mod_privacy.c   [plain text]

 * jabberd - Jabber Open Source Server
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Jeremie Miller, Thomas Muldowney,
 *                    Ryan Eatmon, Robert Norris
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA02111-1307USA

#include "sm.h"

/** @file sm/mod_privacy.c
  * @brief privacy lists
  * @author Robert Norris
  * $Date: 2006/03/14 23:27:28 $
  * $Revision: 1.1 $

typedef struct zebra_st         *zebra_t;
typedef struct zebra_list_st    *zebra_list_t;
typedef struct zebra_item_st    *zebra_item_t;

typedef enum {
} zebra_item_type_t;

typedef enum {
    block_NONE = 0x00,
    block_MESSAGE = 0x01,
    block_PRES_IN = 0x02,
    block_PRES_OUT = 0x04,
    block_IQ = 0x08
} zebra_block_type_t;

/** zebra data for a single user */
struct zebra_st {
    xht             lists;

    zebra_list_t    def;

struct zebra_list_st {
    pool            p;

    char            *name;

    zebra_item_t    items, last;

struct zebra_item_st {
    zebra_item_type_t   type;
    jid_t               jid;

    char                *group;

    int                 to;
    int                 from;

    int                 deny;       /* 0 = allow, 1 = deny */

    int                 order;

    zebra_block_type_t  block;

    zebra_item_t        next, prev;

/* union for xhash_iter_get to comply with strict-alias rules for gcc3 */
union xhashv
  void **val;
  zebra_list_t *z_val;

static void _privacy_free(zebra_t z) {
    zebra_list_t zlist;
    union xhashv xhv;

    log_debug(ZONE, "freeing zebra ctx");

        do {
            xhv.z_val = &zlist;
            xhash_iter_get(z->lists, NULL, xhv.val);
        } while(xhash_iter_next(z->lists));


static void _privacy_user_free(zebra_t *z) {
    if(*z != NULL)

static int _privacy_user_load(mod_instance_t mi, user_t user) {
    module_t mod = mi->mod;
    zebra_t z;
    os_t os;
    os_object_t o;
    zebra_list_t zlist;
    pool p;
    zebra_item_t zitem, scan;
    char *str;

    log_debug(ZONE, "loading privacy lists for %s", jid_user(user->jid));

    /* free if necessary */
    z = user->module_data[mod->index];
    if(z != NULL)

    z = (zebra_t) malloc(sizeof(struct zebra_st));
    memset(z, 0, sizeof(struct zebra_st));

    z->lists = xhash_new(101);

    user->module_data[mod->index] = z;

    pool_cleanup(user->p, (void (*))(void *) _privacy_user_free, &(user->module_data[mod->index]));

    /* pull the whole lot */
    if(storage_get(user->sm->st, "privacy-items", jid_user(user->jid), NULL, &os) == st_SUCCESS) {
            do {
                o = os_iter_object(os);

                /* list name */
                if(!os_object_get_str(os, o, "list", &str)) {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "item with no list field, skipping");

                log_debug(ZONE, "got item for list %s", str);

                zlist = xhash_get(z->lists, str);

                /* new list */
                if(zlist == NULL) {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "creating list %s", str);

                    p = pool_new();

                    zlist = (zebra_list_t) pmalloco(p, sizeof(struct zebra_list_st));

                    zlist->p = p;
                    zlist->name = pstrdup(p, str);

                    xhash_put(z->lists, zlist->name, (void *) zlist);

                /* new item */
                zitem = (zebra_item_t) pmalloco(zlist->p, sizeof(struct zebra_item_st));

                /* item type */
                if(os_object_get_str(os, o, "type", &str))
                    switch(str[0]) {
                        case 'j':
                            zitem->type = zebra_JID;

                        case 'g':
                            zitem->type = zebra_GROUP;

                        case 's':
                            zitem->type = zebra_S10N;

                /* item value, according to type */
                if(zitem->type != zebra_NONE) {
                    if(!os_object_get_str(os, o, "value", &str)) {
                        log_debug(ZONE, "no value on non-fall-through item, dropping this item");

                    switch(zitem->type) {

                        case zebra_JID:
                            zitem->jid = jid_new(user->sm->pc, str, strlen(str));
                            if(zitem->jid == NULL) {
                                log_debug(ZONE, "invalid jid '%s' on item, dropping this item", str);

