use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { plan tests => 6 }; BEGIN { $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} = 0; } BEGIN { use lib qw(t); use _unicode_handling; } use JSON::PP; my $data = ["\x{3042}\x{3044}\x{3046}\x{3048}\x{304a}", "\x{304b}\x{304d}\x{304f}\x{3051}\x{3053}"]; my $j = new JSON::PP; my $js = $j->encode($data); $j = undef; my @parts = (substr($js, 0, int(length($js) / 2)), substr($js, int(length($js) / 2))); $j = JSON::PP->new; my $object = $j->incr_parse($parts[0]); ok( !defined $object ); eval { $j->incr_text; }; like( $@, qr/incr_text can not be called when the incremental parser already started parsing/ ); $object = $j->incr_parse($parts[1]); ok( defined $object ); is( $object->[0], $data->[0] ); is( $object->[1], $data->[1] ); eval { $j->incr_text; }; ok( !$@ );