router.c.patch   [plain text]

--- /tmp/jabberd-2.2.14/router/router.c	2011-05-31 15:11:37.000000000 -0700
+++ ./jabberd2/router/router.c	2011-06-22 20:13:00.000000000 -0700
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
 #include "router.h"
+#define MAX_JID 3072    // node(1023) + '@'(1) + domain(1023) + '/'(1) + resource(1023) + '\0'(1)
+#define MAX_MESSAGE 65535
+#define SECS_PER_DAY 86400
+#define BYTES_PER_MEG 1048576
 /** info for broadcasts */
 typedef struct broadcast_st {
     router_t      r;
@@ -557,6 +562,42 @@ static void _router_process_route(compon
         /* push it out */
         log_debug(ZONE, "writing route for '%s'*%u to %s, port %d", to->domain, dest+1, target->ip, target->port);
+        /* if logging enabled, log messages that match our criteria */
+        if (comp->r->message_logging_enabled) {
+            int attr_msg_to;
+            int attr_msg_from;
+            int attr_route_to;
+            int attr_route_from;
+            jid_t jid_msg_from = NULL;
+            jid_t jid_msg_to = NULL;
+            jid_t jid_route_from = NULL;
+            jid_t jid_route_to = NULL;
+            if ((NAD_ENAME_L(nad, 1) == 7 && strncmp("message", NAD_ENAME(nad, 1), 7) == 0) &&		// has a "message" element 
+                ((attr_route_from = nad_find_attr(nad, 0, -1, "from", NULL)) >= 0) &&
+                // ignore messages sent from mu-conference, if a filter is defined:
+                (strncmp(NAD_AVAL(nad, attr_route_from), comp->r->filter_muc_messages_from, strlen(comp->r->filter_muc_messages_from)) != 0) &&
+                ((attr_route_to = nad_find_attr(nad, 0, -1, "to", NULL)) >= 0) &&					
+                ((strncmp(NAD_AVAL(nad, attr_route_to), "c2s", 3)) != 0) &&							// ignore messages to "c2s" or we'd have dups
+                ((jid_route_from = jid_new(NAD_AVAL(nad, attr_route_from), NAD_AVAL_L(nad, attr_route_from))) != NULL) &&	// has valid JID source in route
+                ((jid_route_to = jid_new(NAD_AVAL(nad, attr_route_to), NAD_AVAL_L(nad, attr_route_to))) != NULL) &&		// has valid JID destination in route
+                ((attr_msg_from = nad_find_attr(nad, 1, -1, "from", NULL)) >= 0) &&
+                ((attr_msg_to = nad_find_attr(nad, 1, -1, "to", NULL)) >= 0) &&
+                ((jid_msg_from = jid_new(NAD_AVAL(nad, attr_msg_from), NAD_AVAL_L(nad, attr_msg_from))) != NULL) &&	// has valid JID source in message 
+                ((jid_msg_to = jid_new(NAD_AVAL(nad, attr_msg_to), NAD_AVAL_L(nad, attr_msg_to))) != NULL))			// has valid JID dest in message
+            {  
+                message_log(nad, comp->r, jid_full(jid_msg_from), jid_full(jid_msg_to));
+            }
+            if (jid_msg_from != NULL)
+                jid_free(jid_msg_from);
+            if (jid_msg_to != NULL)
+                jid_free(jid_msg_to);
+            if (jid_route_from != NULL)
+                jid_free(jid_route_from);
+            if (jid_route_to != NULL)
+                jid_free(jid_route_to);
+        }
         _router_comp_write(target, nad);
@@ -1086,3 +1127,191 @@ int router_mio_callback(mio_t m, mio_act
     return 0;
+int message_log(nad_t nad, router_t r, char *msg_from, char *msg_to) 
+	time_t t;
+	char *time_pos;
+	int time_sz;
+	struct stat filestat;
+	FILE *message_file;
+	short int new_msg_file = 0;
+	int i;
+	int nad_body_len = 0;
+	long int nad_body_start = 0;
+	int body_count; 
+	char *nad_body = NULL;
+	char body[MAX_MESSAGE*2];
+	assert((int) (nad != NULL));
+	/* timestamp */
+	t = time(NULL);
+	time_pos = ctime(&t);
+	time_sz = strlen(time_pos);
+	/* chop off the \n */
+	time_pos[time_sz-1]=' ';
+	// Find the message body
+	for (i = 0; NAD_ENAME_L(nad, i) > 0; i++) 
+	{
+		if((NAD_ENAME_L(nad, i) == 4) && (strncmp("body", NAD_ENAME(nad, i), 4) == 0))
+		{
+			nad_body_len = NAD_CDATA_L(nad, i);
+			if (nad_body_len > 0) {
+				nad_body = NAD_CDATA(nad, i);
+			} else {
+				log_write(r->log, LOG_NOTICE, "message_log received a message with empty body");
+				return 0;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+        // Don't log anything if we found no NAD body
+        if (nad_body == NULL) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        // Store original pointer address so that we know when to stop iterating through nad_body
+        nad_body_start = nad_body;
+	// replace line endings with "\n"
+	for (body_count = 0; (nad_body < nad_body_start + nad_body_len) && (body_count < (MAX_MESSAGE*2)-3); nad_body++) {
+		if (*nad_body == '\n') {
+			body[body_count++] = '\\';
+			body[body_count++] = 'n';
+		} else {
+			body[body_count++] = *nad_body;
+		}
+	}
+	body[body_count] = '\0';
+	// Log our message
+	umask((mode_t) 0077);
+	if (stat(r->message_logging_fullpath, &filestat)) {
+		new_msg_file = 1;
+	}
+	if ((message_file = fopen(r->message_logging_fullpath, "a")) == NULL) 
+	{
+		log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "Unable to open message log for writing: %s", strerror(errno));
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if (new_msg_file) {
