DSTCPEndpoint.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

 * @header DSTCPEndpoint
 * Implementation of TCP Socket endpoint class.

	Note: all network addresses in method parameters and return values
	are in host byte order - they are converted to network byte order
	inside the methods for socket calls.
	Note2: need to be aware of which routines are FW or Server exclusive
	for what type of logging

#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>			// system call error numbers
#include <unistd.h>			// for select call 
#include <stdlib.h>			// for calloc()

#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/time.h>		// for struct timeval

#include "DSCThread.h"		// for GetCurThreadRunState()
#include "DSTCPEndpoint.h"
#include "CLog.h"
#include "SharedConsts.h"	// for sComData

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DSTCPEndpoint Class (static) Methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark **** Class Methods ****

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DSTCPEndpoint Instance Methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark **** Instance Methods ****

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* InitBuffers ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::InitBuffers ( void )
	::memset(&mMySockAddr, 0, sizeof(mMySockAddr));
	mRemoteHostIPString[0] = '\0';
	::memset(&mRemoteSockAddr, 0, sizeof(mRemoteSockAddr));

	// Allocate buffers
	try {

		mErrorBuffer = new char [kTCPErrorBufferLen];
		if ( mErrorBuffer == nil ) throw((sInt32)eMemoryAllocError);

	catch( sInt32 err )
} // InitBuffers

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DSTCPEndpoint ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DSTCPEndpoint::DSTCPEndpoint (	const uInt32	inSessionID,
								const uInt32	inOpenTimeout,
								const uInt32	inRWTimeout ) :
	mMyIPAddr (DSNetworkUtilities::GetOurIPAddress(0)),
	mRemoteHostIPAddr (0),
	mListenFD (0),
	mConnectFD (0),
	mErrorBuffer (NULL),
	mAborting (false),
	mWeHaveClosed (false),
	mOpenTimeout (inOpenTimeout),
	mRWTimeout (inRWTimeout),
	this->InitBuffers ();
} // DSTCPEndpoint Constructor

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DSTCPEndpoint () - Duplicating Constructor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DSTCPEndpoint::DSTCPEndpoint (	const DSTCPEndpoint	*inEndpoint,
								const uInt32 		inSessionID) :
	mMyIPAddr (inEndpoint->mMyIPAddr),
	mRemoteHostIPAddr (inEndpoint->mRemoteHostIPAddr),
	mListenFD (inEndpoint->mListenFD),
	mConnectFD (inEndpoint->mConnectFD),
	mErrorBuffer (NULL),
	mAborting (false),
	mWeHaveClosed (false),
	mOpenTimeout (inEndpoint->mOpenTimeout),
	mRWTimeout (inEndpoint->mRWTimeout),
	this->InitBuffers ();

	// Copy the relevent structures.
	::memcpy(&mMySockAddr, &inEndpoint->mMySockAddr, sizeof (mMySockAddr));
	::memcpy(mRemoteHostIPString, &inEndpoint->mRemoteHostIPString, sizeof (mRemoteHostIPString));
	::memcpy(&mRemoteSockAddr, &inEndpoint->mRemoteSockAddr, sizeof (mRemoteSockAddr));
} // DSTCPEndpoint Duplicating Constructor

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ~DSTCPEndpoint ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DSTCPEndpoint::~DSTCPEndpoint ( void )
	// make sure we safely close the connection

		if ( mWeHaveClosed == false )
			DoTCPCloseSocket( mConnectFD );
	catch( sInt32 err )

	if ( mErrorBuffer != NULL )
		delete [] mErrorBuffer;
		mErrorBuffer = NULL;

} // ~DSTCPEndpoint

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ConnectTo () *****ONLY used by CMessaging class
//		- Make a connection to another socket defined by the IP address and
//			port number
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::ConnectTo ( const uInt32 inIPAddress, const uInt16 inPort )
	int					err = eDSNoErr;
	int					result = 0;
	int					sockfd;
	int					len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
	time_t				timesUp;
	struct sockaddr_in	serverAddr;
	int					rc = eDSNoErr;
	bool				releaseZeroFD = false;

	do //this is an INTENTIONAL temporary leak of the socket if it is zero since sockfd zero seems to always fail eventually
		sockfd = DoTCPOpenSocket();
		if ( sockfd < 0 )
			return( eDSTCPSendError );

