58_jabbermigrator.pl   [plain text]

# Copyright 2009 Apple. All rights reserved.
## Migration Script for iChat Server

##################   Input Parameters  #######################
# --purge <0 | 1>	"1" means remove any files from the old system after you've migrated them, "0" means leave them alone.
# --sourceRoot <path>	The path to the root of the system to migrate
# --sourceType <System | TimeMachine>	Gives the type of the migration source, whether it's a runnable system or a 
#                                       Time Machine backup.
# --sourceVersion <ver>	The version number of the old system (like 10.4.11 or 10.6). Since we support migration from 10.4, 10.5, 
#                       and other 10.6 installs, it's useful to know this information, and it would be easier for me to figure 
#                       it out once and pass it on to each script than to have each script have to figure it out itself.
# --targetRoot <path>	The path to the root of the new system. Pretty much always "/"
# --language <lang>	A language identifier, such as "en." Long running scripts should return a description of what they're doing 
#                   ("Migrating Open Directory users"), and possibly provide status update messages along the way. These messages 
#                   need to be localized into the language of the SkiLift computer (which is not necessarily the server running 
#                   the migration script). This argument will identify the SkiLift language. As an alternative to doing 
#                   localization yourselves (which is a pain in scripts and command line tools), you can submit the strings to me 
#                   for localization and always send them in English, but in case you want to do it yourself, you'll need this 
#                   identifier.

#use strict;
use File::Basename;

#################################   Constants  #################################
my $CAT = "/bin/cat";
my $CP = "/bin/cp";
my $DSCL = "/usr/bin/dscl";
my $DU = "/usr/bin/du";
my $ECHO = "/bin/echo";
my $GREP = "/usr/bin/grep";
my $LAUNCHCTL = "/bin/launchctl";
my $MKDIR = "/bin/mkdir";
my $MV = "/bin/mv";
my $PLISTBUDDY = "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy";
my $SERVERADMIN="/usr/sbin/serveradmin";

#################################   PATHS  #################################
my $migrationScriptPath = "/usr/libexec";
my $jabberConfigMigrator = $migrationScriptPath."/jabber_config_migrator.pl";
my $jabberDataMigratorTiger = $migrationScriptPath."/jabber_data_migrate_1.4-2.x.rb";
my $jabberDataMigratorLeopard = $migrationScriptPath."/jabber_data_migrate_2.0-2.1.pl";
my $jabberSpoolPath = "/private/var/jabber/spool";
my $logPath = "/Library/Logs/Migration/jabbermigrator.log";
my $sharedLogPath = "/Library/Logs/Setup.log";
my $sqliteDbFile = "/private/var/jabberd/sqlite/jabberd2.db";
my $jabberdConfigTiger = "/private/etc/jabber/jabber.xml";
my $jabberdConfigLeopard = "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.ichatserver.plist";
my $SYSTEM_PLIST = "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist";
my $SERVER_PLIST = "/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist";
my $JABBERD_LAUNCHD_PREFERENCES = "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jabber.jabberd.plist";
my $PROXY65_LAUNCHD_PREFERENCES = "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jabber.proxy65.plist";
my $LAUNCHD_OVERRIDES = "/private/var/db/launchd.db/com.apple.launchd/overrides.plist";


#################################  GLOBALS #################################
my $gPurge="0";		# Default is don't purge
my $gSourceRoot="/Previous System";
my $gSourceType="";
my $gSourceVersion="";
my $gTargetRoot="/";
my $gLanguage="en";	# Default is english
my $gStatus = 0;		# 0 = success, > 0 on failure
my $g_jabber_user = 'jabber';
my $g_jabber_group = 'jabber';
my $g_jabber_uid = getpwnam($g_jabber_user);
my $g_jabber_gid = getgrnam($g_jabber_group);
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $FUNC_LOG = 0;

my $SYS_VERS="0";   #10.4.11
my $SYS_MAJOR="0";  #10
my $SYS_MINOR="0";  # 4
my $SYS_UPDATE="-"; #11
my $SRV_VERS="0";   #10.4.11
my $SRV_MAJOR="0";  #10
my $SRV_MINOR="0";  # 4
my $SRV_UPDATE="-"; #11