                            pool_cleanup(zlist->p, free, zitem->jid);

                            log_debug(ZONE, "jid item with value '%s'", jid_full(zitem->jid));


                        case zebra_GROUP:
                            zitem->group = pstrdup(zlist->p, str);

                            log_debug(ZONE, "group item with value '%s'", zitem->group);


                        case zebra_S10N:
                            if(strcmp(str, "to") == 0)
                                zitem->to = 1;
                            else if(strcmp(str, "from") == 0)
                                zitem->from = 1;
                            else if(strcmp(str, "both") == 0)
                                zitem->to = zitem->from = 1;
                            else if(strcmp(str, "none") != 0) {
                                log_debug(ZONE, "invalid value '%s' on s10n item, dropping this item", str);

                            log_debug(ZONE, "s10n item with value '%s' (to %d from %d)", str, zitem->to, zitem->from);

                        case zebra_NONE:
                            /* can't get here */

                /* action */
                os_object_get_bool(os, o, "deny", &zitem->deny);
                if(zitem->deny) {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "deny rule");
                } else {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "accept rule");

                os_object_get_int(os, o, "order", &(zitem->order));
                log_debug(ZONE, "order %d", zitem->order);

                os_object_get_int(os, o, "block", (int *) &(zitem->block));
                log_debug(ZONE, "block 0x%x", zitem->block);

                /* insert it */
                for(scan = zlist->items; scan != NULL; scan = scan->next)
                    if(zitem->order < scan->order)
                /* we're >= everyone, add us to the end */
                if(scan == NULL) {
                    if(zlist->last == NULL)
                        zlist->items = zlist->last = zitem;
                    else {
                        zlist->last->next = zitem;
                        zitem->prev = zlist->last;
                        zlist->last = zitem;
                /* insert just before scan */
                else {
                    if(zlist->items == scan) {
                        zitem->next = zlist->items;
                        zlist->items = zitem;
                        scan->prev = zitem;
                    } else {
                        zitem->next = scan;
                        zitem->prev = scan->prev;
                        scan->prev->next = zitem;
                        scan->prev = zitem;
            } while(os_iter_next(os));


    /* default list */
    if(storage_get(user->sm->st, "privacy-default", jid_user(user->jid), NULL, &os) == st_SUCCESS) {
            do {
                o = os_iter_object(os);

                if(os_object_get_str(os, o, "default", &str)) {
                    z->def = (zebra_list_t) xhash_get(z->lists, str);
                    if(z->def == NULL) {
                        log_debug(ZONE, "storage says the default list for %s is %s, but it doesn't exist!", jid_user(user->jid), str);
                    } else {
                        log_debug(ZONE, "user %s has default list %s", jid_user(user->jid), str);
            } while(os_iter_next(os));


    return 0;

/** returns 0 if the packet should be allowed, otherwise 1 */
static int _privacy_action(user_t user, zebra_list_t zlist, jid_t jid, pkt_type_t ptype, int in) {
    zebra_item_t scan;
    int match, i;
    item_t ritem;
    unsigned char domres[2048];

    log_debug(ZONE, "running match on list %s for %s (packet type 0x%x) (%s)", zlist->name, jid_full(jid), ptype, in ? "incoming" : "outgoing");

    /* loop over the list, trying to find a match */
    for(scan = zlist->items; scan != NULL; scan = scan->next) {
        match = 0;

        switch(scan->type) {
            case zebra_NONE:
                /* fall through, all packets match this */
                match = 1;

            case zebra_JID:
                sprintf(domres, "%s/%s", jid->domain, jid->resource);
                /* jid check - match node@dom/res, then node@dom, then dom/resource, then dom */
                if(jid_compare_full(scan->jid, jid) == 0 ||
                   strcmp(jid_full(scan->jid), jid_user(jid)) == 0 ||
                   strcmp(jid_full(scan->jid), domres) == 0 ||
                   strcmp(jid_full(scan->jid), jid->domain) == 0)
                    match = 1;


            case zebra_GROUP:
                /* roster group check - get the roster item, node@dom/res, then node@dom, then dom */
                ritem = xhash_get(user->roster, jid_full(jid));
                if(ritem == NULL) ritem = xhash_get(user->roster, jid_user(jid));
                if(ritem == NULL) ritem = xhash_get(user->roster, jid->domain);

