TGetCFBundleResources.cpp   [plain text]

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#include "TGetCFBundleResources.h"
#include "NSLDebugLog.h"


TCFResources::TCFResources( CFStringRef bundleIdentifier )
    // CFBundleGetMainBundle() gets the bundle of the current application, not a framework
    mMainBundleRef = CFBundleGetMainBundle();

    // get the manager's bundle
    mCurrentBundleRef = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( bundleIdentifier);
//    DBGLOG( "CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier = %lx\n", (unsigned long)mCurrentBundleRef );


TCFResources::TCFResources(CFBundleRef bundleID)
    mMainBundleRef = nil;
    mBundleArray = nil;
    mBundleCount = 1;
    mCurrentBundleRef = bundleID;




char *
TCFResources::GetResource(ResType type, short id, long *dataLen, CFBundleRef bundleToUse)
    char keyStr[256];
    char *binPtr = NULL;
    CFIndex bufferLen = kMaxResourceSize;
    unsigned char hexPtr[kMaxResourceSize];
    long locDataLen = 0;

    char *typePtr = (char*)&type;
    DBGLOG(  "GetResource %c%c%c%c %d\n", typePtr [0], typePtr [1], typePtr [2], typePtr[3], id);
    this->MakeKeyFromResInfo( type, id, 0, keyStr );
    if ( this->GetLocalizedCString( keyStr, (char *)hexPtr, &bufferLen, bundleToUse ) )
        DBGLOG(  "string = %s\n", hexPtr);
    	binPtr = (char *)malloc( bufferLen/2 + 1 );
		locDataLen = this->HexStringToBinary( hexPtr, binPtr );

	if ( dataLen )
		*dataLen = locDataLen;

    return binPtr;


TCFResources::GetIndString(char *theString, short id, unsigned short index, CFBundleRef bundleToUse)
    char keyStr[256];
    CFIndex bufferLen;

    this->MakeKeyFromResInfo( 'STR#', id, (long)index, keyStr );
	bufferLen = 256;
    DBGLOG( "TCFResources::GetIndString called, id:%d, index:%d, keyStr:%s\n", id, index, keyStr );
    this->GetLocalizedCString( keyStr, theString, &bufferLen, bundleToUse );

    return (SInt32)bufferLen;

// protected methods


TCFResources::MakeKeyFromResInfo(ResType type, short id, long index, char *key)
    char *typePtr = (char *)&type;

    switch (type)
        case 'STR#':
        case 'NSLE':
            sprintf( key, "%c%c%c%c%d %ld", typePtr[0],  typePtr[1],  typePtr[2],  typePtr[3], id, index );
            sprintf( key, "%c%c%c%c%d", typePtr[0],  typePtr[1],  typePtr[2],  typePtr[3], id );

// returns the length of the data

TCFResources::HexStringToBinary(unsigned char *hexStr, void *data)
	unsigned char *dataStr = (unsigned char *)data;
	unsigned char topnibble, bottomnibble;
	while (*hexStr)
		topnibble = (unsigned char) *hexStr++;
		topnibble -= ( topnibble > '9' ) ? ('A'-10) : '0';
		if ( *hexStr )
			bottomnibble = (unsigned char) *hexStr++;
			bottomnibble -= ( bottomnibble > '9' ) ? ('A'-10) : '0';
			bottomnibble = 0;
		*dataStr++ = (topnibble << 4) | bottomnibble;
	return (dataStr - (unsigned char*)data);


TCFResources::GetLocalizedCString(char *keyStr, char *buffer, CFIndex *bufferLen, CFBundleRef bundleToUse)
    CFStringRef cfKeyStr;
    CFStringRef valueStr = NULL;
    Boolean result = false;

    //fprintf(stderr, "in GetLocalizedCString\n");

    if ( bundleToUse == NULL )
        bundleToUse = mCurrentBundleRef;

    cfKeyStr = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, keyStr, CFStringGetSystemEncoding() );
    if ( cfKeyStr ) {
        valueStr = CFBundleCopyLocalizedString( bundleToUse, cfKeyStr, NULL, NULL );
    if ( valueStr ) {
        result = CFStringGetCString( valueStr, buffer, *bufferLen, CFStringGetSystemEncoding() );
        if ( cfKeyStr == valueStr ) {
            DBGLOG( "We got our own pointer back\n");
            CFRelease( valueStr );
        else {
            CFRelease( valueStr );
            CFRelease( cfKeyStr );
    // if we got our key back, then we didn't get resource data.
    if ( result && strcmp( keyStr, buffer ) == 0 )
        result = false;
    *bufferLen = result ? strlen( buffer ) : 0;
    return result;