use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config qw(%Config); #### Build information my $statvfs_header = "sys/statvfs.h"; my $statfs_header = "sys/statfs.h"; my $statvfs_symbol = "d_statvfs"; my $statvfs_header_def = "i_sysstatvfs"; my $statfs_symbol = "d_statfs_s"; #### Really the struct def, we equate it to statfs being defined my $statfs_header_def = "i_sysstatfs"; my $define = ""; my $statfs_use_mount = 0; my $xs_file = 'Df.xs'; print "OS = $Config{osname}\n"; #### Windows if($Config{osname} =~ /^MSWin/i) { print "This module does not support Windows.\n"; die "You might try Filesys::DfPortable instead.\n"; } #### Check for the existance of statvfs if(check_statvfs()) { ####$define .= "-DDF_STATVFS "; copy_xs("XS_statvfs", $xs_file); print "Building with statvfs ....\n"; } #### Check for the existance of statfs elsif(check_statfs()) { #### use_mount needed for headers ($statfs_use_mount) && ($define .= "-DDF_STATFS_USE_MOUNT ") || ($define .= "-DDF_STATFS "); #### Needed for 4 arg statfs ($Config{osname} =~ /^solaris$/i) && ($define .= "-DDF_SOLARIS "); copy_xs("XS_statfs", $xs_file); print "Building with statfs ....\n"; } #### OS/2, old Mac, etc else { print "We could not find statvfs, or statfs.\n"; die "You need at least one of these to build this module.\n"; } sub check_statvfs { print "Checking for statvfs .....\n"; if(exists $Config{$statvfs_symbol} && defined $Config{$statvfs_symbol}) { print "$statvfs_symbol is defined.\n"; if(exists $Config{$statvfs_header_def} && defined $Config{$statvfs_header_def}) { print "$statvfs_header_def is defined.\n"; return(1); } else { print "Weird, $statvfs_header_def is not defined.\n"; #### Have never seen a system with statvfs and no sys/statvfs.h header #### Lets see if we can find one if(look_for_header($statvfs_header)) { return(1); } else { #### no idea what header would be print "Cannot find a $statvfs_header file\n"; print "We will not try to build with statvfs\n"; return(0); } } } else { print "$statvfs_symbol is not defined\n"; ### OK if we find a header should we build with it? if(look_for_header($statvfs_header)) { return(1); } else { #### don't use statvfs print "Cannot find a $statvfs_header file\n"; print "We will not try to build with statvfs\n"; return(0); } } return(0); } sub check_statfs { print "Checking for statfs .....\n"; if(exists $Config{$statfs_symbol} && defined $Config{$statfs_symbol}) { print "Good, $statfs_symbol is defined.\n"; if(exists $Config{$statfs_header_def} && defined $Config{$statfs_header_def}) { print "$statfs_header_def is defined.\n"; return(1); } else { print "$statfs_header_def not defined.\n"; #### check for BSD and Darwin if($Config{osname} =~ /^darwin|^bsd|bsd$/i) { print "You are running Darwin or BSD.\n"; print "Will assume you need the mount.h and param.h headers.\n"; $statfs_use_mount = 1; return(1); } elsif(look_for_header($statfs_header)) { return(1); } else { #### don't use statfs print "Cannot find a $statfs_header file\n"; print "We will not try to build Statfs\n"; } } } else { print "$statfs_symbol is not defined\n"; if(look_for_header($statfs_header)) { return(1); } else { print "Cannot find a $statfs_header file\n"; print "We will not try to build Statfs\n"; return(0); } } return(0); } sub copy_xs { my $source = shift; my $dest = shift; open(SOURCE, "$source") or die "$! $source\n"; open(DEST, ">$dest") or die "$! $dest\n"; @contents = ; print DEST @contents; close(DEST); close(SOURCE); } sub look_for_header { my $header = shift; #my @header_inc = split(/\s+/, join(" ", $Config{usrinc}, $Config{locincpth})); my @header_inc = split(/\s+/, join(" ", $Config{usrinc})); foreach $header_path (@header_inc) { if(-f $header_path . '/' . $header) { print "Header found:" , $header_path . '/' . $header, "\n"; return(1); } } return(0); } WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'Filesys::Df', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION 'LIBS' => [''], # e.g., '-lm' 'DEFINE' => $define, # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' 'INC' => '', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other' 'clean' => {FILES => 'Df.xs'}, 'XSPROTOARG' => '-prototypes' );