		mConnectFD = sockfd;
		::memset( &serverAddr, 0, len );
		serverAddr.sin_family		= AF_INET;
		serverAddr.sin_port			= htons( inPort );	// convert the numbers to network byte order
		serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr	= htonl( inIPAddress );
		// although connect has its own timeout, to enable longer time out we use mOpenTimeout
		timesUp = ::time(NULL) + mOpenTimeout;
		while ( ::time(NULL) < timesUp )
			result = ::connect( mConnectFD, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, len );
			if ( mAborting == true )
				return( kAbortedWarning );
			if ( result == -1 )
				err = errno;
				switch ( err )
					case ETIMEDOUT:
						continue;	// returned from connect's timeout, keep trying until we time out
						::memset(mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen);
						::strncpy(mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen);
						LOG2( kStdErr, "TCP connect error (%d) %s.", err, mErrorBuffer );
						LOG2( kStdErr, "ConnectTo: connect() error: %d, %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
						return( eDSIPUnreachable );					
					default:	// other errors are serious
						::memset(mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen);
						::strncpy(mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen);
						LOG2( kStdErr, "TCP connect error (%d) %s.", err, mErrorBuffer );
						LOG2( kStdErr, "ConnectTo: connect() error: %d, %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
						return( eDSTCPSendError );
				} // switch
			{ // connect succeeded
				if ( (sockfd != 0) && (releaseZeroFD) ) //cleanup the intentional temporary leak of the zero FD
					int rcSock = 0;
					rcSock = ::close( 0 );
					if ( rcSock == -1 )
						::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );
						err = errno;
						::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror( err ), kTCPErrorBufferLen );
						DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPCloseSocket: close() on unused socket 0 failed with error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
						LOG2( kStdErr, "DoTCPCloseSocket: close() on unused socket 0 failed with error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
						DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPCloseSocket: close() on unused socket 0" );
						LOG( kStdErr, "DoTCPCloseSocket: close() on unused socket 0" );
		if (sockfd == 0)
			releaseZeroFD = true;
	} while (sockfd == 0);

	if ( result == 0 )
		// connection established, now we can safely copy the network information data members
		// mActive = true;
		::memcpy(&mRemoteSockAddr, &serverAddr, len);
		rc = this->SetSocketOption( mConnectFD, SO_NOSIGPIPE );
		if ( rc != 0 )
			return( eDSTCPSendError );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "Established TCP connection to %d on port %d.", inIPAddress, inPort );
		// may have got to here by timeout
		LOG2( kStdErr, "Unable to connect to %d on port %d.", inIPAddress, inPort );
} // ConnectTo

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ListenToPort ()
//		- Currently we listen on all network interfaces available. There may
//			 be a need to specify which interface to listen on.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::ListenToPort ( const uInt16 inPort )
	this->ListenToPortOnAddress( inPort, INADDR_ANY );
} // ListenToPort

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ListenToPortOnAddress ()
//		- We set up to listen to the given port on only one network interface
//			(one address) - Does not accept connection yet, only sets up the port..
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::ListenToPortOnAddress ( const uInt16 inPort, const uInt32 inWhichAddress )
	int		rc = 0;
	int		sockfd;

	::memset( &mMySockAddr, '\0', sizeof( mMySockAddr ) );
	::memset( &mRemoteSockAddr, '\0', sizeof( mRemoteSockAddr ) );
	mMySockAddr.sin_family		= AF_INET;
	mMySockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr	= htonl( inWhichAddress );
	mMySockAddr.sin_port		= htons( inPort );

	sockfd = this->DoTCPOpenSocket();
	if ( sockfd < 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );
	mListenFD = sockfd;

	rc = this->SetSocketOption( mListenFD, SO_REUSEADDR );
	if ( rc != 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );

	rc = this->SetSocketOption( mListenFD, SO_REUSEPORT );
	if ( rc != 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );

	rc = this->DoTCPBind();
	if ( rc != 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );

	rc = this->DoTCPListen();
	if ( rc != 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );
} //  ListenToPortOnAddress

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* AcceptConnection ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boolean DSTCPEndpoint::AcceptConnection ()
	mConnectFD = 0;

	return( (this->DoTCPAccept() == 0) );

} // AcceptConnection

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* SetTimeout ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::SetTimeout ( const int inWhichTimeout, const int inSeconds )
	switch (inWhichTimeout)
		case kOpenTimeoutType:
			mOpenTimeout = inSeconds;
		case kRWTimeoutType:
			mRWTimeout = inSeconds;
		case kDefaultTimeoutType:
			mDefaultTimeout = inSeconds;
} // SetTimeout

