list.t   [plain text]

#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# t/vmethods/list.t
# Testing list virtual variable methods.
# Written by Andy Wardley <>
# Copyright (C) 1996-2006 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$

use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw( ./lib ../lib ../../lib ../../../lib );
use Template::Test;

# make sure we're using the Perl stash
$Template::Config::STASH = 'Template::Stash';

# add some new list ops
$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ sum    } = \&sum;
$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ odd    } = \&odd;
$Template::Stash::LIST_OPS->{ jumble } = \&jumble;

# make sure we're using the Perl stash
$Template::Config::STASH = 'Template::Stash';

# define a simple object to test sort vmethod calling object method

package My::Object;

sub new { 
    my ($class, $name, $extra) = @_;
    bless {
        _NAME  => $name,
        _EXTRA => $extra,
    }, $class;

sub name { 
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{ _NAME };

sub extra { 
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{ _EXTRA };


package main;

sub sum {
    my $list = shift;
    my $n = 0;
    foreach (@$list) {
        $n += $_;
    return $n;

sub odd {
    my $list = shift;
    return [ grep { $_ % 2 } @$list ];

sub jumble {
    my ($list, $chop) = @_;
    $chop = 1 unless defined $chop;
    return $list unless @$list > 3;
    push(@$list, splice(@$list, 0, $chop));
    return $list;

my $params = {
    metavars => [ qw( foo bar baz qux wiz waz woz ) ],
    people   => [ { id => 'tom',   name => 'Tom' },
                  { id => 'dick',  name => 'Richard' },
                  { id => 'larry', name => 'Larry' },
    primes    => [ 13, 11, 17, 19, 2, 3, 5, 7 ],
    phones    => { 3141 => 'Leon', 5131 => 'Andy', 4131 => 'Simon' },
    groceries => { 'Flour' => 3, 'Milk' => 1, 'Peanut Butter' => 21 },
    names     => [ map { My::Object->new($_) }
                   qw( Tom Dick Larry ) ],
    more_names => [ 
        My::Object->new('Smith', 'William'),
        My::Object->new('Smith', 'Andrew'),
        My::Object->new('Jones', 'Peter'),
        My::Object->new('Jones', 'Mark'),
    numbers   => [ map { My::Object->new($_) }
                   qw( 1 02 10 12 021 ) ],
    duplicates => [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5],

my $tt = Template->new();
my $tc = $tt->context();

# define vmethods using define_vmethod() interface.
$tc->define_vmethod(list   => oddnos => \&odd);
$tc->define_vmethod(array  => jumblate => \&jumble);

test_expect(\*DATA, undef, $params);


# list virtual methods

-- test --
[% metavars.first %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% metavars.last %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% metavars.size %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% empty = [ ];
-- expect --

-- test --
[% metavars.max %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% metavars.join %]
-- expect --
foo bar baz qux wiz waz woz

-- test --
[% metavars.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
foo, bar, baz, qux, wiz, waz, woz

-- test --
[% metavars.sort.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
bar, baz, foo, qux, waz, wiz, woz

-- test --
[% metavars.defined ? 'list def ok' : 'list def not ok' %]
[% metavars.defined(2) ? 'list two ok' : 'list two not ok' %]
[% metavars.defined(7) ? 'list seven not ok' : 'list seven ok' %]
-- expect --
list def ok
list two ok
list seven ok

-- test --
[%  list = [1]; 
    list.defined('asdf') ? 'asdf is defined' : 'asdf is not defined' 
-- expect --
asdf is not defined

-- test --
[% FOREACH person = people.sort('id') -%]
[% +%]
[% END %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% FOREACH obj = names.sort('name') -%]
[% +%]
[% END %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% FOREACH obj IN more_names.sort('name', 'extra') -%]
[% obj.extra %] [% %]
[% END %]
-- expect --
Mark Jones
Peter Jones
Andrew Smith
William Smith

-- test --
[% FOREACH obj = numbers.sort('name') -%]
[% +%]
[% END %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% FOREACH obj = numbers.nsort('name') -%]
[% +%]
[% END %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% FOREACH person = people.sort('name') -%]
[% +%]
[% END %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% folk = [] -%]
[% folk.push("<a href=\"${}.html\">$</a>")
    FOREACH person = people.sort('id') -%]
[% folk.join(",\n") %]
-- expect --
<a href="dick.html">Richard</a>,
<a href="larry.html">Larry</a>,
<a href="tom.html">Tom</a>

-- test --
[% primes.sort.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
11, 13, 17, 19, 2, 3, 5, 7

-- test --
[% primes.nsort.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

-- test --
[% duplicates.unique.join(', ') %]
--expect --
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

-- test --
[% duplicates.unique.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