                /* got it, do the check */
                if(ritem != NULL)
                    for(i = 0; i < ritem->ngroups; i++)
                        if(strcmp(scan->group, ritem->groups[i]) == 0)
                            match = 1;


            case zebra_S10N:
                /* roster item check - get the roster item, node@dom/res, then node@dom, then dom */
                ritem = xhash_get(user->roster, jid_full(jid));
                if(ritem == NULL) ritem = xhash_get(user->roster, jid_user(jid));
                if(ritem == NULL) ritem = xhash_get(user->roster, jid->domain);

                /* got it, do the check */
                if(ritem != NULL)
                    if(scan->to == ritem->to && scan->from == ritem->from)
                        match = 1;


        /* if we matched a rule, we have to do packet block matching */
        if(match) {
            /* no packet blocking, matching done */
            if(scan->block == block_NONE)
                return scan->deny;

            /* incoming checks block_MESSAGE, block_PRES_IN and block_IQ */
            if(in) {
                if(ptype & pkt_MESSAGE && scan->block & block_MESSAGE)
                    return scan->deny;
                if(ptype & pkt_PRESENCE && scan->block & block_PRES_IN)
                    return scan->deny;
                if(ptype & pkt_IQ && scan->block & block_IQ)
                    return scan->deny;
            } else if(ptype & pkt_PRESENCE && scan->block & block_PRES_OUT && ptype != pkt_PRESENCE_PROBE) {
                /* outgoing check, just block_PRES_OUT */
                return scan->deny;

    /* didn't match the list, so allow */
    return 0;

/** check incoming packets */
static mod_ret_t _privacy_in_router(mod_instance_t mi, pkt_t pkt) {
    module_t mod = mi->mod;
    user_t user;
    zebra_t z;
    sess_t sess = NULL;
    zebra_list_t zlist = NULL;

    /* if its coming to the sm, let it in */
    if(pkt->to == NULL || pkt->to->node[0] == '\0')
        return mod_PASS;

    /* get the user */
    user = user_load(mod->mm->sm, pkt->to);
    if(user == NULL) {
        log_debug(ZONE, "no user %s, passing packet", jid_user(pkt->to));
        return mod_PASS;

    /* get our lists */
    z = (zebra_t) user->module_data[mod->index];

    /* find a session */
    if(*pkt->to->resource != '\0')
        sess = sess_match(user, pkt->to->resource);

    /* didn't match a session, so use the top session */
    if(sess == NULL)
        sess = user->top;

    /* get the active list for the session */
    if(sess != NULL)
        zlist = (zebra_list_t) sess->module_data[mod->index];

    /* no active list, so use the default list */
    if(zlist == NULL)
        zlist = z->def;

    /* no list, so allow everything */
    if(zlist == NULL)
        return mod_PASS;

    /* figure out the action */
    if(_privacy_action(user, zlist, pkt->from, pkt->type, 1) == 0)
        return mod_PASS;

    /* deny */
    log_debug(ZONE, "denying incoming packet based on privacy policy");

    /* iqs get special treatment */
    if(pkt->type == pkt_IQ || pkt->type == pkt_IQ_SET)
        return -stanza_err_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

    /* drop it */
    return mod_HANDLED;

/** check outgoing packets */
static mod_ret_t _privacy_out_router(mod_instance_t mi, pkt_t pkt) {
    module_t mod = mi->mod;
    user_t user;
    zebra_t z;
    sess_t sess = NULL;
    zebra_list_t zlist = NULL;

    /* if its coming from the sm, let it go */
    if(pkt->from == NULL || pkt->from->node[0] == '\0')
        return mod_PASS;

    /* get the user */
    user = user_load(mod->mm->sm, pkt->from);
    if(user == NULL) {
        log_debug(ZONE, "no user %s, passing packet", jid_user(pkt->to));
        return mod_PASS;

    /* get our lists */
    z = (zebra_t) user->module_data[mod->index];

    /* find a session */
    if(*pkt->from->resource != '\0')
        sess = sess_match(user, pkt->from->resource);

    /* get the active list for the session */
    if(sess != NULL)
        zlist = (zebra_list_t) sess->module_data[mod->index];

