dseditgroup.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

* @header dseditgroup
 * Tool used to manipulate group records via the Open Directory API.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <membershipPriv.h>
#include <grp.h>

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <OpenDirectory/OpenDirectory.h>
#include <OpenDirectory/OpenDirectoryPriv.h>

#include "dstools_version.h"

static void printArray( const void *value, void *context )
	CFStringRef cfPrintString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("\t\t%@"), value );
	CFShow( cfPrintString );
	CFRelease( cfPrintString );

static void printDictionary( const void *key, const void *value, void *context )
	CFStringRef cfPrintString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ -"), key );
	CFShow( cfPrintString );
	CFRelease( cfPrintString );
	CFArrayApplyFunction( value, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(value)), printArray, NULL );

static SInt32 printErrorOrMessage( CFErrorRef *inError, const char *errorString, bool inVerbose )
	SInt32 errorCode = EX_USAGE;
	if ( inError == NULL || (*inError) == NULL || (inVerbose == false && errorString != NULL) )
		CFStringRef cfString = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, errorString, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		if ( cfString != NULL ) {
			CFShow( cfString );
			CFRelease( cfString );
	else if ( inError != NULL && (*inError) != NULL )
		if ( inVerbose == true )
			CFStringRef cfString = CFErrorCopyDescription( *inError );
			if ( cfString != NULL ) {
				CFShow( cfString );
				CFRelease( cfString );
		CFIndex errorCode = CFErrorGetCode( *inError );
		// this is temporary until ODFramework has some kind of ranges for error types
		if ( errorCode >= kODErrorCredentialsInvalid && errorCode < kODErrorCredentialsInvalid+999 ) {
			errorCode = EX_NOPERM;
		// we null the pointer
		*inError = NULL;
	return errorCode;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Text Input Routines

//	intcatch
//	Helper function for read_passphrase

volatile int intr;

intcatch(int dontcare)
	intr = 1;

//	read_passphrase
//	Returns: malloc'd C-str
//	Provides a secure prompt for inputing passwords
 * Reads a passphrase from /dev/tty with echo turned off.  Returns the
 * passphrase (allocated with xmalloc), being very careful to ensure that
 * no other userland buffer is storing the password.

static char *
read_passphrase(const char *prompt, int from_stdin)
	char buf[1024], *p, ch;
	struct termios tio, saved_tio;
	sigset_t oset, nset;
	struct sigaction sa, osa;
	int input, output, echo = 0;
	if (from_stdin) {
		input = STDIN_FILENO;
		output = STDERR_FILENO;
	} else
		input = output = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR);
	if (input == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "You have no controlling tty.  Cannot read passphrase.\n");
	/* block signals, get terminal modes and turn off echo */
	sigaddset(&nset, SIGTSTP);
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &nset, &oset);
	memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
	sa.sa_handler = intcatch;
	(void) sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &osa);
	intr = 0;
	if (tcgetattr(input, &saved_tio) == 0 && (saved_tio.c_lflag & ECHO)) {
		echo = 1;
		tio = saved_tio;
		tio.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL);
		(void) tcsetattr(input, TCSANOW, &tio);
	(void)write(output, prompt, strlen(prompt));
	for (p = buf; read(input, &ch, 1) == 1 && ch != '\n';) {
		if (intr)
		if (p < buf + sizeof(buf) - 1)
			*p++ = ch;
	*p = '\0';
	if (!intr)
		(void)write(output, "\n", 1);
	/* restore terminal modes and allow signals */
	if (echo)
		tcsetattr(input, TCSANOW, &saved_tio);
	(void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL);
	(void) sigaction(SIGINT, &osa, NULL);
	if (intr) {
		kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
		/* XXX tty has not neccessarily drained by now? */
	if (!from_stdin)
	p = (char *)malloc(strlen(buf)+1);
    strcpy(p, buf);
	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	return (p);

