData,pPrivData->fBufferLength);

		pCurrNode = pPrivData->fNextPtr;


		if ( uiSafetyCntr == inDataList->fDataNodeCount )
			// Yes, we are done
			pCurrNode = nil;

			if ( pPrivData->fNextPtr != nil )
				LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Parameter Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	if ( uiSafetyCntr != inDataList->fDataNodeCount )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Parameter Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	uiStrLen = strlen(prevStr);
	if ( uiStrLen != 0 )
		outStr = (char *)calloc( uiStrLen + 1, sizeof(char));
		::strcpy( outStr, prevStr );


	return( outStr );

} // dsGetPathFromList

//	Name:	dsBuildFromPath

tDataListPtr dsBuildFromPath ( tDirReference	inDirRef,
								const char	   *inPathCString,
								const char	   *inPathSeparatorCString )
	const char		   *inStr		= nil;
	char			   *ptr			= nil;
	const char		   *inDelim		= nil;
	sInt32				delimLen	= 0;
	dsBool				done		= false;
	sInt32				len			= 0;
	tDataList		   *outDataList	= nil;
	char			   *cStr		= nil;

	if ( (inPathCString == nil) || (inPathSeparatorCString == nil) )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( nil );

	inStr = inPathCString;
	len = ::strlen( inStr );

   	inDelim = inPathSeparatorCString;
   	delimLen = ::strlen( inDelim );

	// Does the string == the delimiter
	if ( ::strcmp( inStr, inDelim ) == 0 )
		return( nil );

	outDataList = ::dsDataListAllocate( inDirRef );
	if ( outDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( nil );

	ptr = strstr( inStr, inDelim );

	// Does the first char(s) == the delimiter
	if ( (ptr != nil) && (ptr == inStr) )
		inStr += delimLen;

	while ( !done && (*inStr != nil) )
		ptr = ::strstr( inStr, inDelim );
		if ( ptr == nil )
			len = ::strlen( inStr );

			cStr = (char *)calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));

			::dsAppendStringToListAlloc( 0x00F0F0F0, outDataList, cStr );
			done = true;
			len = ptr - inStr;

			cStr = (char *)calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));

			::dsAppendStringToListAlloc( 0x00F0F0F0, outDataList, cStr );
			inStr += len + delimLen;

	return( outDataList );

} // dsBuildFromPath

//	Name:	dsBuildListFromPathAlloc

tDirStatus dsBuildListFromPathAlloc ( tDirReference	inDirRef,
									  tDataList		*inDataList,
									  const char	*inPathCString,
									  const char	*inPathSeparatorCString )
	tDirStatus			tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	const char		   *inStr		= nil;
	char			   *ptr			= nil;
	const char		   *inDelim		= nil;
	sInt32				delimLen	= 0;
	dsBool				done		= false;
	sInt32				len			= 0;
	char			   *cStr		= nil;

	if ( inDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	if ( (inPathCString == nil) || (inPathSeparatorCString == nil) )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullParameter );

	// Does the string == the delimiter
	if ( ::strcmp( inPathCString, inPathSeparatorCString ) == 0 )
		return( eDSEmptyParameter );

	inStr = inPathCString;

   	inDelim = inPathSeparatorCString;
   	delimLen = ::strlen( inDelim );

	// This could leak
	inDataList->fDataNodeCount = 0;
	inDataList->fDataListHead  = nil;

	ptr = ::strstr( inStr, inDelim );

	// Does the first char(s) == the delimiter
	if ( (ptr != nil) && (ptr == inStr) )
		inStr += delimLen;

	while ( !done && (tResult == eDSNoErr) && (*inStr != nil) )
		ptr = ::strstr( inStr, inDelim );
		if ( ptr == nil )
			len = ::strlen( inStr );
			done = true;
			len = ptr - inStr;

		cStr = (char *)::calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
		tResult = ::dsAppendStringToListAlloc( 0x00F0F0F0, inDataList, cStr );
		inStr += len + delimLen;

	if ( tResult != eDSNoErr )
		::dsDataListDeallocate ( inDirRef, inDataList );

	return( tResult );