    /* no active list, so use the default list */
    if(zlist == NULL)
        zlist = z->def;

    /* no list, so allow everything */
    if(zlist == NULL)
        return mod_PASS;

    /* figure out the action */
    if(_privacy_action(user, zlist, pkt->to, pkt->type, 0) == 0)
        return mod_PASS;

    /* deny */
    log_debug(ZONE, "denying outgoing packet based on privacy policy");

    /* drop it */
    return mod_HANDLED;

/** add a list to the return packet */
static void _privacy_result_builder(xht zhash, const char *name, void *val, void *arg) {
    zebra_list_t zlist = (zebra_list_t) val;
    pkt_t pkt = (pkt_t) arg;
    int ns, query, list, item;
    zebra_item_t zitem;
    char order[14];

    ns = nad_find_scoped_namespace(pkt->nad, uri_PRIVACY, NULL);
    query = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, 1, ns, "query", 1);

    list = nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, query, ns, "list", NULL);
    nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, list, -1, "name", zlist->name, 0);

    /* run through the items and build the nad */
    for(zitem = zlist->items; zitem != NULL; zitem = zitem->next) {
        item = nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, list, ns, "item", NULL);

        switch(zitem->type) {
            case zebra_JID:
                nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "type", "jid", 0);
                nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", jid_full(zitem->jid), 0);

            case zebra_GROUP:
                nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "type", "group", 0);
                nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", zitem->group, 0);

            case zebra_S10N:
                nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "type", "subscription", 0);

                if(zitem->to == 1 && zitem->from == 1)
                    nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", "both", 4);
                else if(zitem->to == 1)
                    nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", "to", 2);
                else if(zitem->from == 1)
                    nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", "from", 4);
                    nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", "none", 4);


            case zebra_NONE:

            nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "action", "deny", 4);
            nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "action", "allow", 5);

        snprintf(order, 14, "%d", zitem->order);
        order[13] = '\0';

        nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "order", order, 0);

        if(zitem->block & block_MESSAGE)
            nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "message", NULL);
        if(zitem->block & block_PRES_IN)
            nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "presence-in", NULL);
        if(zitem->block & block_PRES_OUT)
            nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "presence-out", NULL);
        if(zitem->block & block_IQ)
            nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "iq", NULL);

/** add a list to the return packet */
static void _privacy_lists_result_builder(xht zhash, const char *name, void *val, void *arg) {
    zebra_list_t zlist = (zebra_list_t) val;
    pkt_t pkt = (pkt_t) arg;
    int ns, query, list;

    ns = nad_find_scoped_namespace(pkt->nad, uri_PRIVACY, NULL);
    query = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, 1, ns, "query", 1);

    list = nad_insert_elem(pkt->nad, query, ns, "list", NULL);
    nad_set_attr(pkt->nad, list, -1, "name", zlist->name, 0);

/** list management requests */
static mod_ret_t _privacy_in_sess(mod_instance_t mi, sess_t sess, pkt_t pkt) {
    module_t mod = mi->mod;
    int ns, query, list, name, active, def, item, type, value, action, order;
    char corder[14], str[256], filter[1024];
    zebra_t z;
    zebra_list_t zlist, old;
    pool p;
    zebra_item_t zitem, scan;
    sess_t sscan;
    pkt_t result;
    os_t os;
    os_object_t o;
    st_ret_t ret;

    /* we only want to play with iq:privacy packets */
    if((pkt->type != pkt_IQ && pkt->type != pkt_IQ_SET) || pkt->ns != ns_PRIVACY)
        return mod_PASS;

    /* if it has a to, throw it out */
    if(pkt->to != NULL)
        return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

    /* find the query */
    ns = nad_find_scoped_namespace(pkt->nad, uri_PRIVACY, NULL);
    query = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, 1, ns, "query", 1);
    if(query < 0)
        return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

    /* get our lists */
    z = (zebra_t) sess->user->module_data[mod->index];

    /* update lists or set the active list */
    if(pkt->type == pkt_IQ_SET) {
        /* find out what we're doing */
        list = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, query, ns, "list", 1);
        active = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, query, ns, "active", 1);
        def = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, query, ns, "default", 1);
        /* we need something to do, but we can't do it all at once */
        if((list < 0 && active < 0 && def < 0) || (list >= 0 && (active >=0 || def >= 0)))
            return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