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* GetReverseAddressString ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::GetReverseAddressString (	char	*ioBuffer,
												const int	inBufferLen) const
	if ( ioBuffer != NULL )
		::strncpy (ioBuffer, mRemoteHostIPString, inBufferLen);
} // GetReverseAddressString

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Connected ()
//		- Is the socket connection still open?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boolean DSTCPEndpoint::Connected ( void ) const
	int		bytesReadable = 0;
	char	temp[1];

	if ( mAborting == true )
		// throw((sInt32)kAbortedWarning);
		return false;

	bytesReadable = ::recvfrom( mConnectFD, temp, sizeof (temp), (MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_PEEK), NULL, NULL );

	if ( bytesReadable == -1 )
		switch ( errno )
			case EAGAIN:
				// no data in the socket but socket is still open and connected
				return true;

				return false;

	// recvfrom() only returns 0 when the peer has closed the connection (read a EOF)
	if ( bytesReadable == 0 )
		return( false );

	return( true );

} // Connected

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ EncryptDataInPlace
//	Encrypt a block.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::EncryptData ( void *inData, const uInt32 inBuffSize, void *&outData, uInt32 &outBuffSize )
	// do nothing, only applies to encrypted connections
	outBuffSize = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ DecryptDataInPlace
//	Decrypt a block.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::DecryptData ( void *inData, const uInt32 inBuffSize, void *&outData, uInt32 &outBuffSize )
	// do nothing, only applies to encrypted connections
	outBuffSize = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* WriteData ()
//		- Send data to the connected peer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

uInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::WriteData ( const void *inData, const uInt32 inSize )
	struct timeval	tvTimeout	= { mRWTimeout, 0 };
	const char		*aPtr 		= (const char *) inData;
	int				err			= eDSNoErr;
	int				rc			= 0;
	uInt32			dataSize	= inSize;
	uInt32			bytesWrote	= 0;
	fd_set			aWriteSet;

	while ( dataSize > 0 && aPtr != NULL ) 
		struct timeval	tvTimeoutTime;
		::gettimeofday( &tvTimeoutTime, NULL );
		tvTimeoutTime.tv_sec += mRWTimeout;

		tvTimeout.tv_sec = mRWTimeout;
		//if ( !this->Connected() )
			//throw( (sInt32)kConnectionLostWarning );

		// This ridiculous code is to handle "interrupted system calls"
		// which are frequent on 10.0.1.

		do {
			FD_ZERO( &aWriteSet );
			FD_SET( mConnectFD, &aWriteSet );
			rc = ::select( mConnectFD+1, NULL, &aWriteSet, NULL, &tvTimeout );
			// Recompute the timeout and break if timeout exceeded.
			if ( !mAborting && (rc == -1) && (EINTR == errno) )
				struct timeval	tvNow;
				::gettimeofday( &tvNow, NULL );
				timersub( &tvTimeoutTime, &tvNow, &tvTimeout );
				if ( tvTimeout.tv_sec < 0 )
		} while ( !mAborting && (rc == -1) && (EINTR == errno) );

		if ( mAborting == true )
			throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );

		if ( rc == 0 ) 
			DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "WriteData(): select() timed out on %s", mRemoteHostIPString );
			LOG1( kStdErr, "WriteData(): select() timed out on %s", mRemoteHostIPString );
			throw( (sInt32)kTimeoutError );
		else if ( rc == -1 ) 
			DBGLOG3( kLogTCPEndpoint, "WriteData: select() error %d: %s on %A.\n", errno, ::strerror( errno ), mRemoteHostIPAddr );
			LOG3( kStdErr, "WriteData: select() error %d: %s on %A.\n", errno, ::strerror( errno ), mRemoteHostIPAddr );
			throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPSendError);
		else if ( FD_ISSET(mConnectFD, &aWriteSet) )
			//TODO do we need a socket level timeout here ie. setsocketopt with SO_SNDTIMEO
				rc = ::sendto(mConnectFD, aPtr, dataSize, NULL, NULL, NULL);
				if (mAborting == true)
			} while ( (rc == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN) );
			if ( rc == -1 )
				// handle error
				err = errno;
				::memset(mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen);
				::strncpy(mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen);
				DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "WriteData: select() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
				LOG2( kStdErr, "WriteData: select() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
				throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPSendError);
			DBGLOG3( kLogTCPEndpoint, "WriteData(): sent %d bytes with endpoint %d and connectFD %d", rc, (uInt32)this, mConnectFD );
			LOG3( kStdErr, "WriteData(): sent %d bytes with endpoint %d and connectFD %d", rc, (uInt32)this, mConnectFD );
			dataSize -= rc;
			aPtr += rc;
			bytesWrote += rc;
	} // while