} // dsBuildListFromPathAlloc

//	Name:	dsBuildListFromNodes

tDataListPtr dsBuildListFromNodes ( tDirReference inDirRef, tDataNode *in1stDataNodePtr, ... )

#pragma unused ( inDirRef, in1stDataNodePtr )

	return( nil );

} // dsBuildListFromNodes

//	Name:	dsBuildListFromStringsAlloc

tDirStatus dsBuildListFromStringsAlloc ( tDirReference	inDirRef,
										 tDataList	   *inDataList,
										 const char	   *inStr, ... )
	va_list		args;
	tDirStatus	tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	va_start( args, inStr );
	tResult = ::dsBuildListFromStringsAllocV(inDirRef, inDataList, inStr, args);
	va_end( args );
	return tResult;

//	Name:	dsBuildListFromStringsAlloc

tDirStatus dsBuildListFromStringsAllocV ( tDirReference	inDirRef,
										  tDataList		*inDataList,
										  const char	*inStr,
										  va_list		args )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	const char		   *pStr		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pPrevNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pPrivData	= nil;

	if ( inDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	// This could leak
	inDataList->fDataNodeCount = 0;
	inDataList->fDataListHead  = nil;

    pStr = inStr;

	while ( (pStr != nil) && (tResult == eDSNoErr) )
		// Node size is: struct size + string length + null term byte
		pCurrNode = ::dsAllocListNodeFromStringPriv( pStr );
		if ( pCurrNode != nil )
			if ( inDataList->fDataNodeCount == 0 )
				inDataList->fDataListHead = pCurrNode;
				pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
				pPrivData->fPrevPtr		= nil;
				pPrivData->fNextPtr		= nil;
				pPrivData->fScriptCode	= kASCIICodeScript;

			else if ( pPrevNode != nil )
				// Get the previous node's header and point it to the next
				pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pPrevNode;
				pPrivData->fNextPtr = pCurrNode;

				// Get the current node's header and point it to the prevous
				pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
				pPrivData->fPrevPtr = pPrevNode;

				// Set the script code to ASCII
				pPrivData->fScriptCode = kASCIICodeScript;

				tResult = eMemoryAllocError;
				LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
			tResult = eMemoryAllocError;
			LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );

		pStr = va_arg( args, char * );

		pPrevNode = pCurrNode;
		pCurrNode = nil;

	va_end( args );

	return( tResult );

} // dsBuildListFromStringsAlloc

//	Name:	dsAppendStringToList

tDirStatus dsAppendStringToList ( tDataList *inDataList, const char *inCString )
#pragma unused ( inDataList, inCString )

	LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Call to Unsupported function: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( eNoLongerSupported );

} // dsAppendStringToList

//	Name:	dsAppendStringToListAlloc

tDirStatus dsAppendStringToListAlloc (	tDirReference	inDirRef,
										tDataList	   *inOutDataList,
										const char	   *inCString )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult			= eDSNoErr;
	const char		   *pInString		= inCString;
	tDataNode		   *pNewNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pNewNodePriv	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pCurNodePriv	= nil;

	if ( inOutDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	if ( inCString == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullParameter );

	if ( (inOutDataList->fDataNodeCount == 0) || (inOutDataList->fDataListHead == nil) )
		// This could leak
		inOutDataList->fDataNodeCount	= 0;
		inOutDataList->fDataListHead	= nil;

	pNewNode = ::dsAllocListNodeFromStringPriv( pInString );
	if ( pNewNode == nil )
		LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, eMemoryAllocError );
		return( eMemoryAllocError );

	if ( inOutDataList->fDataNodeCount == 0 )
		inOutDataList->fDataListHead = pNewNode;
		pNewNodePriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNewNode;
		pNewNodePriv->fPrevPtr		= nil;
		pNewNodePriv->fNextPtr		= nil;
		pNewNodePriv->fScriptCode	= kASCIICodeScript;

		pCurrNode = ::dsGetLastNodePriv( inOutDataList->fDataListHead );
		if ( pCurrNode != nil )
			// Get the current node's header and point it to the new
			pCurNodePriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
			pCurNodePriv->fNextPtr = pNewNode;

			// Get the new node's header and point it to the prevous end
			pNewNodePriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNewNode;
			pNewNodePriv->fPrevPtr	= pCurrNode;
			pNewNodePriv->fNextPtr	= nil;

