/** * Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Author: Oliver Hitz * * This file is part of GNU Libidn. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class GenerateNFKC { static String stripComment(String in) { int c = in.indexOf('#'); if (c == -1) { return in; } else { return in.substring(0, c); } } static String[] split(String in, char sep) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(in); int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) { if (sb.charAt(i) == sep) { c++; } } String out[] = new String[c+1]; c = 0; int l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) { if (sb.charAt(i) == sep) { if (l >= i) { out[c] = ""; } else { out[c] = sb.substring(l, i); } l = i+1; c++; } } if (l < sb.length()) { out[c] = sb.substring(l); } return out; } static boolean isCompatibilityMapping(String in) { return in.length() > 0 && in.charAt(0) == '<'; } static String stripCompatibilityTag(String in) { return in.substring(in.indexOf('>')+2); } static String toJavaString(String in) { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); String[] chars = split(in, ' '); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (chars[i].equals("005C")) { out.append("\\\\"); } else if (chars[i].equals("0022")) { out.append("\\\""); } else { out.append("\\u"); out.append(chars[i]); } } return out.toString(); } static String decompose(String in, TreeMap mappings) { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(""); String[] c = split(in, ' '); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (mappings.containsKey(c[i])) { if (out.length() > 0) { out.append(" "); } out.append(decompose((String) mappings.get(c[i]), mappings)); } else { if (out.length() > 0) { out.append(" "); } out.append(c[i]); } } return out.toString(); } public static void main(String[] arg) throws Exception { // Check if the unicode files exist { File f1 = new File("CompositionExclusions.txt"); File f2 = new File("UnicodeData.txt"); if (!f1.exists() || !f2.exists()) { System.err.println("Unable to find UnicodeData.txt or CompositionExclusions.txt."); System.err.println("Please download the latest version of these file from:"); System.err.println("http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/"); System.exit(1); } } // Read CompositionExclusions TreeSet exclusions = new TreeSet(); { BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("CompositionExclusions.txt")); String line; while (null != (line = r.readLine())) { line = stripComment(line); line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { // Empty line } else if (line.length() == 4) { exclusions.add(line); } else { // Skip code points > 0xffff } } r.close(); } // Read UnicodeData TreeMap canonical = new TreeMap(); TreeMap compatibility = new TreeMap(); TreeMap combiningClasses = new TreeMap(); { BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("UnicodeData.txt")); String line; while (null != (line = r.readLine())) { line = stripComment(line); line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { // Empty line } else { String[] f = split(line, ';'); if (f[0].length() == 4) { if (!f[5].equals("")) { if (isCompatibilityMapping(f[5])) { compatibility.put(f[0], stripCompatibilityTag(f[5])); } else { compatibility.put(f[0], f[5]); if (!exclusions.contains(f[0])) { canonical.put(f[0], f[5]); } } } if (!f[3].equals("0")) { combiningClasses.put(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(f[0], 16)), f[3]); } } else { // Skip code points > 0xffff } } } r.close(); } // Recursively apply compatibility mappings while (true) { boolean replaced = false; Iterator i = compatibility.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); String v = (String) compatibility.get(k); String d = decompose(v, compatibility); if (!d.equals(v)) { replaced = true; compatibility.put(k, d); } } if (!replaced) { break; } } // Eliminate duplicate mappings TreeMap compatibilityKeys = new TreeMap(); ArrayList compatibilityMappings = new ArrayList(); { Iterator i = compatibility.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); String v = (String) compatibility.get(k); int index = compatibilityMappings.indexOf(v); if (index == -1) { index = compatibilityMappings.size(); compatibilityMappings.add(v); } compatibilityKeys.put(k, new Integer(index)); } } // Create composition tables TreeMap firstMap = new TreeMap(); TreeMap secondMap = new TreeMap(); { Iterator i = canonical.