-- test --
-- name list import one --
[% list_one = [ 1 2 3 ];
   list_two = [ 4 5 6 ];
   list_one.import(list_two).join(', ') %]
-- expect --
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-- test --
-- name list import two --
[% list_one = [ 1 2 3 ];
   list_two = [ 4 5 6 ];
   list_three = [ 7 8 9 0 ];
   list_one.import(list_two, list_three).join(', ') %]
-- expect --
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

-- test --
-- name list merge one --
[% list_one = [ 1 2 3 ];
   list_two = [ 4 5 6 ];
   "'$l' " FOREACH l = list_one.merge(list_two) %]
-- expect --
'1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' 

-- test --
-- name list merge two --
[% list_one = [ 1 2 3 ];
   list_two = [ 4 5 6 ];
   list_three = [ 7 8 9 0 ];
   "'$l' " FOREACH l = list_one.merge(list_two, list_three) %]
-- expect --
'1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' '0' 

-- test --
[% list_one = [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] -%]
a: [% list_one.splice.join(', ') %]
b: [% list_one.size ? list_one.join(', ') : 'empty list' %]
-- expect --
a: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
b: empty list

-- test --
[% list_one = [ 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' ] -%]
a: [% list_one.splice(3).join(', ') %]
b: [% list_one.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
a: d, e
b: a, b, c

-- test --
[% list_one = [ 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' ] -%]
c: [% list_one.splice(3, 1).join(', ') %]
d: [% list_one.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
c: d
d: a, b, c, e

-- test --
[% list_one = [ 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' ] -%]
c: [% list_one.splice(3, 1, 'foo').join(', ') %]
d: [% list_one.join(', ') %]
e: [% list_one.splice(0, 1, 'ping', 'pong').join(', ') %]
f: [% list_one.join(', ') %]
g: [% list_one.splice(-1, 1, ['wibble', 'wobble']).join(', ') %]
h: [% list_one.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
c: d
d: a, b, c, foo, e
e: a
f: ping, pong, b, c, foo, e
g: e
h: ping, pong, b, c, foo, wibble, wobble

-- test --
-- name scrabble --
[% play_game = [ 'play', 'scrabble' ];
   ping_pong = [ 'ping', 'pong' ] -%]
a: [% play_game.splice(1, 1, ping_pong).join %]
b: [% play_game.join %]
-- expect --
a: scrabble
b: play ping pong

-- test --
-- name first --
[% primes = [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ] -%]
[% primes.first +%]
[% primes.first(3).join(', ') %]
-- expect --
2, 3, 5

-- test --
-- name first --
[% primes = [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ] -%]
[% primes.last +%]
[% primes.last(3).join(', ') %]
-- expect --
7, 11, 13

-- test --
-- name slice --
[% primes = [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ] -%]
[% primes.slice(0, 2).join(', ') +%]
[% primes.slice(-2, -1).join(', ') +%]
[% primes.slice(3).join(', ') +%]
[% primes.slice.join(', ') +%]
--expect --
2, 3, 5
11, 13
7, 11, 13
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13

-- test --
-- name list.hash --
[% items = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three'];
   hash = items.hash(0);
   "$key = $value\n" FOREACH hash.pairs;
-- expect --
0 = zero
1 = one
2 = two
3 = three

-- test --
-- name list.hash(10) --
[% items = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three'];
   hash = items.hash(10);
   "$key = $value\n" FOREACH hash.pairs;
-- expect --
10 = zero
11 = one
12 = two
13 = three

-- test --
-- name list.hash --
[% items = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three'];
   hash = items.hash;
   "$key = $value\n" FOREACH hash.pairs;
-- expect --
two = three
zero = one


-- test --
[% items = [0..6] -%]
[% items.jumble.join(', ') %]
[% items.jumble(3).join(', ') %]
-- expect --
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0
4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3

-- test --
-- name jumblate method --
[% items = [0..6] -%]
[% items.jumblate.join(', ') %]
[% items.jumblate(3).join(', ') %]
-- expect --
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0
4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3

-- test -- 
[% primes.sum %]
-- expect --

-- test --
[% primes.odd.nsort.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

-- test --
-- name oddnos --
[% primes.oddnos.nsort.join(', ') %]
-- expect --
3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

-- test --
[% FOREACH n = phones.sort -%]
[% phones.$n %] is [% n %],
[% END %]
-- expect --
Andy is 5131,
Leon is 3141,
Simon is 4131,

-- test --
-- name groceries --
[% FOREACH n = groceries.nsort.reverse -%]
I want [% groceries.$n %] kilos of [% n %],
[% END %]
-- expect --
I want 21 kilos of Peanut Butter,
I want 3 kilos of Flour,
I want 1 kilos of Milk,

-- test --
[% hash = { }
   list = [ hash ]
   list.last.message = 'Hello World';
   "message: $list.last.message\n"

-- expect --
message: Hello World