	DBGLOG3( kLogTCPEndpoint, "WriteData(): sent %d total bytes with endpoint %d and connectFD %d", bytesWrote, (uInt32)this, mConnectFD );
	LOG3( kStdErr, "WriteData(): sent %d total bytes with endpoint %d and connectFD %d", bytesWrote, (uInt32)this, mConnectFD );
	return bytesWrote;
} // WriteData

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CloseConnection()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void DSTCPEndpoint::CloseConnection ( void )
	if ( mConnectFD > 0 )
		int err = this->DoTCPCloseSocket( mConnectFD );
		if ( err == eDSNoErr )
			mConnectFD = 0;
			mWeHaveClosed = true;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CloseListener()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::CloseListener ( void )
	int rc = 0;

	if ( mListenFD > 0 )
		rc = this->DoTCPCloseSocket( mListenFD );
		if ( rc == eDSNoErr )
			mListenFD = 0;
	return rc;
} // CloseListener

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Abort ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

inline void DSTCPEndpoint::Abort ( void )
	DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "Aborting a TCPEndpoint..." );
	LOG( kStdErr, "Aborting a TCPEndpoint..." );
	mAborting = true;
} // Abort

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Private Methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoTCPOpenSocket ()
//		- Open a new socket
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPOpenSocket (void)
	int		err;
	int		sockfd;

	DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "Open socket." );
	LOG( kStdErr, "Open socket." );
	sockfd = ::socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );

	if ( sockfd == -1 )
		if ( mAborting == true )
			throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );
		::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		err = errno;
		::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		ERRORLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "Unable to open a socket. error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
		DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPOpenSocket: socket() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "DoTCPOpenSocket: Unable to open a socket with error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
	err = errno;
	if (err != 0)
		::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		DBGLOG3( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPOpenSocket: socket error %d: %s with sockfd %d", err, mErrorBuffer, sockfd );
		LOG3( kStdErr, "DoTCPOpenSocket: socket error %d: %s with sockfd %d", err, mErrorBuffer, sockfd );

	return( sockfd );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* SetSocketOption ()
//		- Set the socket level option
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::SetSocketOption ( const int inSocket, const int inSocketOption )
	int rc		= 0;
	int err		= 0;
	int val		= 1;
	int len		= sizeof(val);

	if ( inSocket != 0 )
		if ( (inSocket != mListenFD) && (inSocket != mConnectFD) )
			ERRORLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SetSocketOption: invalid socket: %d", inSocket );
			LOG1( kStdErr, "SetSocketOption: invalid socket: %d", inSocket );
			return( -1 );

		rc = ::setsockopt( inSocket, SOL_SOCKET, inSocketOption, &val, len );
		if ( rc != 0 ) 
			if ( mAborting == true )
				throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );

			::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );

			err = errno;
			::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror( errno ), kTCPErrorBufferLen );

			ERRORLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "Unable to set socket option: Message: \"%s\", Error: %d", mErrorBuffer, err );
			DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "Unable to set socket option: Message: \"%s\", Error: %d", mErrorBuffer, err );
			LOG2( kStdErr, "Unable to set socket option: Message: \"%s\", Error: %d", mErrorBuffer, err );

	return( 0 );

} // SetSocketOption

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoTCPBind ()
//		- Bind a socket to a port
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPBind ( void )
			 int		err = eDSNoErr;
	volatile int		rc = 0;
	if ( mAborting == true ) 
		throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );

	rc = ::bind( mListenFD, (struct sockaddr *)&mMySockAddr, sizeof(mMySockAddr) );
	if ( rc != 0 ) 
		err = errno;
		::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror( err ), kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DSTCPEndpoint: bind() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "DSTCPEndpoint: bind() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );

	return( err );
} //DoTCPBind

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoTCPListen ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPListen ( void )
	int err = eDSNoErr;
	int rc;

	rc = ::listen( mListenFD, kTCPMaxListenBackLog );
	if ( rc == -1 )
		if ( mAborting == true )
			return( rc );
		::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		err = errno;
		::strncpy(mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen);
		DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPListen: listen() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "DoTCPListen: listen() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
	return (err);
} //DoTCPlisten