			// Set the script code to ASCII
			pNewNodePriv->fScriptCode = kASCIICodeScript;

			tResult = eDSInvalidIndex;
			LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );

	return( tResult );

} // dsAppendStringToListAlloc

//	Name:	dsBuildListFromNodesAlloc

tDirStatus dsBuildListFromNodesAlloc (	tDirReference	inDirRef,
										tDataList	   *inDataList,
										tDataNode	   *in1stDataNodePtr,
										... )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	tDataNode		   *pNodePtr	= in1stDataNodePtr;;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pPrevNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pPrivData	= nil;
	va_list				args;

	if ( inDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	// This could leak
	inDataList->fDataNodeCount	= 0;
	inDataList->fDataListHead	= nil;

	va_start( args, in1stDataNodePtr );

	while ( (pNodePtr != nil) && (tResult == eDSNoErr) )
		pCurrNode = ::dsAllocListNodeFromBuffPriv( pNodePtr->fBufferData, pNodePtr->fBufferLength );
		if ( pCurrNode != nil )
			// Is it the first node in the list
			if ( inDataList->fDataNodeCount == 0 )
				inDataList->fDataListHead = pCurrNode;
				pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
				pPrivData->fPrevPtr		= nil;
				pPrivData->fNextPtr		= nil;
				pPrivData->fScriptCode	= kASCIICodeScript;

			else if ( pPrevNode != nil )
				// Get the previous node's header and point it to the next
				pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pPrevNode;
				pPrivData->fNextPtr = pCurrNode;

				// Get the current node's header and point it to the prevous
				pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
				pPrivData->fPrevPtr = pPrevNode;

				// Set the script code to ASCII
				pPrivData->fScriptCode = kASCIICodeScript;

				tResult = eMemoryAllocError;
				LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
			tResult = eMemoryAllocError;
			LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );

		pNodePtr = va_arg( args, tDataNode * );

		pPrevNode = pCurrNode;
		pCurrNode = nil;

	return( tResult );

} // dsBuildListFromNodesAlloc


//	Name:	dsDataListGetNodeCount

unsigned long dsDataListGetNodeCount ( const tDataList *inDataList )
	tDirStatus		tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	unsigned long	outCount	= 0;

	if ( inDataList != nil )
		// Verify node count first
		tResult = ::dsVerifyDataListPriv( inDataList );
		if ( tResult == eDSNoErr )
			outCount = inDataList->fDataNodeCount;
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( outCount );

} // dsDataListGetNodeCount

//	Name:	dsGetDataLength

unsigned long dsGetDataLength ( const tDataList *inDataList )
	unsigned long		outStrLen	= 0;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pPrivData	= nil;

	if ( inDataList != nil )
		pCurrNode = inDataList->fDataListHead;

		// Get the list total length
		while ( pCurrNode != nil )
			// Get this node's length
			outStrLen += pCurrNode->fBufferLength;

			// Get the private header
			pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;

			// Assign the current node to the next one
			pCurrNode = pPrivData->fNextPtr;
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( outStrLen );

} // dsGetDataLength

//	Name:	dsDataListInsertNode

tDirStatus dsDataListInsertNode (	tDataList	*inDataList,
									tDataNode	*inAfterDataNode,
									tDataNode	*inInsertDataNode )
#pragma unused ( inDataList, inAfterDataNode, inInsertDataNode )

	LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Call to unsupported function: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( eNoLongerSupported );

} // dsDataListInsertNode

//	Name:	dsDataListInsertAfter

tDirStatus dsDataListInsertAfter (	tDirReference		inDirRef,
									tDataList		   *inDataList,
									tDataNode		   *inDataNode,
									const unsigned long	inIndex )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult			= eDSNoErr;
	tDataNode		   *pNewNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pNextNode		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pNewNodePriv		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pCurNodePriv		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pNextNodeHdr	= nil;

	if ( inDataList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	if ( inDataNode == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullParameter );

	if ( inDataNode->fBufferLength > inDataNode->fBufferSize )
		// Length is bigger than its size

