pwpolicy.8   [plain text]

.\"	$Id: pwpolicy.8,v 1.5 2004/09/20 17:07:57 snsimon Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
.\" Distributed as unsupported software for Mac OS X Server
.Dd 13 November 2002
.Dt pwpolicy 8
.Os "Mac OS X Server"
.Nm pwpolicy
.Nd gets and sets password policies
.Op Fl h
.Op Fl v
.Op Fl a Ar authenticator
.Op Fl p Ar password
.Op Fl u Ar username
.Op Fl n Ar nodename
command command-arg
.Op Fl v
.Op Fl a Ar authenticator
.Op Fl p Ar password
.Op Fl u Ar username
.Op Fl n Ar nodename
command "policy1=value1 policy2=value2 ..."
manipulates password policies.
.Ss Options
.Bl -tag -width flag
.It Fl a
name of the authenticator
.It Fl p
password (omit this option for a secure prompt)
.It Fl u
name of the user to modify
.It Fl n
use a specific directory node; the search node is used by default.
.It Fl v
.It Fl h
.Ss Commands
.Bl -tag -width getglobalpolicystrlen -compact
.It Fl getglobalpolicy
Get global policies
.It Fl setglobalpolicy
Set global policies
.It Fl getpolicy
Get policies for a user
.It Fl setpolicy
Set policies for a user
.It Fl setpolicyglobal
Set a user account to use global policies
.It Fl setpassword
Set a new password for a user. Non-administrators can use this command to change their own passwords.
.It Fl enableuser
Enable a
.Nm shadowhash 
user account that was disabled by a password policy event.
.It Fl getglobalhashtypes
Returns the default list of password hashes stored on disk for this system.
.It Fl setglobalhashtypes
Edits the default list of password hashes stored on disk for this system.
.It Fl gethashtypes
Returns a list of password hashes stored on disk for a user account.
.It Fl sethashtypes
Edits the list of password hashes stored on disk for a user account.
.It Fl 0 Li through Fl 7
Shortcuts for the above commands (in order).
.Ss Global Policies
.Bl -tag -width maxMinutesUntilChangePasswordlen -compact
.It Ev usingHistory
0 = user can reuse the current password, 1 = user cannot reuse the current password, 2-15 = user cannot reuse the last n passwords.
.It Ev usingExpirationDate
If 1, user is required to change password on the date in expirationDateGMT
.It Ev usingHardExpirationDate
If 1, user's account is disabled on the date in hardExpireDateGMT
.It Ev requiresAlpha
If 1, user's password is required to have a character in [A-Z][a-z].
.It Ev requiresNumeric
If 1, user's password is required to have a character in [0-9].
.It Ev expirationDateGMT
Date for the password to expire, format must be: mm/dd/yy
.It Ev hardExpireDateGMT
Date for the user's account to be disabled, format must be: mm/dd/yy
.It Ev maxMinutesUntilChangePassword
user is required to change the password at this interval
.It Ev maxMinutesUntilDisabled
user's account is disabled after this interval
.It Ev maxMinutesOfNonUse
user's account is disabled if it is not accessed by this interval
.It Ev maxFailedLoginAttempts
user's account is disabled if the failed login count exceeds this number
.It Ev minChars
passwords must contain at least minChars
.It Ev maxChars
passwords are limited to maxChars
.Ss Additional User Policies
.Bl -tag -width canModifyPasswordforSelflen -compact
.It Ev isDisabled
If 1, user account is not allowed to authenticate, ever.
.It Ev isAdminUser
If 1, this user can administer accounts on the password server.
.It Ev newPasswordRequired
If 1, the user will be prompted for a new password at the next authentication. Applications that do not
support change password will not authenticate.
.It Ev canModifyPasswordforSelf
If 1, the user can change the password.
.Ss Stored Hash Types
.Bl -tag -width SMB-LAN-MANAGER -compact
Required for IMAP.
Required for APOP and WebDAV. Only available on Mac OS X Server edition.
The default for login window.
Required for compatibility with Windows 9.x file sharing.
Required for compatibility with Windows NT/XP file sharing.
To get global policies:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
To set global policies:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
-a authenticator -setglobalpolicy "minChars=4 maxFailedLoginAttempts=3"
To get policies for a specific user account:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
-u user -getpolicy
-u user -n /NetInfo/DefaultLocalNode -getpolicy
To set policies for a specific user account:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
-a authenticator -u user -setpolicy "minChars=4 maxFailedLoginAttempts=3"
To change the password for a user:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
-a authenticator -u user -setpassword newpassword
To set the list of hash types for local accounts:
.Bl -item -offset indent -compact
-a authenticator -setglobalhashtypes SMB-LAN-MANAGER off SMB-NT on