Replication Wire protocol : types ================================= ulong:: Unsigned long integer 0 <= x <= (2^32)-1 quota_t:: EITHER : Unsigned long integer :: 0 <= x <= (2^32)-1 OR : Unsigned long long integer :: 0 <= x <= (2^64)-1 time_t:: Timestamp (currently 32 bit unsigned integer, offset into Unix epoch) literal+:: {count+}\r\n Arbitrary string of count bytes\r\n astring:: Atom or string qstring:: Quoted string flag_list_t List of system and user flags of the form: (\Deleted \Answered Hello World) Return values ============= Each command sent to the server is a single logical line of arbitrary length (literal encoding may make the single logical line span multiple lines). Responses follow the IMAP three state module: OK English text\r\n -- Operation completed okay NO English text\r\n -- Operation failed: reason attached BAD English text\r\n -- replication protocol error. Unsolicited/Multiline responses. Some commands generate responses which span multiple lines. The final line in the response will start "OK", "NO", or "BAD". Intermediate lines will all start "*". Some commands may generate structured responses (e.g: a list of mailboxes plus all of their contents) where the number of "*" at the start of the line defines the structure of the response. Replication Wire Protocol : Brief text descriptions =================================================== The replication protocol defines 32 verbs at the time of writing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDSUB subscription :: astring Add string to list of subscription on server. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVATE_SIEVE sieve_name :: astring Activate sieve file of given name for this user. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE mailboxname :: astring -- e.g: user.dpc22.zzz uniqueid :: astring -- Cyrus UniqueID (currently 64bit hex number) acl :: astring -- Initial ACL for this mailbox mbtype :: int uidvalidity :: ulong Create mailbox with given name. UniqueID currently derived from UIDvalidity and mailbox name, but no guarantee that this will always be the case. Special value "NIL" for ACL means that mailbox has come from UW world or some other location without ACL. We construct appropriate default ACL: userid --> "lrswipcda" anonymous --> "0" (for FUD daemon) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS Dump complete contents of current folder to output screen. Used for downloading messages from Cyrus into UW world. Response is series of lines of the form: * [uid] [internaldate] [flags :: flag_list_t] [message body :: literal] followed by final "OK" line. flag_list includes \Seen state for current users, unlike STATUS, USER_ALL and USER_SOME. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEACTIVATE_SIEVE Deactivate the active sieve file for this user. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE mailbox :: astring. Delete mailbox with given name. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DELSUB mailbox :: astring Delete subscription with given name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE_SIEVE sieve_name :: astring Delete sieve file with given name. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXIT Shut down sync_server ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPUNGE uid0 :: ulong . . . uidn :: ulong Remove messages matching given list of UIDS from currently selected folder. Will return single line "OK Expunge Complete" on success. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDUSER Unlock current user and call auth_freestate() to discard current authentication. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GET_SIEVE sieve_name :: astring Get sieve script with given name. Successful response is of form: OK {%lu+}\r\n Sieve script \r\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO Get meta information for currently selected folder. Response is single line of the form: OK UIDvalidity :: ulong UIDlast :: ulong Flags :: flag_list_t "INFO" command is almost certainly historical baggage and should be removed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST List mail folders for currently selected list. Multiline response of the form: * [Uniqueid :: astring] [Name :: astring] [Acl :: astring] . . . * [Uniqueid :: astring] [Name :: astring] [Acl :: astring] OK List complete List command probably obsolete with advent of USER_ALL and USER_SOME commands. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LSUB List subscriptions for currently selected user. Multiline response of the form: * [Subscription :: astring] . . . * [Subscription :: astring] OK Lsub complete ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST_SIEVE List available sieve files for currently selected users. Multiline response of the form: * [Sieve_name :: astring] [*] <-- "*" for active sieve file . . . * [Sieve_name :: astring] OK List_sieve complete ---------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTA quota_root :: astring Get quota root information. Response is single line of the form: OK Limit :: quota_t (Kbytes) Expunged_timeout :: ulong (seconds) Expunged_vol_min :: quota_t (KBytes) Expunged_vol_max :: quota_t (KBytes) Expunged_vol_overflow :: quota_t (KBytes) Mailbox_limit :: ulong (KBytes) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RENAME old_name :: astring new_name :: astring Rename mailbox old_name --> new_name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESET account :: astring Reset named account back to initial state. Wipes all of the following: mailboxes subscriptions seen data Sieve files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESERVE mailbox :: astring uuid0 :: ulong . . . uuidn :: ulong Reserves collection of messages matching list of UUIDs in given mailbox. Message data is linked into /var/spool/imap/sync. staging directory so that we can later link the messages into other folders even if the original has been expunged. Multiline response of the form: * [UUID :: astring] . . . * [UUID :: astring] OK Reserve complete so that client knows which reserve operations have been complete and which have failed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESTART sync_client wants to negotiate a restart to clear up. Clears out all staged messages causes by upload and reserve sync_server child process exits cleanly, parent forks off a new child to resolve any memory leaks. Responds: OK restarting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT mailbox :: astring Select named mailbox as current folder (calls mailbox_open()). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS Return complete status of currently selected mailbox. Multiline response: * [uid :: ulong] [uuid :: astring] [flags :: flag_list] . . . * [uid :: ulong] [uuid :: astring] [flags :: flag_list] OK [last_uid :: ulong] Believe that this command has been obsoleted by USER_ALL and USER_SOME. Occasionally useful for debugging purposes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SETFLAGS [ uid :: ulong flags :: flag_list_t e.g: (\Deleted \Flagged Hello World) ] + Set flags for messages with given series of UIDs. SETFLAGS can take an arbitrary number of "uid (flags) " pairs on a single line. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SETSEEN user :: astring lastread :: time_t lastuid :: time_t lastchange :: time_t seenuid :: astring Update seen database for current selected mailbox + nominated userid. seenuid is opaque string used by seendb code. The replication engine doesn't attempt to decompose seenuid strings to work out if anything has changed, it just uses the lastchange timestamp to work out if the seenuid string should be updated. Successful Response: OK Setseen Succeeded ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SETACL mailbox :: astring acl :: astring Set ACL on given mailbox. ACL will typically contain tab characters, so the astring will be the quoted form e.g: "dpc22\ttlrswipcda\tanonymous\t0\t" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SETQUOTA quotaroot :: astring limit :: quota_t expunged_timeout :: ulong expunged_vol_min :: ulong expunged_vol_max :: ulong expunged_vol_overflow :: ulong mailbox_limit :: ulong (KBytes) Set limits and overrides for given quota root. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UPLOAD newlastuid :: ulong last_appenddate :: time_t Arbitrary list of messages on single logical line , with three forms: SIMPLE # Unparsed message that we need to parse UUID :: astring UID :: ulong # "NIL" => Use UUID 0. internaldate :: time_t sentdate :: time_t last_updated :: time_t flags :: flag_list_t message_text :: literal+ PARSED # Message plus pre-parsed cyrus.cache entry UUID :: astring UID :: ulong internaldate :: time_t sentdate :: time_t last_updated :: time_t flags :: flag_list_t message_cache :: literal+ message_text :: literal+ COPY # Copy of message which has already UUID :: astring # been UPLOADED or RESERVED UID :: ulong # Message body and cache available internaldate :: time_t # from staging directory sentdate :: time_t Upload an arbitrary list of messages to the currently selected folder. Will normally only add messages to the end of the mailfolder in current use (and the code has special optimised path for that case). However if message list contains UIDs which belong in the middle of a mailbox, or a given UID exists on both client and server but the UUID values don't match (which normally indicates the two ends have lost sync with each other), the the UPLOAD command will merge in new and replacement messages. Response: OK Upload %lu messages okay ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UIDLAST last_uid :: ulong last_appenddate :: ulong Update last_uid and last_appenddate timestamps on mailfolder. Typically used when new messages have been arrived and then been expunged between replication runs. Essentially UPLOAD operation with an empty message list. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USER user ::astring Select given user: locks out concurrent access from other replication runners and calls auth_newstate to authenticate us as the user in question. Response: OK Locked [username] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USER_ALL user ::astring Select given user: locks out concurrent access from other replication runners and calls auth_newstate to authenticate us as the user in question. Response is a complete list of _everything_ in the target account on the replica system in a single round trip. Multi line response, with various kinds of "*" response indicating different objects. Format should be familiar from other commands which examine only a portion of the target account. **** Sieve script. Single line response of the form: **** [name :: astring] [last_update :: time_t] [* - if active Sieve] *** Subscription. Single line response of the form: *** [name :: astring] ** Mailbox. Single line response of the form: ** [uniqueid :: astring] [name :: astring] [acl :: astring] [lastuid :: ulong] [lastchange :: time_t] * Message within last mailbox listed as a "**" item. Format is the same as that generated by STATUS command: * [uid :: ulong] [uuid :: astring] [flags :: flag_list_t] Final line of successful response is used to report QUOTA information in the same format: OK Limit :: quota_t (Kbytes) expunged_timeout :: ulong (seconds) expunged_vol_min :: quota_t (KBytes) expunged_vol_max :: quota_t (KBytes) expunged_vol_overflow :: quota_t (KBytes) mailbox_limit :: ulong (KBytes) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USER_SOME user :: astring mailbox1 :: astring . . . mailboxn :: astring Similar to USER_ALL command, but only returns mailbox and message lists for given set of mailboxes. Doesn't return sieve or subscription info. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UPLOAD_SIEVE sieve_name :: astring sieve_file :: literal+ Response on success: Upload_sieve completed.