# # Generated by the Apple Project Builder. # # NOTE: Do NOT change this file -- Project Builder maintains it. # # Put all of your customizations in files called Makefile.preamble # and Makefile.postamble (both optional), and Makefile will include them. # NAME = Chess PROJECTVERSION = 2.8 PROJECT_TYPE = Application NEXTSTEP_APPICON = chess.tiff NEXTSTEP_DOCICONS = ChessDoc.tiff ICONSECTIONS = -sectcreate __ICON app chess.tiff \ -sectcreate __ICON ChessDoc ChessDoc.tiff English_RESOURCES = Chess.nib black_rook.tiff black_pawn.tiff\ white_bishop.tiff white_rook.tiff clock.tiff\ black_king.tiff 3d_board.tiff black_queen.tiff\ black_knight.tiff 3d_black_sample.tiff black.tiff\ white_pawn.tiff black_bishop.tiff 3d_pieces.tiff\ white_king.tiff 3d_plastic.tiff white_queen.tiff\ white_knight.tiff 3d_white_sample.tiff white.tiff\ Localizable.strings .snd.snd Credits.rtf LANGUAGES = English GLOBAL_RESOURCES = ChessApp.tiff ChessDoc.tiff ApplicationNameImage.tiff\ chess.tiff CLASSES = Chess.m Board.m Board3D.m Square.m Square3D.m\ ResponseMeter.m Clock.m ChessListener.cp HFILES = Chess.h Board.h Board3D.h Square.h Square3D.h\ ResponseMeter.h Clock.h gnuglue.h version.h ChessListener.h MFILES = gnuglue.m Chess_main.m SUBPROJECTS = gnuchess.subproj OTHERSRCS = Makefile Makefile.postamble Makefile.preamble\ CustomInfo.plist MAKEFILEDIR = $(MAKEFILEPATH)/pb_makefiles CODE_GEN_STYLE = DYNAMIC MAKEFILE = app.make NEXTSTEP_INSTALLDIR = $(SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR) WINDOWS_INSTALLDIR = $NEXT_ROOT$(SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR) PDO_UNIX_INSTALLDIR = $(SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR) LIBS = DEBUG_LIBS = $(LIBS) PROF_LIBS = $(LIBS) HEADER_PATHS = -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers FRAMEWORKS = -framework AppKit -framework Carbon -framework Foundation NEXTSTEP_OBJCPLUS_COMPILER = /usr/bin/cc WINDOWS_OBJCPLUS_COMPILER = $(DEVDIR)/gcc PDO_UNIX_OBJCPLUS_COMPILER = $(NEXTDEV_BIN)/gcc NEXTSTEP_JAVA_COMPILER = /usr/bin/javac WINDOWS_JAVA_COMPILER = $(JDKBINDIR)/javac.exe PDO_UNIX_JAVA_COMPILER = $(NEXTDEV_BIN)/javac include $(MAKEFILEDIR)/platform.make -include Makefile.preamble include $(MAKEFILEDIR)/$(MAKEFILE) -include Makefile.postamble -include Makefile.dependencies