#!/bin/env perl BEGIN { unless(grep /blib/, @INC) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib'; } } use strict; use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 42; } use SOAP::Lite; my($a, $s, $r, $serialized, $deserialized); { # check 'use ...' print "'use SOAP::Lite ...' test(s)...\n"; eval 'use SOAP::Lite 99.99'; # hm, definitely should fail ok(scalar $@ =~ /99.+required/); } # These tests are for backwards compatibility { # check use of use_prefix and uri together # test 2 - turn OFF default namespace $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ; }; # turn off deprecation warnings $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->use_prefix(1)->uri("urn:Test")->method( 'testMethod', SOAP::Data->name(test => 123) ); ok($serialized =~ m!123!); # test 3 - turn ON default namespace $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->use_prefix(0)->uri("urn:Test")->method( 'testMethod', SOAP::Data->name(test => 123) ); ok($serialized =~ m!123!); } { # check use of default_ns, ns, and use_prefix # test 4 $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->ns("urn:Test")->method( 'testMethod', SOAP::Data->name(test => 123) ); ok($serialized =~ m!123!); # test 5 $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->ns("urn:Test","testns")->method( 'testMethod', SOAP::Data->name(test => 123) ); ok($serialized =~ m!123!); # test 6 $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->default_ns("urn:Test")->method( 'testMethod', SOAP::Data->name(test => 123) ); ok($serialized =~ m!123!); } { # check serialization print "Arrays, structs, refs serialization test(s)...\n"; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize( SOAP::Data->name(test => \SOAP::Data->value(1, [1,2], {a=>3}, \4)) ); ok($serialized =~ m!11234!); } { # check simple circular references print "Simple circular references (\$a=\\\$a) serialization test(s)...\n"; $a = \$a; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->namespaces({})->serialize($a); ok($serialized =~ m!!); $a = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root; ok(0+$a == 0+(values%$a)[0]); } { # check complex circular references print "Complex circlular references serialization test(s)...\n"; $a = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize(<<'EOX')->root; 1 7 8 EOX ok($a->{a}->{next}->{next}->{next}->{next}->{x} == $a->{a}->{next}->{x}); $a = { a => 1 }; my $b = { b => $a }; $a->{a} = $b; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->autotype(0)->namespaces({})->serialize($a); ok($serialized =~ m!!); } { # check multirefs print "Multireferences serialization test(s)...\n"; $a = 1; my $b = \$a; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->new(multirefinplace=>1)->serialize( SOAP::Data->name(test => \SOAP::Data->value($b, $b)) ); ok($serialized =~ m!1!); $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->namespaces({})->serialize( SOAP::Data->name(test => \SOAP::Data->value($b, $b)) ); print $serialized, "\n"; ok($serialized =~ m!1!); } { # check base64, XML encoding of elements and attributes print "base64, XML encoding of elements and attributes test(s)...\n"; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize( SOAP::Data->name(test => \SOAP::Data->value("\0\1\2\3 \4\5\6", "<123>&\015")) ); ok($serialized =~ m!AAECAyAgIAQFBg==<123>&amp; </123>!); $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->namespaces({})->serialize( SOAP::Data->name(name=>'value')->attr({attr => '<123>"&"'}) ); ok($serialized =~ m!^<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>value$!); } { # check objects and SOAP::Data print "Blessed references and SOAP::Data encoding test(s)...\n"; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize(SOAP::Data->uri('some_urn' => bless {a => 1} => 'ObjectType')); ok($serialized =~ m!1!); } { # check serialization/deserialization of simple types print "Serialization/deserialization of simple types test(s)...\n"; $a = 'abc234xyz'; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize(SOAP::Data->type(hex => $a)); ok($serialized =~ m!61626332333478797A!); ok(SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root eq $a); $a = <<"EOBASE64"; qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?