use strict; use Test::More tests => 28; use HTTP::Proxy; # objects my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 0 ); $proxy->init; # needed to setup the filter stacks my $filter = HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::standard->new; # a few hacks because we aren't actually connected $filter->proxy($proxy); { package MockSocket; use vars qw( @ISA ); @ISA = qw( IO::Socket::INET ); # needed by HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::standard sub peerhost { ""; } } $proxy->{client_socket} = MockSocket->new(); # the dummy request my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => '' ); $req->header( Proxy_Connection => 'Keep-Alive', Connection => 'Foo, Bar', Foo => 'foofoo', Bar => 'barbar', User_Agent => 'Foo/1.0' ); $filter->filter( $req->headers, $req ); # hop-by-hop is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('proxy-connection'), 'Keep-Alive', "Hop-by-hop Proxy-Connection" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('connection'), 'Foo, Bar', "Hop-by-hop Connection" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Foo'), 'foofoo', "Hop-by-hop Foo" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Bar'), 'barbar', "Hop-by-hop Bar" ); # end-to-end is( $req->header('user-agent'), 'Foo/1.0', "End-to-end User-Agent" ); is( $req->header('proxy-connection'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('connection'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('Foo'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('Bar'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); # yet another test $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => '' ); $req->push_header( Proxy_Connection => 'Keep-Alive' ); $req->push_header( Connection => 'Foo' ); $req->push_header( Connection => 'Bar' ); $req->push_header( Foo => 'foofoo' ); $req->push_header( Bar => 'barbar' ); $req->push_header( User_Agent => 'Foo/1.0' ); $filter->filter( $req->headers, $req ); # hop-by-hop is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('proxy-connection'), 'Keep-Alive', "Hop-by-hop Proxy-Connection" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('connection'), 'Foo, Bar', "Hop-by-hop Connection" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Foo'), 'foofoo', "Hop-by-hop Foo" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Bar'), 'barbar', "Hop-by-hop Bar" ); # end-to-end is( $req->header('user-agent'), 'Foo/1.0', "End-to-end User-Agent" ); is( $req->header('proxy-connection'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('connection'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('Foo'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('Bar'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); # a final test $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => '' ); $req->push_header( Proxy_Connection => 'Keep-Alive' ); $req->push_header( Connection => 'Foo, Bar' ); $req->push_header( Connection => 'Baz' ); $req->push_header( Foo => 'foofoo' ); $req->push_header( Bar => 'barbar' ); $req->push_header( Baz => 'bazbaz' ); $req->push_header( User_Agent => 'Foo/1.0' ); $filter->filter( $req->headers, $req ); # hop-by-hop is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('proxy-connection'), 'Keep-Alive', "Hop-by-hop Proxy-Connection" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('connection'), 'Foo, Bar, Baz', "Hop-by-hop Connection" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Foo'), 'foofoo', "Hop-by-hop Foo" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Bar'), 'barbar', "Hop-by-hop Bar" ); is( $proxy->hop_headers->header('Baz'), 'bazbaz', "Hop-by-hop Baz" ); # end-to-end is( $req->header('user-agent'), 'Foo/1.0', "End-to-end User-Agent" ); is( $req->header('proxy-connection'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('connection'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('Foo'), undef, "Connection header removed" ); is( $req->header('Bar'), undef, "Connection header removed" );