23-readonly.t   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Params::Validate qw(validate validate_pos SCALAR);
use Test::More;

    eval "use Readonly";
    if ( $@ || ! defined $Readonly::XS::VERSION )
        plan skip_all => 'Need Readonly::XS and Readonly for this test';
        plan tests => 2;

    Readonly my $spec => { foo => 1 };
    my @p = ( foo => 'hello' );

    eval { validate( @p, $spec ) };
    ok( ! $@, 'validate() call succeeded with Readonly spec hashref' );

    Readonly my $spec => { type => SCALAR };
    my @p = 'hello';

    eval { validate_pos( @p, $spec ) };
    ok( ! $@, 'validate_pos() call succeeded with Readonly spec hashref' );