jabberd.in   [plain text]


exec perl -w -x $0 "$@"


# jabberd - perl wrapper script to manage launching and controlling the various
#           binaries that make up the 2.0 version of the jabberd server.

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
#use FindBin qw($Bin);
use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Select;
use POSIX;
use POSIX qw(setsid);

# Define some initial variables and default them as needed.
my $Bin = "@bindir@";
my $LibExec = "@libexecdir@";
my $init_tool = $LibExec."/ichatserver_init_tool";
my $init_tool_args = "-i";
#my $config_dir = "@sysconfdir@";
my $config_dir = "/private/etc/jabberd";
my $config = $config_dir."/jabberd.cfg";
$config = "internal" unless (-e $config);
my $debug = 0;
my $daemon = 0;
my $select = IO::Select->new();
my ($exe) = ($0 =~ /([^\/]+)$/);
my %jobs;
my %fhs;
my @programs;

# Process the command line arguments
my %opts;
&usage if exists($opts{h});
if (exists($opts{c}))
    $config = $opts{c} if (defined($opts{c}) && ($opts{c} ne ""));
    &usage() if (!defined($opts{c}) || ($opts{c} eq ""));

$debug = 1 if exists($opts{D});
$daemon = 1 if exists($opts{b});

# Catch some signals so that we can handle them later.
$SIG{HUP} = \&Signal;
$SIG{TERM} = \&Signal;
$SIG{INT} = \&Signal;

# Setup the jobs: router, resolver, sm, c2s, s2s
$jobs{jabberd}->{prefix}  = "JBRD";

$jobs{router}->{cmd} = "$Bin/router";
$jobs{router}->{config} = "$config_dir/router.xml";
$jobs{router}->{prefix} = "ROUT";

$jobs{resolver}->{cmd} = "$Bin/resolver";
$jobs{resolver}->{config} = "$config_dir/resolver.xml";
$jobs{resolver}->{prefix} = "RSLV";

$jobs{sm}->{cmd} = "$Bin/sm";
$jobs{sm}->{config} = "$config_dir/sm.xml";
$jobs{sm}->{prefix} = "SM";

$jobs{c2s}->{cmd} = "$Bin/c2s";
$jobs{c2s}->{config} = "$config_dir/c2s.xml";
$jobs{c2s}->{prefix} = "C2S";

$jobs{s2s}->{cmd} = "$Bin/s2s";
$jobs{s2s}->{config} = "$config_dir/s2s.xml";
$jobs{s2s}->{prefix} = "S2S";

$jobs{"mu-conference"}->{cmd} = "$LibExec/mu-conference";
$jobs{"mu-conference"}->{config} = "$config_dir/muc-jcr.xml";
$jobs{"mu-conference"}->{prefix} = "MUC";
$jobs{"mu-conference"}->{args} = "";

if ($config eq "internal")
    $programs[0] = ["router"];
    $programs[1] = ["resolver"];
    $programs[2] = ["sm"];
    $programs[3] = ["c2s"];
    $programs[4] = ["s2s"];
    $programs[5] = ["mu-conference"];
    if (!(-f $config))
        print "ERROR: config file does not exist: $config\n";
        next if /^\#/;
        next if /^\s*$/;
        my ($job,$config) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*(\S*)\s*$/;
        # Assume that all the commands are in the same directory
        # as the jabberd script. The current configuration file
        # format does not allow specification of pathnames for commands.
        #my $cmd = "$Bin/$job";
		my $cmd = $jobs{$job}->{cmd};

if ($debug)
    &debug("jabberd","stdout","debug on\n");

