#!perl -w # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl t/dhe.t' use Net::SSLeay; use Socket; use IO::Socket::SSL; use strict; if ( grep { $^O =~m{$_} } qw( MacOS VOS vmesa riscos amigaos ) ) { print "1..0 # Skipped: fork not implemented on this platform\n"; exit } # check if we have NPN available # if it is available if ( ! exists &Net::SSLeay::P_next_proto_negotiated ) { print "1..0 # Skipped: NPN not available in Net::SSLeay\n"; exit } $|=1; print "1..5\n"; # first create simple ssl-server my $ID = 'server'; my $addr = ''; my $server = IO::Socket::SSL->new( LocalAddr => $addr, Listen => 2, SSL_npn_protocols => [qw(one two)], ) || do { ok(0,$!); exit }; ok(1,"Server Initialization at $addr"); # add server port to addr $addr = "$addr:".$server->sockport; print "# server at $addr\n"; my $pid = fork(); if ( !defined $pid ) { die $!; # fork failed } elsif ( !$pid ) { ###### Client $ID = 'client'; close($server); my $to_server = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerHost => $addr, SSL_npn_protocols => [qw(two three)], ) or do { ok(0, "connect failed: ".IO::Socket::SSL->errstr() ); exit }; ok(1,"client connected" ); my $proto = $to_server->next_proto_negotiated; ok($proto eq 'two',"negotiated $proto"); } else { ###### Server my $to_client = $server->accept or do { ok(0,"accept failed: ".$server->errstr() ); kill(9,$pid); exit; }; ok(1,"Server accepted" ); my $proto = $to_client->next_proto_negotiated; ok($proto eq 'two',"negotiated $proto"); wait; } sub ok { my $ok = shift; print $ok ? '' : 'not ', "ok # [$ID] @_\n"; }