my $MINVER="10.4"; # => 10.4
my $MAXVER="10.7"; # <  10.7

my $LANGUAGE = "en"; # Should be Tier-0 only in iso format [en, fr, de, ja], we default this to English, en.
my $PURGE = 0;       # So we will be default copy the items if there's no option specified.
my $VERSION = "";    # This is the version number of the old system passed into us by Server Assistant. [10.4.x, 10.5.x, and 10.6.x]
my $PREV_EXT = ".previous";
my $ServiceName="jabber";

if ( (defined($ENV{DEBUG})) && ($ENV{DEBUG} eq 1) ) {$DEBUG = '1';}
if ( (defined($ENV{FUNC_LOG})) && ($ENV{FUNC_LOG} eq 1) ) {$FUNC_LOG = '1';}


if ($DEBUG) 
	{ &dumpAssociativeArray(@ARGV); }


##################   Functions   #######################

sub migrateUpgrade() {
	if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("migrateUpgrade : S\n"); }
	&logMessage("migrateUpgrade := S");

    ## Need to fix up the paths we care about with the --sourceRoot we received

	if ($DEBUG) {
		print($OLD_SYSTEM_PLIST . "\n");
		print($OLD_SERVER_PLIST . "\n");

	# Get old server version parts
	if ($DEBUG) {printf("sourceVersion := %s\n", $gSourceVersion);}

	# Locate the settings for the service and disable/enable it as needed.

	if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("migrateUpgrade : E\n"); }
	&logMessage("migrateUpgrade := E");
sub getServiceState
	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("getServiceState := S\n");}
	&logMessage("getServiceState := S");
	my $src_root = shift;
	my $state;
	if (! defined($src_root)) {
		$src_root = "";
	if (-e "$src_root$LAUNCHD_OVERRIDES") {
		$state = qx(${PLISTBUDDY} -c \"Print :org.jabber.jabberd:Disabled\" \"${src_root}${LAUNCHD_OVERRIDES}\");
		if ($state eq "" || $state =~ /Does Not Exist/) {
			# missing entry, treat as disabled
			$state = "true";
	} else {
		$state = qx(${PLISTBUDDY} -c \"Print :Disabled\" \"${src_root}${JABBERD_LAUNCHD_PREFERENCES}\");
		if ($state ne "true") {
			$state = "false";

	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("getServiceState := E\n");}
	&logMessage("getServiceState := E");
	if ($DEBUG) { &logMessage("DEBUG getServiceState returning $state"); }

	return $state;

sub restoreAndSetState()
	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("restoreAndSetState := S\n");}
	&logMessage("restoreAndSetState := S");

	if (! -e $PLISTBUDDY) {
		print "ERROR: \"$PLISTBUDDY\" does not exist.\n";

	my $ichat_disabled_orig = &getServiceState($gSourceRoot);
	&logMessage("restoreAndSetState: source volume has Disabled = $ichat_disabled_orig");
	# Make sure that the service at destination has been initialized

	# Get current state, disable the service if not already disabled
	my $ichat_disabled = &getServiceState;

	if ($ichat_disabled ne "true") {
		$ichat_disabled = "false";
		&startStopiChat("stop");  # disable the service

	my $ret;