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); String v = (String) canonical.get(k); String[] s = split(v, ' '); if (s.length == 2) { // If both characters have the same combining class, they // won't be combined (in the sequence AB, B is blocked from // A if both have the same combining class) String cc1 = (String) combiningClasses.get(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(s[0], 16))); String cc2 = (String) combiningClasses.get(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(s[1], 16))); if (cc1 != null || (cc1 != null && cc1.equals(cc2))) { // Ignore this composition i.remove(); continue; } if (firstMap.containsKey(s[0])) { Integer c = (Integer) firstMap.get(s[0]); firstMap.put(s[0], new Integer(c.intValue()+1)); } else { firstMap.put(s[0], new Integer(1)); } if (secondMap.containsKey(s[1])) { Integer c = (Integer) secondMap.get(s[1]); secondMap.put(s[1], new Integer(c.intValue()+1)); } else { secondMap.put(s[1], new Integer(1)); } } else if (s.length > 2) { System.err.println("? wrong canonical mapping for "+k); System.exit(1); } } } TreeMap singleFirstComposition = new TreeMap(); TreeMap singleSecondComposition = new TreeMap(); TreeMap complexComposition = new TreeMap(); int composeLookupMax = 0; { Iterator i = canonical.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); String v = (String) canonical.get(k); String[] s = split(v, ' '); if (s.length == 2) { Integer first = (Integer) firstMap.get(s[0]); Integer second = (Integer) secondMap.get(s[1]); if (first.intValue() == 1) { singleFirstComposition.put(s[0], new String[] { s[1], k }); composeLookupMax = Math.max(composeLookupMax, Integer.parseInt(s[0], 16)); } else if (second.intValue() == 1) { singleSecondComposition.put(s[1], new String[] { s[0], k }); composeLookupMax = Math.max(composeLookupMax, Integer.parseInt(s[1], 16)); } else { if (complexComposition.containsKey(s[0])) { TreeMap m = (TreeMap) complexComposition.get(s[0]); if (m.containsKey(s[1])) { System.err.println("? ambiguous canonical mapping for "+s[0]); System.exit(1); } m.put(s[1], k); } else { TreeMap m = new TreeMap(); m.put(s[1], k); complexComposition.put(s[0], m); } composeLookupMax = Math.max(composeLookupMax, Integer.parseInt(s[0], 16)); composeLookupMax = Math.max(composeLookupMax, Integer.parseInt(s[1], 16)); } } } } System.out.print("Creating CombiningClass.java..."); // Dump combining classes { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("CombiningClass.java")); w.println("/* Do not edit - automatically generated */"); w.println(); w.println("public class CombiningClass"); w.println("{"); w.println(" public final static int[][] c = new int[][] {"); StringBuffer index = new StringBuffer(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { boolean empty = true; StringBuffer page = new StringBuffer(); page.append(" { /* Page "+i+" */"); for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) { Integer c = new Integer((i << 8) + j); String cc = (String) combiningClasses.get(c); if (0 == (j & 31)) { page.append("\n "); } if (cc == null) { page.append("0, "); } else { page.append(cc+", "); empty = false; } } page.append("\n },"); index.append(" "); if (!empty) { w.println(page.toString()); index.append(count++); index.append(",\n"); } else { index.append("-1,\n"); } } w.println(" };\n"); w.println(" public final static int[] i = new int[] {"); w.print(index.toString()); w.println(" };"); w.println("}"); w.close(); } System.out.println(" Ok."); System.out.print("Creating DecompositionKeys.java..."); // Dump compatibility decomposition { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("DecompositionKeys.java")); w.println("/* Do not edit - automatically generated */"); w.println(); w.println("public class DecompositionKeys"); w.println("{"); w.println(" public final static int[] k = new int[] {"); Iterator i = compatibilityKeys.