static bool isLegacyGroup( ODRecordRef inRecordRef, CFArrayRef* outShortNameMembers )
	CFIndex		shortNameMembersCount = 0;
	CFIndex		guidMembersCount = 0;
	CFArrayRef shortNameMembers = ODRecordCopyValues( inRecordRef, kODAttributeTypeGroupMembership, NULL );
	if ( shortNameMembers != NULL )
		shortNameMembersCount = CFArrayGetCount( shortNameMembers );
		if ( outShortNameMembers != NULL )
			*outShortNameMembers = shortNameMembers;
			CFRetain( shortNameMembers );
		CFRelease( shortNameMembers );
	CFArrayRef guidMembers = ODRecordCopyValues( inRecordRef, kODAttributeTypeGroupMembers, NULL );
	if ( guidMembers != NULL ) {
		guidMembersCount = CFArrayGetCount( guidMembers );
		CFRelease( guidMembers );
	return ( guidMembersCount == 0 && shortNameMembersCount > 0 );

//	usage

	printf("\ndseditgroup (%s):: Manipulate group records with the Open Directory API.\n\n", TOOLS_VERSION);
           "Usage: dseditgroup [-pqv] -o edit [-n nodename] [-u username] [-P password]\n"
           "                   [-r realname] [-c comment] [-s ttl] [-k keyword] [-i gid]\n"
           "                   [-g uuid] [-S sid] [-a addmember] [-d deletemember] \n"
           "                   [-t membertype] [-T grouptype] [-L] groupname\n"
           "Usage: dseditgroup [-pqv] -o create [-n nodename] [-u username] [-P password]\n"
           "                   [-r realname] [-c comment] [-s ttl] [-k keyword] [-i gid]\n"
           "                   [-g uuid] [-S sid] [-T grouptype] [-L] groupname\n"
           "Usage: dseditgroup [-pqv] -o delete [-u username] [-P password] [-T grouptype]\n"
		   "                   [-L] groupname\n"
           "Usage: dseditgroup [-qv] -o read [-T grouptype] groupname\n"
           "Usage: dseditgroup [-qv] -o checkmember [-m membername] groupname\n" );
	printf("\nSee dseditgroup(8) man page for details.\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int				ch;
	char		   *operation		= nil;
	bool			bReadOption		= false;
	bool			bCreateOption   = false;
	bool			bDeleteOption   = false;
	bool			bEditOption		= false;
	bool			bInteractivePwd = false;
	bool			bNoVerify		= false;
	bool			bVerbose		= false;
	bool			bCheckMemberOption	= false;
	char		   *nodename		= nil;
	char		   *username		= nil;
	bool			bDefaultUser	= false;
	bool			bCompList		= false;
	char		   *password		= nil;
	char		   *addrecordname   = nil;
	char		   *delrecordname   = nil;
	char		   *recordtype		= nil;
	char		   *gid				= nil;
	char		   *guid			= nil;
	char		   *smbSID			= nil;
	char		   *realname		= nil;
	char		   *keyword			= nil;
	char		   *comment			= nil;
	char		   *timeToLive		= nil;
	char		   *groupname		= nil;
	char		   *member			= nil;
	char		   *format			= nil;	//be either "l" for legacy or "n" for new group format
	const char	   *grouptype		= NULL;
	int				exitcode		= 0;
	uuid_t			uuid;
	ODNodeRef			aDSNodeRef		= NULL;
	ODNodeRef			aDSSearchRef	= NULL;
	bool				bContinueAdd	= false;
	char			   *groupRecordName	= nil;
	__block ODRecordRef	aGroupRecRef	= NULL;
	__block ODRecordRef	aGroupRecRef2	= NULL;
	CFErrorRef			aErrorRef		= NULL;
	char				*errorTok		= NULL;