        /* loop over any/all lists and store them */
        if(list >= 0) {
            /* only allowed to change one list at a time */
            if(nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, list, ns, "list", 0) >= 0) {
                /* hack the error in */
                pkt_error(pkt, stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST);

                pkt_sess(pkt, sess);
                return mod_HANDLED;

            /* get the list name */
            name = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, list, -1, "name", NULL);
            if(name < 0) {
                log_debug(ZONE, "no list name specified, failing request");
                return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

            snprintf(str, 256, "%.*s", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, name), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, name));
            str[255] = '\0';

            log_debug(ZONE, "updating list %s", str);

            /* make a new one */
            p = pool_new();

            zlist = (zebra_list_t) pmalloco(p, sizeof(struct zebra_list_st));

            zlist->p = p;
            zlist->name = pstrdup(p, str);

            os = os_new();

            /* loop over the items */
            item = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, list, ns, "item", 1);
            while(item >= 0) {
                /* extract things */
                type = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "type", 0);
                value = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "value", 0);
                action = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "action", 0);
                order = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, item, -1, "order", 0);

                /* sanity */
                if(action < 0 || order < 0 || (type >= 0 && value < 0)) {
                    return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

                /* new item */
                zitem = (zebra_item_t) pmalloco(p, sizeof(struct zebra_item_st));

                /* have to store it too */
                o = os_object_new(os);
                os_object_put(o, "list", zlist->name, os_type_STRING);

                /* type & value */
                if(type >= 0) {
                    if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, type) == 3 && strncmp("jid", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, type), 3) == 0) {
                        zitem->type = zebra_JID;

                        zitem->jid = jid_new(mod->mm->sm->pc, NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value));
                        if(zitem->jid == NULL) {
                            log_debug(ZONE, "invalid jid '%.*s', failing request", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value));
                            return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

                        pool_cleanup(p, free, zitem->jid);

                        log_debug(ZONE, "jid item with value '%s'", jid_full(zitem->jid));

                        os_object_put(o, "type", "jid", os_type_STRING);
                        os_object_put(o, "value", jid_full(zitem->jid), os_type_STRING);

                    else if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, type) == 5 && strncmp("group", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, type), 5) == 0) {
                        zitem->type = zebra_GROUP;

                        zitem->group = pstrdupx(zlist->p, NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value));

                        /* !!! check if the group exists */

                        log_debug(ZONE, "group item with value '%s'", zitem->group);

                        os_object_put(o, "type", "group", os_type_STRING);
                        os_object_put(o, "value", zitem->group, os_type_STRING);

                    else if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, type) == 12 && strncmp("subscription", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, type), 12) == 0) {
                        zitem->type = zebra_S10N;

                        os_object_put(o, "type", "subscription", os_type_STRING);

                        if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value) == 2 && strncmp("to", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), 2) == 0) {
                            zitem->to = 1;
                            os_object_put(o, "value", "to", os_type_STRING);
                        } else if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value) == 4 && strncmp("from", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), 4) == 0) {
                            zitem->from = 1;
                            os_object_put(o, "value", "from", os_type_STRING);
                        } else if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value) == 4 && strncmp("both", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), 4) == 0) {
                            zitem->to = zitem->from = 1;
                            os_object_put(o, "value", "both", os_type_STRING);
                        } else if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value) == 4 && strncmp("none", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), 4) == 0)
                            os_object_put(o, "value", "none", os_type_STRING);
                        else {
                            log_debug(ZONE, "invalid value '%.*s' on s10n item, failing request", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value));
                            return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

                        log_debug(ZONE, "s10n item with value '%.*s' (to %d from %d)", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, value), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, value), zitem->to, zitem->from);

                /* action */
                if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, action) == 4 && strncmp("deny", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, action), 4) == 0) {
                    zitem->deny = 1;
                    log_debug(ZONE, "deny rule");
                } else if(NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, action) == 5 && strncmp("allow", NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, action), 5) == 0) {
                    zitem->deny = 0;
                    log_debug(ZONE, "allow rule");
                } else {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "unknown action '%.*s', failing request", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, action), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, action));
                    return -stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST;

                os_object_put(o, "deny", &zitem->deny, os_type_BOOLEAN);

