mDNSPlugin.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 *  @header mDNSPlugin

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "CNSLHeaders.h"

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>

#include "mDNSPlugin.h"
#include "DNSBrowserThread.h"
#include "DNSRegistrationThread.h"
#include "mDNSNodeLookupThread.h"
#include "mDNSServiceLookupThread.h"

#define kLocalizedStringsID				128
#define kNetworkNeighborhoodStrID		1

#define kCommandParamsID				129
#define kServiceTypeStrID				1
#define kListClassPathStrID				2
#define kLookupWorkgroupsJCIFSCommand	3
#define kDefaultGroupName			"WORKGROUP"

const CFStringRef	gBundleIdentifier = CFSTR("");
const char*			gProtocolPrefixString = "Rendezvous";

#pragma warning "Need to get our default Node String from our resource"

extern "C" {
CFUUIDRef ModuleFactoryUUID = CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes ( NULL, \
								0x36, 0x33, 0xF4, 0x12, 0xD4, 0x83, 0x11, 0xD5, \
								0x88, 0xC9, 0x00, 0x03, 0x93, 0x4F, 0xB0, 0x10 );


static CDSServerModule* _Creator ( void )
	DBGLOG( "Creating new DNS Plugin\n" );
    return( new mDNSPlugin );

CDSServerModule::tCreator CDSServerModule::sCreator = _Creator;

mDNSPlugin::mDNSPlugin( void )
    : CNSLPlugin()
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::mDNSPlugin\n" );
    mLocalNodeString = NULL;
    mTopLevelContainerName = "NULL";
    mServiceTypeString = "NULL";
    mWorkgroupLookupString = "NULL";
    mListClassPath = "NULL";
    mLookupThread = NULL;
    mRegistrationThread = NULL;
    mListOfServicesToRegisterManually = NULL;
	mStartedNodeLookups = false;
	mRegisteredHostedServices = false;
	mComputerNameRef = NULL;
	mComputerMACAddressNameRef = NULL;

mDNSPlugin::~mDNSPlugin( void )
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::~mDNSPlugin\n" );
    if ( mLocalNodeString )
        free( mLocalNodeString );
    mLocalNodeString = NULL;
    if ( mRegistrationThread )
    mRegistrationThread = NULL;
    if ( mListOfServicesToRegisterManually )
        CFRelease( mListOfServicesToRegisterManually );
    mListOfServicesToRegisterManually = NULL;
	if ( mComputerNameRef )
		CFRelease( mComputerNameRef );
	mComputerNameRef = NULL;
	if ( mComputerMACAddressNameRef )
		CFRelease( mComputerMACAddressNameRef );
	mComputerMACAddressNameRef = NULL;

sInt32 mDNSPlugin::InitPlugin( void )
    sInt32				siResult	= eDSNoErr;
    // need to see if this is installed!
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::InitPlugin\n" );
	mActivatedByNSL = true;	// we should always be active

    return siResult;

sInt32 mDNSPlugin::SetServerIdleRunLoopRef( CFRunLoopRef idleRunLoopRef )
	sInt32		siResult	= 0;

	CNSLPlugin::SetServerIdleRunLoopRef( idleRunLoopRef );		// let parent take care of business
	// now we can start some stuff running.

    if ( !mLookupThread )
        mLookupThread = new DNSBrowserThread( this );
		if ( mLookupThread )
			mLookupThread->Initialize( idleRunLoopRef );
    if ( !mRegistrationThread )
		mRegistrationThread= new DNSRegistrationThread( this );

		if ( mRegistrationThread )
			mRegistrationThread->Initialize( idleRunLoopRef );

	return siResult;

void mDNSPlugin::ActivateSelf( void )
	AddNode( kLocalSAFE_CFSTR, true );	// local node
	// we are going to simulate a network transition event here that will cause internal services to be registered
	CFStringEncoding	encoding;
	mComputerNameRef = SCDynamicStoreCopyComputerName(NULL, &encoding);
	mComputerMACAddressNameRef = CreateComputerNameEthernetString(mComputerNameRef);

	sHeader		header = {kHandleNetworkTransition, 0, NULL};
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::ActivateSelf, calling HandleRequest with a kHandleNetworkTransition event\n" );
	HandleRequest( &header );

CFStringRef mDNSPlugin::GetBundleIdentifier( void )
    return gBundleIdentifier;

// this is used for top of the node's path "NSL"
const char*	mDNSPlugin::GetProtocolPrefixString( void )
    return gProtocolPrefixString;