	if (argc < 2)
	if ( strcmp(argv[1], "-appleversion") == 0 )
        dsToolAppleVersionExit( argv[0] );
    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "LT:o:pqvn:m:u:P:a:d:t:i:g:r:k:c:s:S:f:?h")) != -1) {
        switch (ch) {
            case 'o':
                operation = strdup(optarg);
                if (operation != nil)
                    if ( strcasecmp(operation, "read") == 0 )
                        bReadOption = true;
                    else if ( strcasecmp(operation, "create") == 0 )
                        bCreateOption = true;
                    else if ( strcasecmp(operation, "delete") == 0 )
                        bDeleteOption = true;
                    else if ( strcasecmp(operation, "edit") == 0 )
                        bEditOption = true;
                    else if ( strcasecmp(operation, "checkmember") == 0 )
                        bCheckMemberOption = true;
            case 'p':
                bInteractivePwd = true;
            case 'q':
                bNoVerify = true;
            case 'v':
                bVerbose = true;
            case 'm':
                member = strdup(optarg);
            case 'n':
                nodename = strdup(optarg);
            case 'u':
                username = strdup(optarg);
            case 'P':
                password = strdup(optarg);
            case 'a':
                addrecordname = strdup(optarg);
            case 'd':
                delrecordname = strdup(optarg);
            case 't':
                recordtype = strdup(optarg);
			case 'T':
				grouptype = optarg;
			case 'L':
				bCompList = true;
            case 'i':
				strtol( optarg, &errorTok, 10 );
				if ( errorTok == NULL || errorTok[0] == '\0' ) {
					gid = strdup(optarg);
				else {
					printf( "GID contains non-numeric characters\n" );
					return EX_USAGE;
            case 'g':
				uuid_clear( uuid );
				// don't allow malformed UUIDs nor an empty one
				if ( uuid_parse(optarg, uuid) == 0 && uuid_is_null(uuid) == false ) {
					guid = strdup(optarg);
				else {
					printf( "GUID provided is not a valid UUID\n" );
					return EX_USAGE;
            case 'r':
                realname = strdup(optarg);
            case 'k':
                keyword = strdup(optarg);
            case 'c':
                comment = strdup(optarg);
            case 's':
                timeToLive = strdup(optarg);
            case 'S':
                smbSID = strdup(optarg);
            case 'f':
                format = strdup(optarg);
            case '?':
            case 'h':
				return EX_USAGE;
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;
	if (argc == 0)
		printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "No group name provided", bVerbose );
		return EX_USAGE;
	groupname = strdup( argv[0] );
	if (!bCreateOption && !bDeleteOption && !bEditOption && !bCheckMemberOption)
		bReadOption = true; //default option
	if (username == nil)
		struct passwd* pw = NULL;
		pw = getpwuid(getuid());
		if (pw != NULL && pw->pw_name != NULL && pw->pw_name[0] != '\0')
			username = strdup(pw->pw_name);
			printf("***Username <-u username> must be explicitly provided in this shell***\n");
		bDefaultUser = true;
	if (bVerbose)
		printf("dseditgroup verbose mode\n");
		printf("Options selected by user:\n");
		if (bReadOption)
			printf("Read option selected\n");
		if (bCreateOption)
			printf("Create option selected\n");
		if (bDeleteOption)
			printf("Delete option selected\n");
		if (bEditOption)
			printf("Edit option selected\n");
		if (bCheckMemberOption)
			printf("Checking membership selected\n");
		if (bInteractivePwd)
			printf("Interactive password option selected\n");
		if (bNoVerify)
			printf("User verification is disabled\n");
		if (nodename)
			printf("Nodename provided as <%s>\n", nodename);
		if (username && !bDefaultUser)
			printf("Username provided as <%s>\n", username);
			printf("Username determined to be <%s>\n", username);
		if ( password && !bInteractivePwd )
			printf("Password provided as <%s>\n", password);
		if (addrecordname)
			printf("Recordname to be added provided as <%s>\n", addrecordname);
		if (delrecordname)
