#!perl -w BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } } use Test::More; plan tests => 18; $Why = 'Just testing the todo interface.'; my $is_todo; TODO: { local $TODO = $Why; fail("Expected failure"); fail("Another expected failure"); $is_todo = Test::More->builder->todo; } pass("This is not todo"); ok( $is_todo, 'TB->todo' ); TODO: { local $TODO = $Why; fail("Yet another failure"); } pass("This is still not todo"); TODO: { local $TODO = "testing that error messages don't leak out of todo"; ok( 'this' eq 'that', 'ok' ); like( 'this', '/that/', 'like' ); is( 'this', 'that', 'is' ); isnt( 'this', 'this', 'isnt' ); can_ok('Fooble', 'yarble'); isa_ok('Fooble', 'yarble'); use_ok('Fooble'); require_ok('Fooble'); } TODO: { todo_skip "Just testing todo_skip", 2; fail("Just testing todo"); die "todo_skip should prevent this"; pass("Again"); } { my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = join "", @_ }; TODO: { # perl gets the line number a little wrong on the first # statement inside a block. 1 == 1; #line 82 todo_skip "Just testing todo_skip"; fail("So very failed"); } is( $warning, "todo_skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the ". "block at $0 line 82\n", 'todo_skip without $how_many warning' ); }