                /* order */
                snprintf(corder, 14, "%.*s", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, order), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, order));
                corder[13] = '\0';
                zitem->order = atoi(corder);

                os_object_put(o, "order", &zitem->order, os_type_INTEGER);

                /* block types */
                if(nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "message", 1) >= 0)
                    zitem->block |= block_MESSAGE;
                if(nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "presence-in", 1) >= 0)
                    zitem->block |= block_PRES_IN;
                if(nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "presence-out", 1) >= 0)
                    zitem->block |= block_PRES_OUT;
                if(nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "iq", 1) >= 0)
                    zitem->block |= block_IQ;

                os_object_put(o, "block", &zitem->block, os_type_INTEGER);

                /* insert it */
                for(scan = zlist->items; scan != NULL; scan = scan->next)
                    if(zitem->order < scan->order)
                /* we're >= everyone, add us to the end */
                if(scan == NULL) {
                    if(zlist->last == NULL)
                        zlist->items = zlist->last = zitem;
                    else {
                        zlist->last->next = zitem;
                        zitem->prev = zlist->last;
                        zlist->last = zitem;
                /* insert just before scan */
                else {
                    if(zlist->items == scan) {
                        zitem->next = zlist->items;
                        zlist->items = zitem;
                        scan->prev = zitem;
                    } else {
                        zitem->next = scan;
                        zitem->prev = scan->prev;
                        scan->prev->next = zitem;
                        scan->prev = zitem;

                /* next item */
                item = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, item, ns, "item", 0);

            /* write the whole list out */
            sprintf(filter, "(list=%i:%s)", strlen(zlist->name), zlist->name);

            ret = storage_replace(mod->mm->sm->st, "privacy-items", jid_user(sess->user->jid), filter, os);

            /* failed! */
            if(ret != st_SUCCESS) {
                return -stanza_err_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

            /* old list pointer */
            old = xhash_get(z->lists, zlist->name);

            /* removed list */
            if(zlist->items == NULL) {
                log_debug(ZONE, "removed list %s", zlist->name);
                xhash_zap(z->lists, zlist->name);
                if(old != NULL) pool_free(old->p);
                zlist = NULL;
            } else {
                log_debug(ZONE, "updated list %s", zlist->name);
                xhash_put(z->lists, zlist->name, (void *) zlist);
                if(old != NULL) pool_free(old->p);

            /* if this was a new list, then noone has it active yet */
            if(old != NULL) {

                /* relink */
                log_debug(ZONE, "relinking sessions");

                /* loop through sessions, relink */
                for(sscan = sess->user->sessions; sscan != NULL; sscan = sscan->next)
                    if(sscan->module_data[mod->index] == old) {
                        sscan->module_data[mod->index] = (void *) zlist;
                        log_debug(ZONE, "session '%s' now has active list '%s'", jid_full(sscan->jid), (zlist != NULL) ? zlist->name : "(NONE)");

                /* default list */
                if(z->def == old) {
                    z->def = zlist;

                    if(zlist == NULL) {
                        storage_delete(mod->mm->sm->st, "privacy-default", jid_user(sess->user->jid), NULL);
                        log_debug(ZONE, "removed default list");

                    else {
                        os = os_new();
                        o = os_object_new(os);

                        os_object_put(o, "default", zlist->name, os_type_STRING);

                        storage_replace(mod->mm->sm->st, "privacy-default", jid_user(sess->user->jid), NULL, os);


                        log_debug(ZONE, "default list is now '%s'", (zlist != NULL) ? zlist->name : "(NONE)");

        /* set the active list */
        if(active >= 0) {
            name = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, active, -1, "name", NULL);
            if(name < 0) {
                /* no name, no active list */
                log_debug(ZONE, "clearing active list for session '%s'", jid_full(sess->jid));
                sess->module_data[mod->index] = NULL;

            else {
                snprintf(str, 256, "%.*s", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, name), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, name));
                str[255] = '\0';

                zlist = xhash_get(z->lists, str);
                if(zlist == NULL) {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "request to make list '%s' active, but there's no such list", str);

                    /* hack the error in */
                    pkt_error(pkt, stanza_err_ITEM_NOT_FOUND);

                    pkt_sess(pkt, sess);
                    return mod_HANDLED;

                sess->module_data[mod->index] = zlist;

                log_debug(ZONE, "session '%s' now has active list '%s'", jid_full(sess->jid), str);