			printf("Recordname to be deleted provided as <%s>\n", delrecordname);
		if (recordtype)
			printf("Recordtype provided as <%s>\n", recordtype);
		if (grouptype)
			printf("Grouptype provided as <%s>\n", grouptype);
		if (gid)
			printf("GID provided as <%s>\n", gid);
		if (guid)
			printf("GUID provided as <%s>\n", guid);
		if (smbSID)
			printf("SID provided as <%s>\n", smbSID);
		if (realname)
			printf("Realname provided as <%s>\n", realname);
		if (keyword)
			printf("Keyword provided as <%s>\n", keyword);
		if (comment)
			printf("Comment provided as <%s>\n", comment);
		if (timeToLive)
			printf("TimeToLive provided as <%s>\n", timeToLive);
		if (groupname)
			printf("Groupname provided as <%s>\n", groupname);
		if (bCompList)
			printf("Will maintain computer lists when applicable\n" );
	ODRecordType (^mapRecTypeWithDefault)(const char *, ODRecordType) = ^(const char *inType, ODRecordType inDefault) {
		if ( inType != NULL )
			if ( strcasecmp(inType, "user") == 0) {
				return kODRecordTypeUsers;
			else if ( strcasecmp(inType, "group") == 0) {
				return kODRecordTypeGroups;
			else if ( strcasecmp(inType, "computer") == 0) {
				return kODRecordTypeComputers;
			else if ( strcasecmp(inType, "computergroup") == 0 ) {
				return kODRecordTypeComputerGroups;
		return inDefault;
	if (bCheckMemberOption == false &&
		bReadOption == false &&
		(!bNoVerify && ( !bDefaultUser && ( (password == nil) || bInteractivePwd ) ) || (bDefaultUser && bInteractivePwd)) )
		password = read_passphrase("Please enter user password:", 1);
		//do not verbose output this password value
	do //use break to stop for an error
		bool bIsLocalNode = false;
		ODNodeRef aLocalNodeRef = ODNodeCreateWithNodeType( kCFAllocatorDefault, kODSessionDefault, kODNodeTypeLocalNodes, &aErrorRef );
		//set up the node to be used
        if (nodename == NULL)
			// if no nodename is specified we default to the /Search node since OD Framework can work with that
			if ( bEditOption == true || bReadOption == true || bCheckMemberOption == true || bDeleteOption == true ) {
				aDSNodeRef = ODNodeCreateWithNodeType( kCFAllocatorDefault, kODSessionDefault, kODNodeTypeAuthentication, &aErrorRef );
			else {
				/* Default to local node for other operations (i.e. create). */
				aDSNodeRef = aLocalNodeRef;
				bIsLocalNode = true;
		else if ( nodename[0] == '.' )
            // if the nodename is "." we default to the local node by passing nil as the node name to getNodeRef
			aDSNodeRef = aLocalNodeRef;
			bIsLocalNode = true;
            // otherwise we pass the provided nodename to getNodeRef
			CFStringRef cfNodeName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, nodename, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
			if ( cfNodeName != NULL ) {
				aDSNodeRef = ODNodeCreateWithName( kCFAllocatorDefault, kODSessionDefault, cfNodeName, &aErrorRef );
				CFRelease( cfNodeName );
				if (aDSNodeRef == NULL) {
					exitcode = printErrorOrMessage(NULL, "Error locating specified node.", bVerbose);
				if ( CFEqual(ODNodeGetName(aDSNodeRef), ODNodeGetName(aLocalNodeRef)) == true ) {
					bIsLocalNode = true;
			else {
				exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Error parsing node name.", bVerbose );
		if ( aDSNodeRef == NULL ) {
			exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "getNodeRef failed to obtain a node reference", bVerbose );
		aDSSearchRef = ODNodeCreateWithNodeType( kCFAllocatorDefault, kODSessionDefault, kODNodeTypeAuthentication, &aErrorRef );
		CFStringRef groupNameCF = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, groupname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		if ( groupNameCF == NULL ) {
			exitcode = EX_SOFTWARE;
			printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Unable to parse groupname", bVerbose );
		CFArrayRef attribs = CFArrayCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFTypeRef *) &kODAttributeTypeStandardOnly, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
		if ( attribs == NULL ) {
			exitcode = EX_SOFTWARE;
			printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Unable to allocate array", bVerbose );

