#!perl -w # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl t/core.t' use Net::SSLeay; use Socket; use IO::Socket::SSL; use Errno 'EAGAIN'; eval {require "t/ssl_settings.req";} || eval {require "ssl_settings.req";}; $GUARANTEED_TO_HAVE_NONBLOCKING_SOCKETS = eval "use 5.006; use IO::Select; return 1"; $GUARANTEED_TO_HAVE_NONBLOCKING_SOCKETS = 0 if $^O =~m{mswin32}i; $NET_SSLEAY_VERSION = $Net::SSLeay::VERSION; $OPENSSL_VERSION = 0; $OPENSSL_VERSION = &Net::SSLeay::OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER if ($NET_SSLEAY_VERSION>=1.19); $CAN_PEEK = ($OPENSSL_VERSION >= 0x0090601f) ? 1 : 0; $numtests = 36; $|=1; foreach ($^O) { if (/MacOS/ or /VOS/ or /vmesa/ or /riscos/ or /amigaos/) { print "1..0 # Skipped: fork not implemented on this platform\n"; exit; } } if ($GUARANTEED_TO_HAVE_NONBLOCKING_SOCKETS) { $numtests+=5; $numtests+=4 if ($NET_SSLEAY_VERSION>=1.16) } if ($NET_SSLEAY_VERSION>=1.16) { $numtests+=4; } #We can only test SSL_peek if OpenSSL is v0.9.6a or better if ($CAN_PEEK) { $numtests+=3; } print "1..$numtests\n"; %extra_options = ($Net::SSLeay::VERSION>=1.16) ? (SSL_key_file => "certs/client-key.enc", SSL_passwd_cb => sub { return "opossum" }) : (SSL_key_file => "certs/client-key.pem"); my $server = IO::Socket::SSL->new( LocalAddr => $SSL_SERVER_ADDR, Listen => 2, Timeout => 30, ReuseAddr => 1, SSL_verify_mode => 0x00, SSL_ca_file => "certs/test-ca.pem", SSL_use_cert => 1, SSL_cert_file => "certs/client-cert.pem", SSL_version => 'TLSv1', SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH', SSL_error_trap => \&error_trap, %extra_options ); if (!$server) { print "not ok\n"; exit; } &ok("Server Initialization"); print "not " if (!defined fileno($server)); &ok("Server Fileno Check"); my ($SSL_SERVER_PORT) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $server->sockname ); unless (fork) { close $server; %extra_options = ($Net::SSLeay::VERSION>=1.16) ? (SSL_key_file => "certs/server-key.enc", SSL_passwd_cb => sub { return "bluebell" }, SSL_verify_callback => \&verify_sub) : (SSL_key_file => "certs/server-key.pem"); my $client = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $SSL_SERVER_ADDR, PeerPort => $SSL_SERVER_PORT); print $client "Test\n"; (<$client> eq "This server is SSL only") || print "not "; &ok("Client non-SSL connection"); close $client; $client = new IO::Socket::SSL(PeerAddr => $SSL_SERVER_ADDR, PeerPort => $SSL_SERVER_PORT, SSL_verify_mode => 0x01, SSL_ca_file => "certs/test-ca.pem", SSL_use_cert => 1, SSL_cert_file => "certs/server-cert.pem", SSL_version => 'TLSv1', SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH', %extra_options); sub verify_sub { my ($ok, $ctx_store, $cert, $error) = @_; unless ($ok && $ctx_store && $cert && !$error) { print("not ok #client failure\n") && exit; } ($cert =~ /IO::Socket::SSL Demo CA/) || print "not"; &ok("Client Verify-sub Check"); return 1; } $client || (print("not ok #client failure\n") && exit); &ok("Client Initialization"); $client->fileno() || print "not "; &ok("Client Fileno Check"); # $client->untaint() if ($HAVE_SCALAR_UTIL); # In the future... $client->dump_peer_certificate() || print "not "; &ok("Client Peer Certificate Check"); $client->peer_certificate("issuer") || print "not "; &ok("Client Peer Certificate Issuer Check"); $client->get_cipher() || print "not "; &ok("Client Cipher Check"); $client->syswrite('00waaaanf00', 7, 2); if ($CAN_PEEK) { my $buffer; $client->read($buffer,2); print "not " if ($buffer ne 'ok'); &ok("Client Peek Check"); } $client->print("Test\n"); $client->printf("\$%.2f\n%d\n%c\n%s", 1.0444442342, 4.0, ord("y"), "Test\nBeaver\nBeaver\n"); shutdown($client, 1); my $buffer="\0\0aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; $client->sysread($buffer, 7, 2); print "not " if ($buffer ne "\0\0waaaanf"); &ok("Client Sysread Check"); ## The future... # if ($HAVE_SCALAR_UTIL) { # print "not " if (is_tainted($buffer)); # &ok("client"); # } my @array = $client->getline(); print "not " if (@array != 1 or $array[0] ne "Test\n"); &ok("Client Getline Check"); print "not " if ($client->getc ne "\$"); &ok("Client Getc Check"); @array = $client->getlines; print "not " if (@array != 6); &ok("Client Getlines Check 1"); print "not " if ($array[0] != "1.04\n"); &ok("Client Getlines Check 2"); print "not " if ($array[1] ne "4\n"); &ok("Client Getlines Check 3"); print "not " if ($array[2] ne "y\n"); &ok("Client Getlines Check 4"); print "not " if (join("", @array[3..5]) ne "Test\nBeaver\nBeaver\n"); &ok("Client Getlines Check 5"); print "not " if (defined(<$client>)); &ok("Client Finished Reading Check"); $client->close(SSL_no_shutdown => 1); my $client_2 = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $SSL_SERVER_ADDR, PeerPort => $SSL_SERVER_PORT); print "not " if (!