lt-compile-resource   [plain text]


# Script to compile a resource file for a DLL in the same way that
# libtool would, if it knew about .rc files.

# This kinda sucks, but the alternative would be to teach autoconf,
# automake, and libtool about compiling .rc files.  That would be
# doable, but waiting for those changes to propagate to official
# versions of those tools would take some time.

# The command line arguments are:
# $1: the name of the .rc file to compile if it exists
# $2: the name of the resource libtool object file to produce

case "$lo" in
    resfile=.libs/`basename $lo .lo`.o
    echo libtool object name should end with .lo
    exit 1
d=`dirname $0`

# Create .libs if not there already
[ ! -d .libs ] && mkdir .libs

# Super-ugly hack: libtool can work in two ways on Win32: Either it
# uses .lo files which are the real object files in "this" directory,
# or it creates .o files in the .libs subdirectory, and the .lo file
# is a small text file. We try to deduce which case this is by
# checking if there are any .o files in .libs. This requires that the
# resource file gets built last in the Makefile.

o_files_in_dotlibs=`echo .libs/*.o`
case "$o_files_in_dotlibs" in
    *)  use_script=true

# Another way of working of libtool: When compiling with --enable-static and
# --disable-shared options, the .lo file can be still a small text file, and
# the .o files are created in the same directory as the .lo files.

o_files_in_dot=$(echo ./*.o)
case "$o_files_in_dot" in
    *)	use_script=true

# Try to compile resource file
$d/compile-resource $rcfile $resfile && {
    if [ $use_script = true ]; then
	# Handcraft a libtool object
	# libtool checks for a second line matching "Generated by .* libtool"!
	(echo "# $lo"
	echo "# Generated by lt-compile-resource, compatible with libtool"
	echo "pic_object=$resfile"
	echo "non_pic_object=none") >$lo
	mv $resfile $lo
    # Success
    exit 0

# If unsuccessful (no .rc file, or some error in it) return failure

exit 1