		ODRecordType grpType = mapRecTypeWithDefault( grouptype, kODRecordTypeGroups );
		bool (^isLocalNode)(ODRecordRef record) = ^(ODRecordRef record) {
			CFArrayRef values = ODRecordCopyValues( record, kODAttributeTypeMetaNodeLocation, NULL );
			if ( values != NULL ) {
				if ( CFArrayGetCount(values) > 0 && CFEqual(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(values, 0), ODNodeGetName(aLocalNodeRef)) == true ) {
					return (bool) true;
				CFRelease( values );
			return (bool) false;
		aGroupRecRef = ODNodeCopyRecord( aDSNodeRef, grpType, groupNameCF, attribs, NULL );
		if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL ) {
			bIsLocalNode = isLocalNode( aGroupRecRef );
		/* The group must already exist unless -o create is specified. */
		if (aGroupRecRef == NULL && !bCreateOption) {
			exitcode = printErrorOrMessage(NULL, "Group not found.", bVerbose);

		if ( bCompList == true && grpType == kODRecordTypeComputerGroups )
			aGroupRecRef2 = ODNodeCopyRecord( aDSNodeRef, kODRecordTypeComputerLists, groupNameCF, NULL, NULL );
			if ( aGroupRecRef2 != NULL && isLocalNode(aGroupRecRef2) == true )
				// if we got a group record, let's see if it is also local node
				if ( bIsLocalNode == false && aGroupRecRef != NULL )
					if ( bVerbose == true ) {
						printf( "Skipping Computer list because it's on a different node\n" );
						CFRelease( aGroupRecRef2 );
						aGroupRecRef2 = NULL;
				else {
					bIsLocalNode = true;
		if ( geteuid() == 0 && bIsLocalNode == true && (username == NULL || password == NULL) )
			// we are running as root and no password or name provided
			if ( bVerbose == true ) {
				printf( "Skipping authentication because user has effective ID 0\n" );
		else if ( bDeleteOption == true || bCreateOption == true || bEditOption == true )
			// need to auth for changes
			if (username == NULL || password == NULL) {
				exitcode = printErrorOrMessage(NULL, "Username and password must be provided.", bVerbose);

			bool bSuccess = false;
			CFStringRef user = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, username, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			CFStringRef pass = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, password, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
			 * aDSNodeRef may be /Search unless we're creating a new group. Fortunately,
			 * we can authenticate with the specific group(s) most of the time. We still
			 * authenticate with the node directly when the specified group doesn't exist.
			 * As noted above, this is only allowed when creating a new group, in which
			 * case aDSNodeRef cannot be /Search.
			if (aGroupRecRef != NULL) {
				bSuccess = ODRecordSetNodeCredentials(aGroupRecRef, user, pass, &aErrorRef);
				if (aGroupRecRef2 != NULL) {
					ODRecordSetNodeCredentials(aGroupRecRef2, user, pass, &aErrorRef);
			} else {
				bSuccess = ODNodeSetCredentials(aDSNodeRef, NULL, user, pass, &aErrorRef);


