use strict; use Test::More; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Proxy; use HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple; use t::Utils; # some helper functions for the server if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { plan skip_all => "This test fails on MSWin32. HTTP::Proxy is usable on Win32 with maxchild => 0"; exit; } plan tests => 13; my $test = Test::Builder->new; my @pids; # this is to work around tests in forked processes $test->use_numbers(0); $test->no_ending(1); # create a HTTP::Daemon (on an available port) my $server = server_start(); # create and fork the proxy my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 0, max_connections => 5 ); $proxy->init; # required to access the url later $proxy->agent->no_proxy( URI->new( $server->url )->host ); push @pids, fork_proxy($proxy); # fork the HTTP server my $pid = fork; die "Unable to fork web server" if not defined $pid; if ( $pid == 0 ) { my $res = HTTP::Response->new( 200, 'OK', HTTP::Headers->new( 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ), "Here is some data." ); # let's return some files when asked for them server_next($server) for 1 .. 3; server_next($server, sub { my $req = shift; SKIP: { skip 'FreeBSD jail does not treat localhost as', 1 if ($^O eq 'freebsd' && `sysctl -n security.jail.jailed` == 1); is( $req->header("X-Forwarded-For"), '', "The daemon got X-Forwarded-For" ); } return $res; } ); server_next( $server, sub { my $req = shift; is( $req->header("X-Forwarded-For"), undef, "The daemon didn't get X-Forwarded-For" ); return $res; } ); exit 0; } push @pids, $pid; # run a client my ( $req, $res ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->proxy( http => $proxy->url ); # # check that we have single Date and Server headers # # for GET requests $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $server->url . "headers" ); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); my @date = $res->headers->header('Date'); is( scalar @date, 1, "A single Date: header for GET request" ); my @server = $res->headers->header('Server'); is( scalar @server, 1, "A single Server: header for GET request" ); # for HEAD requests $req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => $server->url . "headers-head" ); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); @date = $res->headers->header('Date'); is( scalar @date, 1, "A single Date: header for HEAD request" ); @server = $res->headers->header('Server'); is( scalar @server, 1, "A single Server: header for HEAD request" ); # for direct proxy responses $ua->proxy( file => $proxy->url ); $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "file:///etc/passwd" ); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); @date = $res->headers->header('Date'); is( scalar @date, 1, "A single Date: header for direct proxy response" ); @server = $res->headers->header('Server'); is( scalar @server, 1, "A single Server: header for direct proxy response" ); # check the Server: header like( $server[0], qr!HTTP::Proxy/\d+\.\d+!, "Correct server name for direct proxy response" ); # we cannot use a LWP user-agent to check # that the LWP Client-* headers are removed use IO::Socket::INET; # connect directly to the proxy $proxy->url() =~ /:(\d+)/; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => $1, Proto => 'tcp' ) or diag "Can't connect to the proxy"; # send the request my $url = $server->url; $url =~ m!http://([^:]*)!; print $sock "GET $url HTTP/1.0\015\012Host: $1\015\012\015\012"; # fetch and count the Client-* response headers my @client = grep { /^Client-/ } <$sock>; is( scalar @client, 0, "No Client-* headers sent by the proxy" ); # close the connection to the proxy close $sock or diag "close: $!"; # X-Forwarded-For (test in the server) $req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => $server->url . "x-forwarded-for" ); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); is( $res->header( 'X-Forwarded-For' ), undef, "No X-Forwarded-For sent back" ); # yet another proxy $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 0, max_connections => 1, x_forwarded_for => 0 ); $proxy->init; # required to access the url later $proxy->agent->no_proxy( URI->new( $server->url )->host ); $proxy->push_filter( response => HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple->new( sub { is( $_[0]->proxy->client_headers->header("Client-Response-Num"), 1, "Client headers" ); } ) ); push @pids, fork_proxy($proxy); # X-Forwarded-For (test in the server) $ua->proxy( http => $proxy->url ); $req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => $server->url . "x-forwarded-for" ); $res = $ua->simple_request($req); is( $res->header( 'X-Forwarded-For' ), undef, "No X-Forwarded-For sent back" ); # make sure both kids are dead wait for @pids;