# Initialize all required files/directories
# Note: must be run as root for now
system("$init_tool $init_tool_args");

# Launch all of the jobs.
if ($#programs == -1)
    print "ERROR: No jobs to launch.\n";

foreach my $job (@programs)

unless (!$daemon || $debug)
    # Fork and become a daemon. Exit if we are the parent process.
    defined(my $pid = fork()) || die "Could not fork: $!";
    POSIX:_exit(0) if $pid;
    # If we are the child process, continue (but act like a daemon).
    setsid or die "Could not start a new POSIX Session: $!";
    chdir "/" or die "Could not chdir to /: $!";
    umask 0;
    open STDIN, "/dev/null" or die "Could not set STDIN to /dev/null: $!";
    open STDOUT, "/dev/null" or die "Could not set STDOUT to /dev/null: $!";
    open STDERR, "/dev/null" or die "Could not set STDERR to /dev/null: $!";

# Run the main loop.  Read the output from the jobs, watch for dead jobs and
# restart them, make sure that the debug output is clearly marked.
while (1)
    my @ready = $select->can_read(0);
    foreach my $fh (@ready)
        my $line = <$fh>;
        if (defined($line))
            print "ERROR: $fhs{$fh}->{job} died.  Shutting down server.\n";


# LaunchJob - Do all of the necessary steps to monitor the job and launch it.
sub LaunchJob
    my $job = shift;
    my $config = shift;
    my $cmd = shift;

    if (!defined($cmd) || $cmd eq "")
        $cmd = $jobs{$job}->{cmd};
		if ($cmd eq "") {
			print "cmd is empty, cannot launch\n";
    if (defined($config))
        $cmd .= " -c ".$config;
    elsif (defined($jobs{$job}->{config}))
        $cmd .= " -c ".$jobs{$job}->{config};

	if ($debug && $jobs{$job}->{prefix} ne "MUC") {
		$cmd .= " -D";
	if (defined($jobs{$job}->{args}) && ($jobs{$job}->{args} ne "")) {
		$cmd .= " ".$jobs{$job}->{args};

    &debug("jabberd","stdout","LaunchJob: $job -> $cmd\n");

    &CloseJob($job) if exists($jobs{$job}->{launched});
    $jobs{$job}->{stdout} = new FileHandle();
    $jobs{$job}->{stderr} = new FileHandle();


    my $stdin = new FileHandle();
    $jobs{$job}->{pid} = open3($stdin,
    print $stdin "\n";

    $jobs{$job}->{launched} = 1;

    $fhs{$jobs{$job}->{stdout}}->{job} = $job;
    $fhs{$jobs{$job}->{stdout}}->{std} = "stdout";
    $fhs{$jobs{$job}->{stderr}}->{job} = $job;
    $fhs{$jobs{$job}->{stderr}}->{std} = "stderr";

# CloseJob - Do all of the necessary steps to clean up after a job.
sub CloseJob
    my $job = shift;



# Signal - when we get a signal... we need to do something about it.
sub Signal
    my $sig = shift;

    &debug("jabberd","stdout","Got a signal... pass it on.\n");
    foreach my $job (keys(%jobs))
        next unless exists($jobs{$job}->{launched});
		&debug("jabberd","stdout","sending $sig to $jobs{$job}->{pid} : $job\n");
       	kill $sig => $jobs{$job}->{pid};

    if (($sig eq "INT") || ($sig eq "TERM"))
        &debug("jabberd","stdout","It was a $sig.  Shut it all down!\n");

# debug - print out a message for debug.  Making sure that the prefix is the
#         program that generated the debug.
sub debug
    return unless $debug;
    my $job = shift;
    my $std = shift;

    #my $flag = " ";
    #$flag = "*" if ($std eq "stderr");
    #printf("%s%-4s: ",$flag,$jobs{$job}->{prefix});

    my $prefix = $jobs{$job}->{prefix};
    $prefix = $job if ! defined($prefix);
    printf("%-4s: ",$prefix);
    print join("",@_);

# usage - print out the help and exit
sub usage
    print "$exe - jabberd wrapper script ($VERSION)\n";
    print "Usage: $exe <options>\n";
    print "Options are:\n";
    print "   -c <file>  config file to use [default: $config]\n";
    print "   -D         Show debug output\n";
    print "   -b         Push into background\n";
    print "   -h         Show this help\n";