		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Parameter Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

		return( eDSBadDataNodeLength );

	if ( ((inDataList->fDataNodeCount != 0) && (inDataList->fDataListHead == nil)) ||
		 ((inDataList->fDataNodeCount == 0) && (inDataList->fDataListHead != nil)) )
		// Can't trust this node list

		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Parameter Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

		return( eDSBadDataNodeFormat );

	if ( inIndex > inDataList->fDataNodeCount )
		LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, eDSIndexOutOfRange );
		return( eDSIndexOutOfRange );

	pNewNode = ::dsAllocListNodeFromBuffPriv( inDataNode->fBufferData, inDataNode->fBufferLength );
	if ( pNewNode != nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eMemoryAllocError );

	if ( inIndex == 0 )
		pNextNode = inDataList->fDataListHead;
		inDataList->fDataListHead = pNewNode;

		pNextNode = pCurNodePriv->fNextPtr;
		if ( pNextNode != nil )
			pNextNodeHdr = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNextNode;

			// Set the next node's back pointer
			pNextNodeHdr->fPrevPtr = pNewNode;

		pNewNodePriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNewNode;
		pNewNodePriv->fPrevPtr		= nil;
		pNewNodePriv->fNextPtr		= pNextNode;
		pNewNodePriv->fScriptCode	= kASCIICodeScript;

		pCurrNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inDataList->fDataListHead, inIndex );
		if ( pCurrNode != nil )
			// Get the current node's header and point it to the new
			pCurNodePriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;

			// Get the new node's header and point it to the prevous end
			pNewNodePriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNewNode;

			pNextNode = pCurNodePriv->fNextPtr;
			if ( pNextNode != nil )
				pNextNodeHdr = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNextNode;

				// Set the next node's back pointer
				pNextNodeHdr->fPrevPtr = pNewNode;

			// Set the current node's front pointer
			pCurNodePriv->fNextPtr = pNewNode;

			// Set the new nodes front and back pointer
			pNewNodePriv->fPrevPtr	= pCurrNode;
			pNewNodePriv->fNextPtr	= pNextNode;

			// Set the script code to ASCII
			pNewNodePriv->fScriptCode = kASCIICodeScript;

			free( pNewNode );
			pNewNode = nil;

			tResult = eDSInvalDataList;

	return( tResult );

} // dsDataListInsertAfter

//	Name:	dsDataListMergeList

tDirStatus dsDataListMergeList ( tDataListPtr inDataList, tDataNode *inAfterDataNode, tDataListPtr inMergeDataList )
#pragma unused ( inDataList, inAfterDataNode, inMergeDataList )

	LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Call to unsupported function: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( eNoLongerSupported );

} // dsDataListMergeList

//	Name:	dsDataListMergeListAfter

tDirStatus dsDataListMergeListAfter (	tDataList		   *inTargetList,
										tDataList		   *inSourceList,
										const unsigned long	inIndex )
	tDirStatus			tResult			= eDSNoErr;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pNextNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pFirstNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pLastNode		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pCurrPrivData	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pNextPrivData	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pFirstPrivData	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pLastPrivData	= nil;

	// Do a null check
	if ( (inTargetList == nil) || (inSourceList == nil) )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	// Make sure we have a valid data node list
	tResult = ::dsVerifyDataListPriv( inTargetList );
	if ( tResult != eDSNoErr )
		return( tResult );
	tResult = ::dsVerifyDataListPriv( inSourceList );
	if ( tResult != eDSNoErr )
		return( tResult );

	if ( inIndex > inTargetList->fDataNodeCount  )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Out-of-range Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSIndexOutOfRange );

	if ( inSourceList->fDataNodeCount == 0 )
		return( tResult );

	// Get the first node from the source list
	pFirstNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inSourceList->fDataListHead, 1 );

	if ( inSourceList->fDataNodeCount == 1 )
		// First and last node are the same
		pLastNode = pFirstNode;
		// Get the last node from the source list
		pLastNode = ::dsGetLastNodePriv( inSourceList->fDataListHead );

// xxxx deal with 0 --- head of list index

	// Get the merg point node
	pCurrNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inTargetList->fDataListHead, inIndex );

	if ( inIndex < inTargetList->fDataNodeCount )
		// Get the node after the merg point node
		pNextNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inTargetList->fDataListHead, inIndex + 1 );

	if ( (pFirstNode == nil) || (pLastNode == nil) || (pCurrNode == nil) )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( eDSInvalDataList );