	if(${SRV_MINOR} eq "6") {
		#10.6 -> 10.6 migration
		# Configs
		if ($DEBUG) {
			$ret = qx (${jabberConfigMigrator} -d -c \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigLeopard}\" -s \"${gSourceVersion}\");
		} else {
			$ret = qx (${jabberConfigMigrator} -c \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigLeopard}\" -s \"${gSourceVersion}\");
		if ($? != 0) {
			&logMessage("Warning, $jabberConfigMigrator returned error status: $?: $ret");
		# Data
		# If a custom data location is specified in the configuration, look there
		my $src_database_location = qx(${PLISTBUDDY} -c \"Print :jabberdDatabasePath\" \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigLeopard}\");
		if ($src_database_location =~ /Does Not Exist/) {
			$src_database_location = $sqliteDbFile;
		} elsif ($src_database_location !~ /^\/Volumes\//) {
			# The path may or may not be on the source root volume
			$src_database_location = $gSourceRoot.$src_database_location;
		# Make sure source and target are different files
		$inode_source = (stat("$src_database_location"))[1];
		$inode_dst = (stat("$gTargetRoot$sqliteDbFile"))[1];
		if (($inode_source != $inode_dst) || ($gTargetRoot ne $gSourceRoot)) {
			my $mask = umask;
			$ret = qx (mv -f \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\" \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}.bak\");
			if ($? != 0) {
				&logMessage("Warning, backup of original database failed $?: $ret");
			$ret = qx (cp -v \"${src_database_location}\" \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\");
			if ($? != 0) {
				&logMessage("Error, cannot create new database $?: $ret");
			$ret = chown($g_jabber_uid, $g_jabber_gid, "$gTargetRoot$sqliteDbFile");
			unless ($ret) {
				&logMessage("Error, chown failed with status $ret: ($!)");
			$ret = chmod(0640, "$gTargetRoot$sqliteDbFile");
			unless ($ret) {
				&logMessage("Error, chmod failed with status $ret: ($!)");
	if(${SRV_MINOR} eq "5") {
		#10.5 -> 10.6 migration
		# Configs
		if ($DEBUG) {
			$ret = qx (${jabberConfigMigrator} -d -c \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigLeopard}\" -s \"${gSourceVersion}\");
		} else {
			$ret = qx (${jabberConfigMigrator} -c \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigLeopard}\" -s \"${gSourceVersion}\");
		if ($? != 0) {
			print("Warning, $jabberConfigMigrator returned error status: $?: $ret\n");
		# Data
		if ($DEBUG) {
			$ret = qx (${jabberDataMigratorLeopard} -D -s \"${gSourceRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\" -d \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\");
		} else {
			$ret = qx (${jabberDataMigratorLeopard} -s \"${gSourceRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\" -d \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\");
		if ($? != 0) {
			print("Warning, $jabberDataMigratorLeopard returned error status: $?: $ret\n");
	if (${SRV_MINOR} eq "4") {
		# 10.4 -> 10.6 migration
		# Configs
		if ($DEBUG) {
			$ret = qx (${jabberConfigMigrator} -d -c \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigTiger}\" -s \"${gSourceVersion}\");
		} else { 
			$ret = qx (${jabberConfigMigrator} -c \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberdConfigTiger}\" -s \"${gSourceVersion}\");
		if ($? != 0) {
			print("Warning, $jabberConfigMigrator returned error status: $?: $ret\n");
		# Data
		opendir(DIR, $gSourceRoot.$jabberSpoolPath) || die "Error: cannot open jabberSpoolPath at \"$gSourceRoot$jabberSpoolPath\"";
		my @realms = readdir(DIR);
		foreach my $realm (@realms) {
			if ($DEBUG) { 
				$ret = qx (${jabberDataMigratorTiger} -d \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberSpoolPath}/${realm}\" \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\");
			} else {
				$ret = qx (${jabberDataMigratorTiger} \"${gSourceRoot}${jabberSpoolPath}/${realm}\" \"${gTargetRoot}${sqliteDbFile}\");
			if ($? != 0) {
				print("Warning, $jabberDataMigratorTiger returned error status: $?: $ret\n");
	# Start/Stop and Load/Unload, using source volume's service state
	$ichat_disabled = &getServiceState;

	if (($ichat_disabled_orig eq "false") && ($ichat_disabled eq "true")) {
		&logMessage("restoreAndSetState: Starting Jabber service");

	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("restoreAndSetState := E\n");}
	&logMessage("restoreAndSetState := E");

sub startStopiChat()
	my $command = shift;
    my $ichat_disabled = &getServiceState;

	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("startStopiChat := S\n");}
	&logMessage("startStopiChat := S");

	if (($command eq "start") &&
			($ichat_disabled eq "true")) {
		&logMessage("Starting Jabber service");
		qx(${SERVERADMIN} start ${ServiceName});
		if ($? != 0) { &logMessage("${SERVERADMIN} failed with status error status: $?\n"); }
		if ($DEBUG) { printf("%s\n", qq(${SERVERADMIN} start ${ServiceName})); }
	} elsif (($command eq "stop") &&
			($ichat_disabled eq "false")) { 
		&logMessage("Stopping Jabber service");
		qx(${SERVERADMIN} stop ${ServiceName});
		if ($? != 0) { &logMessage("${SERVERADMIN} failed with status error status: $?\n"); }
		if ($DEBUG) { printf("%s\n", qq(${SERVERADMIN} stop ${ServiceName}));  }
	} else {
		if ($DEBUG) { &logMessage("startStopiChat: nop, command = $command, ichat_disabled = $ichat_disabled"); }