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoTCPAccept ()
//		- Wait for connection on the listening port. We use select() to avoid
//			blocking in user time when no connection is available. The kernel
//			will wake us up when a connection has been completed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPAccept ( void )
	int		err		= eDSNoErr;
	int		aLen	= sizeof( mRemoteSockAddr );
	int		rc		= eDSNoErr;
	fd_set	readSet;

	do {
		FD_ZERO( &readSet );
		FD_SET( mListenFD, &readSet );

		// select blocks in kernel until a connection has been established.
		rc = ::select( mListenFD + 1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, NULL );
		if ( mAborting == true )
			throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );

		if ( rc == -1 )
			DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPAccept: select() returned error %d: %s\n", errno, ::strerror( errno ) );
			LOG2( kStdErr, "DoTCPAccept: select() returned error %d: %s\n", errno, ::strerror( errno ) );

			if ( errno != EINTR )
				throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );

			// Clear the bit and try again if call was interrupted.
			FD_CLR( mListenFD, &readSet );
	} while ( !FD_ISSET( mListenFD, &readSet ) );

	mConnectFD = ::accept( mListenFD, (struct sockaddr *)&mRemoteSockAddr, &aLen );

	if ( mAborting == true )
		throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );

	if ( mConnectFD == -1 )
		DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint,  "DoTCPAccept: select error %d: %s", errno, ::strerror( err ) );
		LOG2( kStdErr,  "DoTCPAccept: select error %d: %s", errno, ::strerror( err ) );
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );

	rc = this->SetSocketOption( mListenFD, SO_KEEPALIVE );
	if ( rc != 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );
	rc = this->SetSocketOption( mListenFD, SO_NOSIGPIPE );
	if ( rc != 0 )
		throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );

	if ( err == eDSNoErr )
		// connection has established. remember the remote host.
		mRemoteHostIPAddr = ntohl( mRemoteSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr );
		DSNetworkUtilities::IPAddrToString( mRemoteHostIPAddr, mRemoteHostIPString, MAXIPADDRSTRLEN );
	return( err );

} // DoTCPAccept

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoTCPCloseSocket ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPCloseSocket ( const int inSockFD )
	int err = eDSNoErr;
	int rc	= 0;

	if ( inSockFD <= 0 )
		return( eDSNoErr );

	DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "Close socket." );
	rc = ::close( inSockFD );
	if ( rc == -1 )
		::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		err = errno;
		::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror( err ), kTCPErrorBufferLen );
		DBGLOG3( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPCloseSocket: close() on socket %d failed with error %d: %s", inSockFD, err, mErrorBuffer );
		LOG3( kStdErr, "DoTCPCloseSocket: close() on socket %d failed with error %d: %s", inSockFD, err, mErrorBuffer );

	return( err );

} // DoTCPCloseSocket

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoTCPRecvFrom ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

uInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPRecvFrom ( void *ioBuffer, const uInt32 inBufferSize )
	int				rc;
	int				err;
	int				bytesRead = 0;
	fd_set			readSet;
	struct timeval	tvTimeout		= { mRWTimeout, 0 };
	struct timeval	tvTimeoutTime	= { mRWTimeout, 0 };
	time_t			timeoutTime;

	timeoutTime = ::time( NULL ) + mRWTimeout;

	::gettimeofday (&tvTimeoutTime, NULL);
	tvTimeoutTime.tv_sec += mRWTimeout;
	do {
		FD_ZERO( &readSet );
		FD_SET( mConnectFD, &readSet );

		rc = ::select( mConnectFD+1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, &tvTimeout );