	// Link the first two nodes
	pCurrPrivData	= (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
	pFirstPrivData	= (tDataBufferPriv *)pFirstNode;

	pCurrPrivData->fNextPtr		= pFirstNode;
	pFirstPrivData->fPrevPtr	= pCurrNode;

	if ( pNextNode != nil )
		// Link the last two nodes
		pLastPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pLastNode;
		pNextPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNextNode;

		pLastPrivData->fNextPtr	= pNextNode;
		pNextPrivData->fPrevPtr	= pLastNode;
		pLastPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pLastNode;
		pCurrPrivData->fNextPtr = nil;

	return( tResult );

} // dsDataListMergeListAfter

//	Name:	dsDataListCopyList

tDataListPtr dsDataListCopyList ( tDirReference inDirRef, const tDataList *inSourceList )
	tDirStatus			tResult			= eDSNoErr;
	tDataList		   *pOutList		= nil;
	unsigned long		count			= 0;
	unsigned long		uiSize			= 0;
	unsigned long		uiLength		= 0;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pNewNode		= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pPrevNode		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrevPrivData	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pCurrPrivData	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pNewPrivData	= nil;

	// Make sure we have a valid data node list
	tResult = ::dsVerifyDataListPriv( inSourceList );
	if ( tResult != eDSNoErr )
		return( nil );

	pOutList = ::dsDataListAllocate( inDirRef );
	if ( pOutList == nil )
		LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS NULL Error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return( nil );

	for ( count = 1; count <= inSourceList->fDataNodeCount; count++ )
		pCurrNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inSourceList->fDataListHead, count );
		if ( pCurrNode != nil )
			// Duplicate the data into a new node
			pCurrPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
			uiSize = pCurrPrivData->fBufferSize;
			uiLength = pCurrPrivData->fBufferLength;

			pNewNode = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( inDirRef, uiSize );
			if ( pNewNode != nil )
				pNewNode->fBufferSize	= uiSize;
				pNewNode->fBufferLength	= uiLength;

				pNewPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pNewNode;
				::memcpy( pNewPrivData->fBufferData, pCurrPrivData->fBufferData, uiLength );

				// Set the script code
				pNewPrivData->fScriptCode = pCurrPrivData->fScriptCode;

				// Link the new node in the list
				if ( pPrevNode == nil )
					pPrevNode = pNewNode;
					pOutList->fDataListHead = pNewNode;

					pNewPrivData->fPrevPtr	= nil;
					pNewPrivData->fNextPtr	= nil;

					pNewNode = nil;
					pPrevPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pPrevNode;

					pPrevPrivData->fNextPtr	= pNewNode;

					pNewPrivData->fPrevPtr	= pPrevNode;
					pNewPrivData->fNextPtr	= nil;

					pPrevNode = pNewNode;
					pNewNode = nil;

	return( pOutList );

} // dsDataListCopyList

//	Name:	dsDataListRemoveNodes

tDirStatus dsDataListRemoveNodes ( tDataListPtr inDataList, tDataNode *in1stDataNode, unsigned long inDeleteCount )
#pragma unused ( inDataList, in1stDataNode, inDeleteCount )

	LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Call to unsupported function: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( eNoLongerSupported );

} // dsDataListRemoveNodes

//	Name:	dsDataListRemoveThisNode

tDirStatus dsDataListRemoveThisNode ( tDataListPtr inDataList, unsigned long inNodeIndex, unsigned long inDeleteCount )
#pragma unused ( inDataList, inNodeIndex, inDeleteCount )

	LOG2( kStdErr, "*** DS Call to unsupported function: File: %s. Line: %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	return( eNoLongerSupported );

} // dsDataListRemoveThisNode

//	Name:	dsDataListDeleteThisNode

tDirStatus dsDataListDeleteThisNode (	tDirReference	inDirRef,
										tDataList	   *inDataList,
										unsigned long	inIndex )
	tDirStatus			tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pCurrPriv	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrevPriv	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pNextPriv	= nil;