			if (!bSuccess) {
				exitcode = printErrorOrMessage(&aErrorRef, "Failed to set credentials.", bVerbose);
		CFErrorRef (^deleteRecords)(void) = ^(void) {
			CFErrorRef error = NULL;
			if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL )
				if ( ODRecordDelete(aGroupRecRef, &error) == false ) {
					return error;
				CFRelease( aGroupRecRef );
				aGroupRecRef = NULL;
			if ( aGroupRecRef2 != NULL )
				if ( ODRecordDelete(aGroupRecRef2, &error) == false ) {
					return error;
				CFRelease( aGroupRecRef2 );
				aGroupRecRef2 = NULL;
			return error;
		if ( bReadOption == true || bDeleteOption == true )
			if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL || aGroupRecRef2 != NULL )
				if ( bDeleteOption == true && aGroupRecRef != NULL ) {
					printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Group record below will be deleted:", bVerbose );
				CFDictionaryRef cfDetails = ODRecordCopyDetails( aGroupRecRef, NULL, NULL );
				if ( cfDetails != NULL ) {
					CFDictionaryApplyFunction( cfDetails, printDictionary, NULL );
					CFRelease( cfDetails );
				if ( bDeleteOption == true && (aErrorRef = deleteRecords()) != NULL ) {
					exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to delete record", bVerbose );
				exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Group was not found.", bVerbose );
		else if (bCreateOption)
			if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL || aGroupRecRef2 != NULL )
				char responseValue[8] = {0};
				if (!bNoVerify)
					printf("Create called on existing record - do you want to overwrite, y or n : ");
					scanf( "%c", responseValue );
				if (bNoVerify || (responseValue[0] == 'y') || (responseValue[0] == 'Y'))
					if ( (aErrorRef = deleteRecords()) != NULL ) {
						exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to replace the record", bVerbose );
					exitcode = EX_CANTCREAT;
					printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Operation cancelled because record could not be replaced", bVerbose );
			if ( aGroupRecRef == NULL )
				aGroupRecRef = ODNodeCreateRecord( aDSNodeRef, grpType, groupNameCF, NULL, &aErrorRef );
				if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL )
					groupRecordName = strdup(groupname);
					bContinueAdd = true;
					// if creating ComputerGroups allow creation of ComputerLists if -L specified
					if ( bCompList == true && grpType == kODRecordTypeComputerGroups ) {
						aGroupRecRef2 = ODNodeCreateRecord( aDSNodeRef, kODRecordTypeComputerLists, groupNameCF, NULL, NULL );
					exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to create the record", bVerbose );
		else if (bEditOption)
			if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL ) {
				bContinueAdd = true;
			else {
				printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Record not found", bVerbose );
		else if (bCheckMemberOption)
			if ( aGroupRecRef != NULL )
				const char *user = (member ? : username);
				CFStringRef memberCF = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, user, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				if ( memberCF == NULL ) {
					exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to to allocate string", bVerbose );
				ODRecordRef memberRec = ODNodeCopyRecord( aDSSearchRef, kODRecordTypeUsers, memberCF, NULL, &aErrorRef );
				if ( memberRec == NULL ) {
					exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to find the user record", bVerbose );
				if ( ODRecordContainsMember(aGroupRecRef, memberRec, &aErrorRef) == true ) {
					// return default exitcode of 0 if they are a member
					printf("yes %s is a member of %s\n", user, groupname);
					exitcode = EX_OK;
				else {
					printf("no %s is NOT a member of %s\n", user, groupname);
					exitcode = EX_NOUSER;
				CFRelease( memberRec );
				CFRelease( memberCF );
				exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Invalid group name", bVerbose );
        if ( (bCreateOption || bEditOption) && aGroupRecRef != NULL )
            if (bContinueAdd)
                ODRecordType recType = mapRecTypeWithDefault( recordtype, kODRecordTypeUsers );
                if (format != nil)
					CFArrayRef shortNameMembers = NULL;
					bool isLegacy = isLegacyGroup( aGroupRecRef, &shortNameMembers );
					if ( format[0] == 'n' && isLegacy == true )
						// now we ask membership APIs for GUIDs for these users
						// we search each value individually so we grab the first entry
						CFMutableArrayRef newList = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
						CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount( shortNameMembers );
						CFIndex ii;
						for ( ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
							char tmpStr[512]; // primary record names should ever be this long
							CFStringRef recName = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( shortNameMembers, ii );
							const char *recNameStr = CFStringGetCStringPtr( recName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
							if ( recNameStr == NULL ) {
								if ( CFStringGetCString(recName, tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), kCFStringEncodingUTF8) == false ) {
									printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Record name is more than 512 characers - something is wrong", bVerbose );
									return EX_SOFTWARE;
								recNameStr = tmpStr;
							uuid_t uu;
							if ( mbr_user_name_to_uuid(recNameStr, uu) == 0 ) {
								uuid_string_t uuidStr;
								uuid_unparse_upper( uu, uuidStr );
								CFStringRef uuidCF = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, uuidStr, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
								CFArrayAppendValue( newList, uuidCF );
								CFRelease( uuidCF );
							else {
								int len = strlen( recNameStr );
								char tempBuffer[sizeof("UUID for '%s' could not be found please remove bad entry before conversion") + len + 1];
								snprintf( tempBuffer, len, "UUID for '%s' could not be found please remove bad entry before conversion", recNameStr );
								printErrorOrMessage( NULL, tempBuffer, bVerbose );
								return EX_TEMPFAIL;
						if ( CFArrayGetCount(newList) != 0 )
							if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeGroupMembers, newList, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
								printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Failed to set the UUID based membership", bVerbose );
					else if ( format[0] == 'l' && isLegacy == false )
						CFArrayRef newValue = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeGroupMembers, newValue, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Error removing GUIDs from the group", bVerbose );
						// just break, nothing to do, don't return an error
						if ( bVerbose == true ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Group is already in that format", bVerbose );
                if ( addrecordname != NULL )
					CFStringRef memberName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, addrecordname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( memberName != NULL ) {
						ODRecordRef memberRef = ODNodeCopyRecord( aDSSearchRef, recType, memberName, NULL, &aErrorRef );
						if ( memberRef != NULL ) {

