obscure-CL.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, John F. Haugh II
 * All rights reserved.
 * Permission is granted to copy and create derivative works for any
 * non-commercial purpose, provided this copyright notice is preserved
 * in all copies of source code, or included in human readable form
 * and conspicuously displayed on all copies of object code or
 * distribution media.

#include <ctype.h>
#ifndef BSD
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <strings.h>
#define strchr  index
#define strrchr rindex
#include "config.h"

#ifndef lint
static  char    sccsid[] = "@(#)obscure.c       3.6     20:37:32        3/7/92";

extern  int     getdef_bool();
extern  int     getdef_num();

 * strstr - find substring in string

char *
strstr (string, pattern)
char    *string;
char    *pattern;
	char    *cp;
	int     len;

	len = strlen (pattern);

	for (cp = string;cp = strchr (cp, *pattern);) {
		if (strncmp (cp, pattern, len) == 0)
			return cp;

	return 0;

 * Obscure - see if password is obscure enough.
 *      The programmer is encouraged to add as much complexity to this
 *      routine as desired.  Included are some of my favorite ways to
 *      check passwords.

int     obscure (old, new)
char    *old;
char    *new;
	int     i;
	char    oldmono[32];
	char    newmono[32];
	char    wrapped[64];

	if (old[0] == '\0')
		return (1);

	if ( strlen(new) < getdef_num("PASS_MIN_LEN", 0) ) {
		printf ("Too short.  ");
		return (0);

	 * Remaining checks are optional.
	if ( !getdef_bool("OBSCURE_CHECKS_ENAB") )
		return (1);

	for (i = 0;new[i];i++)
		newmono[i] = tolower (new[i]);

	for (i = 0;old[i];i++)
		oldmono[i] = tolower (old[i]);

	if (strcmp (new, old) == 0) {   /* the same */
		printf ("No Change.  ");
		return (0);
	if (palindrome (newmono, oldmono))      /* a palindrome */
		return (0);

	if (strcmp (newmono, oldmono) == 0) {   /* case shifted */
		printf ("Case changes only.  ");
		return (0);
	if (similiar (newmono, oldmono))        /* jumbled version */
		return (0);

	if (simple (old, new))                  /* keyspace size */
		return (0);

	strcpy (wrapped, oldmono);
	strcat (wrapped, oldmono);
	if (strstr (wrapped, newmono)) {
		printf ("Rotated.  ");
		return (0);

#define CRACKLIB_DICTPATH       "/usr/local/lib/pw_dict"

		char *msg;

		if (msg = (char *) FascistCheck(new, CRACKLIB_DICTPATH))
			printf("Problem: %s.  ");
#error /* You need to edit and uncomment the value of CRACKLIB_DICTPATH */
*** : this is a syntax error - it ought to balls up most compilers : ***

	return (1);

 * can't be a palindrome - like `R A D A R' or `M A D A M'

int     palindrome (old, new)
char    *old;
char    *new;
	int     i, j;

	i = strlen (new);

	for (j = 0;j < i;j++)
		if (new[i - j - 1] != new[j])
			return (0);

	printf ("A palindrome.  ");
	return (1);

 * more than half of the characters are different ones.

int     similiar (old, new)
char    *old;
char    *new;
	int     i, j;
	char    *strchr ();

	for (i = j = 0;new[i] && old[i];i++)
		if (strchr (new, tolower (old[i])))

	if (i >= j * 2)
		return (0);

	printf ("Too similiar.  ");
	return (1);

 * a nice mix of characters.

int     simple (old, new)
char    *old;
char    *new;
	int     digits = 0;
	int     uppers = 0;
	int     lowers = 0;
	int     others = 0;
	int     size;
	int     i;

	for (i = 0;new[i];i++) {
		if (isdigit (new[i]))
		else if (isupper (new[i]))
		else if (islower (new[i]))

	 * The scam is this - a password of only one character type
	 * must be 8 letters long.  Two types, 7, and so on.

	size = 9;
	if (digits) size--;
	if (uppers) size--;
	if (lowers) size--;
	if (others) size--;

	if (size <= i)
		return 0;

	printf ("Too Simple.  Use a longer password, or a mix of upper\n");
	printf ("and lower case letters and numerics.  ");
	return 1;