+		if (! fprintf(message_file, "# This message log is created by the jabberd router.\n"))
+		{
+			log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "Unable to write to message log: %s", strerror(errno));
+			return 1;
+		}
+		fprintf(message_file, "# See router.xml for logging options.\n");
+		fprintf(message_file, "# Format: (Date)<tab>(From JID)<tab>(To JID)<tab>(Message Body)<line end>\n");
+	}
+	if (! fprintf(message_file, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", time_pos, msg_from, msg_to, body))
+	{
+		log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "Unable to write to message log: %s", strerror(errno));
+		return 1;
+	}
+	fclose(message_file);
+	return 0;
+/* Determine if message log needs to be rolled, and do so if necessary */
+int roll_message_log(router_t r)
+	char logfile_fullpath[243] = {0};	// path and filename, not including .xxxx.gz for rolled logs
+	char logfile_compressed_path[255] = {0};	// path and filename + room for .xxxx.gz
+	char logfile_uncompressed_path[243] = {0};	// path and filename of uncompressed (previously active) log
+	char logfile_compressed_path_new[255] = {0};	// path and filename + room for .xxxx.gz
+	char logfile_uncompressed_path_new[255] = {0};	// path and filename + room for .xxxx.gz
+	struct stat64 filestat;
+	struct stat64 compressed_stat;
+	long curr_time = time(NULL);
+	int num_old_files;
+	pid_t pid;
+	int i;
+	FILE *message_file;
+	snprintf(logfile_fullpath, sizeof(logfile_fullpath), "%s/%s", r->message_logging_dir, r->message_logging_file);
+	if (stat64(logfile_fullpath, &filestat)) 
+	{
+		// Most likely the log hasn't been created yet.
+		log_debug(ZONE, "cannot stat message log: %s", logfile_fullpath);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	// determine if its time to roll the logs 
+	if (((r->message_logging_roll_days > 0) && (filestat.st_birthtime + (r->message_logging_roll_days*SECS_PER_DAY) <= curr_time)) ||
+		((r->message_logging_roll_megs > 0) && (filestat.st_size > 0) && (r->message_logging_roll_megs <= ((long long)filestat.st_size/BYTES_PER_MEG))))
+	{
+		// roll the logs	
+		for (num_old_files = 0; ; num_old_files++) 
+		{
+			snprintf(logfile_compressed_path, sizeof(logfile_compressed_path), "%s/%s.%d.gz", r->message_logging_dir, r->message_logging_file, num_old_files);
+			// check to see if compressed file exists
+			if (stat64(logfile_compressed_path, &compressed_stat)) 
+			{
+				//cannot find the file so exit the loop
+				break;
+			}	
+		}
+		// make num_old_files an index to the oldest logfile. -1 value indicates that no compressed logfiles exist.
+		num_old_files--;
+		umask((mode_t) 0077);
+		// from oldest to newest, rename logs by increasing their suffix by 1
+		for (i = num_old_files; i >= 0; i--)
+		{
+			snprintf(logfile_compressed_path, sizeof(logfile_compressed_path), "%s/%s.%d.gz", r->message_logging_dir, r->message_logging_file, i);
+			snprintf(logfile_compressed_path_new, sizeof(logfile_compressed_path_new), "%s/%s.%d.gz", r->message_logging_dir, r->message_logging_file, i+1);
+			if ((rename(logfile_compressed_path, logfile_compressed_path_new)) != 0)
+			{
+				log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "Unable to rename message log: %s  ... to: %s", logfile_compressed_path, logfile_compressed_path_new);
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+		// add a .0 suffix to the uncompressed file
+		snprintf(logfile_uncompressed_path, sizeof(logfile_uncompressed_path), "%s/%s", r->message_logging_dir, r->message_logging_file);
+		snprintf(logfile_uncompressed_path_new, sizeof(logfile_uncompressed_path_new), "%s/%s.0", r->message_logging_dir, r->message_logging_file);
+		if ((rename(logfile_uncompressed_path, logfile_uncompressed_path_new))  != 0)
+		{
+			log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "Unable to rename message log: %s  ... to: %s : %s", logfile_uncompressed_path, logfile_uncompressed_path_new, strerror(errno));
+			return 1;
+		}
+		/*  gzip the uncompressed log file */
+		// fork a child to do the gzip
+		if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
+		{
+			log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "fork() problem when attempting to roll and compress logs: %s", strerror(errno));
+		} else if (pid == 0)
+		{		//child
+			execl("/usr/bin/gzip", "gzip", "-q", logfile_uncompressed_path_new, (char *)NULL);
+			if (errno != 0)
+				log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "execl() error: %s", strerror(errno));
+		}
+		// initialize a new file
+		if ((message_file = fopen(logfile_uncompressed_path, "w+")) == NULL) 
+		{
+			log_write(r->log, LOG_ERR, "Unable to open message log for writing: %s: %s", logfile_uncompressed_path, strerror(errno));
+			return 1;
+		}
+		fprintf(message_file, "# This message log is created by the jabberd router.\n");
+		fprintf(message_file, "# See router.xml for logging options.\n");
+		fprintf(message_file, "# Format: (Date)<tab>(From JID)<tab>(To JID)<tab>(Message Body)<line end>\n");
+		fclose(message_file);
+	}
+	return 0;
\ No newline at end of file