		// Recompute the timeout and break if timeout exceeded.
		if ( !mAborting && (rc == -1) && (EINTR == errno) )
			struct timeval	tvNow;
			::gettimeofday( &tvNow, NULL );
			timersub( &tvTimeoutTime, &tvNow, &tvTimeout );
			if ( tvTimeout.tv_sec < 0 )
				DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPRecvFrom: connection timeout?" );
				LOG( kStdErr, "DoTCPRecvFrom: connection timeout?" );
				throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );
	} while ( !mAborting && (rc == -1) && (EINTR == errno) );

	if ( mAborting == true )
		DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPRecvFrom(): We have been aborted." );
		LOG( kStdErr, "DSTCPEndpoint::DoTCPRecvFrom(): We have been aborted." );
		throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );

	if ( rc == 0 )
			DBGLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPRecvFrom: timed out waiting for response." );
			LOG( kStdErr, "DoTCPRecvFrom: timed out waiting for response." );
			throw( (sInt32)kTimeoutError );
	else if ( rc == -1 )
 		err = errno;
		::memset(mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen);
		::strncpy(mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen);
		DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPRecvFrom: select() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "DoTCPRecvFrom: select() error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
	else if ( FD_ISSET(mConnectFD, &readSet) )
		// socket is ready for read - blocks until all read
		//KW need a socket level timeout for this read to complete ie. setsocketopt call with SO_RCVTIMEO
		//bytesRead = ::recvfrom( mConnectFD, ioBuffer, inBufferSize, MSG_DONTWAIT, NULL, NULL );
			bytesRead = ::recvfrom( mConnectFD, ioBuffer, inBufferSize, MSG_WAITALL, NULL, NULL );
			if ( mAborting == true )
				throw( (sInt32)kAbortedWarning );
		} while ( (bytesRead == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN) );
		if ( bytesRead == 0 )
			// connection closed from the other side
			err = errno;
			DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPRecvFrom: connection closed by peer - error is %d", err );
			LOG1( kStdErr, "DoTCPRecvFrom: connection closed by peer - error is %d", err );
			throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );
		else if ( bytesRead == -1 )
			::memset( mErrorBuffer, 0, kTCPErrorBufferLen );
			err = errno;
			::strncpy( mErrorBuffer, ::strerror(err), kTCPErrorBufferLen );
			DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPRecvFrom: recvfrom error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
			LOG2( kStdErr, "DoTCPRecvFrom: recvfrom error %d: %s", err, mErrorBuffer );
			throw( (sInt32)eDSTCPReceiveError );
			DBGLOG3( kLogTCPEndpoint, "DoTCPRecvFrom(): received %d bytes with endpoint %d and connectFD %d", bytesRead, (uInt32)this, mConnectFD );
			LOG3( kStdErr, "DoTCPRecvFrom(): received %d bytes with endpoint %d and connectFD %d", bytesRead, (uInt32)this, mConnectFD );

	return( (uInt32)bytesRead );

} // DoTCPRecvFrom

//	* GetClientMessage *****ONLY used by DSTCPConnection class

void * DSTCPEndpoint::GetClientMessage ( void )
	sComData			   *pOutMsg			= nil;
	void				   *tmpOutMsg		= nil;
	uInt32					buffLen			= 0;
	uInt32					readBytes		= 0;
	sInt32					siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	void				   *inBuffer		= nil;
	uInt32					inLength		= 0;

	//need to read a tag and then a buffer length
	siResult = SyncToMessageBody(true, &inLength);
	if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (inLength != 0) )
		//then alloc a data structure
		inBuffer = (void *) calloc(1, inLength);
		if (inBuffer != nil)
				//go ahead and read the message body of length inLength
				//put the message data into inBuffer
				readBytes = DoTCPRecvFrom(inBuffer, inLength);
				if (readBytes != inLength)
					//TODO need to recover somehow
					ERRORLOG( kLogTCPEndpoint, "GetClientMessage: Couldn't read entire message block" );
					inBuffer = nil;
					DecryptData(inBuffer, inLength, tmpOutMsg, buffLen);
					pOutMsg = (sComData *) tmpOutMsg;
					if (buffLen == 0)
						pOutMsg		= (sComData *)inBuffer;
						inBuffer 	= nil;
						buffLen		= inLength;
					if (pOutMsg != nil)
						if (pOutMsg->fDataSize > buffLen - sizeof(sComData))
							//fprintf(stderr,"bad message fDataSize!\n");
							//let's just throw the message out since it is probably malformed
							pOutMsg = nil;
							//place the endpoint handle into the pOutMsg struct
							//don't create a duplicate
							//pOutMsg->fPort = (uInt32) this; //don't need this since using direct dispatch
							//KW use of this endpoint needs to be mutex protected?
							//not likely since we force a single thread on the open API connection
			catch( sInt32 err )
				if (pOutMsg != nil)
					pOutMsg = nil;
				siResult = eDSTCPReceiveError; //not actually used
			inBuffer = nil;
		}//if (inBuffer != nil)
	return( pOutMsg );