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); int index = ((Integer) compatibilityKeys.get(k)).intValue(); w.println(" '\\u"+k+"', "+index+","); } w.println(" };"); w.println("}"); w.close(); } System.out.println(" Ok."); System.out.print("Creating DecompositionMappings.java..."); { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("DecompositionMappings.java")); w.println("/* Do not edit - automatically generated */"); w.println(); w.println("public class DecompositionMappings"); w.println("{"); w.println(" public final static String[] m = new String[] {"); Iterator i = compatibilityMappings.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String m = (String) i.next(); w.println(" \""+toJavaString(m)+"\","); } w.println(" };"); w.println("}"); w.close(); } System.out.println(" Ok."); System.out.print("Creating Composition.java..."); // Dump canonical composition { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("Composition.java")); w.println("/* Do not edit - automatically generated */"); w.println(); w.println("public class Composition"); w.println("{"); Iterator i; int index = 0; TreeMap indices = new TreeMap(); i = complexComposition.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String s0 = (String) i.next(); indices.put(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(s0, 16)), new Integer(index)); index++; } int multiSecondStart = index; w.println(" public final static char[][] multiFirst = new char[][] {"); i = complexComposition.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String s0 = (String) i.next(); TreeMap m = (TreeMap) complexComposition.get(s0); TreeMap line = new TreeMap(); int maxIndex = 1; Iterator i2 = m.keySet().iterator(); while (i2.hasNext()) { String s1 = (String) i2.next(); String k = (String) m.get(s1); Integer s1i = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(s1, 16)); if (!indices.containsKey(s1i)) { indices.put(s1i, new Integer(index)); index++; } line.put(indices.get(s1i), k); maxIndex = Math.max(maxIndex, ((Integer) indices.get(s1i)).intValue()); } w.print(" { "); for (int j = multiSecondStart; j <= maxIndex; j++) { if (line.containsKey(new Integer(j))) { String s = (String) line.get(new Integer(j)); w.print("'"+toJavaString(s)+"', "); } else { w.print(" 0, "); } } w.println("},"); } w.println(" };"); int singleFirstStart = index; w.println(" public final static char[][] singleFirst = new char[][] {"); i = singleFirstComposition.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); String[] v = ((String[]) singleFirstComposition.get(k)); w.println(" { '"+toJavaString(v[0])+"', '"+toJavaString(v[1])+"' },"); if (indices.containsKey(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(k, 16)))) { System.out.println(k+" already indexed!"); } indices.put(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(k, 16)), new Integer(index)); index++; } w.println(" };"); int singleSecondStart = index; w.println(" public final static char[][] singleSecond = new char[][] {"); i = singleSecondComposition.keySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String k = (String) i.next(); String[] v = ((String[]) singleSecondComposition.get(k)); w.println(" { '"+toJavaString(v[0])+"', '"+toJavaString(v[1])+"' },"); indices.put(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(k, 16)), new Integer(index)); index++; } w.println(" };"); w.println(" public final static int multiSecondStart = "+multiSecondStart+";"); w.println(" public final static int singleFirstStart = "+singleFirstStart+";"); w.println(" public final static int singleSecondStart = "+singleSecondStart+";"); StringBuffer compositionPages = new StringBuffer(); w.println(" public final static int[] composePage = new int[] {"); int pageCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j*256 < composeLookupMax+255; j++) { boolean empty = true; StringBuffer page = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) { if (k % 16 == 0) { page.append("\n "); } if (indices.containsKey(new Integer(j*256+k))) { page.append(indices.get(new Integer(j*256+k))); page.append(", "); empty = false; } else { page.append("-1, "); } } if (empty) { w.println(" -1,"); } else { w.println(" "+pageCount+","); compositionPages.append(" {"); compositionPages.append(page); compositionPages.append("\n },\n"); pageCount++; } } w.println(" };"); w.println(" public final static int[][] composeData = new int[][] {"); w.print(compositionPages); w.println(" };"); w.println("}"); w.close(); } System.out.println(" Ok."); } }