	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("startStopiChat := E\n");}
	&logMessage("startStopiChat := E");	

## If the service hasn't been initialized yet, do it now.		
sub ensureIChatInitialized()
	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("ensureIChatInitialized := S\n");}
	&logMessage("ensureIChatInitialized := S");

	if (-e $jabberdConfigLeopard) {
		$ICHAT_INITIALIZED = qx(${PLISTBUDDY} -c \"Print :initialized\" \"${jabberdConfigLeopard}\");
		if ($ICHAT_INITIALIZED eq "true") {
			&logMessage("Already initialized");
			return 0;

	&logMessage("Issuing initialSetup command for Jabber initialization");
	#  Otherwise we need to do the initialization ourself
	my $ret = qx(${SERVERADMIN} command jabber:command = \"initialSetup\");
	&logMessage("initialSetup command returned: $ret");

	if ($FUNC_LOG) {printf("ensureIChatInitialized := E\n");}
	&logMessage("ensureIChatInitialized := E");
## Service-specific log	
sub logMessage()
	if (! open(LOGFILE, ">>$logPath")) {
		print "$0: cannot open $logPath: $!";
	my $time = localtime();
	print LOGFILE "$time: ".basename($0).": @_\n";
	print "@_\n" if $DEBUG;

##We only want to run this script if the previous system version is greater than 10.4 and less than 10.7!
sub isValidVersion() 
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("isValidVersion : S\n"); }
	my $valid=0;
	if (($gSourceVersion >= "10.4.0") && ($gSourceVersion < "10.7.0")) {
		$valid = 1;
    	if ($DEBUG) {printf("valid\n");}
	} else {
		printf("Version supplied was not valid := %s\n", $gSourceVersion);
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("isValidVersion : E\n"); }

##Make sure the language suppled is one we care about!
sub isValidLanguage() 
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("isValidLanguage : S\n"); }
	my $valid=0;
    my $tLang=$gLanguage;
	if (($tLang eq "en") || ($tLang eq "fr") || ($tLang eq "de") || ($tLang eq "ja")) {
		$valid = 1;
    	if ($DEBUG) {printf("valid\n");}
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("isValidLanguage : E\n"); }

sub validateOptionsAndDispatch()
	my %BigList = @_;
	my $valid;
	my $nothing;

	#Set the globals with the options passed in.
	qx(/bin/echo purge: $gPurge >> $sharedLogPath);
	qx(/bin/echo sourceRoot: $gSourceRoot >> $sharedLogPath);
	qx(/bin/echo sourceType: $gSourceType >> $sharedLogPath);
	qx(/bin/echo sourceVersion: $gSourceVersion >> $sharedLogPath);
	qx(/bin/echo targetRoot: $gTargetRoot >> $sharedLogPath);
	qx(/bin/echo language: $gLanguage >> $sharedLogPath);
		if( (pathExists($gSourceRoot)) && (pathExists($gTargetRoot)) ) {
			if (isValidLanguage()) {
				if (isValidVersion()) {
					$valid = 1;
				} else {
					print("Did not supply a valid version for the --sourceVersion parameter, needs to be >= 10.4.0 and < 10.7.0\n");
					Usage(); exit(1);
			} else {
				print("Did not supply a valid language for the --language parameter, needs to be one of [en|fr|de|ja]\n");
				Usage(); exit(1);
		} else {
			print("Source and|or destination for upgrade/migration does not exist.\n");
			Usage(); exit(1);
		} last SWITCH;
		$nothing = 1;
    if($nothing eq 1)
  		{print("Legal options were not supplied!\n");Usage();}

# ParseOptions takes a list of possible options and a boolean indicating
# whether the option has a value following, and sets up an associative array
# %opt of the values of the options given on the command line. It removes all
# the arguments it uses from @ARGV and returns them in @optArgs.
sub ParseOptions {
    my (@optval) = @_;
    my ($opt, @opts, %valFollows, @newargs);

    while (@optval) {
		$opt = shift(@optval);
		$valFollows{$opt} = shift(@optval);

    my @optArgs = ();
    my %opt = ();
	my $arg;

    arg: while (defined($arg = shift(@ARGV))) {
	foreach $opt (@opts) {
	    if ($arg eq $opt) {
		push(@optArgs, $arg);
		if ($valFollows{$opt}) {
		    $opt{$opt} = shift(@ARGV);
		    push(@optArgs, $opt{$opt});
		} else {
		    $opt{$opt} = 1;
		next arg;
    @ARGV = @newargs;

sub dumpAssociativeArray()
	my %BigList = @_;
	my $theKey;
	my $theVal;
	while(($theKey, $theVal) = each (%BigList))
		{ print "$theKey is the key for value $theVal\n"; }