} // GetClientMessage

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * SyncToMessageBody():	read tag and buffer length from the endpoint
//							returns the buffer length
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::SyncToMessageBody(const Boolean inStripLeadZeroes, uInt32 *outBuffLen)
	uInt32			index = 0;
	uInt32			readBytes = 0;
	uInt32			newLen = 0;
	uInt32			curIndex = kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize;
	char		   *ourBuffer;
	uInt32			buffLen = 0;
	sInt32			result	= eDSNoErr;

	ourBuffer = (char *) calloc(kDSTCPEndpointMaxMessageSize, 1);
		readBytes = DoTCPRecvFrom(ourBuffer, kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize);
		if (readBytes != kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize)
			//couldn't read even the minimum tag size so return zero
			*outBuffLen = 0;
			DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SyncToMessageBody: attempted read of %d bytes failed with %d bytes read", kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize, readBytes );
			LOG2( kStdErr, "SyncToMessageBody: attempted read of %d bytes failed with %d bytes read", kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize, readBytes );
			return eDSTCPReceiveError;
	catch( sInt32 err )
		if (ourBuffer != nil)
		DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SyncToMessageBody: attempted read of %d bytes failed in DoTCPRecvFrom with error %d", kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize, err );
		LOG2( kStdErr, "SyncToMessageBody: attempted read of %d bytes failed in DoTCPRecvFrom with error %d", kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize, err );
		return eDSTCPReceiveError;
	//TODO need to handle corrupted data? ie. continue searching for tag?
	if (inStripLeadZeroes)
		// strip any leading zeroes
		for ( index=0; (index < kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize) && (ourBuffer[index] == 0x00); index++ )
			//keep reading one at a time if we encounter any leading zeroes
			//don't expect this to ever happen
			while ( (readBytes < kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize) && (curIndex < kDSTCPEndpointMaxMessageSize) )
				newLen = DoTCPRecvFrom(ourBuffer+curIndex, 1);
				if (newLen != 1)
					//couldn't read even one byte so return zero
					*outBuffLen = 0;
					DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SyncToMessageBody: align frame by skipping leading zeroes - attempted read of one byte failed with %d bytes read", newLen );
					LOG1( kStdErr, "SyncToMessageBody: align frame by skipping leading zeroes - attempted read of one byte failed with %d bytes read", newLen );
					return eDSTCPReceiveError;
				if (ourBuffer[curIndex] != 0x00)
		catch( sInt32 err )
			if (ourBuffer != nil)
			DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SyncToMessageBody: align frame by skipping leading zeroes - failed in DoTCPRecvFrom with error %l", err );
			LOG1( kStdErr, "SyncToMessageBody: align frame by skipping leading zeroes - failed in DoTCPRecvFrom with error %l", err );
			return eDSTCPReceiveError;

	//check if we found the tag we are looking for
	if ( (readBytes == kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize) && (strncmp(ourBuffer+curIndex-kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize,"DSPX",kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize) == 0) )
			//now get the buffer length
			//check here to determine if buffLen is at least sizeof(sComData)
			newLen = DoTCPRecvFrom(&buffLen , 4);
			if (newLen != 4) //|| (buffLen < sizeof(sComData)) )
				DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SyncToMessageBody: get the buffer length - attempted read of four bytes failed with %d bytes read", newLen );
				LOG1( kStdErr, "SyncToMessageBody: get the buffer length - attempted read of four bytes failed with %d bytes read", newLen );
				*outBuffLen = 0;
				*outBuffLen = buffLen;
		catch( sInt32 err )
			if (ourBuffer != nil)
			DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SyncToMessageBody: get the buffer length - failed in DoTCPRecvFrom with error %l", err );
			LOG1( kStdErr, "SyncToMessageBody: get the buffer length - failed in DoTCPRecvFrom with error %l", err );
			return eDSTCPReceiveError;
	return result;

} // SyncToMessageBody

//	* SendClientReply *****ONLY used by CHandler class

sInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::SendClientReply ( void *inMsg )
	((sComData *)inMsg)->fDataSize = ((sComData *)inMsg)->fDataLength;
	return SendBuffer(inMsg, sizeof(sComData) + ((sComData *)inMsg)->fDataLength);
} // SendClientReply