	// Make sure we have a valid data node list
	tResult = ::dsVerifyDataListPriv( inDataList );
	if ( tResult != eDSNoErr )
		return( tResult );

	if ( (inIndex > inDataList->fDataNodeCount) && (inIndex != 0) )
		return( eDSIndexOutOfRange );

	// Get the node we are looking for
	pCurrNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inDataList->fDataListHead, inIndex );
	if ( pCurrNode != nil )
		pCurrPriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
		pPrevPriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrPriv->fPrevPtr;
		pNextPriv = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrPriv->fNextPtr;

		if ( inIndex == 1 )
			// Delete the head of the list
			inDataList->fDataListHead = (tDataNode *)pNextPriv;
			if ( pNextPriv != nil )
				pNextPriv->fPrevPtr = nil;
		else if ( inIndex == inDataList->fDataNodeCount )
			// Delete the last node from the list
			pPrevPriv->fNextPtr = nil;
			// Delete from the middle
			pPrevPriv->fNextPtr = (tDataNode *)pNextPriv;
			pNextPriv->fPrevPtr = (tDataNode *)pPrevPriv;

		::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDirRef, pCurrNode );
		pCurrNode = nil;


	return( tResult );

} // dsDataListDeleteThisNode

//	Name:	dsDataListGetNode

tDirStatus dsDataListGetNode ( tDataListPtr		inDataList,
								unsigned long	inIndex,
								tDataNode	  **outDataNode )
#pragma unused ( inDataList, inIndex, outDataNode )
	return( eNoLongerSupported );
} // dsDataListGetNode

//	Name:	dsDataListGetNodeAlloc

tDirStatus dsDataListGetNodeAlloc ( tDirReference			inDirRef,
									const tDataList			*inDataList,
									const unsigned long		inIndex,
									tDataNode			  **outDataNode )
	tDirStatus			tResult			= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32				uiLength		= 0;
	tDataBuffer		   *pOutDataNode	= nil;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode		= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrivData		= nil;

	// NULL check in data list
	if ( inDataList == nil )
		return( eDSNullDataList );

	// NULL check in data list head pointer
	if ( inDataList->fDataListHead == nil )
		return( eDSEmptyDataList );

	pCurrNode = ::dsGetThisNodePriv( inDataList->fDataListHead, inIndex );
	if ( pCurrNode == nil )
		return( eDSIndexOutOfRange );

	if ( outDataNode == nil )
		return( eDSNullTargetArgument );

	pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
	uiLength = pPrivData->fBufferLength;

	pOutDataNode = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( inDirRef, uiLength );
	if ( pOutDataNode != nil )
		::memcpy( pOutDataNode->fBufferData, pPrivData->fBufferData, uiLength );
		pOutDataNode->fBufferSize = uiLength + 1;
		pOutDataNode->fBufferLength = uiLength;
		*outDataNode = pOutDataNode;
		tResult = eMemoryAllocError;

	return( tResult );

} // dsDataListGetNodeAlloc

//	Name:	dsAllocAttributeValueEntry

tAttributeValueEntryPtr dsAllocAttributeValueEntry ( tDirReference		inDirRef,
													 unsigned long		inAttrValueID,
													 void			   *inAttrValueData,
													 unsigned long		inAttrValueDataLen )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	uInt32						uiDataSize	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntryPtr		outEntryPtr	= nil;

	uiDataSize = sizeof( tAttributeValueEntry ) + inAttrValueDataLen + 1;
	outEntryPtr = (tAttributeValueEntry *)::calloc( 1, uiDataSize );
	if ( outEntryPtr != nil )
		outEntryPtr->fAttributeValueID = inAttrValueID;
		::memcpy( outEntryPtr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, inAttrValueData, inAttrValueDataLen );
		outEntryPtr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize	= inAttrValueDataLen;
		outEntryPtr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength	= inAttrValueDataLen;

	return( outEntryPtr );

} // dsAllocAttributeValueEntry

//	Name:	dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry

tDirStatus dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry ( tDirReference				inDirRef,
										  tAttributeValueEntryPtr	inAttrValueEntry )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( inAttrValueEntry != nil )
		free( inAttrValueEntry ); //sufficient since calloc above in dsAllocAttributeValueEntry done on all including the tDataNode
		inAttrValueEntry = nil;

	return( tResult );

} // dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry

//	Name:	dsDeallocAttributeEntry

tDirStatus dsDeallocAttributeEntry ( tDirReference		inDirRef,
									 tAttributeEntryPtr	inAttrEntry )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( inAttrEntry != nil )
		free( inAttrEntry );	//sufficient since Add_tAttrEntry_ToMsg calloc done on all including the tDataNode
								//and Get_tRecordEntry_FromMsg retrieves it all
		inAttrEntry = nil;

	return( tResult );
} // dsDeallocAttributeEntry

//	Name:	dsDeallocRecordEntry

tDirStatus dsDeallocRecordEntry (	tDirReference		inDirRef,
									tRecordEntryPtr		inRecEntry )
#pragma unused ( inDirRef )
	tDirStatus			tResult	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( inRecEntry != nil )
		free( inRecEntry );		//sufficient since all calloc's done on all data including the tDataNode
								//and Get_tAttrEntry_FromMsg retrieves it all as well
		inRecEntry = nil;

	return( tResult );
} // dsDeallocRecordEntry

//	Name:	dsGetRecordNameFromEntry

tDirStatus dsGetRecordNameFromEntry ( tRecordEntryPtr inRecEntryPtr, char **outRecName )
	tDirStatus		tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32			uiOffset	= 2;
	uInt32			uiBuffSize	= 0;
	uInt16			usLength	= 0;
	tDataNodePtr	dataNode 	= nil;
	char		   *pData	 	= nil;
	char		   *pOutData 	= nil;

	if ( inRecEntryPtr )
		dataNode = &inRecEntryPtr->fRecordNameAndType;
		if ( (dataNode->fBufferSize != 0) &&
			 (dataNode->fBufferLength != 0) &&
			 (dataNode->fBufferLength <= dataNode->fBufferSize) )
			pData = dataNode->fBufferData;
			uiBuffSize = dataNode->fBufferSize;

			::memcpy( &usLength, pData, 2 );
			if ( (usLength == 0) || (usLength > (uiBuffSize - uiOffset)) )
				tResult = eDSCorruptRecEntryData;
				LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
				LOG3( kStdErr, "***   length = %u. buff size = %u. offset = %u.\n", usLength, uiBuffSize, uiOffset );
				if ( outRecName != nil )
					pOutData = (char *)::calloc( usLength + 1, sizeof( char ) );
					if ( pOutData != nil )
						::memcpy( pOutData, pData + 2, usLength );
						*outRecName = pOutData;
			tResult = eDSCorruptBuffer;
			LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
		tResult = eDSNullRecEntryPtr;
		LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );

	return( tResult );

} // dsGetRecordNameFromEntry

//	Name:	dsGetRecordTypeFromEntry

tDirStatus dsGetRecordTypeFromEntry ( tRecordEntryPtr inRecEntryPtr, char **outRecType )
	tDirStatus		tResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt16			usLength	= 0;
	uInt32			uiOffset	= 2;
	uInt32			uiBuffSize	= 0;
	tDataNodePtr	dataNode 	= nil;
	char		   *pData	 	= nil;
	char		   *pOutData	= nil;

	if ( inRecEntryPtr != nil )
		dataNode = &inRecEntryPtr->fRecordNameAndType;
		if ( (dataNode->fBufferSize != 0) &&
			 (dataNode->fBufferLength != 0) &&
			 (dataNode->fBufferLength <= dataNode->fBufferSize) )
			pData = dataNode->fBufferData;
			uiBuffSize = dataNode->fBufferSize;

			::memcpy( &usLength, pData, 2 );
			if ( (usLength == 0) || (usLength > (uiBuffSize - uiOffset)) )
				tResult = eDSCorruptRecEntryData;
				LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
				LOG3( kStdErr, "***   length = %u. buff size = %u. offset = %u.\n", usLength, uiBuffSize, uiOffset );
				uiOffset += 2 + usLength;
				pData += 2 + usLength;

				::memcpy( &usLength, pData, 2 );
				if ( (usLength == 0) || (usLength > (uiBuffSize - uiOffset)) )
					tResult = eDSCorruptRecEntryData;
					LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
					LOG3( kStdErr, "***   length = %u. buff size = %u. offset = %u.\n", usLength, uiBuffSize, uiOffset );
					if ( outRecType != nil )
						pOutData = (char *)::calloc( usLength + 1, sizeof( char ) );
						if ( pOutData != nil )
							::memcpy( pOutData, pData + 2, usLength );