##Check a path's existence!
sub pathExists() 
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("pathExists : S\n"); }
	my $exists = 0;
	my ($tPath) = @_;
   	if ($DEBUG) {printf("path := %s\n", $tPath);}
	if (-e $tPath) {
		$exists = 1;
    	if ($DEBUG) {printf("exists\n");}
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("pathExists : E\n"); }

# Get old system / server versions and parts
sub getPreviousVersions()
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("getPreviousVersions : S\n"); }
	# Get old system / server versions and parts
	my $tVer;
	if (-e $OLD_SYSTEM_PLIST) {
		$SYS_VERS=qx(${PLISTBUDDY} -c \"Print :ProductVersion:\" \"${OLD_SYSTEM_PLIST}\");
		print($tVer . "\n");
		my @SYS_VER_PARTS = split(/\./, $tVer);
		if ($DEBUG) {
			print($SYS_VER_PARTS[0] . "\n"); #Major
			print($SYS_VER_PARTS[1] . "\n"); #Minor
			print($SYS_VER_PARTS[2] . "\n"); #Update
	if (-e $OLD_SERVER_PLIST) {
		$SRV_VERS=qx(${PLISTBUDDY} -c \"Print :ProductVersion:\" \"${OLD_SERVER_PLIST}\");
		print($tVer . "\n");
		my @SRV_VER_PARTS = split(/\./, $tVer); 
		if ($DEBUG) {
			print($SRV_VER_PARTS[0] . "\n"); #Major
			print($SRV_VER_PARTS[1] . "\n"); #Minor
			print($SRV_VER_PARTS[2] . "\n"); #Update
    if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("getPreviousVersions : E\n"); }
# Get old server version parts
sub serverVersionParts()
	my ($VERS) = @_;
	if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("serverVersionParts : S\n"); }

	if ($DEBUG) {printf("sourceVersion := %s\n", $VERS);}
	my @SRV_VER_PARTS = split(/\./, $VERS); 
	if ($DEBUG) {
		print($SRV_VER_PARTS[0] . "\n"); #Major
		print($SRV_VER_PARTS[1] . "\n"); #Minor
		print($SRV_VER_PARTS[2] . "\n"); #Update

	if ($FUNC_LOG) { print("serverVersionParts : E\n"); }
# Show proper usage
sub Usage()
	print("--purge <0 | 1>   \"1\" means remove any files from the old system after you've migrated them, \"0\" means leave them alone." . "\n");
	print("--sourceRoot <path> The path to the root of the system to migrate" . "\n");
	print("--sourceType <System | TimeMachine> Gives the type of the migration source, whether it's a runnable system or a " . "\n");
	print("                  Time Machine backup." . "\n");
	print("--sourceVersion <ver> The version number of the old system (like 10.4.11 or 10.6). Since we support migration from 10.4, 10.5, " . "\n");
	print("                  and other 10.6 installs, it's useful to know this information, and it would be easier for me to figure " . "\n");
	print("                  it out once and pass it on to each script than to have each script have to figure it out itself." . "\n");
	print("--targetRoot <path> The path to the root of the new system. Pretty much always \"\/\"" . "\n");
	print("--language <lang> A language identifier, such as \"en.\" Long running scripts should return a description of what they're doing " . "\n");
	print("                  (\"Migrating Open Directory users\"), and possibly provide status update messages along the way. These messages " . "\n");
	print("                  need to be localized into the language of the SkiLift computer (which is not necessarily the server running " . "\n");
	print("                  the migration script). This argument will identify the SkiLift language. As an alternative to doing " . "\n");
	print("                  localization yourselves (which is a pain in scripts and command line tools), you can submit the strings to me " . "\n");
	print("                  for localization and always send them in English, but in case you want to do it yourself, you'll need this " . "\n");
	print("                  identifier." . "\n");
	print(" " . "\n");