stanza.c   [plain text]

 * jabberd - Jabber Open Source Server
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Jeremie Miller, Thomas Muldowney,
 *                    Ryan Eatmon, Robert Norris
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307USA

#include "util.h"

/* stanza manipulation */

typedef struct _stanza_error_st {
    char        *name;
    char        *type;
    char        *code;
} *stanza_error_t;

/** if you change these, reflect your changes in the defines in util.h */
static struct _stanza_error_st _stanza_errors[] = {
    { "bad-request",                "modify",   "400" },    /* stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST */
    { "conflict",                   "cancel",   "409" },    /* stanza_err_CONFLICT */
    { "feature-not-implemented",    "cancel",   "501" },    /* stanza_err_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED */
    { "forbidden",                  "auth",     "403" },    /* stanza_err_FORBIDDEN */
    { "gone",                       "modify",   "302" },    /* stanza_err_GONE */
    { "internal-server-error",      "wait",     "500" },    /* stanza_err_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR */
    { "item-not-found",             "cancel",   "404" },    /* stanza_err_ITEM_NOT_FOUND */
    { "jid-malformed",              "modify",   "400" },    /* stanza_err_JID_MALFORMED */
    { "not-acceptable",             "cancel",   "406" },    /* stanza_err_NOT_ACCEPTABLE */
    { "not-allowed",                "cancel",   "405" },    /* stanza_err_NOT_ALLOWED */
    { "payment-required",           "auth",     "402" },    /* stanza_err_PAYMENT_REQUIRED */
    { "recipient-unavailable",      "wait",     "404" },    /* stanza_err_RECIPIENT_UNAVAILABLE */
    { "redirect",                   "modify",   "302" },    /* stanza_err_REDIRECT */
    { "registration-required",      "auth",     "407" },    /* stanza_err_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED */
    { "remote-server-not-found",    "cancel",   "404" },    /* stanza_err_REMOTE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND */
    { "remote-server-timeout",      "wait",     "502" },    /* stanza_err_REMOTE_SERVER_TIMEOUT */
    { "resource-constraint",        "wait",     "500" },    /* stanza_err_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT */
    { "service-unavailable",        "cancel",   "503" },    /* stanza_err_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE */
    { "subscription-required",      "auth",     "407" },    /* stanza_err_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUIRED */
    { "undefined-condition",        NULL,       "500" },    /* stanza_err_UNDEFINED_CONDITION */
    { "unexpected-request",         "wait",     "400" },    /* stanza_err_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST */
    { NULL,                         NULL,       "401" },    /* stanza_err_OLD_UNAUTH */
    { NULL,                         NULL,       NULL  }

/** error the packet */
nad_t stanza_error(nad_t nad, int elem, int err) {
    int ns;

    assert((int) nad);
    assert((int) (elem >= 0));
    assert((int) (err >= 100 && err < stanza_err_LAST));

    err = err - 100;

    nad_set_attr(nad, elem, -1, "type", "error", 5);

    elem = nad_insert_elem(nad, elem, NAD_ENS(nad, elem), "error", NULL);
    if(_stanza_errors[err].code != NULL)
    nad_set_attr(nad, elem, -1, "code", _stanza_errors[err].code, 0);
    if(_stanza_errors[err].type != NULL)
        nad_set_attr(nad, elem, -1, "type", _stanza_errors[err].type, 0);

    if(_stanza_errors[err].name != NULL) {
        ns = nad_add_namespace(nad, uri_STANZA_ERR, NULL);
        nad_insert_elem(nad, elem, ns, _stanza_errors[err].name, NULL);

    return nad;

/** flip the to and from attributes on this elem */
nad_t stanza_tofrom(nad_t nad, int elem) {
    int attr;
    char to[3072], from[3072];

    assert((int) nad);

    to[0] = '\0';
    from[0] = '\0';

    attr = nad_find_attr(nad, elem, -1, "to", NULL);
    if(attr >= 0)
        snprintf(to, 3072, "%.*s", NAD_AVAL_L(nad, attr), NAD_AVAL(nad, attr));
    attr = nad_find_attr(nad, elem, -1, "from", NULL);
    if(attr >= 0)
        snprintf(from, 3072, "%.*s", NAD_AVAL_L(nad, attr), NAD_AVAL(nad, attr));

    nad_set_attr(nad, elem, -1, "to", from[0] != '\0' ? from : NULL, 0);
    nad_set_attr(nad, elem, -1, "from", to[0] != '\0' ? to : NULL, 0);

    return nad;