							*outRecType = pOutData;
			tResult = eDSCorruptBuffer;
			LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );
		tResult = eDSNullRecEntryPtr;
		LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS OSError: File: %s. Line: %d. Error = %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tResult );

	return( tResult );

} // dsGetRecordTypeFromEntry

//	Name:	dsGetThisNodePriv

tDataNodePtr dsGetThisNodePriv ( tDataNode *inFirsNode, const unsigned long inIndex )
	uInt32				i			= 1;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pPrivData	= nil;

	pCurrNode = inFirsNode;
	while ( pCurrNode != nil )
		if ( i == inIndex )
			pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;
			pCurrNode = pPrivData->fNextPtr;

	return( pCurrNode );

} // dsGetThisNodePriv

//	Name:	dsGetLastNodePriv

tDataNodePtr dsGetLastNodePriv ( tDataNode *inFirsNode )
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pPrivData	= nil;

	pCurrNode = inFirsNode;
	pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;

	while ( pPrivData->fNextPtr != nil )
		pCurrNode = pPrivData->fNextPtr;
		pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;

	return( pCurrNode );

} // dsGetLastNodePriv

//	Name:	dsAllocListNodeFromStringPriv

tDataNodePtr dsAllocListNodeFromStringPriv ( const char *inString )
	uInt32				nodeSize	= 0;
	uInt32				strLen		= 0;
	tDataNode		   *pOutNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrivData	= nil;

	if ( inString != nil )
		strLen = ::strlen( inString );
		nodeSize = sizeof( tDataBufferPriv ) + strLen + 1;
		pOutNode = (tDataNode *)::calloc( nodeSize, sizeof( char ) );
		if ( pOutNode != nil )
			pOutNode->fBufferSize = nodeSize;
			pOutNode->fBufferLength = nodeSize;

			pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pOutNode;
			pPrivData->fBufferSize = strLen;
			pPrivData->fBufferLength = strLen;

			::strcpy( pPrivData->fBufferData, inString );

	return( pOutNode );

} // dsAllocListNodeFromStringPriv

//	Name:	dsAllocListNodeFromBuffPriv

tDataNodePtr dsAllocListNodeFromBuffPriv ( const void *inData, const uInt32 inSize )
	uInt32				nodeSize	= 0;
	tDataNode		   *pOutNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv	   *pPrivData	= nil;

	if ( inData != nil )
		nodeSize = sizeof( tDataBufferPriv ) + inSize + 1;
		pOutNode = (tDataNode *)::calloc( nodeSize, sizeof( char ) );
		if ( pOutNode != nil )
			pOutNode->fBufferSize = nodeSize;
			pOutNode->fBufferLength = nodeSize;

			pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pOutNode;
			pPrivData->fBufferSize = inSize;
			pPrivData->fBufferLength = inSize;

			::memcpy( pPrivData->fBufferData, inData, inSize );

	return( pOutNode );

} // dsAllocListNodeFromBuffPriv

//	Name:	dsVerifyDataListPriv

tDirStatus dsVerifyDataListPriv ( const tDataList *inDataList )
	unsigned long		count		= 0;
	tDataNode		   *pCurrNode	= nil;
	tDataBufferPriv    *pPrivData	= nil;

	if ( inDataList == nil )
		return eDSNullDataList;

	pCurrNode = inDataList->fDataListHead;

	while ( pCurrNode != nil )
		// Bump the count and limit loop lengths for bad or corrupted data.
		if ( ++count > inDataList->fDataNodeCount )

		pPrivData = (tDataBufferPriv *)pCurrNode;

		pCurrNode = pPrivData->fNextPtr;

	if ( inDataList->fDataNodeCount == count )
		return eDSNoErr;

	LOG3( kStdErr, "*** DS DataList (@0x%lX) verification error: File: %s. Line: %d.\n",
			(unsigned long) inDataList, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	// Probably should have a custom error for this condition.
	return eDSInvalidBuffFormat;
} // dsVerifyDataListPriv