// this maps to the group we belong to  (i.e. local)
const char*	mDNSPlugin::GetLocalNodeString( void )
    if ( !mLocalNodeString )
        DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::GetLocalNodeString, mLocalNodeString not found yet\n" );

    return mLocalNodeString;

Boolean mDNSPlugin::IsLocalNode( const char *inNode )
    Boolean 	result = false;

    DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::IsLocalNode called checking %s\n", inNode );

    if ( mLocalNodeString )
        result = ( strcmp( inNode, mLocalNodeString ) == 0 );

        DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::IsLocalNode result:%d (strcmp(%s,%s))\n", result, inNode, mLocalNodeString );
    return result;

void mDNSPlugin::NewNodeLookup( void )
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::NewNodeLookup - start a new node lookup\n" );
	// we are going to simulate a network transition event here that will cause internal lookups to fire if needed
	sHeader		header = {kHandleNetworkTransition, 0, NULL};
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::NewNodeLookup, calling HandleRequest with a kHandleNetworkTransition event\n" );
	HandleRequest( &header );

Boolean mDNSPlugin::OKToOpenUnPublishedNode	( const char* parentNodeName )
    return true;

void mDNSPlugin::NewSubNodeLookup( char* parentNodeName )
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::NewSubNodeLookup in %s\n", parentNodeName );

void mDNSPlugin::NewServiceLookup( char* serviceType, CNSLDirNodeRep* nodeDirRep )
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::NewServicesLookup\n" );

    mDNSServiceLookupThread* newLookup = new mDNSServiceLookupThread( this, serviceType, nodeDirRep );
    // if we have too many threads running, just queue this search object and run it later
    if ( OKToStartNewSearch() )
        QueueNewSearch( newLookup );

sInt32 mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition( sHeader *inData )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition called\n" );
	if ( IsActive() )
		if ( !mStartedNodeLookups && mLookupThread )	// only need to do this once, CFNetServices calls us if node info changes
            DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition calling StartNodeLookups\n" );
			mStartedNodeLookups = true;
			if ( mLookupThread->StartNodeLookups( true ) != eDSNoErr )			// start looking up default nodes
				DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition StartNodeLookups failed, reset to try again later\n" );
				mStartedNodeLookups = false;
				ResetNodeLookupTimer( 5 );			// try again in five seconds
			else if ( mLookupThread->StartNodeLookups( false ) != eDSNoErr )	// start looking up non-default nodes
				DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition StartNodeLookups failed, reset to try again later\n" );
				mStartedNodeLookups = false;
				ResetNodeLookupTimer( 5 );			// try again in five seconds

		if ( !mRegisteredHostedServices && mRegistrationThread )
            DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition calling RegisterHostedServices\n" );
			mRegisteredHostedServices = true;
			if ( mRegistrationThread->RegisterHostedServices() != eDSNoErr )
				DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition RegisterHostedServices failed, reset to try again later\n" );
				mRegisteredHostedServices = false;		// we'll try again later
				ResetNodeLookupTimer( 5 );			// try again in five seconds
		DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition IsActive is false, ignoring notification\n" );
    return ( siResult );

Boolean mDNSPlugin::IsClientAuthorizedToCreateRecords ( sCreateRecord *inData )
    const void*				dictionaryResult	= NULL;
    Boolean					okToCreate = false;
    if( ::CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInNodeRef, &dictionaryResult ) )
        if ( ::CFStringCompare( ((CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult)->GetNodeName(), kEmptySAFE_CFSTR, 0 ) || ::CFStringCompare( ((CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult)->GetNodeName(), kLocalSAFE_CFSTR, 0 ) || ::CFStringCompare( ((CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult)->GetNodeName(), kLocalDotSAFE_CFSTR, 0 ) )
            okToCreate = true;	// always ok to register local data
            DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::IsClientAuthorizedToCreateRecords returning true because client is registering in local or default.\n" );
        else if ( ((CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult)->GetUID() == 0 )
            okToCreate = true;	// always ok for root processes to register
            DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::IsClientAuthorizedToCreateRecords returning true because client is root\n" );
        DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::IsClientAuthorizedToCreateRecords called but we couldn't find the nodeDirRep!\n" );
    return okToCreate;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CreateNSLTypeFromRecType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

char* mDNSPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType ( char *inRecType )
    char				   *outResult	= nil;
    uInt32					uiStrLen	= 0;
    uInt32					uiStdLen	= ::strlen( kDSStdRecordTypePrefix );
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType called on %s\n", inRecType );

    if ( ( inRecType != nil ) )
        uiStrLen = ::strlen( inRecType );

        if ( ::strncmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypePrefix, uiStdLen ) == 0 )
            DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType kDSStdRecordTypePrefix, uiStrLen:%ld uiStdLen:%ld\n", uiStrLen, uiStdLen );
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeAFPServer ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kAFPoverTCPServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kAFPoverTCPServiceType);

				DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType mapping %s to %s\n", inRecType, outResult );
	}// ( inRecType != nil )
	if ( !outResult )
		outResult = CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType( inRecType );		// let the parent handle it
	return( outResult );

} // CreateNSLTypeFromRecType

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CreateNSLTypeFromRecType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

CFStringRef mDNSPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromNativeType ( char *inNativeType )
    CFMutableStringRef	   	outResultRef	= NULL;
	DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromNativeType called on %s\n", inNativeType );

    if ( ( inNativeType != nil ) )
		if ( ::strcmp( inNativeType, kAFPoverTCPServiceType ) == 0 )
			outResultRef = CFStringCreateMutable( NULL, 0 );
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSStdRecordTypeAFPServerSAFE_CFSTR );
	}// ( inRecType != nil )
	if ( !outResultRef )
		outResultRef = (CFMutableStringRef)CNSLPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromNativeType( inNativeType );		// let the parent handle it
	return( outResultRef );

} // CreateNSLTypeFromRecType

#pragma mark -
sInt32 mDNSPlugin::RegisterService( tRecordReference recordRef, CFDictionaryRef service )
    sInt32				status = eDSNoErr;
    CFStringRef			nameOfService = NULL;			/* Service's name (must be unique per domain (should be UTF8) */
    CFStringRef			typeOfService = NULL;			/* Service Type (i.e. afp, lpr etc) */
    CFStringRef			locationOfService = NULL;		/* Service's Location (domain) */
    CFStringRef			protocolSpecificData = NULL;	/* extra data (like printer info) */
    CFStringRef			portOfService = NULL;			/* Service's Port */
    if ( service )
        nameOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
        if ( !nameOfService )
            nameOfService = kEmptySAFE_CFSTR;		// just register Computer Name
        locationOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDS1AttrLocationSAFE_CFSTR );
        if ( !locationOfService )
            locationOfService = kEmptySAFE_CFSTR;		// just register local
        typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDS1AttrServiceTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
        if ( !typeOfService )
            typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDSNAttrRecordTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
        protocolSpecificData = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDNSTextRecordSAFE_CFSTR );
        portOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDS1AttrPtrSAFE_CFSTR );
        if ( nameOfService && locationOfService && typeOfService /*&& protocolSpecificData*/ && portOfService )
            if ( !mRegistrationThread )
			// If this hasn't been created yet this is bad...
				char		name[1024];
				char		type[256];
				CFStringGetCString( nameOfService, name, sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				CFStringGetCString( typeOfService, type, sizeof(type), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				syslog( LOG_ERR, "DS Rendezvous couldn't register %s (%s) since our Registration Thread hasn't been created!\n", name, type );
				status = ePlugInError;
            if ( mRegistrationThread )
                 CFStringRef		serviceKey = NULL;
				 status = mRegistrationThread->PerformRegistration( nameOfService, typeOfService, locationOfService, protocolSpecificData, portOfService, &serviceKey );
				 if ( serviceKey )
					CFRelease( serviceKey );
            DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::RegisterService, we didn't receive all the valid registration parameters\n" );
            status = eDSNullAttribute;
        status = eDSNullAttribute;
    return status;

sInt32 mDNSPlugin::DeregisterService( tRecordReference recordRef, CFDictionaryRef service )
    sInt32				status = eDSNoErr;

    if ( mRegistrationThread )
		DBGLOG( "mDNSPlugin::DeregisterService, calling PerformDeregistraton with the mRegistrationThread\n" );
        status = mRegistrationThread->PerformDeregistration( service );
	// If this hasn't been created yet this is bad...
		char				name[1024] = {0,};
		char				type[256] = {0,};
		CFStringRef	nameOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
		if ( nameOfService )
			CFStringGetCString( nameOfService, name, sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		CFStringRef	typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDS1AttrServiceTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
		if ( !typeOfService )
			typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( service, kDSNAttrRecordTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
		if ( typeOfService )
			CFStringGetCString( typeOfService, type, sizeof(type), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		syslog( LOG_ERR, "DS Rendezvous couldn't deregister %s (%s) since our Registration Thread hasn't been created!\n", name, type );
		status = ePlugInError;
    return status;