        /* set the default list */
        if(def >= 0) {
            name = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, def, -1, "name", NULL);
            if(name < 0) {
                /* no name, no default list */
                log_debug(ZONE, "clearing default list for '%s'", jid_user(sess->user->jid));
                z->def = NULL;

            else {
                snprintf(str, 256, "%.*s", NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, name), NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, name));
                str[255] = '\0';

                zlist = xhash_get(z->lists, str);
                if(zlist == NULL) {
                    log_debug(ZONE, "request to make list '%s' default, but there's no such list");

                    /* hack the error in */
                    pkt_error(pkt, stanza_err_ITEM_NOT_FOUND);

                    pkt_sess(pkt, sess);
                    return mod_HANDLED;

                z->def = zlist;

                os = os_new();
                o = os_object_new(os);

                os_object_put(o, "default", zlist->name, os_type_STRING);

                storage_replace(mod->mm->sm->st, "privacy-default", jid_user(sess->user->jid), NULL, os);


                log_debug(ZONE, "'%s' now has default list '%s'", jid_user(sess->user->jid), str);

        /* done, let them know */
        result = pkt_create(pkt->sm, "iq", "result", NULL, NULL);

        pkt_id(pkt, result);

        /* done with this */

        /* give it to the session */
        pkt_sess(result, sess);

        /* all done */
        return mod_HANDLED;

    /* its a get */

    /* only allowed to request one list, if any */
    list = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, query, ns, "list", 1);
    if(list >= 0 && nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, list, ns, "list", 0) >= 0) {
        /* hack the error in */
        pkt_error(pkt, stanza_err_BAD_REQUEST);

        pkt_sess(pkt, sess);
        return mod_HANDLED;

    result = pkt_create(pkt->sm, "iq", "result", NULL, NULL);

    pkt_id(pkt, result);

    ns = nad_add_namespace(result->nad, uri_PRIVACY, NULL);
    query = nad_insert_elem(result->nad, 1, ns, "query", NULL);

    /* just do one */
    if(list >= 0) {
      name = nad_find_attr(pkt->nad, list, -1, "name", NULL);

      zlist = xhash_getx(z->lists, NAD_AVAL(pkt->nad, name), NAD_AVAL_L(pkt->nad, name));
      if(zlist == NULL) {
            /* hack the error in */
            pkt_error(pkt, stanza_err_ITEM_NOT_FOUND);

            pkt_sess(pkt, sess);
            return mod_HANDLED;

        _privacy_result_builder(z->lists, zlist->name, (void *) zlist, (void *) result);

    else {
        /* walk the list hash and add the lists in */
        xhash_walk(z->lists, _privacy_lists_result_builder, (void *) result);

    /* tell them about current active and default list if they asked for everything */
    if(list < 0) {
        /* active */
        if(sess->module_data[mod->index] != NULL) {
            active = nad_insert_elem(result->nad, query, ns, "active", NULL);
            nad_set_attr(result->nad, active, -1, "name", ((zebra_list_t) sess->module_data[mod->index])->name, 0);

        /* and the default list */
        if(z->def != NULL) {
            def = nad_insert_elem(result->nad, query, ns, "default", NULL);
            nad_set_attr(result->nad, def, -1, "name", z->def->name, 0);

    /* give it to the session */
    pkt_sess(result, sess);

    /* done with this */

    /* all done */
    return mod_HANDLED;

static void _privacy_user_delete(mod_instance_t mi, jid_t jid) {
    log_debug(ZONE, "deleting privacy data for %s", jid_user(jid));

    storage_delete(mi->sm->st, "privacy-items", jid_user(jid), NULL);
    storage_delete(mi->sm->st, "privacy-default", jid_user(jid), NULL);

int privacy_init(mod_instance_t mi, char *arg) {
    module_t mod = mi->mod;

    if(mod->init) return 0;

    mod->user_load = _privacy_user_load;
    mod->in_router = _privacy_in_router;
    mod->out_router = _privacy_out_router;
    mod->in_sess = _privacy_in_sess;
    mod->user_delete = _privacy_user_delete;

    feature_register(mod->mm->sm, uri_PRIVACY);

    return 0;