########################################### # Test Suite for LWP debugging with Log4perl # Mike Schilli, 2004 (m@perlmeister.com) ########################################### BEGIN { if($ENV{INTERNAL_DEBUG}) { require Log::Log4perl::InternalDebug; Log::Log4perl::InternalDebug->enable(); } } use warnings; use strict; use Test::More; BEGIN { eval { require LWP::UserAgent; die "Skip tests" if $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION < 2.0; die "Skip tests" if $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION >= 5.822; }; if($@) { plan skip_all => "Only with 2.0 < LWP::UserAgent < 5.822 "; } else { plan tests => 3; } } use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); use Log::Log4perl::Util; Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level => $DEBUG, category => "LWP::UserAgent", file => 'lwpout.txt' }); Log::Log4perl->infiltrate_lwp(); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $tmpfile = Log::Log4perl::Util::tmpfile_name(); END { unlink $tmpfile }; $ua->get("file:$tmpfile"); open LOG, "); close LOG; like($data, qr#\QGET file:$tmpfile\E#); END { unlink "lwpout.txt" } #################################### # Check different category #################################### Log::Log4perl->reset(); Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level => $DEBUG, category => "LWP::SchmoozeAgent", file => '>lwpout.txt' }); Log::Log4perl->infiltrate_lwp(); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->get("file:$tmpfile"); open LOG, "); close LOG; is($data, ''); #################################### # Check layout #################################### Log::Log4perl->reset(); Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level => $DEBUG, category => "LWP::UserAgent", file => '>lwpout.txt', layout => '%F-%L: %m%n', }); Log::Log4perl->infiltrate_lwp(); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->get("file:$tmpfile"); open LOG, "); close LOG; like($data, qr#LWP/UserAgent.pm-\d+#);