							if ( ODRecordAddMember(aGroupRecRef, memberRef, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
								exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Could not add member to group.", bVerbose );
							// silently update the second one
							ODRecordAddMember( aGroupRecRef2, memberRef, NULL );
						else {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Record was not found.", bVerbose );
							exitcode = eDSRecordNotFound;
					else {
						exitcode = eDSInvalidRecordName;
				if ( delrecordname != NULL )
					CFStringRef memberName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, delrecordname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( memberName != NULL ) {
						ODRecordRef memberRef = ODNodeCopyRecord( aDSSearchRef, recType, memberName, NULL, &aErrorRef );
						if ( memberRef != NULL ) {
							if ( ODRecordRemoveMember(aGroupRecRef, memberRef, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
								exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Could not remove member from group.", bVerbose );
							// silently update the computer list if necessary
							ODRecordRemoveMember( aGroupRecRef2, memberRef, NULL );
						else {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Record was not found.", bVerbose );
							exitcode = eDSRecordNotFound;
					else {
						exitcode = eDSInvalidRecordName;
                if ( gid != NULL )
					CFStringRef gidCF = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, gid, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( gidCF == NULL ) {
						exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "GID is invalid", bVerbose );
					// see if it is in use already
					ODQueryRef query = ODQueryCreateWithNodeType( kCFAllocatorDefault, kODNodeTypeAuthentication, kODRecordTypeGroups, 
																  kODAttributeTypePrimaryGroupID, kODMatchEqualTo, gidCF, NULL, 1, &aErrorRef );
					if ( query == NULL ) {
						exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Error searching for conflicting GID", bVerbose );
					CFArrayRef matches = ODQueryCopyResults( query, false, &aErrorRef );
					if ( (matches == NULL || CFArrayGetCount(matches) == 0) && aErrorRef == NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypePrimaryGroupID, gidCF, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Error attempting to set GID attribute", bVerbose );
						else {
							if ( bVerbose == true ) {
								printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "GID attribute was set", bVerbose );
							exitcode = EX_OK;
					else if ( aErrorRef != NULL ) {
						exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Error checking if GID exists", bVerbose );
					else {
						exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "GID already exists", bVerbose );
					CFRelease( gidCF );
                else if ( bCreateOption ) //gid default creation only for create group
					gid_t newGID;
					for ( newGID = 501; newGID < GID_MAX; newGID++ ) {
						if ( getgrgid(newGID) == NULL ) {
							gid = (char *) malloc( 32 );
							snprintf( gid, 32, "%d", newGID );
					if ( gid != NULL )
						bool bGIDIsOk = false;
						CFStringRef gidCF = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, gid, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
						if ( gidCF == NULL ) {
							exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Unable to allocate string for PrimaryGroupID", bVerbose );
						ODQueryRef query = ODQueryCreateWithNodeType( kCFAllocatorDefault, kODNodeTypeAuthentication, kODRecordTypeGroups, 
																	  kODAttributeTypePrimaryGroupID, kODMatchEqualTo, gidCF, NULL, 1, &aErrorRef );
						if ( query == NULL ) {
							exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to create query for PrimaryGroupID", bVerbose );
						CFArrayRef results = ODQueryCopyResults( query, false, &aErrorRef );
						if ( results != NULL ) {
							CFRelease( results );
							bGIDIsOk = true;
						CFRelease( query );

