package DateTime::TimeZone::UTC; use strict; use vars qw ($VERSION); $VERSION = 0.01; use DateTime::TimeZone; use base 'DateTime::TimeZone'; sub new { my $class = shift; return bless { name => 'UTC' }, $class; } sub is_dst_for_datetime { 0 } sub offset_for_datetime { 0 } sub offset_for_local_datetime { 0 } sub short_name_for_datetime { 'UTC' } sub category { undef } sub is_utc { 1 } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DateTime::TimeZone::UTC - The UTC time zone =head1 SYNOPSIS my $utc_tz = DateTime::TimeZone::UTC->new; =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is used to provide the DateTime::TimeZone API needed by for the UTC time zone, which is not explicitly included in the Olson time zone database. The offset for this object will always be zero. =head1 USAGE This class has the same methods as a real time zone object, but the C method returns undef and C returns true. =cut