#!perl $|++; use strict; use utf8; use Test::More; eval "use JSON::Any"; if ($@) { plan skip_all => "$@"; exit; } $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} = "utf8=1"; foreach my $backend (qw(XS JSON DWIW Syck)) { my $j = eval { JSON::Any->import($backend); JSON::Any->new; }; diag "$backend: " . $@ and next if $@; $j and $j->handler or next; diag "handler is " . ( ref( $j->handler ) || $j->handlerType ); plan 'no_plan' unless $ENV{JSON_ANY_RAN_TESTS}; $ENV{JSON_ANY_RAN_TESTS} = 1; foreach my $text (qw(foo שלום)) { my $struct = [$text]; my $frozen = $j->encode($struct); my $thawed = $j->decode($frozen); ok( utf8::is_utf8($frozen) || !scalar( $frozen !~ /[\w\d[:punct:]]/ ), "json output is utf8" ); is_deeply( $thawed, $struct, "deeply" ); is( $thawed->[0], $text, "text is the same" ) || eval { require Devel::StringInfo; my $d = Devel::StringInfo->new; $d->dump_info( $text, name => "expected" ); $d->dump_info( $thawed->[0], name => "got" ); $d->dump_info($frozen); }; ok( utf8::is_utf8( $thawed->[0] ) || !scalar( $text !~ /[a-z]/ ), "text is utf8 if it needs to be" ); if ( utf8::valid($frozen) ) { utf8::decode($frozen); my $thawed = $j->decode($frozen); is_deeply( $thawed, $struct, "deeply" ); is( $thawed->[0], $text, "text is the same" ) || eval { require Devel::StringInfo; my $d = Devel::StringInfo->new; $d->dump_info( $text, name => "expected" ); $d->dump_info( $thawed->[0], name => "got" ); $d->dump_info($frozen); }; ok( utf8::is_utf8( $thawed->[0] ) || !scalar( $text !~ /[a-z]/ ), "text is utf8 if it needs to be" ); } } } plan skip_all => 'no JSON package with unicode support installed' unless $ENV{JSON_ANY_RAN_TESTS};