`1234567890-=\~!@#$%^&*()_+| EOBASE64 $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize($a); ok(index($serialized, quotemeta(q!qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?`1234567890-=~\!@#0^&*()_+|!))); if (UNIVERSAL::isa(SOAP::Deserializer->parser->parser => 'XML::Parser::Lite')) { skip(q!Entity decoding is not supported in XML::Parser::Lite! => undef); } else { ok(SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root eq $a); } $a = <<"EOBASE64"; qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./ QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>? \x00 EOBASE64 $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize($a); ok($serialized =~ /base64/); } { # check serialization/deserialization of blessed reference print "Serialization/deserialization of blessed reference test(s)...\n"; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize(bless {a => 1} => 'SOAP::Lite'); $a = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root; ok(ref $a eq 'SOAP::Lite' && UNIVERSAL::isa($a => 'HASH')); $a = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize( SOAP::Serializer->serialize(bless [a => 1] => 'SOAP::Lite') )->root; ok(ref $a eq 'SOAP::Lite' && UNIVERSAL::isa($a => 'ARRAY')); } { # check serialization/deserialization of undef/empty elements print "Serialization/deserialization of undef/empty elements test(s)...\n"; { local $^W; # suppress warnings $a = undef; $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize( SOAP::Data->type(negativeInteger => $a) ); ok(! defined SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root); my $type = 'nonstandardtype'; eval { $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize( SOAP::Data->type($type => $a) ); }; ok($@ =~ /for type '$type' is not specified/); $serialized = SOAP::Serializer->serialize( SOAP::Data->type($type => {}) ); ok(ref SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize($serialized)->root eq $type); } } { print "Check for unspecified Transport module test(s)...\n"; eval { SOAP::Lite->new->abc() }; ok($@ =~ /A service address has not been specified/); } { print "Deserialization of CDATA test(s)...\n"; UNIVERSAL::isa(SOAP::Deserializer->parser->parser => 'XML::Parser::Lite') ? skip(q!CDATA decoding is not supported in XML::Parser::Lite! => undef) : ok(SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize(']]>')->root eq '<123>'); } { print "Test of XML::Parser External Entity vulnerability...\n"; UNIVERSAL::isa(SOAP::Deserializer->parser->parser => 'XML::Parser::Lite') ? skip(q!External entity references are not supported in XML::Parser::Lite! => undef) : ok(!eval { SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize(' ]>')->root } and $@ =~ /^External entity/); } { print "Test SOAP:: prefix with no +autodispatch option...\n"; eval { A->SOAP::b }; ok($@ =~ /^SOAP:: prefix/); } { # check deserialization of an array of multiple elements # nested within a complex type print "Deserialization of document/literal arrays nested in complex types...\n"; my $input = '100onetwo'; my $deserializer = SOAP::Deserializer->new; my $ret = $deserializer->deserialize($input); my @arr = @{$ret->result->{'complexFoo'}{'arrayFoo'}}; ok($#arr == 1); ok("one" eq $arr[0]); ok("two" eq $arr[1]); ok(100 == $ret->result->{"id"}); # If only one araryFoo tag is found, it's deserialized as a scalar. $input = '100one'; $ret = $deserializer->deserialize($input); ok("one" eq $ret->result->{'complexFoo'}{'arrayFoo'}); } { print "Serialization of document/literal arrays\n"; # check array serialization with autotyping disabled my $serializer = SOAP::Serializer->new; $serializer->autotype(0); my $hash = { "scalar" => 1, "array" => [ 2, 3], "hash" => { "scalar" => 4, "array" => [ 5, 6], } }; my $xml = $serializer->serialize($hash); ok($xml =~ m{ ]*> (:? (:? 56 |4 ){2} | 23 | 1 ){3} }xms ); # deserialize it and check that a similar object is created my $deserializer = SOAP::Deserializer->new; my $obj = $deserializer->deserialize($xml)->root; ok(1, $obj->{"scalar"}); my @arr= @{$obj->{"array"}}; ok(2, $arr[0]); ok(3, $arr[1]); ok(4, $obj->{"hash"}{"scalar"}); @arr = @{$obj->{"hash"}{"array"}}; ok(5, $arr[0]); ok(6, $arr[1]); }