						if ( bGIDIsOk == true && ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypePrimaryGroupID, gidCF, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Unable to create query for PrimaryGroupID", bVerbose );
						CFRelease( gidCF );

						if ( bGIDIsOk == false ) {
							exitcode = printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Query for PrimaryGroupID failed", bVerbose );
				if ( guid != NULL )
					// first let's canonicalize the UUID
					uuid_string_t uuidStr;
					uuid_unparse_upper( uuid, uuidStr );
					CFStringRef cfUUID = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, uuidStr, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( cfUUID != NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeGUID, cfUUID, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Add GUID value - FAILED", bVerbose );
						} else if ( bVerbose ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Add GUID value - SUCCESS", bVerbose );
                if ( smbSID )
					CFStringRef newValue = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, smbSID, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( newValue != NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeSMBSID, newValue, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Add SID value - FAILED", bVerbose );
						} else if ( bVerbose ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Add SID value - SUCCESS", bVerbose );
						CFRelease( newValue );
                if ( realname )
					CFStringRef newValue = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, realname, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( newValue != NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeFullName, newValue, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Add full name value - FAILED", bVerbose );
						} else if ( bVerbose ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Add full name value - SUCCESS", bVerbose );

						ODRecordSetValue( aGroupRecRef2, kODAttributeTypeFullName, newValue, NULL );
						CFRelease( newValue );
                if ( keyword )
					CFStringRef newValue = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, keyword, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( newValue != NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeKeywords, newValue, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Add Keyword value - FAILED", bVerbose );
						} else if ( bVerbose ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Add Keyword value - SUCCESS", bVerbose );
						ODRecordSetValue( aGroupRecRef2, kODAttributeTypeKeywords, newValue, NULL );
						CFRelease( newValue );
                if ( comment )
					CFStringRef newValue = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, comment, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( newValue != NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeComment, newValue, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Add Comment value - FAILED", bVerbose );
						} else if ( bVerbose ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Add Comment value - SUCCESS", bVerbose );
						ODRecordSetValue( aGroupRecRef2, kODAttributeTypeComment, newValue, NULL );
						CFRelease( newValue );
                if ( timeToLive )
					CFStringRef newValue = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, timeToLive, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					if ( newValue != NULL ) {
						if ( ODRecordSetValue(aGroupRecRef, kODAttributeTypeTimeToLive, newValue, &aErrorRef) == false ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( &aErrorRef, "Add TTL value - FAILED", bVerbose );
						} else if ( bVerbose ) {
							printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "Add TTL value - SUCCESS", bVerbose );
						ODRecordSetValue( aGroupRecRef2, kODAttributeTypeTimeToLive, newValue, NULL );
						CFRelease( newValue );
            if ( bVerbose == true && (bCreateOption == true || bEditOption == true) )
                if ( bCreateOption == true )
					printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "\nGroup record created.\n", bVerbose );
                if ( bEditOption == true )
					printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "\nGroup record edited.\n", bVerbose );
				printErrorOrMessage( NULL, "=======================\n", bVerbose );
				ODRecordSynchronize( aGroupRecRef, NULL );
				ODRecordSynchronize( aGroupRecRef2, NULL );
				CFDictionaryRef cfDetails = ODRecordCopyDetails( aGroupRecRef, NULL, NULL );
				if ( cfDetails != NULL ) {
					CFDictionaryApplyFunction( cfDetails, printDictionary, NULL );
					CFRelease( cfDetails );
        //always leave the while
	} while(true);

    //cleanup DS API references and variables
    if ( aDSNodeRef != NULL )
        CFRelease( aDSNodeRef );
        aDSNodeRef = NULL;
    //not really needed since we exit
    if (nodename)
    if (username)
    if (password)
    if (addrecordname)
    if (delrecordname)
    if (recordtype)
    if (gid)
    if (guid)
    if (realname)
    if (keyword)
    if (comment)
    if (timeToLive)
    if (groupname)
    if (groupRecordName)

	return exitcode;