INSTALL   [plain text]


I have tested this on Debian Linux systems (woody and sid), Solaris 2.6 and
2.7. Others have successfully compiled it on Windows and NT.

-- Building the Module on a Unix System --

pyOpenSSL uses distutils, so there really shouldn't be any problems. To build
the library:

    python build

If your OpenSSL header files aren't in /usr/include, you may need to supply
the -I flag to let the setup script know where to look. The same goes for the
libraries of course, use the -L flag. Note that build won't accept these
flags, so you have to run first build_ext and then build! Example:

    python build_ext -I/usr/local/ssl/include -L/usr/local/ssl/lib
    python build

Now you should have a directory called OpenSSL that contains e.g. and somewhere in the build dicrectory, so just:

    python install

If you, for some arcane reason, don't want the module to appear in the
site-packages directory, use the --prefix option.

You can, of course, do

    python --help

to find out more about how to use the script.

-- Building the Module on a Windows System --

Big thanks to Itamar Shtull-Trauring and Oleg Orlov for their help with
Windows build instructions. Same as for Unix systems, we have to separate
the build_ext and the build.

Building the library: build_ext -I ...\openssl\inc32 -L ...\openssl\out32dll build

Where ...\openssl is of course the location of your OpenSSL installation.

Installation is the same as for Unix systems: install

And similarily, you can do --help

to get more information.

-- Documentation --

The documentation is written in LaTeX, using the standard Python templates,
and tools to compile it into a number of forms are included.  You need to
supply things like dvips, latex2html yourself of course!

To build the text, html, postscript or dvi forms of the documentation, this is
what you do:

    cd doc
    # To make the text-only documentation:
    make text
    # To make the dvi form:
    make dvi

It's as simple as that.  Note that since Python's mkhowto script is used, if
you do first ``make dvi'' and then ``make ps'', the dvi file will disappear.
I included a special build target ``make all'' that will build all the
documentation in an order that won't let anything disappear.

@(#) $Id: INSTALL,v 1.2 2004/09/23 14:25:28 murata Exp $