$client_2); &ok("Second Client Initialization"); $client_2 = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd($client_2->fileno, '+<>', SSL_reuse_ctx => $client, SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH'); print "not " if (!$client_2); &ok("Client Init from Fileno Check"); $buffer = <$client_2>; print "not " unless ($buffer eq "Boojums\n"); &ok("Client (fileno) Readline Check"); $client_2->close(SSL_ctx_free => 1); if ($GUARANTEED_TO_HAVE_NONBLOCKING_SOCKETS) { my $client_3 = new IO::Socket::SSL(PeerAddr => $SSL_SERVER_ADDR, PeerPort => $SSL_SERVER_PORT, SSL_verify_mode => 0x01, SSL_ca_file => "certs/test-ca.pem", SSL_use_cert => 1, SSL_cert_file => "certs/server-cert.pem", SSL_version => 'TLSv1', SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH', Blocking => 0, %extra_options); print "not " if (!$client_3); &ok("Client Nonblocking Check 1"); close $client_3; my $client_4 = new IO::Socket::SSL(PeerAddr => $SSL_SERVER_ADDR, PeerPort => $SSL_SERVER_PORT, SSL_reuse_ctx => $client_3, Blocking => 0, SSL_cipher_list => 'HIGH'); print "not " if (!$client_4); &ok("Client Nonblocking Check 2"); $client_3->close(SSL_ctx_free => 1); } exit(0); } my $client = $server->accept; sub error_trap { my $self = shift; print $self "This server is SSL only"; $error_trapped = 1; $self->close; } $error_trapped or print "not "; &ok("Server non-SSL Client Check"); if ($client && $client->opened) { print "not ok # client stayed alive!\n"; exit; } &ok("Server Kill-client Check"); ($client, $peer) = $server->accept; if (!$client) { print "not ok # no client\n"; exit; } &ok("Server Client Accept Check"); print "not " unless defined $peer; &ok("Accept returning peer address check."); fileno($client) || print "not "; &ok("Server Client Fileno Check"); my $buffer; if ($CAN_PEEK) { $client->peek($buffer, 7, 2); print "not " if ($buffer ne "\0\0waaaanf"); &ok("Server Peek Check"); print "not " if ($client->pending() != 7); &ok("Server Pending Check"); print $client "ok"; } sysread($client, $buffer, 7, 2); print "not " if ($buffer ne "\0\0waaaanf"); &ok("Server Sysread Check"); my @array = scalar <$client>; print "not " if ($array[0] ne "Test\n"); &ok("Server Getline Check"); print "not " if (getc($client) ne "\$"); &ok("Server Getc Check"); @array = <$client>; print "not " if (@array != 6); &ok("Server Getlines Check 1"); print "not " if ($array[0] != "1.04\n"); &ok("Server Getlines Check 2"); print "not " if ($array[1] ne "4\n"); &ok("Server Getlines Check 3"); print "not " if ($array[2] ne "y\n"); &ok("Server Getlines Check 4"); print "not " if (join("", @array[3..5]) ne "Test\nBeaver\nBeaver\n"); &ok("Server Getlines Check 5"); syswrite($client, '00waaaanf00', 7, 2); print($client "Test\n"); printf $client "\$%.2f\n%d\n%c\n%s", (1.0444442342, 4.0, ord("y"), "Test\nBeaver\nBeaver\n"); close $client; ($client, $packed) = $server->accept; &bail unless $client; print "not " unless (inet_ntoa((unpack_sockaddr_in($packed))[1]) eq ""); &ok("Peer address check"); if ($GUARANTEED_TO_HAVE_NONBLOCKING_SOCKETS) { $client->blocking(0); $client->read($buffer, 20, 0); print "not " if $SSL_ERROR != SSL_WANT_READ; &ok("Server Nonblocking Check 1"); } print "not " unless ($client->opened); &ok("Server Client Opened Check 1"); print $client "Boojums\n"; close($client); ${*$client}{'_SSL_opened'} = 1; print "not " if ($client->opened); &ok("Server Client Opened Check 2"); ${*$client}{'_SSL_opened'} = 0; if ($GUARANTEED_TO_HAVE_NONBLOCKING_SOCKETS) { $client = $server->accept; print "not " if (!$client->opened); &ok("Server Nonblocking Check 2"); close $client; $server->blocking(0); IO::Select->new($server)->can_read(30); $client = $server->accept; while ( ! $client ) { #DEBUG( "$!,$SSL_ERROR" ); if ( $! == EAGAIN ) { if ( $SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_WRITE ) { IO::Select->new( $server->opening )->can_write(30); } else { IO::Select->new( $server->opening )->can_read(30); } } else { last } $client = $server->accept; } print "not " unless ($client && $client->opened); &ok("Server Nonblocking Check 3"); close $client; } $server->close(SSL_ctx_free => 1); wait; sub ok { print "ok #$_[0]\n"; } sub bail { print "Bail Out! $IO::Socket::SSL::ERROR"; } ## The future.... #sub is_tainted { # my $arg = shift; # my $nada = substr($arg, 0, 0); # local $@; # eval {eval "# $nada"}; # return length($@); #}