//	* SendServerMessage *****ONLY used by CMessaging class

sInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::SendServerMessage ( void *inMsg )
	((sComData *)inMsg)->fDataSize = ((sComData *)inMsg)->fDataLength;
	return SendBuffer(inMsg, sizeof(sComData) + ((sComData *)inMsg)->fDataLength);
} // SendServerMessage

//	* SendBuffer

sInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::SendBuffer ( void *inBuffer, uInt32 inLength )
	sInt32				result		= eDSNoErr;
	char			   *sendBuffer	= nil;
	uInt32				dataBuffLen	= 0;
	uInt32				sendBuffLen	= 0;
	uInt32				sentBytes	= 0;
	void			   *outBuffer	= nil;
	uInt32				outLength	= 0;
	bool				bFreeOutBuff= true;

	EncryptData(inBuffer, inLength, outBuffer, outLength);
	if (outLength == 0)
		outBuffer		= inBuffer;
		outLength		= inLength;
		bFreeOutBuff	= false;
	//need to build the return message with the following parts
	//tag, data length, data
	//use char * variable of length kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize + 4 + sizeof(sComData) + pData->fDataSize
	dataBuffLen = outLength;
	sendBuffLen = kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize + 4 + dataBuffLen;
	sendBuffer = (char *)calloc(sendBuffLen, 1);
	memcpy(sendBuffer+kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize, &dataBuffLen, 4);
	//JT need to do endian byte swapping here ^
	memcpy(sendBuffer+kDSTCPEndpointMessageTagSize+4, outBuffer, outLength);

		sentBytes = WriteData(sendBuffer, sendBuffLen);
		//don't worry about "\r\n" at the end of the send?
		if (sentBytes != sendBuffLen)
			//TODO need to cleanup on error here
			DBGLOG2( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SendBuffer(): attempted send of %d bytes only sent %d bytes", sendBuffLen, sentBytes );
			LOG2( kStdErr, "SendBuffer(): attempted send of %d bytes only sent %d bytes", sendBuffLen, sentBytes );
			result = eDSTCPSendError;
	catch( sInt32 err )
		DBGLOG1( kLogTCPEndpoint, "SendBuffer(): failed send of %d bytes", sendBuffLen );
		LOG1( kStdErr, "SendBuffer(): failed send of %d bytes", sendBuffLen );
		result = eDSTCPSendError;
	if (sendBuffer != NULL)
		sendBuffer = NULL;
	if (bFreeOutBuff)
		if (outBuffer != NULL)
			outBuffer = NULL;

	return( result );

} // SendBuffer

//	* GetServerReply *****ONLY used by CMessaging class
//    if the outMsg needs to grow we can allocate a bigger buffer here
//    postcondition: *outMsg != nil

sInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::GetServerReply ( sComData **outMsg )
	sInt32					siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32					buffLen			= 0;
	uInt32					readBytes 		= 0;
	void				   *inBuffer		= nil;
	uInt32					inLength		= 0;

	//need to read a tag and then a buffer length
	siResult = SyncToMessageBody(true, &inLength);
	if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (inLength != 0) )
			//go ahead and read the message body of length inLength
			//put the message data into inBuffer
			inBuffer = (void *)calloc(1,inLength);
			readBytes = DoTCPRecvFrom(inBuffer, inLength);
			if (readBytes != inLength)
				//TODO need to recover somehow
				LOG( kStdErr, "GetServerReply: Couldn't read entire message block" );
				siResult = eDSTCPReceiveError;
				void *tmpOutMsg = nil;
				DecryptData(inBuffer, inLength, tmpOutMsg, buffLen);
				*outMsg = (sComData *)tmpOutMsg;
				if (buffLen == 0)
					*outMsg		= (sComData *)inBuffer;
					inBuffer	= nil;
					buffLen		= inLength;
		catch( sInt32 err )
			siResult = eDSTCPReceiveError;
	if (inBuffer != nil)
		inBuffer = nil;
	return( siResult );

} // GetServerReply

//	* GetRemoteHostIPAddress

uInt32 DSTCPEndpoint::GetRemoteHostIPAddress ( void )
	return mRemoteHostIPAddr;

//	* GetRemoteHostPort

uInt16 DSTCPEndpoint::GetRemoteHostPort ( void )
	return ( ntohs( mRemoteSockAddr.sin_port ) );