Changes   [plain text]

Revision history for Perl extension XML::LibXML::Common.
    - fixed the UTF16 decoding bug (now the entire string is available)

0.12_1 Sat Nov 16 11:30:00 2002
    - removed japanese test from default tests.
      (solaris cannot handle it by default)

0.12 Tue Nov 12 12:00:00 2002
    - Encoding fix provided by Daisuke Maki

0.11 Sat Okt 12 21:30:00 2002
    - added a disclaimer note and the license statement

0.10 Sat Aug 31 20:00:00 2002
    - implemented encoding functions 
    - libxml/ libgdome conform implementation

0.01  Sat Aug 31 18:29:05 2002
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options