# cyrinit.c -- Cyrus administrative client initialization for interactive mode # $Id: cyrinit.tcl,v 2003/11/06 21:14:17 dasenbro Exp $ # Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # 3. The name "Carnegie Mellon University" must not be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without # prior written permission. For permission or any other legal # details, please contact # Office of Technology Transfer # Carnegie Mellon University # 5000 Forbes Avenue # Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 # (412) 268-4387, fax: (412) 268-7395 # tech-transfer@andrew.cmu.edu # # 4. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following # acknowledgment: # "This product includes software developed by Computing Services # at Carnegie Mellon University (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/)." # # CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO # THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE # FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN # AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # # Parse args set i 0; set help 0; set conn_args "" set auth_args "" while {$i < $argc} { switch -exact -- [lindex $argv $i] { - {} -- {} -u {incr i; lappend auth_args -user [lindex $argv $i] } -user {incr i; lappend auth_args -user [lindex $argv $i] } -l {incr i; lappend auth_args -layers [lindex $argv $i] } -layers {incr i; lappend auth_args -layers [lindex $argv $i] } -m {incr i; lappend auth_args -mech [lindex $argv $i] } -mech {incr i; lappend auth_args -mech [lindex $argv $i] } -notls { lappend auth_args -notls } -tlskey {incr i; lappend auth_args -tlskey [lindex $argv $i] } -h {incr i; set help 1 } -help {incr i; set help 1 } default {lappend conn_args [lindex $argv $i]} } incr i } unset i # Connect to server if {[llength $conn_args] == 0 || $help == 1} { if {$tcl_interactive != 0} { puts "usage: $argv0 \[-user user] \[-layers 0,1,56,...] \[-mech mech] server \[port]" exit 1 } else { error "usage: $argv0 \[-user user] \[-layers #] \[-mech mech] server \[port]" } } eval cyradm connect cyr_conn $conn_args unset conn_args unset help # Authenticate, prompting for userid and password as necessary eval cyr_conn authenticate $auth_args unset auth_args # Initialize default mailbox and prompt set cyr_mailbox inbox set tcl_prompt1 { puts -nonewline stdout "[cyr_conn servername]> " # stty echo } # createmailbox command # set cyr_help(createmailbox) "createmailbox, cm\tcreate a mailbox" set cyr_alias(cm) createmailbox set cyr_usage(createmailbox) {MAILBOX [PARTITION]} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {![string compare $mailbox .]} {set mailbox $cyr_mailbox} if {[string length $partition]} { cyr_conn createmailbox $mailbox $partition } else { cyr_conn createmailbox $mailbox } set cyr_mailbox $mailbox return } proc createmailbox {mailbox {partition {}}} $body proc cm {mailbox {partition {}}} $body # deletemailbox command # set cyr_help(deletemailbox) "deletemailbox, dm\tdelete a mailbox" set cyr_alias(dm) deletemailbox set cyr_usage(deletemailbox) {MAILBOX [HOSTNAME]} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {![string compare $mailbox .]} {set mailbox $cyr_mailbox} if {[string length $hostname]} { cyr_conn deletemailbox $mailbox $hostname } else { cyr_conn deletemailbox $mailbox } set cyr_mailbox $mailbox return } proc deletemailbox {mailbox {hostname {}}} $body proc dm {mailbox {hostname {}}} $body # renamemailbox command # set cyr_help(renamemailbox) "renamemailbox, renm\trename a mailbox" set cyr_alias(renm) renamemailbox set cyr_usage(renamemailbox) {MAILBOX NEWMAILBOX [PARTITION]} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {![string compare $mailbox .]} {set mailbox $cyr_mailbox} if {[string length $partition]} { cyr_conn renamemailbox $mailbox $newmailbox $partition } else { cyr_conn renamemailbox $mailbox $newmailbox } set cyr_mailbox $newmailbox return } proc renamemailbox {mailbox newmailbox {partition {}}} $body proc renm {mailbox newmailbox {partition {}}} $body # listmailbox command # set cyr_help(listmailbox) "listmailbox, lm\t\tlist mailboxes" set cyr_alias(lm) listmailbox set cyr_usage(listmailbox) {[-s[ubscribed]] PATTERN [REFERENCE]} set body { global cyr_conn set i 0 set len [llength $args] while {$i < $len} { set switch [lindex $args $i] if {![string match -* $switch]} break if {[string match -- $switch]} { incr i break } if {[string match -s $switch]} { set args [lreplace $args $i $i -subscribed] } elseif {![string match -subscribed $switch]} { error "unrecognized switch" } incr i } if {$i == $len} { lappend args "*" incr len } if {$i + 1 > $len} { error "too many arguments" } set rawlist [eval cyr_conn listmailbox $args] if {[llength $rawlist] == 0} return set maxlen 0 foreach mailbox $rawlist { if {[lsearch -regexp [lindex $mailbox 1] {\\[Nn][Oo][Ss][Ee][Ll][Ee][Cc][Tt]}] >= 0} { set mailbox "([lindex $mailbox 0])" } elseif {[lsearch -regexp [lindex $mailbox 1] {\\[Mm][Aa][Rr][Kk][Ee][Dd]}] >= 0} { set mailbox "[lindex $mailbox 0] *" } else { set mailbox [lindex $mailbox 0] } if {$maxlen < [string length $mailbox]} { set maxlen [string length $mailbox] } lappend newlist $mailbox } set written 0 incr maxlen 2 set columns [expr 80/$maxlen] if {$columns < 1} {set columns 1} set newlistlen [llength $newlist] set rows [expr ($newlistlen+$columns-1)/$columns] for {set i 0} {$i < $rows} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j*$rows < $newlistlen} {incr j} { if {$j > 0} { append result [string range \ " " 0 $lastpad] } set mailbox [lindex $newlist [expr $i+$j*$rows]] append result $mailbox set lastpad [expr $maxlen - [string length $mailbox] - 1] } append result "\n" } return $result } proc listmailbox {args} $body proc lm {args} $body # setaclmailbox command # set cyr_help(setaclmailbox) "setaclmailbox, sam\tset an ACL on a mailbox" set cyr_alias(sam) setaclmailbox set cyr_usage(setaclmailbox) {MAILBOX IDENTIFIER RIGHTS [IDENTIFIER RIGHTS]...} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox set arglen [llength $args] if {$arglen < 3 || $arglen%2 != 1} { error "wrong number arguments" } if {![string compare [lindex $args 0] .]} { set args [lreplace $args 0 0 $cyr_mailbox] } eval cyr_conn setaclmailbox $args set $cyr_mailbox [lindex $args 0] return } proc setaclmailbox {args} $body proc sam {args} $body # deleteaclmailbox command # set cyr_help(deleteaclmailbox) "deleteaclmailbox, dam\tdelete an ACL on a mailbox" set cyr_alias(dam) deleteaclmailbox set cyr_usage(deleteaclmailbox) {MAILBOX IDENTIFIER [IDENTIFIER]...} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {[llength $args] < 2} { error "too few arguments" } if {![string compare [lindex $args 0] .]} { set args [lreplace $args 0 0 $cyr_mailbox] } eval cyr_conn deleteaclmailbox $args set $cyr_mailbox [lindex $args 0] return } proc deleteaclmailbox {args} $body proc dam {args} $body # listaclmailbox command # set cyr_help(listaclmailbox) "listaclmailbox, lam\tlist the ACL on a mailbox" set cyr_alias(lam) listaclmailbox set cyr_usage(listaclmailbox) {MAILBOX} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {![string compare $mailbox .]} {set mailbox $cyr_mailbox} set rawlist [cyr_conn listaclmailbox $mailbox] set rawlen [llength $rawlist] for {set i 0} {$i < $rawlen} {incr i 2} { append result "[lindex $rawlist $i] [lindex $rawlist [expr $i+1]]\n" } set cyr_mailbox $mailbox return $result } proc listaclmailbox {mailbox} $body proc lam {mailbox} $body # setquota command # set cyr_help(setquota) "setquota, sq\t\tset quota limits" set cyr_alias(sq) setquota set cyr_usage(setquota) {ROOT [none|NUMBER|[RESOURCE NUMBER]...]} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {[llength $args] < 2} { error "too few arguments" } if {[llength $args] == 2} { switch -regexp -- [lindex $args 1] { none {set args [lreplace $args 1 1]} [0-9]+ {set args [linsert $args 1 STORAGE]} default {error "invalid quota"} } } if {![string compare [lindex $args 0] .]} { set args [lreplace $args 0 0 $cyr_mailbox] } eval cyr_conn setquota $args set $cyr_mailbox [lindex $args 0] return } proc setquota {args} $body proc sq {args} $body # listquota command # set cyr_help(listquota) "listquota, lq\t\tlist quota on root" set cyr_alias(lq) listquota set cyr_usage(listquota) {ROOT} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {![string compare $root .]} {set root $cyr_mailbox} set rawlist [cyr_conn listquota $root] set rawlen [llength $rawlist] for {set i 0} {$i < $rawlen} {incr i 3} { set used [lindex $rawlist [expr $i+1]] set limit [lindex $rawlist [expr $i+2]] if {$limit == 0} { set percent 100 } else { set percent [expr ($used*100)/$limit] } append result "[lindex $rawlist $i] $used/$limit ($percent%)\n" } if {$rawlen == 0} {set result "NO LIMIT"} set cyr_mailbox $root return $result } proc listquota {root} $body proc lq {root} $body # listquotaroot command # set cyr_help(listquotaroot) "listquotaroot, lqr, lqm\tlist quota roots on mailbox" set cyr_alias(lqr) listquotaroot set cyr_alias(lqm) listquotaroot set cyr_usage(listquotaroot) {MAILBOX} set body { global cyr_conn global cyr_mailbox if {![string compare $mailbox .]} {set mailbox $cyr_mailbox} set rawlist [cyr_conn listquotaroot $mailbox] foreach root $rawlist { set rootlen [llength $root] append result "[lindex $root 0]" for {set i 1} {$i < $rootlen} {incr i 3} { set used [lindex $root [expr $i+1]] set limit [lindex $root [expr $i+2]] if {$limit == 0} { set percent 100 } else { set percent [expr ($used*100)/$limit] } append result " [lindex $root $i] $used/$limit ($percent%)" } if {$rootlen == 1} {append result " NO LIMIT"} append result "\n" } if {[llength $rawlist] == 0} {set result "NO QUOTA ROOTS"} set cyr_mailbox $mailbox return $result } proc listquotaroot {mailbox} $body proc lqr {mailbox} $body proc lqm {mailbox} $body set cyr_help(quit) "quit\t\t\texit program" set cyr_usage(quit) {} proc quit {} {exit} set cyr_help(help) "help\t\t\tget help on commands" set cyr_usage(help) {[COMMAND]...} proc help {args} { global cyr_help global cyr_alias global cyr_usage if {[llength $args] == 0} { foreach cmd [lsort [array names cyr_help]] { append result $cyr_help($cmd) append result "\n" } } else { foreach cmd $args { if {[catch {set fullcmd $cyr_alias($cmd)}]} { set fullcmd $cmd } if {[catch {append result "$cyr_help($fullcmd)\nusage: $cmd $cyr_usage($fullcmd)\n" }]} { append result "Unknown command '$cmd'\n" } } } return $result } unset body