# Hej, Emacs, give us -*- perl mode here! # # $Id: lib.pl,v 1.2 2007/01/30 07:01:06 wkakes Exp $ # # lib.pl is the file where database specific things should live, # whereever possible. For example, you define certain constants # here and the like. # require 5.003; use strict; use vars qw($mdriver $dbdriver $childPid $test_dsn $test_user $test_password $haveFileSpec); # # Driver names; EDIT THIS! # $mdriver = 'SQLite'; $dbdriver = $mdriver; # $dbdriver is usually just the same as $mdriver. # The exception is DBD::pNET where we have to # to separate between local driver (pNET) and # the remote driver ($dbdriver) # # DSN being used; do not edit this, edit "$dbdriver.dbtest" instead # mkdir 'output'; $haveFileSpec = eval { require File::Spec }; my $table_dir = $haveFileSpec ? File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir(), 'output', 'foo') : 'output/foo'; $test_dsn = $ENV{'DBI_DSN'} || "DBI:$dbdriver:dbname=$table_dir"; $test_user = $ENV{'DBI_USER'} || ""; $test_password = $ENV{'DBI_PASS'} || ""; $::COL_NULLABLE = 1; $::COL_KEY = 2; my $file; if (-f ($file = "t/$dbdriver.dbtest") || -f ($file = "$dbdriver.dbtest") || -f ($file = "../tests/$dbdriver.dbtest") || -f ($file = "tests/$dbdriver.dbtest")) { eval { require $file; }; if ($@) { print STDERR "Cannot execute $file: $@.\n"; print "1..0\n"; exit 0; } } if (-f ($file = "t/$mdriver.mtest") || -f ($file = "$mdriver.mtest") || -f ($file = "../tests/$mdriver.mtest") || -f ($file = "tests/$mdriver.mtest")) { eval { require $file; }; if ($@) { print STDERR "Cannot execute $file: $@.\n"; print "1..0\n"; exit 0; } } open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || die "Cannot redirect stderr" ; select (STDERR) ; $| = 1 ; select (STDOUT) ; $| = 1 ; # # The Testing() function builds the frame of the test; it can be called # in many ways, see below. # # Usually there's no need for you to modify this function. # # Testing() (without arguments) indicates the beginning of the # main loop; it will return, if the main loop should be # entered (which will happen twice, once with $state = 1 and # once with $state = 0) # Testing('off') disables any further tests until the loop ends # Testing('group') indicates the begin of a group of tests; you # may use this, for example, if there's a certain test within # the group that should make all other tests fail. # Testing('disable') disables further tests within the group; must # not be called without a preceding Testing('group'); by default # tests are enabled # Testing('enabled') reenables tests after calling Testing('disable') # Testing('finish') terminates a group; any Testing('group') must # be paired with Testing('finish') # # You may nest test groups. # { # Note the use of the pairing {} in order to get local, but static, # variables. my (@stateStack, $count, $off); $count = 0; sub Testing(;$) { my ($command) = shift; if (!defined($command)) { @stateStack = (); $off = 0; if ($count == 0) { ++$count; $::state = 1; } elsif ($count == 1) { my($d); if ($off) { print "1..0\n"; exit 0; } ++$count; $::state = 0; print "1..$::numTests\n"; } else { return 0; } if ($off) { $::state = 1; } $::numTests = 0; } elsif ($command eq 'off') { $off = 1; $::state = 0; } elsif ($command eq 'group') { push(@stateStack, $::state); } elsif ($command eq 'disable') { $::state = 0; } elsif ($command eq 'enable') { if ($off) { $::state = 0; } else { my $s; $::state = 1; foreach $s (@stateStack) { if (!$s) { $::state = 0; last; } } } return; } elsif ($command eq 'finish') { $::state = pop(@stateStack); } else { die("Testing: Unknown argument\n"); } return 1; } # # Read a single test result # sub Test ($;$$) { my($result, $error, $diag) = @_; ++$::numTests; if ($count == 2) { if (defined($diag)) { printf("$diag%s", (($diag =~ /\n$/) ? "" : "\n")); } if ($::state || $result) { print "ok $::numTests ". (defined($error) ? "$error\n" : "\n"); return 1; } else { print("not ok $::numTests - " . (defined($error) ? "$error\n" : "\n")); print("FAILED Test $::numTests - " . (defined($error) ? "$error\n" : "\n")); return 0; } } return 1; } } # # Print a DBI error message # sub DbiError ($$) { my($rc, $err) = @_; $rc ||= 0; $err ||= ''; print "Test $::numTests: DBI error $rc, $err\n"; } # # This functions generates a list of possible DSN's aka # databases and returns a possible table name for a new # table being created. # # Problem is, we have two different situations here: Test scripts # call us by pasing a dbh, which is fine for most situations. # From within DBD::pNET, however, the dbh isn't that meaningful. # Thus we are working with the global variable $listTablesHook: # Once defined, we call &$listTablesHook instead of ListTables. # # See DBD::pNET/t/pNET.mtest for details. # { use vars qw($listTablesHook); my(@tables, $testtable, $listed); $testtable = "testaa"; $listed = 0; sub FindNewTable($) { my($dbh) = @_; if (!$listed) { if (defined($listTablesHook)) { @tables = &$listTablesHook($dbh); } elsif (defined(&ListTables)) { @tables = &ListTables($dbh); } else { die "Fatal: ListTables not implemented.\n"; } $listed = 1; } # A small loop to find a free test table we can use to mangle stuff in # and out of. This starts at testaa and loops until testaz, then testba # - testbz and so on until testzz. my $foundtesttable = 1; my $table; while ($foundtesttable) { $foundtesttable = 0; foreach $table (@tables) { if ($table eq $testtable) { $testtable++; $foundtesttable = 1; } } } $table = $testtable; $testtable++; $table; } } sub ErrMsg { print (@_); } sub ErrMsgF { printf (@_); } 1;